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Fantasy Royal Flush

"Sounds like a plan though I have no intentions in working with jokers." She said as she crossed her arms and scanned the hallway. There was no way she was working with these people. They didn't need them. "Seriously though how can we trust them? Jokers are criminals and mad. We don't need them. " She looked over at Jack. Then glanced over at the Queen. Su might as well give it up. Knowing the Queen she'll probably want to give them a chance. Su sighed waiting for a response.
Squad141 Squad141
uwupolice uwupolice
Damafaud Damafaud
SecretRock SecretRock
Kazehana Kazehana
Entarriance Entarriance
mkuchiha mkuchiha
Lucian Vulpes
uwupolice uwupolice Squad141 Squad141 mkuchiha mkuchiha animegirl20 animegirl20 Damafaud Damafaud Kazehana Kazehana Entarriance Entarriance
Lucian let out a sigh as the newcomer shot the plant from the Watcher's head. Nothing in particular happened, but the dark magic disappeared. The woman fell as well, and no one seemed concerned. Still, Lucian walked over and peered down at her as someone began to speak. He had to resist the urge to tap her with his toe. It was very rude and probably disrespectful, but it would check if she was responsive. He'd never been possessed, but he imagined it wasn't very good for you. He was stopped by Su's comment. For a second, only a second, he scowled, then a grin spread over his face again.

"I'll have to be sure not to turn my back to you," He told her, sounding like he was joking, but there was a hard to place glint in his eyes. He turned his view back to the Watcher and pushed her with his toe. checking for a reaction or... anything really. Not knowing what to even look for, he turned to Whitney.

"So, how did you get here? And you said you were looking for a caterpillar?" He asked her. He knew she was ridiculously powerful, even by Heart standards, but that didn't explain to him how she fell out of the ceiling.
Jack sent Su a hard glare. "You heard what the Watcher said, we need them, and they need us. If we don't work together we're doomed." He glanced at the two jokers with the sides of his eye, before looking back at Su. "They may be bad, but definitely not as bad as the enemy we're facing. Sure they steal, and cause mischief and mayhem, but at least they don't kill anyone."
Lucian Vulpes
uwupolice uwupolice Squad141 Squad141 mkuchiha mkuchiha animegirl20 animegirl20 Damafaud Damafaud Kazehana Kazehana Entarriance Entarriance
Lucian let out a sigh as the newcomer shot the plant from the Watcher's head. Nothing in particular happened, but the dark magic disappeared. The woman fell as well, and no one seemed concerned. Still, Lucian walked over and peered down at her as someone began to speak. He had to resist the urge to tap her with his toe. It was very rude and probably disrespectful, but it would check if she was responsive. He'd never been possessed, but he imagined it wasn't very good for you. He was stopped by Su's comment. For a second, only a second, he scowled, then a grin spread over his face again.

"I'll have to be sure not to turn my back to you," He told her, sounding like he was joking, but there was a hard to place glint in his eyes. He turned his view back to the Watcher and pushed her with his toe. checking for a reaction or... anything really. Not knowing what to even look for, he turned to Whitney.

"So, how did you get here? And you said you were looking for a caterpillar?" He asked her. He knew she was ridiculously powerful, even by Heart standards, but that didn't explain to him how she fell out of the ceiling.
The Watcher staggeringly stood up, her eyes closed like normal. Her clothes had reverted back to normal, and in her hand she held the deck of cards from earlier. "Well. We can safely say that our enemy is VERY powerful. No one in my years of living has been able to open my eyes. But now it seems that we best be careful." Then she held up the deck of cards from the prophecy. "First, everyone here shall take their card. These cards a special enchantment over them to attach themselves to you, and let us know where are, as well as creating a weak barrier of something tries to ambush you."

Alias: Whitney

Age: 25

Role: Joker

Race: Heart

Location: Castle Hall

Motive: Caterpillar

Tags: Squad141 Squad141 uwupolice uwupolice Damafaud Damafaud SecretRock SecretRock Entarriance Entarriance animegirl20 animegirl20 mkuchiha mkuchiha

Nothing Whitney heard had any sort of context whatsoever, but she loved loved loved to eavesdrop on private matters. Of course, she wouldn't have the slightest idea what was going on, but it wounded at least somewhat interesting. Or at least it did for like two sentences or so. After that, she was back on her quest to find that darn caterpillar. Glancing up and down the hall with a blank expression, she wasn't sure where to start. From her experience, this castle had numerous passageways and rooms, so it could be anywhere!

On a whim, she glanced at the ceiling just to cover her bases. Above her, about 10 meters away, her beloved caterpillar was crawling its way away from her. She smiled and lunged for it, making it nowhere near her intended target. As if mocking her, the caterpillar stopped and let its head hang down. She pouted and looked at the walls to see if they were scaleable. There was an end table against one of them, but nothing else of interest. She quickly hauled herself up and stood on her tiptoes to see how much closer she was. It was quite a bit closer, but still not enough.

"Huh? Oh I walked of course," she replied curtly, only glancing at him. From what she knew, he was crazy, but nothing much more than that. But that gave her an idea. She hopped off of the end table and whipped out a large sledgehammer from behind her back. With one swift blow, she whacked the end table and smashed the wood. She tossed the hammer aside and grabbed a long piece of cracked wood that suited her needs. Then, she reached out to another end table with a glass of water. With no hesitation and utmost concentration, she poured the water over the end of the wood, lighting it on fire. Pleased, she lifted it up to the ceiling to scare the caterpillar in her favor. All it did was make the caterpillar stop moving, which didn't please her. Without a second thought, she tossed the burning log back into the rubble, setting the rest of it on fire.

But her beloved caterpillar was still nowhere near her grasp, she she grabbed her parasol and lifted her arm as far as it would go. "Com'on. I know you want me to win~" she taunted the caterpillar.


Location: Palace

Interaction: Queen Elias and Co. (+ Lucian)

Tags: uwupolice uwupolice animegirl20 animegirl20 Damafaud Damafaud SecretRock SecretRock Squad141 Squad141

L u c a s

A c t i o n

Never mess with a mouse in her mousehole; always the first rule of being an investigator. Much to Lucas' dismay, it appears the Queen noticed her, though nonetheless it was bound to happen within her own palace. Well, partially hers, but nonetheless still a very big influence that she holds. It wouldn't be a surprise if she felt a leaf out of place, and that definitely pissed Lucas off. Her cover was blown, but she sure as hell wasn't going to participate in whatever little game they had in mind for this quest, even if the Kingdom was put at stake. After all, what's in it for her? The joy of others sure wasn't Lucas' concern. Nonetheless, it seems that the information that she's acquired already wouldn't have much of a use out of context, outside of maybe a cat-and-mouse chase if Lucas decided to run. It was certainly in Lucas' plan to get the cute guys number, that's for sure.

The sound of breaking glass rang throughout the hallway, Lucas teleporting from where she stood behind the crook of the alleyway (for as long as she had), a dramatic blur of smoke would signal Lucas' entrance as they stood side by Lucian, swinging their arm over his shoulder with a sly grin played on her lips.

"Ay! Aren't you an awfully pretty lookin' lad, we should have dinner sometimes!"

Playing a blind eye to the predicament at stake, the Watcher had previously experienced some form of possession, if anything. And the criticality of the situation- certainly wasn't something fun for Lucas, there had to be some sort of prize for them if they wanted any sort of assistance. They were weary, both of the fact that Lucian could make any movement to stab her on the spot for her sudden touchy moment, and the fact they chose now to make an appearance, instead of any time prior. Lucas wasn't planning on staying long, their other hand nuzzled in the pocket of their suit jacket where their deck was, in case hostility were to be brought, aside from a method of escape.

The prophetic atmosphere was something Lucas wasn't particularly new to, it wasn't like that during their job they haven't faced any situation similar. If it wasn't interesting, it just wasn't worth the time. Besides, two Joker's were in her presence, that was certainly something to relish in.

R e l a t i o n s h i p s

Whitney Telula Foal:
"Did the cutie just set the table on fire after obliterating it? Well, I guess you can say that's pretty hot, no- but it's obvious that she's certainly an efficacious young woman, fortunately she appears more interested in her insect than people."

"A white knight galloping on his horse! With spectacular aim, and panosophical insight on what's going on! "

"He's certainly cute! From his prior re-statement, he must be a Heart? His choice of vocabulary implies he's definitely of much higher status, so he must be a Guardian, or at least a very respected servant."

Lucian Vulpes:
"I like the guy. Whether it be his appearance and how he definitely knows how to dress or how he appears more occupied with what's interesting than the detrimentality of the kingdom, definitely need to share some filet mignon over a candlit dinner with him."

Jack of Hearts:
"Prince Charming? He's spewing over how we all need to get along, please, you can't just group a bunch of individuals with their own self-interests and believe a video game speech is gonna help you here, sweetie!"

"Definitely a force to be worried about, though luckily her perspective appears to be one sided. Nothing to worry about in terms of wit, though perhaps in strength she may be a force to reckon with. If I'm going to try and make a break for it, it's definitely her and a few of the magic users I need to be weary of."

Code Inspired by Cecilia

Whitney- Persuasive
Tag: uwupolice uwupolice Squad141 Squad141 animegirl20 animegirl20 SecretRock SecretRock @Kazehana Entarriance Entarriance
To his disappointment, the Watcher was correct in her prediction. The idea of an enemy so strong the help of Jokers are need was unnerving enough, but when this threat is able to possess someone with the Watcher capability, the kingdom would be in a problem bigger than anyone can imagine.

For most part, he was speechless. The guards should be fired to allow this many uninvited intrusion to the palace. Under the current cirmcustances, however, he could spare the queen his ramblings about her safety. The current intruders could be no other but the missing members of the heroes in prophecy.

The Joker that bend the world for fun. Drevis sighed when Whitney burned the century old mahogany table down. Replacing such furniture will give the treasurer a heart attack. She seemed to be intent on catching the caterpillar. Mayhaps he ahiuld help her?

" Allow me, young lady, " Drevis took a rose broken stem from the burning ruins of a porcelain vase. He threw the stem at the celing beside the small critter. When it passed the caterpillar, a pink bubble barrier appeared from the stem and pushed the caterpillar off.
This was certainly going to be hard, Jack mused. Everyone was just so.. colorful, and... different. He stared at the blonde Joker girl as she chased after a caterpillar. Did she not just hear what the Watcher prophesied, was she not worried? It seemed that no one was worried. Everyone was off in their own little world, worried about their own silly problems. Jack sighed, and leaned against the wall. A few moments later, The Watcher woke up and offered everyone a deck of cards for protection. He reluctantly walked up to her and grabbed a golden card, with a heart sign and two golden swords crossing it. He flipped it over and admired it before tucking it under his belt.

The Watcher staggeringly stood up, her eyes closed like normal. Her clothes had reverted back to normal, and in her hand she held the deck of cards from earlier. "Well. We can safely say that our enemy is VERY powerful. No one in my years of living has been able to open my eyes. But now it seems that we best be careful." Then she held up the deck of cards from the prophecy. "First, everyone here shall take their card. These cards a special enchantment over them to attach themselves to you, and let us know where are, as well as creating a weak barrier of something tries to ambush you."

Alias: Whitney

Age: 25

Role: Joker

Race: Heart

Location: Castle Hall

Motive: Caterpillar

Tags: Squad141 Squad141 uwupolice uwupolice Damafaud Damafaud SecretRock SecretRock Entarriance Entarriance animegirl20 animegirl20 mkuchiha mkuchiha

Whitney's motivation to achieve her goal did not waver even as she was distracted by people who obviously didn't want her to win. When did the caterpillar have time to recruit them for its side? Well no matter, she could deal with them in her own way!

Well, except that the man did something weird that caused the caterpillar to fall off. Without thinking about what even happened, she leapt to the caterpillar's rescue, her hands outstretched as she deigned to catch it. As soon as she did, she clasped her hands into a dome so no further harm could come to her companion. Opening it slightly after a brief pause, she became confused and opened her hands palms up. Well it was gone, but at least she could assume it was safe.

"And what were you thinking?" she scolded, frowning at the man. "Not only was that cheating, it was also dangerous. You could have hurt him!" she fretted. "And not only that but you just assumed that I needed any help at all. I will defend my own honor on the battlefield, and I will let no one but him stand in my way!" she proclaimed, still talking about the caterpillar. "Now if you'll excuse me," she continued, suddenly softer and calmer, "I have some errands to run." Whitney about-faced and proceeded to walk past literally everyone with her head held up and her eyes clasped shut.
Jack sighed as the Blonde joker girl stormed out, he groaned realizing that he would have to chase after her and convince her to come back. He quickly followed after her and grabbed her hand just as she was about to leave the castle. He had never talked to a Joker and didn't know anything about them except that they were crazy.

"Wait a minute, we need to stay together." He said almost pleadingly, "I assure you Drevis is sorry about the caterpillar thing, he was just trying to help."

He looked at her, his amber eyes begging her subtly.

Kazehana Kazehana
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She glanced at Lucian when he made his comment and gave him smirk. "Wise choice." She looked back over to Jack when giving her a response. Seeing his hard glare she crossed her arms not amused but she listened. And she hated to admit it but he was right they needed to work with them. They had no choice. She continued to nod her head in agreement until Su heard him say at least they don't kill. "......yet" Not wanting to explain her response she walked away from Jack to check on the Watcher seeing as she was still on the ground. The moment she made it to her the Watcher was already standing. Su quickly grabbed her arm helping her the rest of the way and then continued to help hold her up as she started to talk.

The watcher held up a deck of cards telling everyone to take one. She let go of the watcher and took one of the cards looking at it. Su smiled, "This will be handy." She then noticed the caterpillar situation that was going on. She watched as Jack went to bring the girl back as she walked away to leave. She was thinking about helping but figured he wouldn't need it. She looked at the others. "Well go ahead and take your cards guys."
Squad141 Squad141
uwupolice uwupolice
Damafaud Damafaud
SecretRock SecretRock
Kazehana Kazehana
Entarriance Entarriance
mkuchiha mkuchiha
Lucian Vulpes
uwupolice uwupolice animegirl20 animegirl20 Entarriance Entarriance Squad141 Squad141 Kazehana Kazehana Damafaud Damafaud mkuchiha mkuchiha
Though the sudden arm around his shoulders startled him, Lucian tried not to show it. He followed it to it's owner, trying to get a read on them. It was a man, a feminine man but Lucian and his ponytail were in no position to judge, who looked a few years older than Lucian was. The eye patch was a nice touch.

"That's a nice idea, but" Lucian started, moving forward to take the card from the Watcher. It sounded useful, and he could always keep it when he inevitably dropped out of the quest. "I have very little money. You'll have to pay." He finished, looking back to Lucas. It would probably have to wait because of this 'quest' thing too, but he'd let someone else point that out. "I should probably know your name too." He added.

Bombarded with words by the young girl, Drevis was utterly astonished. He muttered an incoherent apology before quickly back away. He knew that children love to play at times, but no one has ever scold him like that before. He can face a growling ogre or a noble with a steel glance without so much of a flinch. In front of that girl, however, he felt...exposed. Maybe he should let Jack of Hearts deal with her.

The other Joker was talking to one of the new intruders. The Club that pretends. He had seen the other man shoot something, thus through process of elimination, the beautiful...man? Drevis frowned as he observed the blue haired individual. His clothing and manner did suggest that he is a man, but something bothered him still. Was it something to do with his card? No, it was more than that. Something in his way of talking remind him of...

" Pardon me for interrupting, but are you not a Heart, pretending to be a Club, young lass? "


Location: Palace > Outside the Palace

Interaction: Drevis and Co. (+ Lucian)

Tags: uwupolice uwupolice animegirl20 animegirl20 Damafaud Damafaud SecretRock SecretRock Squad141 Squad141 mkuchiha mkuchiha

L u c a s

A c t i o n

"Young lass? I sure take some degree of affront from such boorish referral! Eh, well not in complete perjury. Paying would be my pleasure, monsieur!" After all, I can't let a girl pay for the date was what Lucas wanted to continue with, though that seemed to be far too sudden to transition to in the matters that they were placed in right now.

Shrugging her shoulders, Lucas briefly overlooked the group that was presented. A few have already too drawn their cards, depicting of their status, even Lucas' date-to-be. The young man clad in butler's attire inquired her of her status. Eavesdropping for a fair bit of time before, it wasn't like Lucas wasn't rehearsed to be asked. She was in the wrong place at the wrong time, and if she wasn't able to get around this short obstacle, than she certainly wouldn't have been able to get as far as she did. However, what to say was certainly a bit of a thought. If she said Diamond, the Queen does have the chance of calling her out, if she had some strange form of ESP. Saying simply a club would be far too obvious, and a Heart would be the truth. A Spade would certainly be possible, also adding to her profession, though her colour choice wasn't particularly the kindest. Perhaps with her choice of colours, it would be easier to go with the given? It wasn't like she didn't have magic.

"Club? Heart? Well, I find it certainly a compliment for you to say so! Unfortunately, I don't believe I'm a member of your spiffy little, bivel. However! I am an investigator, perhaps I could help assist you in finding them! Lucas Sterling's the name, if you haven't heard me before! The Great Detective- well, not so great, but I'd like to think so!"

Tapping her cheek with her index finger, her veneer of arrogance was definitely fun to execute. It was the first that the lad had spoken to Lucas as well, what an honour that felt to be. Pulling two cards out of her pocket, Lucas flamboyantly threw it one up into the air, a thick layer of smoke clouding over the area as they spoke with joviality, laughter mixed in with a few of their words. While the smoke suffused the alcove, Lucas took it upon herself to lift Lucian up bridal style, which they know they'd only have seconds before being kneed if anything. As of the moment, using the smoke as cover, Lucas sprinted down the venue with Lucian in arms, a zealous call directed behind her.

"While the great Lucas would certainly love to make your acquaintance, there are certainly other jocular proceedings I must attend to! ร€ bientรดt!"

Carefully dropping the other card she had drawn as she turned the corner, a number of ravens would caw, seemingly materializing out of the smoke as they flew in an ever-growing chaotic mass, adding much more disorder to what had been previously brought. Teleporting from where they ran using the apparition and smoke, especially considering how it got progressively harder to see, Lucas stumbled as the inertia from running was carried into their transmit in an empty alleyway outside the palace.

(toolongdidntcomprehendsummary: crows and smoke are everywhere (crows arent real thats a secret), lucas and lucian r gone)

R e l a t i o n s h i p s

Whitney Telula Foal:
"I guess she's an inspiration. If she leaves, that definitely insinuates I can surely leave as well, can I not? I should get her number as well."

"A white knight galloping on his horse! With spectacular aim, and panosophical insight on what's going on! "

"My, an observant lad isn't he? Quick to get to the drift, though ohoho, it won't be that easy, sweetie! I'm certainly impressed with how quickly he seemed to catch onto me, though I'm not sure how long 'Lucas Sterling' can make it."

Lucian Vulpes:
"Alright, cute-boy scored! He seems epigrammatic, perhaps he'll assist me in my own antics. Call me deranged, if you will, though the whole chosen-ones-saving-the-world deal was never appealing to me. A few cats after a big fish simply seems so, methodized! "

Jack of Hearts:
"Prince Charming for sure. I'm really not on par with this strange social stigma regarding Jokers, and it feels like he's going out of his way to calm the situation in a strange parental manner. Does he believe that a group that had just met each other would get off right from the start? Such a storybook tale, it's charming indeed!"

"She reeks of independence and self-reliance with a smaller degree of a need of social acceptance due to her job. Though it appears that she would definitely compete with the Jack of Hearts for who's more of a leader. You can't lead a herd of cats without an alpha, who knows what type of juicy-story there'd be!"

Code Inspired by Cecilia
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Su soon found herself in the mist of chaos there was smoke and ravens every where and she could see Lucas carrying Lucian away from it all. "Hey you get back here! We need everyone here right now!" They needed everyone here and that idiotic detective just ran off. She took off trying to find them but soon noticed they had vanish. "Great now what?" She looked around seeing the chaos and not sure how dispel it. For now though the first priority was to get everyone together so they could decide what to do next. She made her way back through the smoke and ravens and found Jack. "I think she is the least of our concerns right now. That detective Lucas just ran off with Lucian and I have no idea where they disappeared to." Just then a Raven came flying straight towards her and she ducked. "Ugh! Will someone please do something about these ravens and smoke!" she then started coughing slightly the smoke getting to her. If she had any tricks of her own she would do it herself.
Squad141 Squad141
uwupolice uwupolice
Damafaud Damafaud
SecretRock SecretRock
Kazehana Kazehana
Entarriance Entarriance
mkuchiha mkuchiha
Lucian Vulpes
Entarriance Entarriance
Keeping an ear on what most of the other people were discussing (whether or not Lucas was female, working together, caterpillars), Lucian looked over his card. It was a Joker card, indicated by the 'J' in the top corner but it was different from the other versions of the card he'd seen throughout his life. The Joker figure was dressed in blue and upside down, one foot stretched up to the top of the card with his other bent behind it. His hands were behind his back, like he was holding something he didn't want the player to see, but he was looking straight forward at them. He was a contradiction, hiding yet daring the player to ask. Maybe it was meant to be a present? His upside down face didn't give anything away with his roguish grin. Apart from that grin and the colour of the clothes, Lucian had to insist that they looked nothing alike. Oh well, it probably wasn't meant to.

He stopped his inspection of the card as smoke burst from the ceiling. Or something near the ceiling. Soon ravens joined it. Not a bad choice, aesthetically. It seemed to work as a distraction too as Lucian didn't notice what Lucas was doing until she was picking him up and running. Lucian didn't know exactly how to feel about that. It wasn't something that had ever happened to him before. He didn't think he was upset about it, but he wasn't entirely sure. And then the castle turned into the not castle, the exterior of the castle. It was almost trippier than one of his hallucinations. Almost.

"You could have just asked me to come with you," He pointed out. "Kidnapping isn't usually the best way to start a date." He slipped the card in between the pages of his notebook and swung his legs so he fell out of Lucas's grip, landing on his feet in front of her with only a little difficulty. He looked around, trying to get his bearings slightly. They were definitely next to the castle, so he'd know his way around.

"They're hiding in the shadows."

"Since you're paying, I think it's fair you decide where to go," Lucian spoke over the voice.

Alias: Whitney

Age: 25

Role: Joker

Race: Heart

Location: Castle Hall

Motive: Leaving

Tags: mkuchiha mkuchiha

She stopped for no other reason than being prevented from furthering herself from the situation. She turned slowly and stared at the hand that had grabbed hers. "I can assure you that I have no idea what you're talking about," she replied, using her free hand to lift his off hers. "As for what happened all that time ago, I'm really not interested in revisiting the topic," she added, almost glaring at him with an emotionless expression. She felt no need to answer to this man regardless of status or physical advantage. In fact, she never felt compelled to do anything that differed from her whim. "What's it to you anyway? It's not like I'm going to be useful for anything or to anyone," she pointed out casually, her mind already starting to wander to all the things she could be doing right at that moment instead of, well, this. She thought briefly that she should travel somewhere distant from here, mostly to avoid backlash from the ring thing. Well, she didn't really have to care much about that in terms of actual consequences, but it would still be annoying to live through.
Jack let go, dropped his hands to his hips, and let out a long sigh. He couldn't expect them to be all like him. No. That would be selfish and messed up. He had to realize that they were all people, and had their own ways of viewing things. Each and everyone of them had their own passion and drive.

"If what the Watcher said is true, then we most definitely need you. If not for the sake of this kingdom then for the sake of yourself. If we don't work together, then everything will be destroyed. Thats including all your favorite things, including caterpillars and fun." He tried so hard to be convincing, and he opened his mouth to say one more thing but was interrupted by Su.

"I'm not sure if we can find them even if we wanted to. Drevis can see anything and everything that is in this castle, if their in here, he'll most definitely find them." He said. Jack snapped his fingers and the Raven popped out of existence, and the smoke faded away. "Their just illusions, don't think about it too much." He said.

Alias: Whitney

Age: 25

Role: Joker

Race: Heart

Location: Castle Hall

Motive: Leaving

Tags: mkuchiha mkuchiha

She stopped for no other reason than being prevented from furthering herself from the situation. She turned slowly and stared at the hand that had grabbed hers. "I can assure you that I have no idea what you're talking about," she replied, using her free hand to lift his off hers. "As for what happened all that time ago, I'm really not interested in revisiting the topic," she added, almost glaring at him with an emotionless expression. She felt no need to answer to this man regardless of status or physical advantage. In fact, she never felt compelled to do anything that differed from her whim. "What's it to you anyway? It's not like I'm going to be useful for anything or to anyone," she pointed out casually, her mind already starting to wander to all the things she could be doing right at that moment instead of, well, this. She thought briefly that she should travel somewhere distant from here, mostly to avoid backlash from the ring thing. Well, she didn't really have to care much about that in terms of actual consequences, but it would still be annoying to live through.


Location: Palace Alley > Town Square

Interaction: Lucian

Tags: SecretRock SecretRock

L u c a s

A c t i o n
Grabbing Lucian's hand as if it were the most fluid thing in the world, Lucas tugged him behind her fast pace. Raising her other hand, her index finger rested on her chin a little below her mouth, while her thumb rested below her chin, as if in thought. Dramatically shutting her eyes for a few seconds, her words were accompanied with a contemptuous smile.

"Hmm, you make a fair point. Abduction is quite an unconventional way to begin a rendezvous, but it's awfully flashy!"

What was Lucas' incentive, she needed to make sure that she had that aligned. It didn't serve anything if she could play the role, but she needed to remember her own rationale. From what he drew out of the otherworldly set of cards the Watcher had provided, it appeared that he was indeed a Joker. His aptitude hadn't been expressed yet, and it certainly wasn't Lucas' intent to take that head on, though she was certainly curious. What ran through his mentality? What's his disposition, what defines him as a Joker, and not someone like her? A diverse plethora of thoughts raced through her mind, tugging Lucian all the way.

"While I'd take delight in escorting you to a much more chic restaurant, a street date would be much more beneficial for me as of now. Perhaps another time!"

Her voice was rhapsodic, expressing an aporetic amount of excitement as they arrived to the Town Square, where the bustle of every day life was per usual. Street vendors in the marketplace and other merchants alike held the edges of the square, attracting tourists and citizens. Imminently approaching one of the street vendors, Lucas appeared well familiar with the vendor, quick to strike conversation. Trying their hand at street food, their order was followed by quick inquiries.

"I have yet to learn your name, that would certainly be pleasant. 'Tell me about yourself' is an awfully lame beginning, so we'll snap to the bottom. What's the crusade that the nice group of yours is supposed to be destined to go on? Perhaps it' not my card to draw, considering how I could have always stayed behind, but I'm not a fan of having my decisions made for me. 'Tell me about yourself' is still a valid question if the latter isn't of interest! Oi, and order yourself something to. While it isn't the classiest, it's cheap and pretty good food."

Brushing tufts of hair out of her face, bits of her hair stuck up from running her hand roughly through it. It was fortunate Lucas had enough female acquaintances to fill them in on however a date is supposed to work. Well, idealized, though partnership was always enigmatic to them. If anything, Lucian seems to be a pragmatic ally to hold.

"I take quite a bit of interest in Jokers, perhaps in more ways than another. Not in a political stance of them as a threat, just, what particularly declares you as a Joker? Ah, hopefully I'm not being too nosy here? Take it as a compliment! You certainly know how to present yourself nicely."

Maybe instead of taking things fast, Lucas should consider letting the man answer something first and allow herself to recollect on the events that happened. As previously mentioned, it must have been quite an ordeal presented to the Kingdom if it needed Jokers to help, though that also struck a nerve with her. How come everything was only dictated by what you were named as? If you were a Joker, you were assumed to be deranged and all-powerful, who says that someone as a Heart or a Diamond can't become as powerful? Were other civilians of Deck not allowed to lose soundness of judgement? It was ridiculous, either that, or Lucas didn't understand how the Kingdom worked enough.

R e l a t i o n s h i p s

Whitney Telula Foal:
"I guess she's an inspiration. If she leaves, that definitely insinuates I can surely leave as well, can I not? I should get her number as well."

"A white knight galloping on his horse! With spectacular aim, and panosophical insight on what's going on! "

"Got away from him, that's good! If he were a Guardian, it would certainly be difficult to get around him. Luckily we're outside the castle, meaning that whatever enchanted hold he held over the palace probably can't follow us any farther than within the palace, if my assumptions are correct.

Lucian Vulpes:
"It doesn't look like anything is wrong with him psychologically, though I can't judge a book by it's cover. People can hide a lot of things, we're all born rather narcissistic, selfish creatures, whether we like to admit it or not. After all, self-preservation is just a universally accepted fact at this point. Oh, I wonder what conditioner he uses? Maybe I should have asked that."

Jack of Hearts:
"He kind of reminds me of a farmer and his sheepdog right now, except he doesn't appear to be getting along very well with his sheep dog. Oh well, time will tell!"

"Next to a sheep dog, she does remind me of a Class Representative."

Code Inspired by Cecilia

Alias: Whitney

Age: 25

Role: Joker

Race: Heart

Location: Castle Hall

Motive: Leaving

Tags: mkuchiha mkuchiha animegirl20 animegirl20

She frowned at his explanation, quite perplexed by whatever it might be that he was referring to. Perhaps he was a bit loony, but she tried not to judge people for that. The arrival of another person gave her more pause, though she tried not to acknowledge it. "Do you need to talk with someone? It seems as though you have a lot of issues to sort through," she replied in a rather ambiguous tone. Of course, she personally knew a few crazy people, but they could get by through conversation. Perhaps all he needed was a good long talk with someone that cared. Of course, that was not her, for she had better things to do. At almost all times during this encounter, she was thinking of hills with wildflowers she could frolic across as he hummed a tune along her way. But none of that was possible while she was stuck here. With them. "But at any rate, I'm fairly certain I'm under no obligation to stay here and deal with... whatever this is you keep referring to," she added, genuinely believing so. She had heard none of the 'prophecy' considering she wasn't even in the room when all of it happened, so what else beside the rather atrocious party would keep her? There wasn't even a cake.

The entire time, she did not react to the smoke and ravens, or even acknowledge their existence.
Lucian Vulpes
Entarriance Entarriance
Letting Lucas lead him to wherever, taking in the city square, scanning the nooks and crannies for anything that might normally escape his notice. Anyone new or something out of place since his last visit. Nothing particularly stood out. Some of the people who recognised him stared, some looked at anything but him. None of them were pleased to see him. Even if they didn't know he was a Joker they knew he was weird. That was enough for them. The stand owner had no preconceptions, so Lucian had it easy enough ordering his food while listening to Lucas speak. She certainly was eager, wants to know a lot. Not necessarily a bad thing, but if she kept up that pace while eating she might choke.

"Well, that's a lot of questions." Lucian pointed out with an amused smile. He raised a hand and counted them off on his fingers as he answered them. "So, name: Lucian Vulpes, at your service. The quest was something about darkness and storms and preventing them. Personally I find vague terms like that off putting, but the Queen seemed nice and pretty desperate so I agreed to it. Jokers are typically magically powerful and have a disregard for rules, if not living in their own reality. And, thank you, I try my best to look good." He nodded in acknowledgement of the compliment. "And I think that's all your questions answered."

Lucian paused to take the food from the vendor. It smelt nice, savoury tanginess and spices that were slightly burnt. Possibly not the best food ever, but Lucas had said it was good so he was more than willing to give it a go. Besides, he'd probably eaten worse at some point. Still, before eating any, he looked back at Lucas.

"I hope you don't mind if I ask my own questions?" He asked, and continued without waiting for an answer. "For example, your a private investigator? In Deck?" His pronunciation indicated a joke and he gestured around the town square at the mundane people doing their mundane tasks to illustrate his point. "And you seem to have an affinity, no... an aversion, for serving others? Or, at least, getting involved in what was happening at the castle."
Su watched as everything disappeared with just a snap of fingers. She blinked in slight confusion "Illusions?" Great I feel dumb now. She looked around now that everything was clear. Well seemed like this whole keeping everyone together wasn't going to be easy. She looked over to the watcher thinking for a moment. She snapped out of her thoughts by Whitney. She glanced at the girl. "You weren't in when the watcher was explaining everything were you?" That would explain why this girl seemed confused to what they were talking about. She wish someone would do something already. Ok so people had their cards. Now what? She was thinking maybe it would be a good idea to move everyone into the throne shut them up and let the watcher tell them everything they need to know then all could decide what to do. Well at least the rulers would. They would have the final say. She looked over to the Queen then at Jack. "If someone doesn't start taking charge of this situation," She then looked over at the watcher. "or say something I'm about to over step my station." She said it loud enough for everyone to hear. Though that didn't mean they were listening. She had better control over the soldiers then this crowd.
Squad141 Squad141
uwupolice uwupolice
Damafaud Damafaud
SecretRock SecretRock
Kazehana Kazehana
Entarriance Entarriance
mkuchiha mkuchiha
The Watcher watched as the group of our ONLY SAVIOURS dissapated. This was not good news, especially since she had just been Possessed. Then something appeared to her in her mind. The way to stop the infection and infiltration of Deck. She began the teleport of all group members to the throne room.

In a dark alleyway, the dark lines grew from the ground, as a citizen selling some old spices had only a moment to not even scream, as his pupils went black, and a green sprout grew from his head. He began to hold the black lines, readying the infection of this town.


Location: Town Square > Palace > Alleyway

Interaction: Lucian + Co.

Tags: SecretRock SecretRock uwupolice uwupolice animegirl20 animegirl20 Damafaud Damafaud Squad141 Squad141 mkuchiha mkuchiha

L u c a s

A c t i o n
"Aw, you listen! Well, private investigator is a cute little nickname I like to give myself. Once and a while some pretty lass comes running up in tears about her necklace getting stolen, or sometimes a gone-astray sales deal."

Using the now-cleared skewer provided with the street kebab, Lucas freely jabbed it into a bit of Lucian's own food, bringing it to her own mouth as she paused to think about her next choice of words. While it wasn't something that was particularly obvious, his small fidgets and movements made it clear to Lucas that he was certainly observant. Occasionally his eyes darted about, as if looking for something, or scouting the area around him. There were critical stares directed their way, that or a lack, so apparently his semblance as a 'Joker' was either well-known or simply something sensed. Was that something that Lucas lacked? Or maybe they haven't been sleuthing around enough to know otherwise.

"Well, you know how the world works. Whoever's got all the information has all the reigns. And it certainly interests yours' truly!"

As charming as the man was, she wasn't going to spout off her life story all of a sudden, but at least enough where it seemed plausible for her to be the way that she was. Often throughout her life, she was also misinterpreted as a Joker, acting far more eccentrically than most, mixed in with pathological lying and a bit of an identity blur. Though it wasn't like it was an awfully large surprise to her, it was more of a compliment if anything.

"Hm, a disregard for rules and living in their own reality... Deck has an awfully vague definition. Is it dictating that only those with significant magical talent who don't follow rules are Jokers? Aah, what a quizzical Kingdom!"

Raising both her arms above her head, she yawned as she partially spun on her heels, off to go with the flow of the crowd again. Promptly reaching out and tugging him a few times by the sleeve, she slipped back into the flow of the crowd of people, far ready for a pleasant walk with food. There wasn't exactly a romantic sunset or a river nearby, but this will surely do for now.

"You definitely make a point, the people around here can be awfully, prosaic. It's boring! Well, this whole magical crusade to stop storms and the Darkness sure seems interesting and all, but something always drew the wrong hand with me when it came to "fate". The Queen's quite a pretty lass, though I was never far too fond of her as a ruler. Certainly a powerful leader, just never really played the right set with me, you know?"

Taking a conversation into the more "shady" cases that she's dealt with definitely seems a little too exposing, so Lucas strayed as far as she could from bringing that up. All he needed to know was that she was an investigator, to a degree, and it definitely was fun for her to exploit people, whether it be of a crime or of their weaknesses. Unfortunately, their date appeared to cut short as she suddenly found herself walking forward in a palace hallway. Unphazedly, she spun her body to look towards the perpetrator, being some strange, heavily chanted young woman, otherwise the "Watcher." Raising her brow, she appeared more irritated if anything at having her date ruined, especially after executing such a pleasant diversion.

"... rude. Well, Lulu, hopefully they'll be another opportunity for a candlelit dinner!"

Fiddling with the wooden skewer in her hands, she quickly flung it downwards. Strangely enough, despite it being wood, the skewer shattered into small glass fragments, which bounced off of the palace floors, heading towards the group (aside from Lucian) at a dangerously increasing speed. With that occurring, Lucas vanished just as quickly as she appeared, back at an alleyway. The alleyway eerily empty, and it was obvious that certainly something was wrong. If it was the Darkness that Lucian so mentioned, well, Lucas has yet to experience it with her own two eyes! For now, a nullification zone was set around her body, hopefully negating the effects of being forcibly summoned.

R e l a t i o n s h i p s

Whitney Telula Foal:
"Scratch that, how the hell is she still here? If anything she'd probably slam pie into someones face and make a run for it, what's keeping her here? Is she actually kind of interested in this weird prophetic fate thing? Is she being held here by her will? Ooh, how much is she being paid?"

"You're a White Knight here who reeks of comic protagonist, DO SOMETHING. "

"If I ask him to get me a coffee, would he do it? One sugar cube and cream?"

Lucian Vulpes:
"He's, certainly a sharp individual. I wonder what pushes his buttons, and hopefully I get to be there to see it. From his definition of Jokers, I can deduce that's also some description of himself? Kinky. Well, he's observant enough to definitely have some sort of Ace up his sleeve."

Jack of Hearts:
"Correction, he reeks of comic protagonist. I really want to see some cat-dog fight over who's the leader with him and the red haired lass."

"Down, girl! Sit! Staayy..."

"This asshole just ruined my date. Excuse me, I'm sorry I can score a guy during a critical apocalyptic era faster than you can, honey."

Code Inspired by Cecilia
Last edited:


Location: Town Square > Palace > Alleyway

Interaction: Lucian + Co.

Tags: SecretRock SecretRock uwupolice uwupolice animegirl20 animegirl20 Damafaud Damafaud Squad141 Squad141 mkuchiha mkuchiha

L u c a s

A c t i o n
"Aw, you listen! Well, private investigator is a cute little nickname I like to give myself. Once and a while some pretty lass comes running up in tears about her necklace getting stolen, or sometimes a gone-astray sales deal."

Using the now-cleared skewer provided with the street kebab, Lucas freely jabbed it into a bit of Lucian's own food, bringing it to her own mouth as she paused to think about her next choice of words. While it wasn't something that was particularly obvious, his small fidgets and movements made it clear to Lucas that he was certainly observant. Occasionally his eyes darted about, as if looking for something, or scouting the area around him. There were critical stares directed their way, that or a lack, so apparently his semblance as a 'Joker' was either well-known or simply something sensed. Was that something that Lucas lacked? Or maybe they haven't been sleuthing around enough to know otherwise.

"Well, you know how the world works. Whoever's got all the information has all the reigns. And it certainly interests yours' truly!"

As charming as the man was, she wasn't going to spout off her life story all of a sudden, but at least enough where it seemed plausible for her to be the way that she was. Often throughout her life, she was also misinterpreted as a Joker, acting far more eccentrically than most, mixed in with pathological lying and a bit of an identity blur. Though it wasn't like it was an awfully large surprise to her, it was more of a compliment if anything.

"Hm, a disregard for rules and living in their own reality... Deck has an awfully vague definition. Is it dictating that only those with significant magical talent who don't follow rules are Jokers? Aah, what a quizzical Kingdom!"

Raising both her arms above her head, she yawned as she partially spun on her heels, off to go with the flow of the crowd again. Promply teaching out and tugging him a few times by the sleeve, she slipped back into the flow of the crowd of people, far ready for a pleasant walk with food. There wasn't exactly a romantic sunset or a river nearby, but this will surely do for now.

"You definitely make a point, the people around here can be awfully, prosaic. It's boring! Well, this whole magical crusade to stop storms and the Darkness sure seems interesting and all, but something always drew the wrong hand with me when it came to "fate". The Queen's quite a pretty lass, though I was never far too fond of her as a ruler. Certainly a powerful leader, just never really played the right set with me, you know?"

Taking a conversation into the more "shady" cases that she's dealt with definitely seems a little too exposing, so Lucas strayed as far as she could from bringing that up. All he needed to know was that she was an investigator, to a degree, and it definitely was fun for her to exploit people, whether it be of a crime or of their weaknesses. Unfortunately, their date appeared to cut short as she suddenly found herself walking forward in a palace hallway. Unphazedly, she spun her body to look towards the perpetrator, being some strange, heavily chanted young woman, otherwise the "Watcher." Raising her brow, she appeared more irritated if anything at having her date ruined, especially after executing such a pleasant diversion.

"... rude. Well, Lulu, hopefully they'll be another opportunity for a candlelit dinner!"

Fiddling with the wooden skewer in her hands, she quickly flung it downwards. Strangely enough, despite it being wood, the skewer shattered into small glass fragments, which bounced off of the palace floors, heading towards the group (aside from Lucian) at a dangerously increasing speed. With that occurring, Lucas vanished just as quickly as she appeared, back at an alleyway. The alleyway eeerily empty, and it was obvious that certainly something was wrong. If it was the Darkness that Lucian so mentioned, well, Lucas has yet to experience it with her own two eyes! For now, a nullification zone was set around her body, hopefully negating the effects of being forcibly summoned.

R e l a t i o n s h i p s

Whitney Telula Foal:
"Scratch that, how the hell is she still here? If anything she'd probably slam pie into someones face and make a run for it, what's keeping her here? Is she actually kind of interested in this weird prophetic fate thing? Is she being held here by her will? Ooh, how much is she being paid?"

"You're a White Knight here who reeks of comic protagonist, DO SOMETHING. "

"If I ask him to get me a coffee, would he do it? One sugar cube and cream?"

Lucian Vulpes:
"He's, certainly a sharp individual. I wonder what pushes his buttons, and hopefully I get to be there to see it. From his definition of Jokers, I can deduce that's also some description of himself? Kinky. Well, he's observant enough to definitely have some sort of Ace up his sleeve."

Jack of Hearts:
"Correction, he reeks of comic protagonist. I really want to see some cat-dog fight over who's the leader with him and the red haired lass."

"Down, girl! Sit! Staayy..."

"This asshole just ruined my date. Excuse me, I'm sorry I can score a guy during a critical apocalyptic era faster than you can, honey."

Code Inspired by Cecilia
(Your character is amazing. Comedy is sure a hard point)

Markus walked out of the men's bathroom in the castle, which the man in the green cardigan had said he could use. He felt as if someone had been waiting for him, but the feeling was immediately wiped as he appeared in the throne room, the person obviously being the Watcher, who he still wanted a real name for. He was standing next to a window, and he saw what looked like a smiley citizens... With a plant in his head, looking up at Markus.

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