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Fantasy Royal Flush


Queen Alaias
Tag: uwupolice uwupolice Squad141 Squad141 animegirl20 animegirl20 SecretRock SecretRock @Kazehana Entarriance Entarriance
....did he hit the wrong button again? Was he too blunt in relaying what he meant? He must have woken up on the wrong side of the bed today. Everything he did seems to make matter worse. Perhaps it was his own fault. He shouldn't try to lead at the first place. That was the reason he didn't apply for a job with higher stature. He can work efficiently, but to lead?

Drevis ducked when a crow flew close to his head. He sighed as smoke blasted from where the...woman? Yes, he is sure now. The made up accent was almost perfect, but something in it seemed superficial. Why did everyone seems intent to make more work for the staff? The ceiling would be stained with smoke and the floor should be polished once more. Drevis saw the woman disappear behind the smoke, but she was not of his concern at the moment. He would only make situation worse anyway.

The crows were starting to fly away, but he had enough of the chaos. Drevis drew a knife from his sleeve and threw it at a crow flying
past the burning table. The crow was hit with a satisfying caw before it stopped moving as it was pinned against the wall. Drevis threw knife after knife, hitting every crow he can. Two of them escaped through an open window before he can hit them, but it doesn't matter. The room was soon silent from cawing.
Jack gave Su a weird sort of look and smiled. "Overstep your station all you want, right now, as far as I know, we're all equals now." He turned to face the joker girl to explain what had happened previously, but was suddenly interrupted as he was teleported into the throne room. He twirled around, looking wildly for the culprit before he saw the Watcher. With her perfectly shaped black hair, and her cold eyes, she looked young and old at the same time. Jack racked his mind for the perfect word to describe her. He snapped his fingers when he got it.
Ageless. The watcher looked ageless. It scared him trying to guess how old she probably was, or how she came to be. The watcher was just as much a mystery as the evil she prophesied. Jack decided he would be alert around her. Besides, if the evil could possess her, what makes them sure, it's not been controlling her this whole time.
Jacked rested his hands on his swords and silently created an invisible force field around himself.

Alias: Whitney

Age: 25

Role: Joker

Race: Heart

Location: Castle Hall

Motive: Leaving

Tags: mkuchiha mkuchiha animegirl20 animegirl20

She frowned at his explanation, quite perplexed by whatever it might be that he was referring to. Perhaps he was a bit loony, but she tried not to judge people for that. The arrival of another person gave her more pause, though she tried not to acknowledge it. "Do you need to talk with someone? It seems as though you have a lot of issues to sort through," she replied in a rather ambiguous tone. Of course, she personally knew a few crazy people, but they could get by through conversation. Perhaps all he needed was a good long talk with someone that cared. Of course, that was not her, for she had better things to do. At almost all times during this encounter, she was thinking of hills with wildflowers she could frolic across as he hummed a tune along her way. But none of that was possible while she was stuck here. With them. "But at any rate, I'm fairly certain I'm under no obligation to stay here and deal with... whatever this is you keep referring to," she added, genuinely believing so. She had heard none of the 'prophecy' considering she wasn't even in the room when all of it happened, so what else beside the rather atrocious party would keep her? There wasn't even a cake.

The entire time, she did not react to the smoke and ravens, or even acknowledge their existence.

L u c a s

A c t i o n
"Aw, you listen! Well, private investigator is a cute little nickname I like to give myself. Once and a while some pretty lass comes running up in tears about her necklace getting stolen, or sometimes a gone-astray sales deal."

Using the now-cleared skewer provided with the street kebab, Lucas freely jabbed it into a bit of Lucian's own food, bringing it to her own mouth as she paused to think about her next choice of words. While it wasn't something that was particularly obvious, his small fidgets and movements made it clear to Lucas that he was certainly observant. Occasionally his eyes darted about, as if looking for something, or scouting the area around him. There were critical stares directed their way, that or a lack, so apparently his semblance as a 'Joker' was either well-known or simply something sensed. Was that something that Lucas lacked? Or maybe they haven't been sleuthing around enough to know otherwise.

"Well, you know how the world works. Whoever's got all the information has all the reigns. And it certainly interests yours' truly!"

As charming as the man was, she wasn't going to spout off her life story all of a sudden, but at least enough where it seemed plausible for her to be the way that she was. Often throughout her life, she was also misinterpreted as a Joker, acting far more eccentrically than most, mixed in with pathological lying and a bit of an identity blur. Though it wasn't like it was an awfully large surprise to her, it was more of a compliment if anything.

"Hm, a disregard for rules and living in their own reality... Deck has an awfully vague definition. Is it dictating that only those with significant magical talent who don't follow rules are Jokers? Aah, what a quizzical Kingdom!"

Raising both her arms above her head, she yawned as she partially spun on her heels, off to go with the flow of the crowd again. Promply teaching out and tugging him a few times by the sleeve, she slipped back into the flow of the crowd of people, far ready for a pleasant walk with food. There wasn't exactly a romantic sunset or a river nearby, but this will surely do for now.

"You definitely make a point, the people around here can be awfully, prosaic. It's boring! Well, this whole magical crusade to stop storms and the Darkness sure seems interesting and all, but something always drew the wrong hand with me when it came to "fate". The Queen's quite a pretty lass, though I was never far too fond of her as a ruler. Certainly a powerful leader, just never really played the right set with me, you know?"

Taking a conversation into the more "shady" cases that she's dealt with definitely seems a little too exposing, so Lucas strayed as far as she could from bringing that up. All he needed to know was that she was an investigator, to a degree, and it definitely was fun for her to exploit people, whether it be of a crime or of their weaknesses. Unfortunately, their date appeared to cut short as she suddenly found herself walking forward in a palace hallway. Unphazedly, she spun her body to look towards the perpetrator, being some strange, heavily chanted young woman, otherwise the "Watcher." Raising her brow, she appeared more irritated if anything at having her date ruined, especially after executing such a pleasant diversion.

"... rude. Well, Lulu, hopefully they'll be another opportunity for a candlelit dinner!"

Fiddling with the wooden skewer in her hands, she quickly flung it downwards. Strangely enough, despite it being wood, the skewer shattered into small glass fragments, which bounced off of the palace floors, heading towards the group (aside from Lucian) at a dangerously increasing speed. With that occurring, Lucas vanished just as quickly as she appeared, back at an alleyway. The alleyway eeerily empty, and it was obvious that certainly something was wrong. If it was the Darkness that Lucian so mentioned, well, Lucas has yet to experience it with her own two eyes! For now, a nullification zone was set around her body, hopefully negating the effects of being forcibly summoned.

R e l a t i o n s h i p s

Whitney Telula Foal:
"Scratch that, how the hell is she still here? If anything she'd probably slam pie into someones face and make a run for it, what's keeping her here? Is she actually kind of interested in this weird prophetic fate thing? Is she being held here by her will? Ooh, how much is she being paid?"

"You're a White Knight here who reeks of comic protagonist, DO SOMETHING. "

"If I ask him to get me a coffee, would he do it? One sugar cube and cream?"

Lucian Vulpes:
"He's, certainly a sharp individual. I wonder what pushes his buttons, and hopefully I get to be there to see it. From his definition of Jokers, I can deduce that's also some description of himself? Kinky. Well, he's observant enough to definitely have some sort of Ace up his sleeve."

Jack of Hearts:
"Correction, he reeks of comic protagonist. I really want to see some cat-dog fight over who's the leader with him and the red haired lass."

"Down, girl! Sit! Staayy..."

"This asshole just ruined my date. Excuse me, I'm sorry I can score a guy during a critical apocalyptic era faster than you can, honey."

Code Inspired by Cecilia
(Your posts are so entertaining to read. Your character is so fleshed out and detailed.)
Lucian Vulpes
Entarriance Entarriance Squad141 Squad141 Damafaud Damafaud Kazehana Kazehana animegirl20 animegirl20 uwupolice uwupolice mkuchiha mkuchiha
Lucian slowly ate his own food as he listened to Lucas, inserting "Interesting," and "Seems fair," and other comments where they seem appropriate. It was rather interesting. He'd never met any kind of investigator or enforcer, though that second word may not be the best to describe Lucas. She hadn't said what she did once she figured out who did the crime. While he wasn't really plugged into the news, he'd never really heard of anyone getting arrested over a necklace. Maybe he needed to start paying more attention. He walked with her, picking at bits of his food.

And then they were in the castle. The throne room, if the large chair at one end was anything to go by. Everyone else seemed to be here, so either they were all down for the quest, or they'd all been teleported too. The Watcher was stood with them, of course she was, but some of the other people looked as confused and annoyed that he felt. He really could have done with getting some sauce for his food before they were teleported away. Ah well, it was nice enough without it.

"Hopefully," Lucian agreed with Lucas, then watched her disappear. She seemed nice enough, and she had a cynical mind, which was always good. She was also creative, the ravens and glass shard showed that much. He looked around a little more, counting who was here.

"So was I moved for a reason, or do you just get some kind of power trip from this?" He asked the Watcher.

Alias: Whitney

Age: 25

Role: Joker

Race: Heart

Location: Castle Hall --> Throne room

Motive: To leave

Tags: Squad141 Squad141 uwupolice uwupolice Damafaud Damafaud SecretRock SecretRock Entarriance Entarriance animegirl20 animegirl20 mkuchiha mkuchiha

Whitney was just preparing to leave the entire situation, midsentence and all. In fact, she had already begun to inch away in hopes of disappearing while he talked with the woman. Her eyes shifted back and forth as she held an emotionless expression as if that made her somehow more stealthy. Given how preoccupied they seemed, it wouldn't be too hard in her opinion.

She successfully teleported, though not on her own accord. The uncertainty of where she landed alarmed her considering she hadn't been the one to initiate the ordeal. As far as she was concerned, she had been in control of herself for quite a few years, so having a random warp was only a distant memory. That and she hadn't gone through the same steps as if she did it. No, this didn't involve it at all, which was nice for a change. It was annoying to deal with.

Looking around, she saw an even worse party than before, but with the same people. How they could have outdone themselves from the last time was beyond her, but she was impressed that they could be even more boring than they'd let on.

"So let me get this straight. You keep gathering people, then expect them to do... what?" she asked no one in particular. She glanced around, but had no patience to deal with this a second go-round. "Well anyway, it was fun but I really must be going. Have some... responsibilities to attend to or whatever," she added just before he began to search for the exit. It didn't matter to her the credibility of her pathetic excuse that she did not care to try to make convincing.

With haste, she found a window and looked for a way to open it. It didn't matter to her if she had to break it; she would be free of this nightmare of a 'get-together'. If they were trying to kill her with monochromatic flair, they were very good at their jobs. Perhaps some of them were cut out to be executioners instead. She tapped the glass with her parasol, testing out different areas of the pane for no particular reason. "Now if only I had an orange. That would do it," she mumbled to herself, suddenly unaware that she could retrieve one at any time.

She glanced back at the others, who were obviously anxious about something. Perhaps the main event was about to arrive and bore them all to death. Perhaps it was a long treaty or classic literature or something of the sort. She shuddered just thinking about it. With renewed motivation, she smashed the glass with her parasol, watching the glass reflect the light as it shattered and fell to the floor. She hauled herself into the window frame, holding herself by the walls as she turned herself around.

She smiled with joyful glee as she began her departure speech. "Well, I would say it was fun, but uh...... Yeahhh....." and with that, she leaned backwards and fell out of the castle's window, letting herself fall a short distance before opening her parasol. Once she did, she clung tight to its handle and let it whisk her away on the breeze. "Yahoo!" she cheered gleefully as the sunshine hit her skin and the breeze brushed her hair.
The Watcher sighed, as none of these people seemed a all interested at SAVING THEIR OWN GOD**** LIVES. Okay, calm down. No Need For That. Obviously, she would need to give a reason for these people to work together, so she... Wait. Something was wrong. Every minute of every hour of every day of every week she monitored the stats of every citizen in Deck. Most of the time they were fine, but at the moment, one was off. He felt EXTREMELY happy, but at the same time, EXTREMELY scared. She knew the feeling that's the feeling she got when she had been possessed. Suddenly, a girl had h same emotions. Then another man, pretty soon, more than half of the population of the town below had been.... "infected" by whatever was going on. She ran to the window the joker had just out of, and saw a LARGE crowd of people all ages, purple mist drifting off them, and their smiles un-breaking.

This was bad. In the crowd, she saw a guard slowly get up from the ground, and smile as he grabbed his other, and they began to unlatch the doors to the castle. The Throne room was on the third floor. And the entire circling the Palace was on their way up here. She screamed mentally to everyone that NEEDED to be in this room, and began to run around, panicking. Then she remembered something. The King had issued a warning that if the Palace was to ever be intruded upon, that behind his throne lay the Goner, a platform that would bring as many people as possible to the SAFE Haven away from the Palace grounds. She silently checked. The Cesters were on the first floor.


Squad141 Squad141 uwupolice uwupolice Damafaud Damafaud SecretRock SecretRock Entarriance Entarriance animegirl20 animegirl20 mkuchiha mkuchiha Kazehana Kazehana
Markus looked up as the sky was temporarily drained as a cloud rolled over the sun. Then, as the Watcher cautiously stepped to the window, and looked down in a face of horror (or as much horror as one can have with a face of stone). She touched her temple, and looked as if she was seeing something below. Her head moved a bit to the right, and she began to watch something move, then she started running. She ran over to the man in the green cardigan-evidently named George-and whisper screamed something to him. "The throne. Open the room. Their coming." She then began to run up to everyone else, and yell something about...Cesters? Is that what she was saying. He flipped his hood up if something bad happened, and wthced as George began prying the edges of the Kings throne. He decided that if the calmest person in the the Land was panicked, than helping her escape from these "Cesters" was prbabaly a good idea, as he helped the man slowly open the throne.
Lucian Vulpes
Squad141 Squad141 uwupolice uwupolice Kazehana Kazehana mkuchiha mkuchiha Entarriance Entarriance Damafaud Damafaud animegirl20 animegirl20
Tipping what was left of his food into his mouth, Lucian sat on one of the windowsills, glancing quickly at the blue glowing whatever before glaring at the Watcher and whatever she was doing. She was freaking out, big whoop. He had agreed to do this, but damn was he regretting that now. The Queen was a nice lady, but the waiter and the knight hated him, the Water was intent on being vague and mysterious, and really he could be doing other things instead of watching her trying to tear into a chair with her hands. He dropped the plate his food came on to the floor and stood. He held his hand out to the window and a large, see through circle appeared in the iron. He looked out at the plant-ified crowds below. The sight was actually kind of ridiculous.

"So, is anyone going to tell me what's going on?" He asked, "Do I have to guess or are we supposed to go on blind faith?" He leaned closer to his little window, gazing out of it.

Alias: Whitney

Age: 25

Role: Joker

Race: Heart

Location: Throne room

Motive: To leave

Tags: Squad141 Squad141 uwupolice uwupolice Damafaud Damafaud SecretRock SecretRock Entarriance Entarriance animegirl20 animegirl20 mkuchiha mkuchiha

The hair that fell around her shoulders dragged her along as if they couldn't stand to abide by her own velocity. The handle swayed back and forth relative to its canopy as she rocked alongside her parasol. Her trajectory currently favored a landing site nearest the edge of the town square, but she wasn't inclined towards judging physics. However, an unknown coil placed itself around her, preventing her voyage. Her face scowled in reply, and in turn widened in surprise when she was retracted through the airspace she recently left unoccupied. By the moment she ascertained its origins, she was already back into the hole that promised her only misery.

"How about we let the girl move on with her life, eh? I much prefer a scenario in which she is allowed to pursue her goals," she cried, threatened by the loss of control over how own destiny. Instead of doing whatever it was she was ordered, she began to search instead. "I'm sure there's a waypoint in here. I'll be damned if it doesn't reveal itself before I go absolutely mad," she mumbled to herself, still in search. Abandoning the fruitless window escapade, she moved on to escaping the old fashioned way. If she couldn't leave the palace through conventional means, she would just have to navigate its halls until she received satisfaction. The nearby hall seemed promising, allowing her to duck out and peruse on her own.
The Theone had been moved apart from the wall, revealing a musty old wooden door. Markus smiled while breathing heavily, happy that getting this ANNOYING price of stone out of the way. He hoped this would be sufficient to the Watchers needs. Though he was a bit concerned for what would happen once the iron broke. He heard a clang as the doors broke, pushing through the barrier.

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