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Realistic or Modern Shoulda Woulda Coulda

She just nodded and frowned. “Do you know if it was just a wrong place wrong time or if he was targeted?” She asked them shaking a little bit stood up when she heard them call Henry’s name and say she could go be in there now, heading straight in to sit next to his bed, taking his hand gently.

Ivar frowned. “Just calm max. The worrying is going to make it worse for both of you.” He told her seriously, keeping his eyes fixed on what was going on.
The officers shook theirs heads "We aren't sure ma'am, do you know of anyone wanting to harm your husband?" He asked before following her to the room "Ma'am, I know this is very difficult but we need as much information as we can get before leaving." He explained calmly

Max nodded softly and took deep breaths while they started to get further into the procedure. It was another 30 minutes before the soft cries fill the room and the doctors quickly rushing to the child taken care of.
Carmen frowned shaking her head. “I don’t…. Everyone we know gets on with him… oh.. oh you should call his agent… he deals with fan mail. There might be something in those.” She told them quietly, burying her face against his palm and just watching him scared, sitting up straighter when he started waking up a little

Ivar frowned some watching them help him and just got up walking out of the room when they asked him to leave mow, going to splash water on his face and sit to wait
Henry groaned softly seeing the officers leaving room and instantly becoming confused. He didn't remember much and he definitely didn't know he had been stabbed. He looked over seeing Carmen and gave her hand the best squeeze he could "Carmen? Whats going on?"

Max was wheeled into the recovery room about 30 minutes later and was passed out 'She should be waking up soon, we had to sedate her. She was getting too worked up after you had to leave.' The nurse informed him
Carmen frowned and moved to be in his line of sight "Hey... Hey don't move honey... Just stay still.... You're in the hospital, someone stabbed you... Apparently six times." She mumbled, counting the gauze patches all over, "Doctor should come speak to us soon... You want some water?" She asked him quietly, rubbing her thumb across the back of hishand soothingly.

Ivar just nodded and sat on the couch, resting his head back, staring at the ceiling and trying to stay awake so he'd be up when she woke up but eventually, once Hvitserk had arrived, he used it as an opportunity to get some rest after all the stress.
Henry frowned more groaning some "No....what? Stabbed?" He said quietly squeezing her hand more "Where is Lana?" He asked quietly

Max woke up a little after Ivar had fallen asleep. She glanced over at Hvitserk frowning softly "Where is he? Where is my son?" She asked quietly
Carmen frowned and shook her head. “Shh Shh… she’s with the neighbours… you weren’t answering your phone and then link came home by himself,,. And he was covered in blood… then I got the call to come down here.” She told him quietly, moving closer to cup his face and try to soothe him.

He frowned shaking his head. “Hey, relax.. relax… he’s in the NICU but he’s doing good as he can.” He told her. “Ivar just fell asleep.” He told her quietly frowning some. “He doesn’t seem to be dealing with this very well.”
Henry frowned more and gave a small nod "I want...I want to see her.." he whispered taking deep shaky breaths

Max frowned more at him and nodded "Well our son was just born two months early." She muttered taking a deep breath "I want to see my son."
She frowned and shook her head. “It’s the middle of the night honey, I’ll bring her up tomorrow okay?” She murmured and just kept trying to soothe him until his doctor walked in to speak with them finally. “What’s the damage?”

Hvitserk shook his head. “I know… you don’t need to get shitty with me… let me go talk to a nurse. They might not want you moving just yet.” He told her, leaving her to it while Ivar started waking up but he lay there staring at the ceiling for a while not saying a word.
The doctor came in later and gave a heavy sigh "He'll need surgery, we're lucky they missed his stomach, it was nearly fatal had they hit there." He murmured before putting up the x-rays they had taken "This is the real cause for concern, one got close to his spine, we're worried of nerve damage or possible severage." He explained

Max noticed Ivar start to wake up and gave a heavy sigh "Ivar? Are you awake?" She asked softly reaching her hand out towards him
Carmen frowned and squeezed his hand, "How soon will we know how bad it is near the spine?" She asked him quietly, seeing Henry was practically asleep and not really paying attention.

Ivar frowned as he nodded slowly "Just about.... How you feeling?" He asked, sounding quiet and a little out of it, completely dissociating from the whole situation.
The doctor gave a heavy sigh "Once he is fully awake we'll look him over. For now though he needs to rest." He murmured quietly before letting her have some privacy

Max frowned softly "Achey...I want to know how our son is. Hvitserk went to get a nurse to see." She said quietly
Carmen thanked him quietly, moving to lay in the bed next to his, reaching out and placing a hand on his before going to sleep to try and rest as much as possible for the night. She would deal with the press and family first thing in the morning.

Ivar just nodded slowly "You did real good love." He told her quietly, frowning a little. "You got him here safe and sound." He murmured, truly meaning it.
Henry woke up the next morning and groaned quietly pain coursing through him at this point "Carmen....carmen darling.." he grunted

Max gave a small nod letting a tear fall "I just want to kmow he is okay." She whispered
She frowned a little, waking up to him calling for her, moving to sit next to him again, "Hey, you need some painkillers?" She asked him quietly, pressing the call button for a nurse. "Did you hear any of what the doctor said last night?" She asked him quietly.

Ivar just nodded slowly "I'm sure he will be... I'll be back in a minute." He mumbled, getting up and heading out of the room, Hvitserk returning shortly after.

"So you can go down and see him soon as someone comes to help you out and make sure you're healing smoothly enough for you to mo- Where'd he go?" He asked her forwning.
Henry gave her a small nod but then shook his head "No...no I dont remember anything." He muttered taking a deep breath squeezing her hand tightly

Max frowned softly as he left and Hvitserk came back in "I don't know...he said he would be back. He just left not two minutes ago." She murmured quietly trying her best to sit up
Hvitserk moved to help her and frowned a little. “You didn’t hear this from me but he’s blaming himself for this.” He told her quietly. “He’s beating himself up over not coming to see you when you started yelling and he’s pretty convinced that he’s early because of Ivars own issues that he’s worried he’s passed on… give it a few minutes then I’ll go find him.” He told her quietly.

Carmen frowned getting the bed sat up carefully so he could see a bit better, taking his hand gently. “You were stabbed. They said if it had been a little closer to your stomach that would have been it… they’re worried about damage to your spine though because of where one of the punctures is. They’re gonna be looking you over this morning.” She told him quietly.
Max frowned as she listened to him giving a heavy sigh "He didn't do anything, they assured us that his disability wouldn't be passed on." she said softly before quickly wiping her eyes "How do I try to convince him that I don't blame him?" she asked softly

Henry frowned more giving her a small nod "I...I think I'm okay if I feel pain yeah?" he murmured watching her a bit before squeezing her hand some more "I was just walking Link...someone came up calling my name. I thought it was a fan."
She frowned some and just gave his hand a squeeze again. “I know sweetheart. I gotta go home in a bit and give Link a bath so he doesn’t… shit I gotta call work as well.” She muttered, pulling her phone out and starting to make all the necessary phone calls she hadn’t even thought about last night.

Hvitserk shook his head. “I don’t think he’s worried about you blaming him. He’s just blaming himself.” He muttered sighing heavily.
Max nodded some and gave a heavy sigh "Go find him, make sure he is okay for me. I'll be alright." she said softly as the nurse came in to check her over.

Henry frowned a bit as he watched her "Carmen....Carmen I don't...something is wrong." he muttered as he started to feel whoozy and his hospital gown started turning red.
Carmen was in the middle of a phone call to his brother because no one else had picked up their phones when she turned around to see what he was talking about, “I’ll call you back. Tell your parents they need to come down soon.” She told him quickly and hung up, pressing the emergency button. “Hey just stay still.” She coaxed gently, waiting tik they came to help him and told him he needed to be careful with how much they had the bed raised so it wasn’t straining any stitches, looking up when his doctor finally came in to speak to Henry directly about what was going on.

Hvitserk sighed quietly and shook his head. “No I’m sending Ubbe to find him. I’m not leaving you on your own right now.” He assured her quietly, sitting down. “You wanna wait for Ivar to get back or you wanna go see your son?” He asked her quietly, giving her hand a supportive, friendly squeeze.
Henry took a deep breath as he watched her "Hurts....really bad." He muttered giving her a concerning look as the doctor came in to look him over.

Max nodded some and gave his hand a squeeze "I want to see my son, make sure Ubbe finds him fast yeah?" She said softly
He nodded and went to call Ubbe really quick before going with max to meet his nephew.

Carmen frowned and just stroked his cheek trying g to soothe him until he put the X-rays and mri results from the previous night seeing how much damage there had been
Max took a shaky breath as the nurse took them to her son. She squeezed Hvitserk's hand tightly before she burst into tears "He is so small Hvitty...look at him.."

Henry frowned softly seeing the laceration near his spine "My spine....I'm going to have trouble walking aren't I?" He said quietly
His doctor just nodded slowly. “That’s the likely scenario right now. We’re gonna take you in for another X-ray and an mri and see how bad the damage is, from there we can tell you what to expect going forward.” He explained.

Carmen frowned some and watched Henry carefully, giving his hand a squeeze waiting tik his doctor walked away and just turned to face him “Get some rest love. I’m gonna go collect our little bug and bring her to see you, cheer you up a bit.” She smiled, kissing his cheek.

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