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Fandom snowed in. a multifandom rp. rp thread. closed!


Veena and Bella! Gingerheartwarrior Gingerheartwarrior (:< and Pride jump. jump.

Mentions: Aida Takumi98 Takumi98 and Millie FolKinPunk FolKinPunk
Location: Kitchen counter about to sneak more food don't stop him-

Tyler smiled innocently up at Aida when he spoke for him. Ehehe Yes, all his feelings, they were all hurt!

Something hit his foot and he looked down, ah. A… Berry. What kind of berry?? He picks it up and takes a bite. Ooooo, “Hell food!” It was hot! (:< There was so much Heaven and Hell around this world. It was so weird, even Purgatory felt like a separate realm. A place with things from both realms? Surreal. He pats Veena more with his tail. (:

!!! And now Gardevoir was talking to him! He smiles and keeps gnawing at the berry. Hopping from foot to foot, Pride looked at him too.

Hearing his name he perked up at Pride and Millie. They were talking about him! He did, he did get them out! It was hard but he did it! He smiles proudly. He met someone who helped, she was small too. She was still bigger than him, but he trusted her! Because they were similar sized. She was alone. She was all orange and slimy, she said she was a slug. They had so much in common, he was a mouse! Mouse and Slug. Non human. Well, that was… all they had in common.

She said she was abandoned. But he wasn’t. She said her own father abandoned her. Something about a void. He didn’t get it, but he said he had a dad too! At least, that’s the best he can describe Pride. She said it was different, that abandoned meant she didn’t have a dad anymore. He was sad, he told her Pride died. He was worried he wouldn’t come back.

So she helped him, she helped take him and Pride out, through cracks and crevices, it was a long trip. Really long. Eventually, it was realized she was still too big. But he was small, and Pride was small then too!

They got separated, but her directions saved him. Him and Pride. Now they can’t abandon each other!

He thinks about her sometimes. It was a while ago. His eyes are glossy as he reminisces. He wonders if she’s safe… Or how she didn’t melt, she was slime!

He blinks when Pride talks to him again, pulled out of his own memories. Hey, he was being ignored! “No. Everyone was ignoring!” Pride’s lying. Okay well- it was just Millie. He didn’t think about anyone else. But now Millie was getting close to him.

Who asked you to give him attention, Millie. ):< He hisses at her and SCREEs

Interacting with: Gingerheartwarrior Gingerheartwarrior [OPEN]
Trainers? Battlers? So, there was some sort of conflict being waged- yet it wasn't in the traditional sense. From what information could be deduced, Luna was a Cloned Human, seeking refuge with other Clones while.. being stalked by Team Rocket and helping battle other Humans with the assistance of the Pokemon? The thought entertained her longer than it should have as the Android could only glance between the two women as they spoke, the visible confusion never seeming to leave her features as she blinked rapidly. "That... seems like quite a lot to go through. My sincerest condolences, Luna. If it is any consolation, I am sure that we can reunite you with your family. Wherever we are, I'm sure we can find a way back home." Jill concluded, sincerity in her voice. As easy as it was for others to be cyncial and overwhelmed with hopelessness, she at least hoped that her outlook would be enough to inspire the girl to keep hopeful. "Kaiya- you are from Tokyo? Don'na kanji?" Her voice pitched slightly to pronounce the Japanese words. "I am capable of speaking two-thousand languages and learning additional ones permitted I can find relevant materials. I... have never been to Japan, sadly. Androids are banned in most territories outside of the United States as per CyberLife commercial sales restriction 11-2.8A."
//Luna and Kaiya interacting with Jill Specialist Specialist
//Bella and Veena interacting with Millie, Tyler FolKinPunk FolKinPunk , Aida Takumi98 Takumi98 , Pride jump. jump. Mentions Luna and Pika Gingerheartwarrior Gingerheartwarrior

Luna looked back up at the android, a soft and appreciative smile on her features. "Thanks, Jill. I also believe we can find a way home. Who knows, this might have been a prank by Hoopa from the legends, or maybe Celebi or Darkrai messing around? Even so, it would be so nice to find everyone again, despite being in different regions of the world," she said. And it was true, they had all split up around not only Johto, but the other regions as well, however many there were.
Seeing the concern Jill was showing, Luna decided to clarify. "And about the Trainers and battling, a lot of us do it. Most of us do it to become strong and bond with our Pokemon, but there are some who use them for ill intentions. Sometimes, our Pokemon even practice with others from the same team! Though there are also Contests for aesthetics, like the combinations of moves that people can come up with for their Pokemon, and many other competitions. All in good fun, and the Pokemon love it too!" Thinking about how fun her first Contest in Hoenn was, Luna smiled while stroking Pika on the head. "Pika and Bella did wonderfully in that one."
Ah, now she was speaking in a different language. Probably from where Kaiya was.
The ghoul nodded, giving a thumbs up.
"Yep, Tokyo, Japan. Born and raised there. It was... quite chaotic for most of my life there, but now that we've put aside our differences, a lot of people are much more accepting!"
Accepting? Of what? Kaiya was just a human, after all, right? She wasn't a clone, or classified as a 'freak accident' by anyone, or so it seemed. Was there something she wasn't saying?
"No need to speak Japanese, though, I can understand English perfectly fine!" she said with a grin. "Took some classes while I could to learn. There were some... circumstances... I needed to deal with to do so, but it's all good now."
"Piiii... pika..." Pika definitely seemed concerned. What circumstances? What had gone on in Tokyo, wherever that was? Arceus, where had they gotten to, and why? All he'd wanted was a nice vacation, and-- oh. Luna had begun stroking his chin. "Pika! Chaaaaa~" He certainly seemed happy, and leaned into her scratches. Chin scratches were nice...

Upon hearing Tyler screech, Veena, who had been quietly nibbling on her Berry when he was patting her head, jumped a bit. Her poor ears were so sensitive... but it seemed Tyler didn't like Millie. Why? She was so nice! He probably had his reasons, but she didn't understand them. Shaking her head, hoping to stop the ringing, she decided to snag a Qualot Berry, one that was both sweet and spicy, and using her leaves to cut it into thirds. Nudging one over to Bella and the other to Tyler, she kept the final one and began to eat it. This was her favorite! "Lea leaf!"
While sensing Tyler's displeasure, though, Bella seemed a bit worried. Hoping to catch some more positive feelings, she glanced back towards the common area. Good, it had seemed that it had calmed down in there, unlike the earlier crisis. She sighed in relief, glad that everything seemed okay again. It was probably Pika's temper that had gone out of control... again, but Luna was probably able to calm him. "Garde, de, voir."

Interacting with: Gingerheartwarrior Gingerheartwarrior [OPEN]
Raising a brow, things seemed to click at Luna's explanation- which only compounded her confusion at just where this person came from. "So.. Pikachu, Leafeon.. these creatures are used to battle similar others for the purposes of training or engaging other rivals in combat? That sounds dangerous. Unethical, almost. Is this some sort of a sport? Do... people in your society enjoy this?" As many questions as she fired off, one could visually see the inner machinations of confusion the Android was under as the LED swirled, pulsed, flickered, and cascaded between white, blue, yellow, and red. There was nothing more she could say in response as Jill blinked rapidly, clearing her throat and appearing to snap back to the present as she turned to look toward Kaiya momentarily. "My apologies, Kaiya. I meant no offense from earlier. What was that about.. acceptance? You seem like a nice person." The LED slowly reset back to a normal rhythm. Perhaps some things were best left unsolved, at least for the moment.

  • A light blush dusted his cheeks at Millie's words along with the smile she sent his way, an almost sheepish embarrassment to him in that moment. When Millie said she liked some of the culture and would bring it up to the being known as the Wisp, he gave a thoughtful hum as his cheeks returned to their usual color.

    "I've only been a divine weapon for a little while, so there's still a lot I'm learning, but if you ever want to hear anymore about it I don't mind sharing." He offered with a small shrug. The Heavens and the systems they had in place were around for a very long time, and while it may be overwhelming to those new to it maybe…maybe an outside perspective could help fix the few flaws he was aware of?

    There were so many problems in the Heavens nowadays, along with a few incidents with Phantoms and the like it was concerning. Even as things had calmed some, hundreds of gods had been reincarnated recently, and many Regalias had been lost or killed and they were still recovering.

    The only reason he even booked this vacation for himself and Seiichi was because there had been a moment where they weren't needed to help with protecting and growing crops and rice paddies, and the first thing Seiichi said when told about the trip?

    "Ah, I have to go help with something and won't be back for a few days at most, but you can go on ahead and let Yoshida stay and take care of the shrine while we're gone. Just make sure to keep in touch and be safe okay?"

    Oh right…he hadn't called or texted Seiichi since he left. Slipping his phone out of his pocket as Millie had begun speaking to Pride again as Pride in turn called out Tyler, he sent off a quick text letting Seiichi know he safely made it to the cabin.

    His eyes stared at the screen for a second even if the storm caused the message to be delayed he could also check the weather, before he could check that he jumped slightly when Tyler suddenly screeched and started to hiss at Millie causing the phone to slip from his hand and hit the counter before falling screen down onto the floor.

    Recovrring from how he had startled, Aida didn't say anything for all of two seconds, before-

    "...Shit." he sighed under his breath as he quickly moved to pick it up and look it over. Huh, it seemed fine. There was a diagonal crack along the screen, but he could live with that. As long as it still functioned properly everything was a-okay until he saw a need to ask Seiichi to either get this one fixed or get a new one.

    Bella and Veena seemed to be trying to help calm Tyler, and Millie...well...

    "Maybe he just doesn't like you?" He stated bluntly, gaze landing on Millie as he returned his phone to his pocket for now.

    Interactions: Millie and Tyler ( FolKinPunk FolKinPunk ), Bella and Veena ( Gingerheartwarrior Gingerheartwarrior ), Pride ( jump. jump. ), Kitchen Peeps

    Mentions: N/A
    Aida 「間」
    coded by kaninchen


Location: Kitchen
Currently Feeling: Angy >:(
Interactions: FolKinPunk FolKinPunk Millie and Tyler, Takumi98 Takumi98 Aida
Mentions: N/a

...Love? An unpleasant sensation tickled the back of his throat. A laugh? Why? This wasn't funny. He was angry and bitter and hurt, why did he want to laugh? He coughed into his fist, hoping it would drive the urge away, burning holes into the ground with his glare. "Sounds like bullshit." It was an excuse, a stupid, stupid excuse, because the Wisp was an asshole, and Millie was too kind to admit it. "She could have done something. She didn't. She's no better than any of them." He rubbed at his arms, ears drooping and eyes narrowed into thin slits.

He was angry. He was wrathful. He hated it.

It wasn't him. He wasn't wrath. He was Pride, he was above that. He didn't stoop down to levels as petty as revenge, or violence.

He curled and uncurled his hands, sucking in a deep breath. There was still a task at hand... He should focus upon the cooking. "They don't deserve death." He glanced at the others briefly, busying himself with the food, briskly changing the course of discussion. "Did anyone find anything good to drink? Tea? Or hot chocolate?" Aida had said he wasn't much of a chef, maybe he could help prepare drinks instead? He didn't know. His head was full of blazing static. "Tyler. Could you go look?" He knew Tyler just wanted attention, but he was busy. And everyone else was busy. And the faster they prepared the food, the faster they wouldn't be busy. So Tyler needed to help them. "Hissing at people isn't going to help anyone. You don't- You don't need to protect me. I'm fine. Okay?" He sighed, turning the stove on as he ran a hand through his hair, sweeping his bangs out of his eyes.

"He's just protective. That's all. He's like that with anyone who gets too close..."

Aida Takumi98 Takumi98 , Pride jump. jump. , Tyler FolKinPunk FolKinPunk

Mentions: The Wisp (:<
Location: Kitchen

Millie nodded at Aida, “I’d love to hear more sometime, but maybe not now…” There was still food to finish preparing, and Tyler still seemed upset. “You might be right.” Tyler didn’t seem to like her. She wasn’t sure why, she hadn’t interacted with him yet. Oh, he wanted attention.

He was just attention seeking. That was cute. After he screeches, she reaches over to try to pat his head. “I didn’t mean to ignore you, Tyler.” She assures him, “I’m just trying to cook. For you, for Pride, for everyone.” Including him with the plans for everyone could help?

She looks back at Pride. “Oh… Erm…” She didn’t know how to describe the Wisp. She was scary, big, and sort of emotionless. In her true form she’s fairly pure and optimistic. She likes fairness and second chances. Millie likes her true form. “The Wisp is complicated…” But Pride’s right. She could have stopped them earlier. She wasn’t in her true form then though…

I think it’s different to death-” Erasure was different. There was nothing waiting on the other side. Mortals die and wake up in the afterlife. And those in the afterlife, they die and reappear in the afterlife. There wasn’t any story of erasure before this. “But…” She thinks they deserved to be erased. Can she say that? She’s allowed to, she’s her own person now.

I think they deserved worse.” Maybe an eye for an eye? She wasn’t sure. Once the words were out, she just looked down at the food. She kept adding and mixing the pot, before heaving it over to the stove it’self and turns it on.

Now the food was cooking (: (:

Pride jump. jump. , Millie FolKinPunk FolKinPunk , Veena Gingerheartwarrior Gingerheartwarrior

Mentions: lmao everyone bc he's not really interacting anymore unless you count hissing as full interactions-
Location: Kitchen Counter, attempting to leave ):<

He pouts at Pride who was practically scolding him. ):< ):<

He just hisses more and swats at Millie’s hands. Sure, everyone was paying attention to him, but it was the wrong attention. Pride was supposed to love him, and Millie was supposed to leave. Fine. He sees how it is.

He takes the bit of berry Veena gave to him and he tries climbing down off the counter. He wants to go be with Veena, he doesn’t need to find tea for anyone ):< When he gets the attention he deserves then maybe.
//Kaiya and Luna interacting with Jill Specialist Specialist
//Bella and Veena interacting with Millie, Tyler FolKinPunk FolKinPunk , Pride jump. jump. , Aida Takumi98 Takumi98 , mentions Luna and the other Pokemon Gingerheartwarrior Gingerheartwarrior

Oops. She had said too much. Well, there was no use hiding it, was there? She'd have to tell them eventually. "Well, you see... humans aren't typically... kind to non-humans. I'm a hybrid, a half-breed of human and something called a ghoul. Since I'm only half-ghoul, I can eat food made for humans, but it makes my stomach upset a bit. Coffee, however, is a totally different story. I can drink it as much as I want to," she said, with a sheepish yet proud smile. "It's a bit of a pain, since my father was human, but I can live with it."
Wow. Kaiya had gone through a lot, it seemed. "I see... it seems dangerous. And yes, Pokemon battling can be dangerous, but many Pokemon enjoy it too. Although lots of battles are done to bond with Pokemon and other Trainers, some are... to simply survive against others. Although many times, it becomes a small-scale war," she continued with her explanation, looking off to the side again. "One of which I was a part of."
"So when it comes to it, we aren't much different, huh?" Kaiya realized, "I've seen a war, too. One that threatened the destruction of humanity and ghouls. It was... pretty scary to try and survive that. But now that it's over, I can live the life I never got to live."
It seemed Luna had something else to say, but she kept her mouth shut about it. Pika, however, had a different plan, and spoke for her, despite the others being unable to comprehend exactly what he was saying. "Pika pikaaaaa," he sighed, shaking his head. "Pika, pikachu pi! Pikachu."
"Pika. Mewtwo wouldn't have let that happen... even if Giovanni brought every single one of Team Rocket's forces. Although... I'm glad that Pikachu and his friends were there, that we didn't have to fight alone." "Pikapi."

At Pride's question, Bella's head turned to look at the deer boy. "Garde," she said, pointing at the coffee that was most likely done brewing by now, and motioning to the cabinet where it had been. Jill had started brewing the coffee, maybe there was more variety in that or the adjacent cabinets? She figured as much, since many of the places that they had stayed in other regions typically had nicely organized sections for each type of thing.
Luna might like some tea, or maybe some Berry Juice. Oh well, she'd just have to see what the others thought. Although, if there was a juicer somewhere, she could definitely use it to make something for the rest of them!

Upon seeing Tyler attempting to descend from the counter, Veena decided she could help! "Lea leaf." She motioned for him to climb down and pretty much use her as leverage. Her tail waved a little, before she lifted it to help him down. It definitely looked frail, but it wasn't as weak as it looked!
Tyler hadn't seemed happy, so she decided that it might be more fun for him to join the others in the common room. He could see Pika, and Tricki, and Luna, and maybe even Pixi and Sheldon would come out to have some fun! Even though they were pretty big, they'd maybe have enough room. She tried to relay this idea to Tyler, although, he probably wouldn't understand. "Leafeon, lea!"
The first thing that registered in Tolliver's mind was cold, freezing cold snow. This was different from the winding maze-like structure within Hell he and Taranis were kept in, and he doubted they were in Hell anymore. What had happened? Taranis had to be nearby, otherwise, Tolliver would feel that painful tugging on his soul.

Tolliver sat up in the snowbank he found himself in and-- ah, there he was. He could tell by the near-constant crackle of electricity coming from his twin who was now sitting up in the same snowbank.
Tolliver redirected the electricity through his own body into the ground, safely discharging it, without even really thinking about it. But he did think about how freezing it was. They needed to find some kind of shelter.

"Damn, it's cold." Taranis's teeth chattered, as Tolliver climbed out of the snowbank and then dragged his brother to his feet.

Luckily for them, a large cabin was within sight, their best bet at getting warm.
"C'mon, let's go." Tolliver dragged his shivering twin by his arm towards the cabin.
To their surprise, the door was left unlocked, and Gemini let themselves in, only to be met with the presence of several people.

Tolliver began trying to apologize for their intrusion, "Excuse us, but we're--"
Only for Taranis to interrupt. "You can't make us go back out there. We're staying."
Tolliver balked at his twin's blunt rudeness, even if it was true, they weren't going to leave.

Taranis trudged his way over to the lit fireplace, electricity still crackling around his body, and sat down in front of it, forcing his twin to follow him with a sigh.

"Relax. You're going to shock somebody." Tolliver reminded softly, placing a flesh hand that quickly turned metallic on Taranis's shoulder, both to comfort him and to redirect the energy to the ground safely. Taranis looked up at his brother, before huffing and turning his gaze back to the fire.

Mentions: Everyone in the cabin basically, typical intro post.
Location: Cabin
Notes: since I don't have their drawing done yet, ill list the most notable parts of their appearances.
Taranis: Twisted horns on his head, electric blue hair, oxen tail.
Tolliver: Steel gray/black hair, horns similar to a bull's on his head, and an oxen tail.
They both wear button-up shirts and black slacks, but Tolliver actually wears matching dress shoes whereas Taranis wears high tops with them.
Tiger 237 "Stefan" and Crew

"Well, I'll say!" Muller spoke in German, laughing. "You did great, kid. I honestly thought you weren't going to, but you did!" Kertz told Hartmann with a pat on his back. "Shouldn't you be ashamed of your self, Schroder?" Kertz asked behind Muller and Hartmann. "I only say what I did for my country." Schroder told him, slightly growling.
The tank's engine roared as it pulled up to the cabin, and the Tiger H1 jerked in place. The engine shut off, and the crew made it to the door. "Hartmann, Would you do the honor?" Muller asked the kid, with a smile.
And with that the tank crew entered the cabin.

//Tricki, Luna, Kaiya interacting with each other, Tolliver and Taranis DovahBeat DovahBeat , Jill Specialist Specialist , and tank crew Stricken Steel Stricken Steel
//I also completely forgot I was writing this lmao

Uh oh. More new people, Tricki thought, whimpering slightly. She didn't think they looked hostile, except one was crackling with electricity like PIka did. Sort of slinking back, the Zorua decided she would just simply watch...
Until a bunch of military-looking men walked in. With a yelp, Tricki quickly ran behind the backpack near where Luna and Pika were sitting, trembling. Peeking out from behind it, she watched carefully.
"Tricki? Are you alright?" Luna asked, stroking the tuft of fur on her head before she looked up and saw the others. "Oh... that's what happened," she sighed. Knowing she could likely withstand electricity, she stood up, Pika jumping on her shoulder. "We'll be back, guys," she said, walking over to the others.
"No need to worry, we won't be making anyone leave. In fact, we're prepping some food for everyone, we're all cold and hungry... or most of us, at least," she said kindly, a gentle smile on her face, "anyone who was stranded outside is welcome to stay for the time being. I'm sure I can speak for the others, seeing as they were the ones who let us stay here, too."
"Does anyone need anything? I can probably ask the others where we can find whatever it is you may need to recover from the storm."

Despite Luna's kind words, Pika's glare was cold, as if telling them not to touch him or Luna. Naturally, he didn't quite trust anyone yet, let alone the newcomers.

"Wow, how can one person be so selfless and kind?" Kaiya wondered out loud. "She's been to hell and back, it seems, yet she can try and find good in pretty much anyone, and try to help them. It's strange, isn't it?" More redirecting the question to Jill to seek her opinion, the ghoul turned her head to look at the android to make it more obvious she was speaking to her. "Most people I'd known in Tokyo would just leave others, especially those like me or who wre different."
"On the other hand, though... she's also different, isn't she? Maybe that's how she's so nice to others..."
she mused, putting her hand on her chin in a thinking position.

Interacting with: Gingerheartwarrior Gingerheartwarrior [OPEN]
Jill watched as Kaiya asked aloud, resuming a friendly smile upon being looked at. "She is very brave and selfless. However, I can't speak for her. I actually cannot relate to such examples of selflessness and generosity being exhibited from where I came from. I was created and assembled solely in a CyberLife factory- despite being extensively uploaded with Human knowledge, I... know what these traits are, but I've never actually been able to see them until now. It's a uniquely Human quirk." A pause before her brow furrowed in slight irritation as she processed further what the Ghoul-Human hybrid had said. "I'm inclined to disagree on 'their' perception. Difference presents unique lenses through which other individuals can see the world, and only compliments their character. It shouldn't be scrutinized so harshly by the rest of society." Jill concluded, LED flickering between yellow and red.

[it's not fair. humanity should accept us .]

[conflicting subroutine detected. purging.]

  • The tank ride had been spent mostly bending snow out of the way. Before following Heartmann's crew inside, he had waterbent most of the snow that had seeped into his clothes out and tossed it into a snow back before helping anyone else inside who'd need it, making sure to close the door behind him once everyone was safely inside.

    Almost immediately, he noticed that there seemed to be more to their numbers than before, and it was almost disorienting to come back to. Almost. He could work with it though.

    Names and the like could come later, they were all stuck here for who knows how long with the odd storm still going strong. For now, he moved closer to the fire place while trying not to get in anyone else's way.

    Interactions: Nobody specifically

    Mentions: Hartmann & Crew ( Stricken Steel Stricken Steel ), Rescue Crew, those inside
    coded by kaninchen

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