• This section is for roleplays only.
    ALL interest checks/recruiting threads must go in the Recruit Here section.

    Please remember to credit artists when using works not your own.

Fantasy Royal Flush

Markus decided to stop being a stalker, and actually investigate the girl. He walked over, and tapped her on the shoulder. "Hello? Sorry about that, did not see where I was going!" He scratched the back of his head, making it look like he was embarrassed, making that awkward smile with closed eyes.

Kazehana Kazehana

Alias: Whitney

Age: 25

Role: Joker

Race: Heart

Location: Town Square

Motive: Caterpillar

Tags: Squad141 Squad141

The caterpillar was far more interesting to Whitney than the man she'd already forgotten, resurrecting her intense indigence once more. "Oh sure, and I'm off to assassinate the queen," she retorted with utmost juvenile sarcasm. She of course had nothing against the queen and bore no ill feelings towards the monarch, but she did feel as though the outrageous claim would emphasize her already transparent emotions. "What do you really want?" she asked bluntly, already through with this charade. Of course, he wouldn't receive the honor of her standing, so she remained crouched by the flowers as she inspected her darling bug. The only downside was that she couldn't keep the company of a spider simultaneously, but the bug surely wouldn't live that long anyway. Besides, how was she to contain it once it reached adulthood? In some ways, it reminded her of herself at a young age, always under the foot of another. But now, she was her own butterfly, free to do as she pleased in the short span of life she had. That's also why this small talk began to irritate her. Life should be filled with adventure and games, not some pretentious banter between people.

Alias: Whitney

Age: 25

Role: Joker

Race: Heart

Location: Town Square

Motive: Caterpillar

Tags: Squad141 Squad141

The caterpillar was far more interesting to Whitney than the man she'd already forgotten, resurrecting her intense indigence once more. "Oh sure, and I'm off to assassinate the queen," she retorted with utmost juvenile sarcasm. She of course had nothing against the queen and bore no ill feelings towards the monarch, but she did feel as though the outrageous claim would emphasize her already transparent emotions. "What do you really want?" she asked bluntly, already through with this charade. Of course, he wouldn't receive the honor of her standing, so she remained crouched by the flowers as she inspected her darling bug. The only downside was that she couldn't keep the company of a spider simultaneously, but the bug surely wouldn't live that long anyway. Besides, how was she to contain it once it reached adulthood? In some ways, it reminded her of herself at a young age, always under the foot of another. But now, she was her own butterfly, free to do as she pleased in the short span of life she had. That's also why this small talk began to irritate her. Life should be filled with adventure and games, not some pretentious banter between people.
Markus ould tell the still crouched girl that held the parasol was very annoyed. He was about to walk away, when she made a sarcastic comment about assassinating the queen. Now, he knew this was no big deal, until he remembered that they had outlawed comments of monarchs death very recently. After all, the magic every citizen used could be heard by the Watcher underneath the castle. Only those that were able to go against the laws were the ones not bound by them... "So, the queen, huh?" His demeanor immediately changed. His voice became more serious, and his eyes started glaring. "Earlier, you told someone in a pastry shop about the Queen having her ring stolen. Then, whilst talking to a jewelry merchant, you claimed you were holding onto a piece for "a friend". Markus stepped closer. He knew had just given away that he had basically stalked her for the past half-hour, but he didn't care. Jokers were serious business, and they weren't at the same time. That's just how they worked.
The Watcher sat, crouched in her damp, yet completely clean white room. One might mistake for a metal patients cell, but she was fine. At least, that's what she told herself. She willingly put herself here, so she could monitor without distraction. Recently, some drama had been going down above her, and outside the palace grounds. But something stronger had taken her focus from that. A Force beyond her comprehension was arriving. Slowly, but steadily. She lifted her head, her somehow perfect black hair pushing away from her face so she could see. The man outside her cell that managed her look surprised. "-----tell them-----take this-----he comes------Take me out-------.......George." This last word startled the man for too reasons. First, because she hadn't spoken for years, and second because he had ever told her his name. He opened the glass door, and helped her hobble out, and toward the Monarch's Palace.

uwupolice uwupolice
Damafaud Damafaud

Alias: Whitney

Age: 25

Role: Joker

Race: Heart

Location: Town Square

Motive: Caterpillar

Tags: Squad141 Squad141

Her patience for this conversation, if she even had any, was quite out the window. "A strange man follows a lone woman around, waits for her to be out of the crowd, then tries to pass it off as a chance encounter. My, do you really have nothing to do?" she replied, still focused mainly on her caterpillar. Not wanting to disturb it, or perhaps considering it naptime, she stuck it up her parasol for safe keeping. Once she did, she stood up and looked at him with the utmost boredom and indifference. She was in no way threatened by the man, but that wasn't going to stop her from accusing him of doing so. Besides, her charisma was sufficient to carry her blissfully through life. It wouldn't be hard to assert to the authorities of the man's indecency and violation of hr privacy. "I can give you a few pointers, but mind you none revolve around... whatever this may be," she commented, giving him a loo of skeptical disapproval to compliment her remark.

Alias: Whitney

Age: 25

Role: Joker

Race: Heart

Location: Town Square

Motive: Caterpillar

Tags: Squad141 Squad141

Her patience for this conversation, if she even had any, was quite out the window. "A strange man follows a lone woman around, waits for her to be out of the crowd, then tries to pass it off as a chance encounter. My, do you really have nothing to do?" she replied, still focused mainly on her caterpillar. Not wanting to disturb it, or perhaps considering it naptime, she stuck it up her parasol for safe keeping. Once she did, she stood up and looked at him with the utmost boredom and indifference. She was in no way threatened by the man, but that wasn't going to stop her from accusing him of doing so. Besides, her charisma was sufficient to carry her blissfully through life. It wouldn't be hard to assert to the authorities of the man's indecency and violation of hr privacy. "I can give you a few pointers, but mind you none revolve around... whatever this may be," she commented, giving him a loo of skeptical disapproval to compliment her remark.
He had to admit, she was very calm, and not at all like the crazed Joker image he had painted in his head. He decided against amy further action, and began to step in reverse, when he stopped. He didnt know why, but he couldnt move, like soeone else was him at the moment, and he was just a spectator... His hand reached into his cloak pokcet, and he retreived a playing card, with an archer on ti. It was the Wild Card. ((This Happens to everyone btw))


Location: Town Square

Interaction: Whitney, Markus

Tags: Squad141 Squad141 Kazehana Kazehana

L u c a s

A c t i o n

The rustle of every day life was irritating to 'Lucas', at least her identity was as of right now. Familiar gossip and chatter was dished from civilian to civilian, nothing new. Today, it appears that the ring of the Queen was stolen. The overly-energetic and impatient young queen never really struck a good chord with Lucas. For someone as her, discord must have began immediately preceding it's disappearance. If anything, some ass-kisser was bound to ask for Lucas Sterling, Private Investigator to Solve The Case of the Missing Ring! Not like it interested her. Simply put- it was easy to deduce that someone stole it out of their own interest, nothing more. What importance is a ring if you have a kingdom? The lavish lifestyle of those around her almost sickened Lucas, but there was naught that she could do. Nonetheless, she continued her stroll in the Marketplace, her right hand remaining pocketed as she feigned morning pleasancy.

"Good morning, Missus, fine weather we're having lately!"

"Be careful, if you carry that much at once, you're bound to fall. Perhaps wait for your husband-oh, you don't have one? With a face as pretty as so, it's surprising that you don't!"

It was easy to dish out compliments, though Lucas couldn't particularly connect to them. It was at essentials to create a charade of a charismatic, pleasant air. However, a certain situation seemed to mark her eye. A man not too far in front of her took long strides, though the stiff positioned angle of his neck inclined that he was looking at something. Not exactly sure what, Lucas took caution in analyzing it- to watch as his straightforward stride fell off-path, directly into the path of another woman, with blonde hair that trailed wavily down her back. Squinting, her annoyance was prominent among the interaction, and the man's feigned flusterdness was hard to detect, only through the lack of flush in his cheeks, nor any facial muscle raise outside of smile. Lucas couldn't read lips- though it could be assumed he tried to apologize for running into her.

Hmm, if he purposefully ran into her, he has to have some sort of business with her. The woman's indignant and aloof expression appears she's more annoyed if anything, but not in familiarity... it's likely that they've never met before? Or at least aren't close. What's his deal- perhaps trying to find a way to make a move? This early in the morning? That's pretty lowly. Countless thoughts ran through her head as she pondered, slowly keeping up with the flow of traffic. However, his previous embarrassment appeared to drop, though Lucas wasn't anywhere near to be able to make a proper analysis aside from facial expressions and bodily gestures. While she was analytic, she wasn't a wizard. Perhaps this would be a pleasant event to start her morning.

Unfortunately, the curtains appeared to come to a close as she swum her way through the crowd, the man starting to back away, before coming to a stop. Deciding this was a pleasant opportune to make some sort of entrance, she straightened her tie, a charming beam playing on her lips as she approached the duo, an androgynous voice toned with a hue of morning exhilaration, a deluge of the dull hum of daylight sleepiness.

"Quite a cordial dayspring we have here, do we not? It would simply be copacetic of myself to be of acquaintance, I don't believe I've seen either of you duo before. Perchance, are you a couple on your honeymoon? Deck is quite a charming place for so- ah, but the tension that lingers supposes you were in an argument? I may be flipping the wrong coin! Hoo, how could it slip my mind, I'm Lucas Sterling! You may have heard my name among the morning gossip to-and-fro, I do a bit of sleuthing around here-and-there, but nothing big! Who may you two be?"

R e l a t i o n s h i p s

Whitney Telula Foal:
"Quite the cutie! Unfortunately, I don't swing that way. I wonder what card she has up her sleeve?"

"Work on clothing choice a little more, and he's got a good face on him. There's a high probability he works for the Castle, as he seems to be quickly skeptical of this girl he seems to hold very little relation to. We could share similar careers, if that's the case, though I'm not really on the public side of investigations. It's boring following the rules. The kid looks fun to mess with."

Code Inspired by Cecilia
Markus, now suddenly back in control of his body, turned, and shook the hand fo the man, still mildy concerned for his mental health. But that quickly changed, with the very posh gentlemen, and the very quick commentary that he had received. "Oh... uh, no. We arent a couple, thank you very much... I was just....having a chat with this...girl." As he said this, he noticed something moving behind the man. From a flash of small light, a playing card that reads the five of hearts fluttered to the ground before the man. Markus picked it up, and held it out. "Do you... want this?"

Entarriance Entarriance
Kazehana Kazehana


Location: Town Square

Interaction: Markus, Whitney

Tags: Squad141 Squad141 Kazehana Kazehana

L u c a s

A c t i o n
"Oh, may that be so? You seem to portray a pleasant air, you'd be un-joli-couple aussi!"

With a sly grin played, Luke ran her hand through wavy locks of hair, causing bits of her fringe to remain pulled back. While her present amicability seemed to perceive Luke as someone not very attentive, perchance even arrogant over their line of work, Luke took note in everything that the man had done, from physical actions to manner of speaking. This served to be both a habit of hers, taking a likeness to psychology and the behavior of others, as well as the deduction involved in their job, with psychology and physical signs being key points to point out human behavior.

He seemed to have jerked back a little, was he daydreaming? Though within a short period of time, there is no way he could be daydreaming. His attention preceding was focused on the blonde, so how come he seemed to be in some daze? The connection between the two didn't make sense. It held little importance to her current conversation, however, so she made her attempts to ignore it for now. Lucas kept the thought in mind- was it simply a normal occurrence she had yet to experience for citizens of Deck?

"I do implore you to tell me your name-" Lucas started, thought appeared to be interested as the man's pupils seemed to focus on something distant. In a flash, the five of hearts fluttered to the ground, causing Luke's eyebrows to knit in confusion.

"Do... you want this?" the man asked.

To be offered a card all of a sudden, if anything that seemed very suspicious. While it could well just be her own paranoia, being offered a card that she has little knowledge of priorly existing, much less something that appeared to be behind her, seemed more like a threat than anything. Though it's sudden appearance had to have meant something. Within a small radius around her, Luke activated her nullification zone, a small zone that spanned a little over than 5 feet around her nothing big. Magic could not be activated within this zone, which was essentially a precautionary measure that she took. Magic was simply a sleight of hand for her in this matter, not depicting any signs of having activated it. Nonchalantly tapping the card he offered with the tip of their index finger, her other hand slung around to press against her own neck.

"Oh? And what may this be- I don't think I have any connection with a deck. Is this a magic trick of yours?"

R e l a t i o n s h i p s

Whitney Telula Foal:
"Quite the cutie! Unfortunately, I don't swing that way. I wonder what card she has up her sleeve?"

"Hmm... he's kind of weird, but at least he's cute. I don't recall carrying a card with me like that, except my own deck, and even so that deck is altered in a manner that I would be able to identify it in a heartbeat. I hold skeptibility that this is a trap- I do hope it isn't, or there's going to be blood on the ground~"

Code Inspired by Cecilia

Alias: Whitney

Age: 25

Role: Joker

Race: Heart

Location: Town Square

Motive: Caterpillar

Tags: Squad141 Squad141 Entarriance Entarriance

Whitney had no intentions of indulging yet another person that seemed to come just for the sake of boring conversation. If she wanted to do that, she would go to just about anyone in the town and strike up a riveting conversation. Her boredom, albeit about 5 consecutive minutes, was sufficient enough to drive her insane. She did not have to explain herself, and she certainly did not have to answer for some random stalker dude. She reached into her parasol and produced a small leather bound ball, which she immediately began tossing into the air. Once she was in a rhythm, she began to walk away from a less than desirable environment, tossing her ball higher and higher to see if she could still catch it. She said nothing, and only produced noises related to general walking. Though she was pleased with herself, she only granted a small smile in reward for catching the ball. It was a game she played with herself all too often, and she almost never dropped it. Somehow, it was repetitive, yet still more entertaining than some conversation. Gross.


Location: Town Square

Interaction: Markus, Whitney

Tags: Squad141 Squad141 Kazehana Kazehana

L u c a s

A c t i o n
"Oh, may that be so? You seem to portray a pleasant air, you'd be un-joli-couple aussi!"

With a sly grin played, Luke ran her hand through wavy locks of hair, causing bits of her fringe to remain pulled back. While her present amicability seemed to perceive Luke as someone not very attentive, perchance even arrogant over their line of work, Luke took note in everything that the man had done, from physical actions to manner of speaking. This served to be both a habit of hers, taking a likeness to psychology and the behavior of others, as well as the deduction involved in their job, with psychology and physical signs being key points to point out human behavior.

He seemed to have jerked back a little, was he daydreaming? Though within a short period of time, there is no way he could be daydreaming. His attention preceding was focused on the blonde, so how come he seemed to be in some daze? The connection between the two didn't make sense. It held little importance to her current conversation, however, so she made her attempts to ignore it for now. Lucas kept the thought in mind- was it simply a normal occurrence she had yet to experience for citizens of Deck?

"I do implore you to tell me your name-" Lucas started, thought appeared to be interested as the man's pupils seemed to focus on something distant. In a flash, the five of hearts fluttered to the ground, causing Luke's eyebrows to knit in confusion.

"Do... you want this?" the man asked.

To be offered a card all of a sudden, if anything that seemed very suspicious. While it could well just be her own paranoia, being offered a card that she has little knowledge of priorly existing, much less something that appeared to be behind her, seemed more like a threat than anything. Though it's sudden appearance had to have meant something. Within a small radius around her, Luke activated her nullification zone, a small zone that spanned a little over than 5 feet around her nothing big. Magic could not be activated within this zone, which was essentially a precautionary measure that she took. Magic was simply a sleight of hand for her in this matter, not depicting any signs of having activated it. Nonchalantly tapping the card he offered with the tip of their index finger, her other hand slung around to press against her own neck.

"Oh? And what may this be- I don't think I have any connection with a deck. Is this a magic trick of yours?"

R e l a t i o n s h i p s

Whitney Telula Foal:
"Quite the cutie! Unfortunately, I don't swing that way. I wonder what card she has up her sleeve?"

"Hmm... he's kind of weird, but at least he's cute. I don't recall carrying a card with me like that, except my own deck, and even so that deck is altered in a manner that I would be able to identify it in a heartbeat. I hold skeptibility that this is a trap- I do hope it isn't, or there's going to be blood on the ground~"

Code Inspired by Cecilia
He handed the card to the man in a sort of daze. Magic this strong hadn't been mentioned before, vans he'd never seen such tricks. The daze does down a bit, and the man had taken the card. "Oh... No, it wasn't s trick. This card literally appeared behind you...and..." Before he could finish the sentence he held up the Wild card he has found in his pocket. There was a VERY transparent stream coming from it. Following it, his eyes locked into what the stream of magic was connected to. Him. The card the stranger had taken didn't se to have one, which prompted Markus that he had a nullification spell up.

Alias: Whitney

Age: 25

Role: Joker

Race: Heart

Location: Town Square

Motive: Caterpillar

Tags: Squad141 Squad141 Entarriance Entarriance

Whitney had no intentions of indulging yet another person that seemed to come just for the sake of boring conversation. If she wanted to do that, she would go to just about anyone in the town and strike up a riveting conversation. Her boredom, albeit about 5 consecutive minutes, was sufficient enough to drive her insane. She did not have to explain herself, and she certainly did not have to answer for some random stalker dude. She reached into her parasol and produced a small leather bound ball, which she immediately began tossing into the air. Once she was in a rhythm, she began to walk away from a less than desirable environment, tossing her ball higher and higher to see if she could still catch it. She said nothing, and only produced noises related to general walking. Though she was pleased with herself, she only granted a small smile in reward for catching the ball. It was a game she played with herself all too often, and she almost never dropped it. Somehow, it was repetitive, yet still more entertaining than some conversation. Gross.
From behind him, the gril left, bouncing aball. The third playing drifted to the ground where she was. On it, was a Joker of Hearts. This surprised him, and he immediatley tnred to the other guy. "Hey, um, other than the whole magic card situation, wanna catch a Joker?"
Su blinked "Turned something invisible?" She walked over to where the queen was and ran her hand over the same spot but didn't feel anything. If the queen felt something then maybe....Her eyes turned serious now and she slowly started to walk around trying to figure out if someone had maybe snuck inside the castle. She then looked directly in one of the directions where she thought she heard something. She started to walk closer to the spot and was starting to sense a presence but then suddenly stopped when she heard voices coming down the hallway. She turned around to see the Jack of Hearts and Drevis.
uwupolice uwupolice
SecretRock SecretRock
Damafaud Damafaud
Lucian Vulpes
uwupolice uwupolice animegirl20 animegirl20
Leaning against the other wall now, Lucian started thinking again. The odds of him getting out of the castle without getting discovered were very slim now. Servants were on high alert after the ring thing, and now he was also cornered in this corridor. He could hear the two men coming as well. Better hope that they don't behead him for this.

"Yes, I'm invisible." He told the knight. He waited a second, then realised staying invisible would be rude, so he let himself fade into existence, colour flowing through him like a watercolour. He grinned and waved at the two women, looking as if he hadn't a care in the world.

Behind them, the monster has taken a shape. Lucian was actually really sick of them getting in the way of things like this. Couldn't they learn to wait until he was done with whatever he was doing. They could be very inconsiderate.

"Before you ask," Lucian started, looking between the two women, "I'm a sightseer. I didn't steal anything."
Su turned her head back around when she heard a voice. Then took a step back when the person showed himself. The moment he did she took out her bow and arrow and aimed at him. She kept stance even though he said he didn't steal anything. "Then why are you walking around here invisible? Why not show yourself earlier?" She then noticed his appearance, he was a diamond...but there was something else about him to that she couldn't quite figure out.​
SecretRock SecretRock

Lucian- Hostile
Queen Alaias- Questioning

Tag: uwupolice uwupolice Squad141 Squad141 animegirl20 animegirl20 SecretRock SecretRock

His face was grim with determination. A penknife twirled dangerously on his free hand. Drevis pushed the door in front of him with his right hand, careful not to let the tray it supported to fall. The wooden door opened smoothly as a well maintained door should be. Drevis watched Lucian with a cautious eye. Someone who can pass the guards should not be taken easily. He saw the knight drawing her bow. A move deemed unwise remembering their indoor situation.

The intruder pleaded his case as a sightseer. Ridiculous.

" Would not a sightseer enter through the door and invited by the host? Come without an invitation and go without an escort, that is how I would describe an intruder. "

Drevis changed the position of the tray. He held it like one would hold a flying disc, the tip pinched by fingers at both side. His attention turned to Queen Elaias as he kept his eyes on Lucian.

" Your Ladyship, pardon me for my bluntness, but do you not know the whereabouts of your precious ring? The absence of it from your throne concerns me. "

MOOD : ??? > :neutralteeth:
TAGS : SecretRock SecretRock animegirl20 animegirl20 Damafaud Damafaud @CocoForRealz


The Queen was worried that Su would think her crazy, chewing on her lip. Fortunately, the taller woman took this seriously, probably more seriously than her. "I don't think its that worrisome..?" She furrowed her eyebrows in confusion, following close behind her subject.

She must think it could be the thief.. but that doesn't make sense! The thief wouldn't stick around for this long..

Elaia hummed and merely felt around the air with Su, this carrying on for a few moments until a voice broke through the air. A male voice at that. It didn't sound anything near to Drevis or Jack.

The Queen whirled around to face a dark haired Diamond. A look of surprise and confusion crossed her features, ogling at him. He's the same race as hers, but she had never met or seen him.
She let his words process in her brain, her knight going off on him also, pulling out her weapon.

"Excuse me." Elaia cleared her throat, stepping in between Su and the newcomer. "I know you are trying to protect me, but I wouldn't automatically assume he's up to ill intentions! So please lower your bow and arrow please."

And almost on que, Drevis and the Jack halted, looking as if they ran all the way here. The said butler then poured out more accusations towards the fellow Diamond.

"Drevis dear, please lower your tray. No violence will ensue in my palace..." She trailed off, mumbling something quieter. "...Unless I get to wrestle with somebody-"

Trying to become Queen-like once more, she straightened up and smoothed down the skirt of her dress. But that attempt failed as he mentioned her ring. Biting her lip, she drooped slightly.

"Someone stole it.." She murmured like a child who had her toy taken away from her.

code by pasta

Lucian- Hostile
Queen Alaias- Questioning
Tag: uwupolice uwupolice Squad141 Squad141 animegirl20 animegirl20 SecretRock SecretRock

When the queen muttered that her ring was stolen, Drevis cursed the day he applied as a butler and not as a treasurer or advisor. Almost all the staffs danced under the carefree finger of the queen and while it was a good sign of obedience and loyalty, it also meant that no one would warn her about her carelessness and lacking.

" Really, your ladyship? And I suppose that letting an intruder free on the day of the larceny is a good idea? Forgive me, my lady. But as it was stated in my contract, I am free to disobey an order I deem to be a risk the safety and stability of the kingdom. "

Drevis hated to scold his employer, but if he didn't take firm step soon, even the most notable criminal would be allowed to stroll inside the palace under the guise of sightseeing. Without letting the intruder out of view, the butler slowly plucked a rose from his uniform before he threw it behind him. A red barrier sprung from the rose, making escape through the door impossible.

" Lady Su, is it not? I must ask you to withdrew your weapon. Arrows tend to be unreliable in confined spaces such as this hallway."
Lucian Vulpes
uwupolice uwupolice animegirl20 animegirl20 Damafaud Damafaud
About to defend himself to the waiter and the Jack, the Queen stepped in instead. As much as he was one to fight his own battles, Lucian wasn't going to decline kind words from a royal. He appreciated that she was willing to defend a very suspect stranger, even if it wasn't the smartest thing to do in this situation. Sometimes emotions were more reliable than logic anyway. It was hard to tell if the logical action was the best action when magic could be involved. It was hard to tell what the logical action was when magic was involved.

"Ooh, drama!" One of the voices told him as the Queen admitted that her ring had been stolen. "You stole it." Another informed him, despite Lucian knowing that he hadn't. He'd be aware of it if he had most likely.

He turned his attention back to the waiter as he spoke again, attacking at Lucian again. Lucian placed a hand over his heart and assumed a very hurt expression at the obvious distrust the man showed him. Couldn't an unknown man just invisibly wander around a royal castle on the day of a theft without- no, Lucian wouldn't trust himself either. The monster took a step forward, shadow splaying out under its foot like some viscous goo. Lucian turned to the waiter.

"I understand why you don't trust me, and I admire it, even. If it will help to ease your mind, I will let you empty my pockets." Lucian offered, spreading his palms in a peaceful gesture.
The Watcher watched the ordeal happen in front of her. This pointless banter would only drive another nail in the coffin of Deck. She stepped in front of the small group. Her eyes were a cold, black color with white outsides. Her hair was very straight, and stretched in front and behind shoulders. She wore a white dress with long sleeves. And had a very straight back. "Monarchs. Jokers. Citizens. This pointless banter is nothing important. I have not walked from my room for many years, but something has come up. Darkness is coming. The oncoming storm approaches, and only few can stop it. I know the ones that can save us, but you must allow me to reveal this information, as per royal position."
uwupolice uwupolice SecretRock SecretRock Kazehana Kazehana animegirl20 animegirl20 Damafaud Damafaud @CocoForRealz Entarriance Entarriance
She watched as Drevis walked up, he seem to not trust this intruder either. She kept her aim and didn't move and inch that is until the Queen order them to put down their weapons. "But your highness he snuck in here he must want something." She didn't her weapon down right away not until Drevis made a comment about it. "Fine." Even though she did lower her weapon she still had it ready just incase. Her attention then went to the Watcher and the moment she said joker Su raised her eyebrow and looked towards the Diamond man. "Joker huh?" She said to herself. She was to do something but thought that this wasn't the best time seeing as the Watcher had something important to say. But she did give him a hard glare before looking away.
Squad141 Squad141
SecretRock SecretRock
Damafaud Damafaud
uwupolice uwupolice

MOOD : :specialeyes: > ???
TAGS : SecretRock SecretRock animegirl20 animegirl20 Damafaud Damafaud @CocoForRealz


The aqua haired royalty twiddled with her heads and nodded slowly. "Well.. You do have a point Drevis- But why would the thief still be on the grounds? If he had any ill intentions, he would've done it already or wouldn't even had revealed himself." She offered, respecting her wiser butler.

Although, it did worry her. If her own staff thought her to be unfit as Queen, what would become of her? She knew she had to step up, but how? She had caused no wars with other kingdoms, nor has she treated her subjects terribly. Her mind continuing to reel with negative thoughts, the once invisible man spoke up again. Snapping back to reality, she heard him offer to empty his pockets.
"Thank you.. ur. whats your name?" She asked the Diamond, unaware of the woman approaching them.

"Monarchs. Jokers. Citizens."

Elaia turned to face the woman, it turning out to be the Watcher.

Her blue eyes widened at the sight of the woman. The last time she came out was when her mother died.

The importance of her being here began to settle in, becoming poised and serious now. It was a dire change compared to her childish, excitable self.
"Darkness...?" She trailed off, curiousness and worry swimming into her gaze. "Yes, please explain Miss. I am all ears." She curtsied.

code by pasta
Lucian Vulpes
uwupolice uwupolice animegirl20 animegirl20 Damafaud Damafaud Squad141 Squad141
"Hmph, as if you have reason for everything you do," He turned his nose up at the woman with the bow, then turned his attention to the Watcher. He knew absolutely nothing about the woman, her intentions, or her powers, but it seemed like it would be a good idea to listen. The Queen was doing so, so this woman must be important. Even as he tried to pay attention, he didn't miss the dirty look the woman with the bow shot him. What had he done to cause her such offence? He hadn't taken anything, threatened anyone, and he'd been nothing but complaint after revealing himself, which he didn't have to do, as Her Majesty had pointed out. he only really started listening at the mention of the 'oncoming storm'.

"I wouldn't mind hearing this," Lucian agreed as the shadow inched forward again. He frowned at it. He would have to deal with that soon, but it didn't seem like the right time for it right now. Some of those stupid voices felt like they needed to be heard as well, which was making focusing a little more difficult than he would have liked, but he could struggle through. He had done for most of his life, so this wasn't really that different.

Well it was different, but he wasn't going to let the hateful and possibly murderous feelings of half the people near him ruin his good time. If he let people get to him then he wouldn't have fun doing anything really. Yes, this was there home, and he felt a little guilty, but they were the ones making a big deal out of everything. If things had gone according to his plan, he wouldn't even be here right now. Alas, he was, so he was going to have to deal with it.
"Thank you, your majesty." Said Watcher.She then closed her eyes, and said, "I hope you remember that I cannot tell you directly about the future, but only bits and pieces. This time, is comes with a gift." She opens her eyes. "A being of dark power looms across deck. We may just pray to our gods, and run for our lives, or even try to fight with armies of great number, but nothing will prevail. There is a group of people in Deck, that are fit out for this job. You must gather them." A Deck of cards suddenly appeared in Watchers hands. No one really knew what species she was, but some say she is all four. "Listen closely. You must find these heros of our land." As She listed off the names, playing cards floated in the air around her.

1. The Club that's knighthood helps her in accuracy ( animegirl20 animegirl20 ) The Two Of Clubs
2. The Jack that rules with swords of gold (@CocoForRealz ) The Jack of Hearts
3. The Heart that serves his Rulers with force ( Damafaud Damafaud ) The Two of Hearts
4. The Joker that bends the world for fun ( Kazehana Kazehana ) Joker of Hearts
5. The Spade that shoots for the soul ( Squad141 Squad141 ) The Three of Clubs (There seems to be a Three of Hearts glued to the back)
6. The Diamond that rules with joy and glee ( uwupolice uwupolice ) The Queen of Diamonds
7. The Joker of many selves and voices ( SecretRock SecretRock ) Joker of Diamonds
8. The Club that pretends ( Entarriance Entarriance ) The Four of Clubs (There seems to be a Four of Hearts glues to the back)

Watcher finsihed the list, and ended the conversation with, "Only those Eight can save Deck, but you must find them yourself. I will be staying up here and outside my room until this subsides. I hope you enjoy my company."

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