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Fantasy Seiunita's Planning Thread

Alright, just keep em in your pocket I'll have some names on your desk by tomorrow.


Then we're going to talk about the current holders of the duchies... the most important lords... the officials who run the estates namely the mayors and the officers with the village and town councils... the sheriffs who uphold the law... the annual estate-wide military exercises meant to train the commoners for war... the growing industries and the numerous guilds and corporations that build the economy... the religious doctrines of the Light... and more...

Then we're going to talk about the current holders of the duchies... the most important lords... the officials who run the estates namely the mayors and the officers with the village and town councils... the sheriffs who uphold the law... the annual estate-wide military exercises meant to train the commoners for war... the growing industries and the numerous guilds and corporations that build the economy... the religious doctrines of the Light... and more...

Nogood, while you come up with names I'm going to continue reading that medieval history book. It is actually possible for me to come up with these concepts since they already exist.

Then we're going to talk about the current holders of the duchies... the most important lords... the officials who run the estates namely the mayors and the officers with the village and town councils... the sheriffs who uphold the law... the annual estate-wide military exercises meant to train the commoners for war... the growing industries and the numerous guilds and corporations that build the economy... the religious doctrines of the Light... and more...
So much information....

Nogood, while you come up with names I'm going to continue reading that medieval history book. It is actually possible for me to come up with these concepts since they already exist.
Have fun!
Where did all this madness begin?


Ah yes, now I remember, it was when I started following shadowz around and found that he was creating this Seiunita roleplay. That was when I decided to bring Lord Walter the Bastard, and decided to add a "Monty Python meets Game of Thrones" feel to the story... and then I decided to tag Eleph along in the roleplay...

Fast forward in time and then we got here.
I have returned to finish the Earth Kingdom. My dad got tired and is going to bed now :3
*Looks at pictures*

That is one damn big castle.

That is one damn big tree...
Lol. The castle is actually an enormous city, and that's the main capital of the Kingdom. The other cities are more spread out and village-like. And the majority of the kingdom's trees are like that. ^^
Also, I'm apologizing ahead of time because this is not as good as it would have been had RPN kept what I originally wrote u.u I'm sorry if anything seems low-quality.
I'll get to fixing that map one day... *looks at half finished shelf and empty beer bottles*
One day.

Oh yeah, King, tomorrow we're probably gonna have to make you do about a couple hundred estates for the Elysians...

Then we're gonna talk about hills, mountains, rivers, and names for them. And then we're gonna talk about landmarks, such as the World Scar.

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