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    ALL interest checks/recruiting threads must go in the Recruit Here section.

    Please remember to credit artists when using works not your own.

Fantasy Royal Flush


Location: Town Square

Interaction: Markus,

Tags: Squad141 Squad141

L u c a s

A c t i o n
"Oh, may that be so? You seem to portray a pleasant air, you'd be un-joli-couple aussi!"

The cards immediately seemed to strike a realization to Lucas, widening her eyes in surprise. Oh, the cards must be status? That's particularly unforttunate. I don't like this kid, his verbology appears plain and yet he speaks with a strange informal formality, which is to be weary of. Briefly closing her eyes, Lucas pondered what to do. Perhaps for her own amusement, she should follow the ordeal of chasing the Joker. Her incessant research and interest in them would be supported by it, though the Joker that they had just encountered wasn't as interesting... per say, the young missus appeared just as disinterested. Opening her eyes, she looked back towards Markus. There wasn't much that she could preoccupy her time with, so perhaps she should choose to amuse herself with the man. After all, whatever information he holds may be useful- she'll simply toss him aside later.

Feigning joviality, Lucas eyes widened in surprise, as if being taken by shock at what Markus had said, having to process it.

"Mm? The lass is a Joker? My- who would've known? It was always reputed that they were uncertain, erratic and elusive. Then again, who knows what people can elude to, deception truly is a fascinating thing, is it not!"

Pressing her finger against her chin, a low-toned laugh eminating from her, her mouth formed into a dramatic pout as her eyebrows knit together.

"Again, sir, it'd be in my best interest and yours alike for me to know your name. However, I do say that I'll accompany you on your Joker hunt. From the looks of it, I don't believe that we'll be able to catch her, so what do you presume that we should do?"

R e l a t i o n s h i p s

Whitney Telula Foal:
"Quite the cutie! Unfortunately, I don't swing that way. I wonder what card she has up her sleeve?"

"The kid's awfully fun to mess with, though he doesn't appear to be very, aware of my antics. It's unfortunate, though something is bound to happen. Unfortunately, I can't smokebomb and negate the Town Square in his presence, but it would be fun to see the discord. Another time!"

Code Inspired by Cecilia


Location: Town Square

Interaction: Markus,

Tags: Squad141 Squad141

L u c a s

A c t i o n
"Oh, may that be so? You seem to portray a pleasant air, you'd be un-joli-couple aussi!"

The cards immediately seemed to strike a realization to Lucas, widening her eyes in surprise. Oh, the cards must be status? That's particularly unforttunate. I don't like this kid, his verbology appears plain and yet he speaks with a strange informal formality, which is to be weary of. Briefly closing her eyes, Lucas pondered what to do. Perhaps for her own amusement, she should follow the ordeal of chasing the Joker. Her incessant research and interest in them would be supported by it, though the Joker that they had just encountered wasn't as interesting... per say, the young missus appeared just as disinterested. Opening her eyes, she looked back towards Markus. There wasn't much that she could preoccupy her time with, so perhaps she should choose to amuse herself with the man. After all, whatever information he holds may be useful- she'll simply toss him aside later.

Feigning joviality, Lucas eyes widened in surprise, as if being taken by shock at what Markus had said, having to process it.

"Mm? The lass is a Joker? My- who would've known? It was always reputed that they were uncertain, erratic and elusive. Then again, who knows what people can elude to, deception truly is a fascinating thing, is it not!"

Pressing her finger against her chin, a low-toned laugh eminating from her, her mouth formed into a dramatic pout as her eyebrows knit together.

"Again, sir, it'd be in my best interest and yours alike for me to know your name. However, I do say that I'll accompany you on your Joker hunt. From the looks of it, I don't believe that we'll be able to catch her, so what do you presume that we should do?"

R e l a t i o n s h i p s

Whitney Telula Foal:
"Quite the cutie! Unfortunately, I don't swing that way. I wonder what card she has up her sleeve?"

"The kid's awfully fun to mess with, though he doesn't appear to be very, aware of my antics. It's unfortunate, though something is bound to happen. Unfortunately, I can't smokebomb and negate the Town Square in his presence, but it would be fun to see the discord. Another time!"

Code Inspired by Cecilia
Markus completely forgot bout giving the guy his name, overwhelmed by the small magic tricks happening in the background. "Oh! Im so sorry! My name is Markus, but you can just call me Mark." He looked to the left, and sure enough, the girl was gone. "Well, I suspect that she may have stolen the Queens Ring. Simce we are basically at the castle gates, lets just tell the Queen we have important buisness.
Markus began to walk to the gates of the castle, not knowing of the ruckus inside.

The Land of Deck has its last normal day, and, as the Watcher said, "the oncoming storm approaches". Deep in the land of Deck, in the Shuffle Mountain Range, an abandoned mine was suddenly filled with light, then darkness. From out the shadows, steps a figure, and behind him, a mist of black, grey, and purple blocks appear and disappear, as if reality itself was bending merely from this mans presence. He smiled (though he had been since he appeared here) and relaxed his hand on a Minecart. A line of Darkness flew into the carts stone, and into the mountain.

The Land of Deck had been infected by this man, who was not of the this world. It was ready for the taking.

From HIm.




Location: Town Square > Palace

Interaction: Markus

Tags: Squad141 Squad141

Potential Interaction: uwupolice uwupolice animegirl20 animegirl20 Damafaud Damafaud SecretRock SecretRock

L u c a s

A c t i o n
"Plausible, but don't you think that's rather a bold accusation? If anything, a rat could've sought it as it's morning meal."

Lucas was a detective, but far from a mind reader. It wasn't like she could solve cases in a whim, there was an extesnive amount of fact deduction you would have to do. The fact the kid could say so boldly the culprit did strike a nerve within her investigator self.

"Pleasure to be an acquaintance, Mr. Markus."

Suggesting to report to the Queen, he turned on his heels and strode for the castle, unknowing to the turmoil that began within. However, Lucas was never fond of the upbeat, kindhearted Queen, and much less having to feign their amicable persona any more than they had to. They wanted information from the kid, not a playdate. As he walked forward, obstinately not making a move to turn around, Lucas let him walk forward as they looked around at the crowd. Almost like glass, Lucas' image would immediately shatter, the shards spinning and dispersing into the air, as if her image was a mirage itself. What was left in place was an ace of hearts, which within a few seconds, began to fizzle and smoke. The smoke grew in amount, creating a large fogged shroud as it spread throughout the market, Lucas no longer in evident sight. The chaos that ensued sent a heart throbbing feeling of adrenaline through her.

Through the disarray, Lucas came together in a shroud of glass shrapnel, like watching a video of a glass figurine shattering in reverse. Where she found herself was within the palace walls. Don't use your magic any more than you have to, Athanasia. You're a Club named Lucas Sterling. Reminding herself, she heard a small array of voices not too far from where she spawned in the hallway, hidden by the wall. She could eavesdrop for a fair bit, but it was likely that someone, especially the Queen, was bound to notice her at some point.

But what Lucas did feel was a very, omniscient dark presence. Who in hell was the Queen speaking to?

R e l a t i o n s h i p s

Whitney Telula Foal:
"Another one bites the dust! Hopefully Ms. Cutie makes another appearance, I didn't even get her name!"

"Well, Mr.Markus, hopefully we meet again in different circumstances! But I have my own fun to prioritize right now, perhaps another day we shall engage in a nice game of chess over tea. He certainly holds some sort of head to him, but it's obvious he's loyal to the Queen, or manages to pull off the semblance. Can't trust anyone, not even yourself~! From the looks of it, he's the only one aware, or potentially aware of my role, but your role cannot dictate your name, your status, or who you truly are. 'Til again!"

Code Inspired by Cecilia
Would anyone like a special something?

I might post the future problems as images here if anyone wants. But on ith the story.

I just wanted to give a picture of The Watcher:

Markus began to walk to the gates of the castle, not knowing of the ruckus inside.

The Land of Deck has its last normal day, and, as the Watcher said, "the oncoming storm approaches". Deep in the land of Deck, in the Shuffle Mountain Range, an abandoned mine was suddenly filled with light, then darkness. From out the shadows, steps a figure, and behind him, a mist of black, grey, and purple blocks appear and disappear, as if reality itself was bending merely from this mans presence. He smiled (though he had been since he appeared here) and relaxed his hand on a Minecart. A line of Darkness flew into the carts stone, and into the mountain.

The Land of Deck had been infected by this man, who was not of the this world. It was ready for the taking.

From HIm.


<<Paper Mario confirmed
Also we need an ooc d;>>

Lucian- Suspicious
Queen Alaias- Benign
Watcher- Respect
Su- Benign
Tag: uwupolice uwupolice Squad141 Squad141 animegirl20 animegirl20 SecretRock SecretRock
An immediate sense of respect was sensed by Drevis when he saw the queen curtsy at the Watcher. He composed himself before he bowed at the mysterious woman. He remained quiet while the lady delivered her speech, or prophecy as he would call it.

" I think we have already found some of our heroes, if you permit," he didn't understand the reason Watcher couldn't help them herself instead of giving them a cryptic hint. However, it was not his place to question someone even the queen respect.

" The Club whose knighthood helps her in accuracy... As far as I can remember, Lady Su is the only knight who prefer bow and arrows instead of sword and shield. " He gently gestured toward Su, who still glared toward the Jester.

" The Jack that rules with sword of gold can only refer to you, young master, " Indeed, the young master was known for his skill with blade and of course, everyone know what weapon he always wield.

" The Heart that serves his Rulers with force has two candidates. It can either be me, the only heart under servitude in this household or an unknown individual from the military, " Drevis half-heartedly wished it wasn't him. He felt uncomfortable under the spotlight, although he was quite ready to help as much as he can.

" The Diamond that rules with joy and glee is no other than you, your Ladyship, " despite the queen misconducts and flaws, Drevis respected her for her adoration toward her subject.

" As Lady Watcher referred to you before, I can only assume that you are one of the two Jokers mentioned. The only mysteries remaining, I can not answer. Who is the other Joker? Who are the two remaining heroes and why a heart card is stuck behind their cards? "
Lucian Vulpes
Damafaud Damafaud uwupolice uwupolice animegirl20 animegirl20 Squad141 Squad141
"Well, that was ominous," Lucian observed, stepping around the woman with the bow and the Watcher to run his hand through the shadow as it tried to take another step forward. Despite a chill running through his hand, nothing about it seemed to affect him. The shadow didn't disappear, but Lucian now felt that he could ignore it. He turned to face the group again.

"And you have to know that there are very few Jokers around, Sir." He told the waiter man, not bothering to deny the accusation to himself. "Chances are, she'll be the first one you find." He said it easily, as if he hadn't just implied that she'd be hard to find as well. He picked a flower out of a nearby vase and began to play with it as he spoke. "Anyway, no offence to any of you, I'm a little reluctant to go on a quest I know nothing about."

Lucian- Threatening

Queen Alaias- Benign
Su- Benign
Tag: uwupolice uwupolice Squad141 Squad141 animegirl20 animegirl20 SecretRock SecretRock
" I too will be hesitant to join with the current information, however..." if the lady really is a kind of fortune teller, and if what she told is the truth, the participation of all announced members would be crucial. He couldn't let anyone refuse to participate.

" the choice for you is really simple. You can join this supposed party of heroes and save the kingdom, or you can rot in the dungeon for trespassing," with a snap of his finger, the flower on Lucian's hand burst into an energy bubble. Drevis stared coldly at the Joker. The queen may object as she wished, but he will make sure the Joker get what he deserve if the kingdom ceased to exist for his hesitancy.

" and I can assure you, it is not very pleasant. Now, you have mentioned the existence of another Joker. Can you not perhaps direct us to her? " Drevis took a quill from his sleeve pocket. A piece of paper appeared on his hand out of nowhere and he started to write something on it.

Lucian- Threatening

Queen Alaias- Benign
Su- Benign
Tag: uwupolice uwupolice Squad141 Squad141 animegirl20 animegirl20 SecretRock SecretRock
" I too will be hesitant to join with the current information, however..." if the lady really is a kind of fortune teller, and if what she told is the truth, the participation of all announced members would be crucial. He couldn't let anyone refuse to participate.

" the choice for you is really simple. You can join this supposed party of heroes and save the kingdom, or you can rot in the dungeon for trespassing," with a snap of his finger, the flower on Lucian's hand burst into an energy bubble. Drevis stared coldly at the Joker. The queen may object as she wished, but he will make sure the Joker get what he deserve if the kingdom ceased to exist for his hesitancy.

" and I can assure you, it is not very pleasant. Now, you have mentioned the existence of another Joker. Can you not perhaps direct us to her? " Drevis took a quill from his sleeve pocket. A piece of paper appeared on his hand out of nowhere and he started to write something on it.

Lucian- Suspicious
Queen Alaias- Benign
Watcher- Respect
Su- Benign
Tag: uwupolice uwupolice Squad141 Squad141 animegirl20 animegirl20 SecretRock SecretRock
An immediate sense of respect was sensed by Drevis when he saw the queen curtsy at the Watcher. He composed himself before he bowed at the mysterious woman. He remained quiet while the lady delivered her speech, or prophecy as he would call it.

" I think we have already found some of our heroes, if you permit," he didn't understand the reason Watcher couldn't help them herself instead of giving them a cryptic hint. However, it was not his place to question someone even the queen respect.

" The Club whose knighthood helps her in accuracy... As far as I can remember, Lady Su is the only knight who prefer bow and arrows instead of sword and shield. " He gently gestured toward Su, who still glared toward the Jester.

" The Jack that rules with sword of gold can only refer to you, young master, " Indeed, the young master was known for his skill with blade and of course, everyone know what weapon he always wield.

" The Heart that serves his Rulers with force has two candidates. It can either be me, the only heart under servitude in this household or an unknown individual from the military, " Drevis half-heartedly wished it wasn't him. He felt uncomfortable under the spotlight, although he was quite ready to help as much as he can.

" The Diamond that rules with joy and glee is no other than you, your Ladyship, " despite the queen misconducts and flaws, Drevis respected her for her adoration toward her subject.

" As Lady Watcher referred to you before, I can only assume that you are one of the two Jokers mentioned. The only mysteries remaining, I can not answer. Who is the other Joker? Who are the two remaining heroes and why a heart card is stuck behind their cards? "
Watchers closed eyes silently looked up at Drevis, her head moving slowly but swiftly. "Its funny. The other two cards are special. Notice how the Spade seems to entirely cover the border of the Heart card, and the Club card hides the Heart in shadow, as if holding it back. The Joker, the one of Whit (not a typo) actually (sort of) talked to them a few moments ago. They should be here soon.

At that moment, the doorbell rang.
uwupolice uwupolice
mkuchiha mkuchiha
SecretRock SecretRock
animegirl20 animegirl20
Kazehana Kazehana
Entarriance Entarriance
Markus had always wondered why they didn't have just guards on the outside. The Queen was a softie, so maybe she wan'ted visitors to come. But, anyhoo, he pulled the giant sphere on the rope, making the mechanism ring throughout the halls of the castle. The other man he was talking to had seemingly disappeared, so he was by his lonesome. above, he could see a man in a scaled white cardigan, who began to clumsily run to the door, tripping down every other step on the main staircase.


Location: Palace

Interaction: None


Potential Interaction: uwupolice uwupolice animegirl20 animegirl20 Damafaud Damafaud SecretRock SecretRock Squad141 Squad141

L u c a s

A c t i o n

It didn't seem like anyone noticed Lucas yet, hidden by the cover of the wall. Held between her fingers was a card, serving as her back up if she were to be caught. If someone notices, I have a choice of using either a Diamond or a Heart to escape. Not entirely full-proof, but I've done it before. Might as well cross the bridge once we get there. Eavesdropping on the conversation, it served to be rather unfortunate that Lucas was obtaining most of this information out of context, trying to piece together the turn of events with the little information she gained access to. Bringing out another Diamond from her deck, the cards were imbued with magic, allowing her to masquerade being a Club easier without having to use much of her own abilities. Angling the card towards one of the windows, the face of the card would shine over, appearing to take the illusory depiction of a mirror. Using the mirror, Lucas was able to take a glimpse at the group-in-speaking, though she remained highly weary of her surroundings, paying half her mind to her environment, as to know when too much was too much.

From the looks of it, a man with white hair and scarlet eyes spoke most upon her entry, speaking of a quest. There was a list of so "heroes", all of which to be accounted for except for 3. Carefully taking note of the people that he listed off. A Joker left and two cards with a Heart behind them? From what I can assume, they were showed cards declaring their identity? From the sound of it, also some cryptic explanation as well. There must be a Joker present from the sound of it, and the other Joker must be implying the young lass that I met earlier. Who are the other two, hm. Taking note of the situation, another man spoke up, a certainly pretty boy with long hair tied and bright eyes. There was to be some quest around these set of 8 individuals, which seemed absolute ridiculous to Lucas. What would these specific citizens have that others don't? Nothing contrasted her from any other Private Investigator, other than being a little more free-spirited and cynical. If she were supposed to think of herself, much less this group talking as "chosen ones", than why not just admit her identity at this point? The two spoke of the reluctance of a quest, before the omniscient force seemed to reply.

"Its funny. The other two cards are special. Notice how the Spade seems to entirely cover the border of the Heart card, and the Club card hides the Heart in shadow, as if holding it back. The Joker, the one of Whit actually talked to them a few moments ago. They should be here soon.

The Club that hides the Heart, that could only be her. It may be an arrogant way to think, but it was safe enough to assume that it was her. Especially with the context of speaking to a witty Joker, and the company of someone else, presumably Markus being the Spade. The kid had a lot more up his sleeve, but now certainly wasn't the time to indulge in that. The usage of "they" in her statement definitely ticked Lucas. What should say that they come along to this? They didn't even have an ounce of what the problem could be, other than possibly some economic and financial issues here and there, an increase in crime around the Marketplace... nothing signifigant enough for a quest.

Lucas wasn't planning to get looped into this "quest" that she spoke of, and the sound of the a bellchime bouncing off of the castle halls. Shoving the card back into her pocket, Lucas could assume that there wasn't a lot of time for her to stay around eavesdropping, before someone was bound to notice. If they wanted to include her in a quest, they better find her.

R e l a t i o n s h i p s

Whitney Telula Foal:
"Joker of Whit, huh? She gets a sharp nickname, I doubt a Club that hides the Heart can outlive that! If anything, it sounds like some cheesy romance movie. Gross."

"So, he's some Spade? Apparently covering a Heart, well, perchance we are much more similar than I had noted of! Though he's a goody-two shoes from the sound of it, his first choice of action was to report to the Queen. I wonder how he's going to deal with this quest, say that it's his destiny or that it's his obligation to?"

"He's certainly cute! From his prior re-statement, he must be a Heart? His choice of vocabulary implies he's definitely of much higher status, so he must be a Guardian, or at least a very respected servant."

Lucian Vulpes:
"Now he's a piece of eye-candy! I should definitely ask him to dinner some time! He certainly holds a head to him. I can't recall what he is, if the server boy even brought it up. Hopefully we'll have a much more pleasant interaction in time."

Code Inspired by Cecilia
Last edited:
The man in green stumbled down the stairs, and fumbled with the three huge locks on the door. Markus tapped his foot patiently, waiting for this man to finish up. Then, he saw
Movement upstairs. At least he wasn't disturbing anyone's beauty sleep.
Lucian Vulpes
uwupolice uwupolice animegirl20 animegirl20 Damafaud Damafaud Squad141 Squad141 Entarriance Entarriance
It was a shame about the flower, it was pretty, but Lucian had to drop it. Fortunately, the others didn't have to see him do that. He used his powers to make it look like he held, and kept holding, the flower after it burst, only staring down at it with a look of slight disdain. After a few seconds, he looked back up at Drevis, ignoring the doorbell and the Watcher's words.

"As much as I dislike either of those options right now, I also can't tell you where she is." Lucian told them, trying to look like he regretted it. He wasn't sure if he did and he really didn't care. "It's not some code of honour or anything, I just don't know. She's only a passing acquaintance."

Lucian brushed past them all again, letting the illusion of him holding the flower fade at an almost impeccable rate. This time, he walked the hall in the direction of the entrance to the castle. Looking at the hallway in front of him, Lucian saw a quick flash of something. A weapon? A mirror? Well, it didn't matter. He wasn't going to rat them out. He turned back to the group.

"Well, I appreciate your hospitality and ominous warnings, but I don't mind the dark and storms are slightly soothing, so I'll be taking my leave." He bowed low and turned to do as he said he would.


TAGS : SecretRock SecretRock animegirl20 animegirl20 Damafaud Damafaud mkuchiha mkuchiha

Entarriance Entarriance


The usually jovial Queen now stood somber as she stared at the Watcher, hands folded in front of her. Swallowing quietly, she began to slightly wring her hands together, eyebrows furrowed at the imminent danger and how to contest it. Her mind then began to reel about her kingdom and more importantly, her subjects. Her brain working like clockwork, she was too lost in thought to notice the new arrival nor the bell ringing.

Her senses only came back once she heard the supposed Joker and Drevis turn the prophesy down.
But as always, Drevis countered to save the day. Although he was hostile to the fellow Diamond, she discreetly nodded in thanks.

"I notice that you guys are weary of her statement.. But I promise upon my life and kingdom that she is trustworthy. She has been there even before I was born.. She was there when the beloved Queen before passed.." Elaia drifted off, slipping into a stupor of nostalgia. But then she remembered that, whatever this darkness is, could harm not only herself, but everyone in Deck.

"So I beg of you not to hesitate and join the cause- You're all important. Whether you are the chosen hero or not, you can still help.." The Queen began to sound well.. like a Queen.

But that somewhat broke as the Joker began to walk away, dismissing it entirely. Elias reached for the dark haired man, hand brushing his arm. "Please sir.." She moved to stand a front of him, shifting her cyan gaze to his, a pleading look heavy.
"If you are the hero, I need you.. Just like I need that person over there." She pointed to where Lucas was hiding, not tearing her gaze from Lucian. "You both would do a great duty to me and my kingdom. To everyone in this room."

code by pasta
Lucian Vulpes
uwupolice uwupolice animegirl20 animegirl20 Squad141 Squad141 Entarriance Entarriance Damafaud Damafaud Kazehana Kazehana
As he looked down at the Queen, seemingly begging as she was (were royals physically able to do that?), Lucian felt like he had to. Deck was his home after all, and he wasn't exactly heartless. Sure, he was selfish, but the Watcher made it sound bad and he really didn't want to have countless deaths on his back, if he survived to carry them. He could convince himself that it was about someone else, but really? 'The Joker of selves and voices'? He'd never known anyone else who heard things like he did. He sighed, grinning and shaking his head.

"Looks like I have no choice," He said dramatically. With a sly grin at the waiter he added. "But I guess I can't be arrested now." He winked, then glanced back to where the Queen had pointed. He wasn't in a position to judge intruders.

"It's a trap. They're coming for you." Several voice warned him. He wanted to challenge them, ask which 'they' they were referring to, but with all this attention on him it might seem a little odd. Then again, they hadn't minded when he'd gotten rid of the monster. He resolved to do something about it later and instead listened. The others here would probably now be brainstorming how to find the missing members of their 'party'. He wouldn't be much good at that.
Suddenly, time seemed to stop. The lights began to dim in the hallway, as Markus and the man and green were pushed into the castle, the door locking behind them. The watcher actually opnened her eyes...though thy were nothing but darkness, with something stirring inside them. Slowly, a magical green plant sprout, like that of a carrot grew from the top of her head. She smiled, as the lights completely went out. The crads that were floating in front of her, dropping to the floor, and being replaced all by the Fool of....Void? The castle began to creak, but only from the inside, the Outside of the castle looked fine. Then, in a different voice, the Watcher said, "So, someone else in this world is able to glimpse the Line? How lovely. I thought everyone here was a weakling, but at least I have one rival. Who I am now able to control, thanks to this sprout." The Watchers began to rise from the floor, making a small movement gesture with her hand. Everyone in the hallway, except for Markus and George, were pulled in front of the Wester. "Now. Before anyone gets all heroic, and begins to babble about righteousness and evil, lets get straight to the point. Almost everyone here is able to defeat me. I am going t use this land ofr my own will, and I cant yu lot mucking my plans up, so you'll have to go now." Markus and George appeared as they ran into the hallway, and the Westers hands began to glow. Reality itself began to warp, as the walls began to slowly close down upon them.... When the playing cards the Watcher had created flew from the floor, and stuck to their counterparts, creating a barrier around their owner.
uwupolice uwupolice animegirl20 animegirl20 Squad141 Squad141 Entarriance Entarriance Damafaud Damafaud Kazehana Kazehana SecretRock SecretRock

Alias: Whitney

Age: 25

Role: Joker

Race: Heart

Location: Town Square --> ??? --> Castle Hall

Motive: ???

Tags: Squad141 Squad141 uwupolice uwupolice Damafaud Damafaud SecretRock SecretRock Entarriance Entarriance animegirl20 animegirl20 mkuchiha mkuchiha

Whitney felt her was around whatever place she had stumbled into. She couldn't see anything worth a darn, and it was awfully confusing to find her way around with only her sense of touch. Nothing made a noise, nothing stirred in the ominous atmosphere. So far, she found what she assumed to be a barrel, a bookshelf of some sort, a few tables, a chair, and even a chest. But none of that was a door or even a light source, so she didn't really feel the need to investigate further. Given her circumstances, she frowned slightly, not that it mattered given the nature of the enclosure. "I swear this has to be the dumbest place. I'm not coming back here again! ... If I knew where i was that might have had more of punch." Her words hardly reverberated off of the walls, indicating that perhaps it wasn't a very large room.

She found another barrel, or was it the original barrel? If only she had a sense of direction. She huffed indignantly as she ascertained her directions. Finally finding a wall not blocked by some shelves or nonsense, she hugged it and inched her way down to find a way out. Feeling the intricate markings of a door, she smiled deviously and pressed the handle to let her through.

As soon as she walked through the door, she fell from the ceiling in the hall, falling pretty much flat on her face. For a moment, she hardly moved aside from a twitch. Then, she jumped up and looked around to gain her bearings. "Wowee, there's a party? But where are the decorations? And this venue is absolutely awful. Who threw this? They need a lot of pointers," she commented, her face matching her internal disappointment for the party. "Anyway, has anyone seen a caterpillar around here? We're playing hide and seek and he's really good," she asked, pivoting the conversation into her favor despite the fact that it was completely unnecessary.

Just about nothing about the situation fazed her aside from the fact that there were a lot of people gathered in a hallway for basically no plausible reason other than a drab party.
Lucian Vulpes
uwupolice uwupolice Damafaud Damafaud Entarriance Entarriance Squad141 Squad141 animegirl20 animegirl20 Kazehana Kazehana
Whatever he was expecting, the Watcher getting possessed was much, much more exciting. He didn't really try to resist the magic as much as he did observe it, trying to memorise the way the walls folded. It would be a useful trick to use later. Imagine showing someone that the room they were in was folding in on itself. Not many people would be vigilant about their money with that happening around them. Finally he did turn his attention back to the Watcher, or whoever the plant was. He frowned at them.

"So you're going to kill us?" He asked, crossing his arms. "That's pretty boring. You seem to have phenomenal cosmic power, why not do something a little more creative? I mean, yeah, sure, you could crush us, but would that be enjoyable?" He raised an eyebrow to drive his point home.

His was distracted by someone falling from the ceiling. At first he wasn't sure what it was, but his face broke into a confused smile as he recognised Whitney. It was obviously a shock to see her here, especially mumbling about a caterpillar. He wasn't sure what to say to her about that.
Lucian Vulpes
uwupolice uwupolice Damafaud Damafaud Entarriance Entarriance Squad141 Squad141 animegirl20 animegirl20 Kazehana Kazehana
Whatever he was expecting, the Watcher getting possessed was much, much more exciting. He didn't really try to resist the magic as much as he did observe it, trying to memorise the way the walls folded. It would be a useful trick to use later. Imagine showing someone that the room they were in was folding in on itself. Not many people would be vigilant about their money with that happening around them. Finally he did turn his attention back to the Watcher, or whoever the plant was. He frowned at them.

"So you're going to kill us?" He asked, crossing his arms. "That's pretty boring. You seem to have phenomenal cosmic power, why not do something a little more creative? I mean, yeah, sure, you could crush us, but would that be enjoyable?" He raised an eyebrow to drive his point home.

His was distracted by someone falling from the ceiling. At first he wasn't sure what it was, but his face broke into a confused smile as he recognised Whitney. It was obviously a shock to see her here, especially mumbling about a caterpillar. He wasn't sure what to say to her about that.
The Wearers black eyes contemplated his suggestion for a moment, before being interrupted by an aero fly past its face, and stick one of the Fool cards to the wall. "HEY LADY!" Markus yelled, as a silver arrow flew toward the creature, and split the sprout ok her head in half. The lights immediately turned back on, and the Watcher began fall as the room went back to normal.
Jack of Hearts smirked as Markus shot an arrow cleanly through the weird plant on top of the Watchers head, effectively freeing her from the being that had possessed her. "Good shot." He whispered approvingly. If Markus hadn't tore through the plant with his arrows, Jack would've had to charge at the woman and try to slice the plant with his swords. And that would've involved actual physical contact with the possessed Watcher. He cringed at the thought. As a kid, his mom portrayed the watcher as a sort of boogeyman, or woman, in order to get him to behave. But even now as a young adult, he still harbored some fear toward her. He sheathed his swords into the scabbards that he had strapped to his hips, and smiled at the people around him.
"Some may say the hard part was getting us all together, but I say the hard part is getting us all to work together."
He smiled at the wall, deep in thought. "This will be fun." He said aloud.

SecretRock SecretRock
Kazehana Kazehana
Squad141 Squad141
uwupolice uwupolice
Damafaud Damafaud

Su watched silently as everything came to pass but the moment it seemed the watcher had been possessed. Everything was happening so fast that Su didn't act ask quickly as she would of liked. She knew she shouldn't hit the watcher but she wasn't enterly sure what to aim at before she could figure it out she saw a arrow fly passed her hitting the sprout. She turned to see Markus. "Nice shot." she said giving him a quick smile. She then looked at the others and the new people who were here. "Well anybody know what we should do now? Looks like we might need to move quickly."
(sorry for the late response.)
Jack tapped his chin in thought, "Well first we need to know exactly what we're up against." He gripped his scabbard tightly, "If this villain can possess the Watcher, then he or she must be something out of this world." He let go of the scabbard and used one hand to pat his messy hair back down. "Also we need to get to know each other--not anything personal or anything, just things like skills and abilities. We need to be able to trust each other, which I know is going to be one of the more difficult things we're going to have to do. We need to forget about the past, and focus on the here and now."

Squad141 Squad141
uwupolice uwupolice
Damafaud Damafaud
animegirl20 animegirl20
SecretRock SecretRock
Kazehana Kazehana
Entarriance Entarriance

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