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Fantasy snowblind | ooc

I'm also ready to start whenever y'all are!! \ o /

Black liquorice is delicious and I will defend it until my dying days >:^V
There it is! By majority rule, black licorice is good!

Alright then! I'll work on the starter, and I'll put it up as soon as those last two character sheets come in. Gives me some time to scribble out some more evil ideas.

In the meantime, are there any other lore questions/plot ideas/food controversies? What's your take on chocolate peanut butter vs chocolate mint? I'm a peanut butter gal myself.
Chocolate mint is amazing! Especially in ice cream.

Lore suggestion vanquishable vanquishable -- maybe you could make a simple map of Fool's Errand? It could be helpful in knowing exactly where everything is.
i am your devoted gm &would do anything for you---but it is prevailing on my kindness to ask me to DRAW.

nah, s a smart idea and i will get on it. cartography skill is limited but i can fake it
maps are UP! they are in the lore section and i hope they are alright!

sorry to double text! guess i'll have to eat some delicious black licorice
Lore question for you vanquishable vanquishable
So in your description of Crolibia in this thread, you mention that mountains form the western border, eastern folk are richer and speak trade pidgin, and western folk get progressively poorer inland. In the official lore thread, though, it's reversed. Which is it officially, please, so that I don't risk seeming incompetent and unknowledgeable in-game?
Can I just say, that I love everything about this game so far. All the characters are just so endearing, I wanna hug them all; the map and lore that's been provided are both lovely; and out-of-character, there's a load of nice, wholesome chaps and chapettes. Easily the warmest, fuzziest game I've partaken in so far.
I do enjoy roleplays more when there is good conversation behind the scenes
I cannot wait for everything to actually start.
Though I do feel that there will be a few surprises that we wont be expecting
awwww! thank you for saying this! i'm glad y'all like the lore and very glad and a little surprised that the map i chicken-scratched seems to be very well-received!

i am blown away by the response that snowblind has gotten, and very grateful for all you wonderful folks!
hey friends! i sent a message to one of the folks we're waiting on a character sheet from a couple days ago and got no response. i'm assuming that either they are ill/going through some life nonsense or uninterested, and either way, i think it wouldn't be quite fair to make all y'all wait.

does that sound good to everyone? Maree Maree if you wanted to finish that character sheet, i suppose you could do so either before or shortly after the starter post was made. either way i'm thinking of starting tomorrow or the next day.

how is everyone doing, by the by?
sounds good to me!! c: starting tomorrow might be slightly better for me, as i'm going somewhere on saturday and won't be able to guarantee any quick responses then, but i'm alright either way.

can't wait for us to start!

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