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Fantasy Royal Flush


The Purple Soul
Roleplay Availability
Roleplay Type(s)
In a land forgotten by many, even time itself, there lies the kingdom of Deck.

The kingdom itself is vast, covering most of the huge island it sits on. The borders are marked by four large cement walls, with letters representing which direction they are facing.

A castle sits in the center, surrounded by multiple large villages and farmlands.

But something is wrong.

JOKERS, who are the most wanted criminals in the land, are planning something. This something has to do with the four royal monarchs. But even the most unlikely citizens of Deck could help stop this from happening.

Will you?

Character Creation: https://www.rpnation.com/threads/royal-flush-character-creation.325043/#post-7721903

Out Of Character: https://www.rpnation.com/threads/royal-flush-ooc.326878/
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Jack of Hearts was bored. Awfully bored. Today had been relatively uneventful. He had gone through his morning routine relatively quickly, and so when noon came about, he had nothing to do. He swung his sword at imaginary enemies and sighed. Oh how he wished he had someone to spar with. He ducked to the ground, dodging an imaginary enemies blade and sprung back up, knocking his enemy off balance. Before his enemy could get back up, his sword was already at it's imaginary neck. After a moment of just pointing at the ground with his sword, Jack smirked and sheathed it in a smooth motion.
He wiped his messy hair in some sort of direction, until he felt he was presentable enough and exited the room he was in, in search of something fun to do.

Every morning Su would get up make her rounds and then head out to the forest to her secret spot. She found when she was young. She would go there to be alone and practice her archery and combat skills. It was beautiful place it had a lake and soft green grass and trees surrounding it. She had a targets placed around on the trees where she would practice. That was where she was now in her secret place perfecting her archery. Luckily no one else had ever stumbled across this place yet.
Markus next to a tree in his practice spot. He had been there all morning, practicing his acrhery skills, and decided to use his mothers new "special" arrow. He had shot it at a tree, but instead of stabbing and staying in it, th arrow seemed to be absorbed by it, but immediately after flew down to his feet. The arrow had taken he essence of the tree, and turned into the "Ace of Life" card. He had yet to test it on a human.

Alias: Whitney

Age: 25

Role: Joker

Race: Heart

Location: Club Palace --> Town Square

Motive: Grand Larceny

Whitney's eyes rounded the corner of the corridor in which she had already spent too much time. Granted it was only a few seconds of no activity, but that was far too much for the vivacious heart. She performed a sort of tumble to the other end of the opening that T'd into her path. It's only sort of because she didn't make it all the way and had to crawl the rest of the way. But no matter! She was still well on her way to achieving her goals. A smile crept up upon her face as she imagined finally accomplishing something on purpose. Looking forward, she saw no reason to keep stalking about and made a break for it. Her hair fluttered behind her as she pumped her arms down the hall, avoiding the decor and vases that lined the hall lest she give away her position. It almost felt like a child's game, or at least a really pampered, spoiled one. She giggled like a child as she passed through doors both opened and closed. One such room housed multiple guards, who immediately relieved themselves of their break to pursue the intruder. As they shouted and ran after her, she giggled even more, quite believing her power of positive thinking into roping them into a game with her. Still weaving passed various side passages along the larger hall, she occasionally glanced back to make sure they were still on her tail. Her jubilant disposition only heightened as she saw more and more joining in on the fun. Some veered off, giving her slight pause. But what was the fun in a game if there was no challenge anyway? Bring it on!

Without giving it much thought, she simply veered into whatever direction she felt like going. It didn't take the guards very long to surround her though, cutting off her previously numerous possibilities. Without skipping a beat, she turned right into a storage closet, pleasing the guards in their efforts to stall her long enough for her capture. Once they arrived behind her, they swung the door open and glanced around, happy for a moment before she realized she wasn't even there. Bamboozled, they searched high and low, but found no trace of her.

Meanwhile, Whitney emerged into the currently empty throne room where no guards were stationed due to the whole fiasco. Humming lightly to herself, she skipped up to the twin thrones and the pedestal betwixt them holding the monarch items. It wasn't exactly the safest method of displaying them, but it was quite necessarily tradition that screwed the pooch on this one. Whitney was not much of a fan for the king, but admired a queen in a position of power. Well, past tense power. Whitney took the ring and put it on her left hand, holding it up to the light of the window in amazement. "Oh golly me, this sure is pretty! No wonder they keep it displayed to taunt the villagers." Then, as if her debauchery was not quite yet over, she sat on the king's throne, which was slightly larger to indicate his 'power' like whatever. She made only a few poses before a few guards came back and spotted her. They shouted some things at her, but she didn't really care. Instead, she vaulted out of the window and onto the roof beyond. She ran along the shingles until she reached a tower with another window. Once there, she leapt into the window just ahead of the guards.

Now that she was safely leaving the smithy in the town square, she merely continued about her business of scanning the wares of the local shops. The ring was safely tucked away somewhere she hoped no one would look. It only took a moment's satisfaction for her job well done before she was off to another store that sold pastries. She deserved some, after all. That was a lot of fun- hard work! With pastry in hand, she continued to mill about as she took occasional bites of her delicious sweets.
His morning, as usual, started with the daily task of checking the meal for the day. Despite the giggling and small talks he overheard in the hall, the kitchen is eerily quiet as he entered. Kitchen girls stared mutely at their station, whether it was in front of the oven or over a bubbling pot. The scullions scrubbed the floor intensely, refusing to stare his eyes. The cook told him that the tea won't be ready for breakfast over an accident, but he assured him that meals will be served as usual for lunch and tea. Drevis sighed inwardly, but thank the stout man before leaving for his young master's chamber with a cup of wine.

The chamberlain was making the bed when he entered into the otherwise empty room. The young master was up early, it seemed. Drevis put the cup on a small table before he went to the wash room, occupying himself with the condition of linens and whether new sheets should be bought.

The sun was high on the sky when the lunch was almost ready. Drevis had been waiting in the hall near the training hall patiently when the door open, revealing his young master, the Jack of Hearts.

" Finished with your training, my lord? "

His left hand was occupied by a silver tray, carrying a wet towel and a bottle of ointment. His master never touch the ointment, but the towel always come with the small bottle nonetheless.

" Lunch will be served soon in the great hall. It is merely a suggestion, but a sparring partner will do some good for your training, my lord. Perhaps I should ask one of the squire to amuse you? "

mkuchiha mkuchiha
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Markus sighed. Sure, being a rebel and vigilante of the most peaceful species of people in Deck was fine, but it was boring. His village even sat RIGHT NEXT to the palace, but rarely did something happen. He sighed once more, and decided to resign from training. His folded inside out into a green travelers cloak, while his silver became shorter and browner. He put his glasses on, and decided he was hungry. He walked through town for a while, and found Grannies, the best pastry shop in town. He walked in.

Kazehana Kazehana
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Jack skidded to a halt when he rounded the hall to find Drevis standing in front of him, silver tray and towels on hand like always. Drevis always creeped him out a bit, though he would never say. Firstly, he was a Heart, the same race as him, and Hearts were very rare. So rare, he could count on one hand the Hearts he had seen in his entire lifetime. Secondly, Drevis was talented, way too talented to be working as a butler and waiting on people. He had seen what Drevis could do with knives, and coupled with the powerful magic that all Hearts were capable of doing, it scared him what damage he could do if he wanted to.
He snapped out of his musings, to answer his question, "Yes, Drevis and as usual it was very boring without a partner."

Jack plucked a towel from his tray and wiped his face with it. "A sparring partner would be great, thanks Drevis."

Damafaud Damafaud

Alias: Whitney

Age: 25

Role: Joker

Race: Heart

Location: Town Square

Motive: ???

Tags: Squad141 Squad141

Whitney enjoyed faffing about, never accomplishing anything too productive. In fact, after a minute or two of darting about, she was locked into a conversation with the store proprietor. "Oh by the way," she began, completely changing the subject as always, "did you hear that the palace got like, totally robbed? I heard that they're trying to keep it quiet, but rumor is that the queen's ring was stolen, even under the heavy guard! Isn't that just the news of the day?" she asked rhetorically, the shop owner in shock. "How can you be so sure? Who told you this?" the lady asked in return, not sure how to process the incredulous accusation. Whitney frowned slightly, then shrugged. "I just overheard it on my way in. But even if it isn't true, it sure is wild to think about, isn't it? Besides, I'm sure we'll find out soon enough! We'll see if anyone sees it on her finger in the near future." Whitney was, of course, purposefully starting the rumor because she wanted an uproar. If the guards really did keep it quiet, that was no fun for her at all. It would be much more amusing if the people threw themselves into a frenzy. Oh the chaos!

She bid her cheery farewell to the owner, then was on her merry way. As she hummed a light tune to herself, she drew forth a smile of the events she foreshadowed herself. The green that surrounded her was quite revolting, and she was no longer interested in staying. She had what she wanted, and it was time to skip town to more favorable pastures. As she stepped outside, she paused briefly to blink a few times in adjustment to the harsh sunlight. As if these people weren't dull enough, they had to make their buildings dull too. With her pastry now officially gone, she clasped her hands behind her back and began to make her way directly out of town, now no longer distracted by the antiquities of the region.

A lump was noticeable in the tangle of white and blue linens
of the Queens' bed. A drooling figure was sprawled in said blankets, her aqua blue hair a complete disaster of tangles. The Royal Advisor entering couldn't help but hold back a snicker at the... Queens 'graceful' appearance.

The Queen stirring, he straightened up and pressed his lips into a straight line. Waiting for a few more minutes, the Sleeping Beauty didn't rise. The Royal Advisor cleared his throat and shifted his gaze to her body awkwardly.
Silence for a few moments more..

"Your highness" He finally burst, hands tucked behind his back.

The small figure then jolted up, panic in her sleepy gaze. "Im up!" She shouted, flailing. The Royal Advisor laughed softly at the young monarch, watching as she attempted to wipe away the dried drool on her cheek. "Yes, I apologize for the intrusion Queen Elaia." He said, bowing low.
"Oh its fine. Did I sleep in again?" Elaia asked, scratching her head.

Thats when the advisor began to tense up, his adams apple bobbing as he glanced the other way. "No, no Your Highness.." He trailed off, gathering Elaias curiousity. "Is everything alright Ray?" She asked in a worried whisper, stepping out of her bed.

"Well you see-" He gulped, beads of sweat beginning to form around his hairline. "It looks as if your ring has been stolen- I'll be leaving now. If you need me I'll be-" He garbled hurriedly, rushing out of her room with a slam.

Now, the short female stood in silence, slowly processing. After the processing, she tried to calm herself. But it was too late, the tips of her ears turning scarlet. "mY RING?! NO ONE TAKES MY RING. THIS IS- THIS IS-- A CRIME!" She yelled, not one to do well with sharing. "GUARDS! SEND TROOPS OUT TO SEARCH THE KINGDOM UP AND DOWN. ADVISOR, DRAW ME UP A CARRIAGE. I'M GOING TO THE HEART KINGDOM."

In the hallway, everyone began rushing to and fro in a panic, cringing at the sound of their leaders screams of orders..

Queen of Hearts \ Elaia Lennox


click second

blissful > inFURIATED

code by pasta
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Markus stood next to the entrance way of Grannies Pastries. Once more, he sighed. Something GREAT was happening somewhere in the world, and here he was, stuck as a small criminal catcher. Th criminals were usually usually young kids, anyway. This town never had any real crime. Then he perked up as he heard a voice. A woman to be exact, talking about the queens RING being stolen. He turned as the girl left. She seemed happy about this. A little to happy. Markus began to follow behind her.

Kazehana Kazehana
Lucian Vulpes
uwupolice uwupolice
The palace was exquisite, he had to admit. It was nice to be able to walk around it freely as well, invisible as he was. He'd probably never have been allowed in normally so it was extra nice with that feel of restriction. Now it was just a simple matter of staying out of everyone's way while he explored. That would have been easier to do before everyone started rushing about.

"They've found you." A voice whispered. "The Royals are going to kill you." Another added.

"No they haven't." He whispered back and started towards the source of the drama, ignoring the voices getting louder in his ears.

What a surprise when he found the Queen of Diamonds herself, screaming and tantruming over her ring. What a sight. He leant against the wall, trying to keep out of the way so his invisibility would hold up, and watched the rest of the scene play out.

MOOD : :angrypuff: > :closedeyessmile:
TAGS : SecretRock SecretRock mkuchiha mkuchiha


The red slowly escaped from her face as she calmed down, closing her eyes and rubbing her temples. "Everything will be fine.. We'll get the ring back. Even if I have to get it back myself." She breathed, the bounce in her tone returning. Letting her hands drop to her side, she gently shut her door, some workers peering at her with a curious and slightly worried look.

"Whew, that was embarrassing." She laughed, smoothing down her untamed hair. Now she was whistling and seemed to be in a chipper mood, deciding she should finally get ready for the day. The new Queen would much rather to wear those blue pajamas all day. It's not like she would go out into her kingdom today anyway.

Sighing with exasperation, she flung open her wardrobe and fished out her usual dress. She did have to admit, it was quite dazzling.
Stripping herself of her nightwear, she began to pull on her dress, one of her maids coming in to assist with getting ready (which she found ridiculous. She's not a toddler!). The light-blue silk hugged her figure generously, skirt sweeping across the floor elegantly. Over the blue was sheer cloth intertwined with diamonds, crawling up to her neck and flowing down her back as a cape.

Elaia felt her breath escape her as she caught sigh of the dress in the mirror. She remembered how her mother would wear this.. Elaia cast her glance away and smiled. Props to the tailor.. Talented man. I wish I could've met him.. Becoming sentimental and being consumed by memories, her maid cleared her throat softly.
"Ah? Oh yes-" Elaia blinked and the cheerful appearance returned to her face. The brunette maid nodded and smiled, placing the remainder of the accessories upon her.

Now she looked like a proper Queen, transforming from a drooling plebeian to someone of royalty. She faintly touched her hair that was now in an elegant bun, exchanging a glance with the maid. "This is beautiful Azalil."
The young maid began to grow flustered and held her hands behind her back. "T-thank you M'lady."
Elaia chuckled and pinched the cheek of the taller female, as if she was a child. "Sooo cute! Here, treat yourself dear." The Queen murmured warmly, handing her some gold pieces.
The maid merely stared at her with disbelief and awe. "T-thank you so much-" and with that, she rushed out beaming.

The workers that had accustomed liked to kiss up to the Queen, knowing she was very generous. Maybe even generous for her own good. Her Advisor had to cut her off when she almost donated majority of the treasury to an orphanage in their kingdom.

All smiles and sunshine now, the Queen had left her room, seeking the Jack. Turning a corner, she bumped into something-
Elaia was taken back. There was no one there!
Did one of the workers turn an object invisible again?

The aqua haired female began to feel around at the spot she ran into, finally grazing something solid. Questioning, she pulled out her staff..

code by pasta
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After she was done with her morning training she headed to the castle. When she got there she walking down the halls heading to the kitchen on her way there she noticed the Queen of Diamonds looking around strangely with her staff in hand. "Your highness? Is everything alright?"
uwupolice uwupolice

Alias: Whitney

Age: 25

Role: Joker

Race: Heart

Location: Town Square

Motive: ???

Tags: Squad141 Squad141

Given her oblivious personality, she never remembered a face or an outfit she had passed, still glancing around as if she'd just arrived. Sure she had stolen some dumb ring, but that didn't seem to satisfy her for the hour, let alone the day. She felt so alone among the forest of people milling about on their mundane business. Was it possible that they did not see the sheen of thrill? Where was their passion to make an impact?

A jewelry merchant called for her attention, to which she perked up momentarily. "Yeah you, with the blonde hair!" She approached him for no other reason than curiosity, her need to know what was going on overriding her thought process. "What is it?" she asked in return, unsure and slightly hesitant. "Well, you don't appear to be wearing any jewelry of course! Such an accessory would make you stand out more, don't you think?" She wasn't too sure how to respond to that, her head bobbing slightly back and forth as she considered it. "Oh, but I already have some, thank you," she replied, happy as always. "Really? Why don't you wear them?" he replied, skeptical that she would have some but not wear it. "Oh you see, it's not something I can wear around. It belongs to a friend of mine, and I can't risk it being stolen." The man wasn't sure what to make of this in turn, giving her a brief window to duck on out. She didn't want to spend money anyway.

Still quite bored, she traversed the rest of the bustle to the edge of the town square that lined the royal estate. She stared at it for a few moments simply wondering if it would be worth returning to have some more fun. Although she didn't know of anything she could be doing at the moment, wasn't anything better than simply walking around doing pointless things until the day ended? What kind of person does that? Boring people, that's who.

Alias: Whitney

Age: 25

Role: Joker

Race: Heart

Location: Town Square

Motive: ???

Tags: Squad141 Squad141

Given her oblivious personality, she never remembered a face or an outfit she had passed, still glancing around as if she'd just arrived. Sure she had stolen some dumb ring, but that didn't seem to satisfy her for the hour, let alone the day. She felt so alone among the forest of people milling about on their mundane business. Was it possible that they did not see the sheen of thrill? Where was their passion to make an impact?

A jewelry merchant called for her attention, to which she perked up momentarily. "Yeah you, with the blonde hair!" She approached him for no other reason than curiosity, her need to know what was going on overriding her thought process. "What is it?" she asked in return, unsure and slightly hesitant. "Well, you don't appear to be wearing any jewelry of course! Such an accessory would make you stand out more, don't you think?" She wasn't too sure how to respond to that, her head bobbing slightly back and forth as she considered it. "Oh, but I already have some, thank you," she replied, happy as always. "Really? Why don't you wear them?" he replied, skeptical that she would have some but not wear it. "Oh you see, it's not something I can wear around. It belongs to a friend of mine, and I can't risk it being stolen." The man wasn't sure what to make of this in turn, giving her a brief window to duck on out. She didn't want to spend money anyway.

Still quite bored, she traversed the rest of the bustle to the edge of the town square that lined the royal estate. She stared at it for a few moments simply wondering if it would be worth returning to have some more fun. Although she didn't know of anything she could be doing at the moment, wasn't anything better than simply walking around doing pointless things until the day ended? What kind of person does that? Boring people, that's who.
Markus had been right about one thing. This girl was shifty. And right after mentioning the Queens Ring being stolen, then telling someone else she was holding onto something (most likely jewelry) that she didn't want to be stolen. He decided that the best course of action was to investigate. HIm and his multi-colored outfit walked over to her, and "accidentally" bumped into her.

Alias: Whitney

Age: 25

Role: Joker

Race: Heart

Location: Town Square

Motive: Caterpillar

Tags: Squad141 Squad141

Her moment of introspection was interrupted by the only person rude enough to bump into her in an area less crowded than an open field. She glanced at him briefly, mostly out of annoyance. He said nothing to compliment his social indecency, causing her annoyance to flourish into agitation. "Wow, okay, don't be polite or anything," she snorted, clearly indignant of him. After all, she was just standing around so there wasn't a real reason he would not be at fault. Refusing to indulge her urges, she walked away cautiously to a nearby flower bed. Inspecting it further, she found a curious black caterpillar that she immediately took upon herself to raise as her own. Using her finger, she let it crawl onto her hand and brought it to her face to inspect further. After she did so, she smiled, forgetting the previous intrusion on her social decency. This was her new friend, and she was going to take care of it. Finally, she was a mother!
While Jack of Hearts wiped his sweaty brow, Drevis used his power to monitor the rest of the castle. His normal two eyes view was replaced by a kind of 360 degrees sight, letting him to see everything around him. The kitchen looked jolly with the smiling girls and whistling cook. Lunch had been made and only light tasks were left for the staffs there. Drevis wished he can see the view with his own eyes, but he knew that everything will be quiet once he step through the door.

The absence of the royal librarian surprised Drevis when he look at the library. Instead, a glimpse of movement can be seen on the furthest corner from the door, inside the seventh reading hole. With a bit of effort, the view shifted in angle, showing him the sight of a lifted hem of dress and the royal advisor page, his face bright red and filled with expression of...

The royal advisor would have a new page before the end of the day and he will make sure of it. Drevis continued his mental round. The guards in front of the throne room looked....tense? Something wasn't right. The thrones were empty, and that was the problem. The ring wasn't in sight. Drevis searched in alarm for Queen of Diamonds, and he found her in the hall near her room, drawing her staff with a cautious look on her normally cheerful face.

" I apologise, my lord. Lunch will have to wait. We have to make haste to your Ladyship the Queen, " he didn't want to overreact, but to be safe is better to be sorry. Drevis drew a small knife from his right sleeve. The bottle of ointment wobbled dangerously on the tray as Drevis walked in haste toward Queen of Diamonds chamber.

mkuchiha mkuchiha
Lucian Vulpes
uwupolice uwupolice animegirl20 animegirl20
It was a shame that the Queen had shut her doors. There was probably more hilarious exchanges going on inside. Then again, the royal ring was probably an important artefact. Lucian had no idea what it did. Well, he knew it looked pretty, but it must do more than that, right? Maybe it was full of powerful magic. Maybe it protected the borders of Deck. Maybe it was just designed to look good with the Queen's outfits? That last one would be a shame. He could try to find it to find out. That would require effort though, and Lucian wasn't sure that he was willing to go that far for a ring.

"I'm coming for your eyes," A voice told him.

"I'd like to see you try." He whispered back as the Queen's door opened. He didn't notice the door, or the Queen leaving until she'd walked into him. He immediately turned to look at her, her hand brushing him again, and now she had a weapon out. He didn't want to fight. They were in a palace full of people who hated him after all. One of those people were just talking to the Queen now, how great.

Lucian started to back away, rolling his feet to keep them from making any sound and keeping his invisibility up. He tried to keep his eyes on the Queen and her friend, but something was stirring the shadows of the hallway behind her. He knew it wasn't real, but it really seemed like it was to him. What bad timing. Maybe he could just explain to the Queen that he was sight seeing and didn't mean any harm, but how likely would she be to believe a Joker?
Jack nodded and wordlessly followed Drevis. Even without using his powers he could sense tension in the air. He pulled out his sword, and gripped it tightly. "Where to, Drevis?"

Damafaud Damafaud uwupolice uwupolice
Linx was being chased for a while now by some guards in the city and smirks swiftly duck into the shadows and throws some teleport runes at them forcing them to end up in random places in the forest and then he grins and steps out of the darkness and then starts to head to get some grub at his local pub run by his grandad and he comes in and waves. Grandpa Gista waves and gives a playful look to say are you having fun messing with the guards again my boy.
Linx grins widely and says" What fun would it be if i didn't after all most of them are so dumb i can't help but mess with them, but i got admit i really want to meet the others so we can start working on a plan to rewrite this stupid and drab world".
Grandpa laughs and says" Well i can't say i blame you back in my day things used to be a lot more easy and fun but with all the taxes and so on it's no wonder some are angry, you my boy are just like them and have the power to make this world a better place". He brings over some mixed starters and a drink and gently ruffles linxs hair and then gets two plats and cup for himself and pours some wine.

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