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Fantasy π‘πŽπ†π”π„ 𝐖𝐀𝐕𝐄𝐒 β€” OOC

How stylish, how annoying, how rude...!

With a nice lag let me bark into the conversation and the plotting. I've been partly interested in this RP - I mean huge potential but would I fit in? So after careful consideration I decided to give taking actively part in the RP a shot and started thinking on my character. The "Butcher" role caught my eye somewhy but alas there're still some factors that maintain the doupt in me.

Firstly, if I'm not able to create the character sheet until the deadline, well, that's a telltale in itself. Secondly I've already seen a well-crafted "Butcher" at the Characters Thread which I adored, so let's just say I'm way to easy to be convinced to let someone else play that role instead of me...
I guess that's the point of this whole 'applications' stuff, we'll see, we'll see...
I think I just wanted to say hi and share my thoughts with y'all. Nevertheless, I'm looking forward to follow this RP in any - let it be active or passive - ways<3

as gao so gorgeously said: welcome in, take a seat, have some water bleach. can't wait to see what you (and every other beautiful person here) will cook up. all the current applications are so juicy and there's still plenty of room for more.
Gao, did you have any ideas for the magic system yet or was that a thought for later?
Idk if helpful but this is what Gao previously wrote abt magic
As for magic, you’re completely right that it’s less Woosh Woosh Harry Potter and more of a subtle feature. It is not something that can be learned, more inherited/born with it, and public opinion is generally very unfavourable and apprehensive towards it and its users (which is a small population). The Cascades is a differentiation to this, as they use wards on their city walls to deflect the dark, and nobody’s going to have an issue with that because it’s proving convenient. It also fuels their very β€œmystical” culture, so a double bonus.
Oh btw if I don't say this I will spontaneously combust and die I must cite all of my sources or else the plagiarist gods will reign down hellfire upon me

On the second tab with the quote behind it that is "To ***" by Alexander Pushkin for Ilya, "Prayer For The Man Who Mugged My Father" by Charles Harper Webb for Aurelian
I constantly think about the meals that have been served here. Characters so juicy, so delicious. I await patiently at the edge of the table to see what the people prepare next

(In other words me rereading everyone’s sheets because I can’t get enough)
I constantly think about the meals that have been served here. Characters so juicy, so delicious. I await patiently at the edge of the table to see what the people prepare next

(In other words me rereading everyone’s sheets because I can’t get enough)
Mood, I am SAT at that dinner table for the next meal
Hello everyone I snoozed in late today hehe but I finished everything due (for a few days at least) which means gaogao can sit and write tonite hallelujah.

Gao, did you have any ideas for the magic system yet or was that a thought for later?

Calling it a system is probably a little bit generous! Due to the fact magic is more of a quiet background aspect and not going to be a huge point of focus (probably), I’ve left it without much thinking. The source is it’s just,,,, just there. Just exists for now. Real big brain lore behavior I know. Of course this wouldn’t stop any characters from believing magic hails from and is connected to something divine, something evil, something natural etc etc.

It should be noted it’ll probably be encountered in the roleplay around more non-human species, and even then you could argue whether it’s magic or some kind of biological ability they use due to being born with it. Either way it’s pretty vague just because I am still indecisive of how much fantasy to incorporate. But if you’ve got a more specific question about it, I may (?) be able to give a better answer. Hopefully that useless hunk of text has a small bit of nutrition in it.
Hello everyone I snoozed in late today hehe but I finished everything due (for a few days at least) which means gaogao can sit and write tonite hallelujah.

My beloved sovereign I eagerly await the feast you have painstakingly composed from the finest ingredients one can offer. I shall cherish every crumb when the time arrives
how did royalty not fall in love with their subjects im so fr y'all better go fetch a πŸ’
Hello everyone I snoozed in late today hehe but I finished everything due (for a few days at least) which means gaogao can sit and write tonite hallelujah.

Calling it a system is probably a little bit generous! Due to the fact magic is more of a quiet background aspect and not going to be a huge point of focus (probably), I’ve left it without much thinking. The source is it’s just,,,, just there. Just exists for now. Real big brain lore behavior I know. Of course this wouldn’t stop any characters from believing magic hails from and is connected to something divine, something evil, something natural etc etc.

It should be noted it’ll probably be encountered in the roleplay around more non-human species, and even then you could argue whether it’s magic or some kind of biological ability they use due to being born with it. Either way it’s pretty vague just because I am still indecisive of how much fantasy to incorporate. But if you’ve got a more specific question about it, I may (?) be able to give a better answer. Hopefully that useless hunk of text has a small bit of nutrition in it.
cool cool, I just wanted to write accordingly based on what was possible in the world. All that sort of jazz. I saw u mentioned wards in cascades so i'll stick to that for my character from there. My other character don't understand that shit at all tho so we are chill!
Dear sovereign, I have a question of mild dumbassery that has probably been answered but I am as smooth brain.

There were some parts of Solas not directly governed by the king, yes? How are they governed in that case? Is there some lord who plays at king and cackles at the misfortune of the people, or some sort of council? Does it depend on the place? OvO

Sidenote: In love with the idea of Antares. It's giving Tortuga from POTC. I love Tortuga.
everything in POTC is so aesthetic. I loosely based the vibe off the setting I made up off of the Pantano River where they met Tia Dalma
Partial first cs up. Not done bc i am currently dying, but finished enough to get a good concept of the character. I'll try to finish tomorrow!
Dear sovereign, I have a question of mild dumbassery that has probably been answered but I am as smooth brain.

There were some parts of Solas not directly governed by the king, yes? How are they governed in that case? Is there some lord who plays at king and cackles at the misfortune of the people, or some sort of council? Does it depend on the place? OvO

Sidenote: In love with the idea of Antares. It's giving Tortuga from POTC. I love Tortuga.
Dear loyal writer, no question is of mild dumbassery.

You are so right that some parts of Solas are not directly governed by the King (due to his absence in that city, or because he has 0 control of that area). Antares is essentially our truant teenager, and their β€œruler” is the Red Baron, he’s like our swag little Pirate King. The Canals seem like the type to have a few wise elders, nobody wants the waters of Algol they haven’t got shit, and Umbra’s gatekeeper personality keeps them a little more divided from the control of the monarchy (because who wants to move there and govern a horrid little ice city where everyone is mean!! ew!!!!).

Those that govern the cities in the King’s stead I imagine differ slightly. Umbra with a reasonable approach and a smaller population to choose from would probably pick a leader they want, assumedly someone quite respected and normal in the head. Siroc with a council of wealthy (boo, eat the rich) members that specialise in different areas. The Cascades with another council, yet the Covenant is probably present on it and holds a lot of influential power. Zenith with the King himself and a council to advise if he’s doing something stupid, not that he has to listen to them.

But all of these places will have some kind of royal messenger/spokesperson that futters back and forth between to pass messages, keep him updated/ask permission for things etc. In our plotting stage I can sit down and write up and attach face-claims to influential members/leaders of Solas, if writers would be interested in having something like that at hand. I've left a lot of bulky information out of lore both out of: I haven't thought of it, or a fear of scaring people away on first impressions by having 58 pages to read through. (If your characters are close to someone of a council or leader role, you’re free to take creative freedom and mold the individual to your liking idc it makes my life easier.)

(In counter to your side note, Antares was heavily inspired by the POTC’s variant of Tortuga. It’s just fun to have the threat of a bottle being thrown at your head at any moment. I needed a location that was a little bit lawless and fun, (as well as a little morally dubious) as many of the other locations were based on an element.)

To quote our DMs

"Your honor im girlypop and I don't like jail"
brunettes should be pardoned from all crimes send tweet.
Dear loyal writer, no question is of mild dumbassery.

You are so right that some parts of Solas are not directly governed by the King (due to his absence in that city, or because he has 0 control of that area). Antares is essentially our truant teenager, and their β€œruler” is the Red Baron, he’s like our swag little Pirate King. The Canals seem like the type to have a few wise elders, nobody wants the waters of Algol they haven’t got shit, and Umbra’s gatekeeper personality keeps them a little more divided from the control of the monarchy (because who wants to move there and govern a horrid little ice city where everyone is mean!! ew!!!!).

Those that govern the cities in the King’s stead I imagine differ slightly. Umbra with a reasonable approach and a smaller population to choose from would probably pick a leader they want, assumedly someone quite respected and normal in the head. Siroc with a council of wealthy (boo, eat the rich) members that specialise in different areas. The Cascades with another council, yet the Covenant is probably present on it and holds a lot of influential power. Zenith with the King himself and a council to advise if he’s doing something stupid, not that he has to listen to them.

But all of these places will have some kind of royal messenger/spokesperson that futters back and forth between to pass messages, keep him updated/ask permission for things etc. In our plotting stage I can sit down and write up and attach face-claims to influential members/leaders of Solas, if writers would be interested in having something like that at hand. I've left a lot of bulky information out of lore both out of: I haven't thought of it, or a fear of scaring people away on first impressions by having 58 pages to read through. (If your characters are close to someone of a council or leader role, you’re free to take creative freedom and mold the individual to your liking idc it makes my life easier.)

(In counter to your side note, Antares was heavily inspired by the POTC’s variant of Tortuga. It’s just fun to have the threat of a bottle being thrown at your head at any moment. I needed a location that was a little bit lawless and fun, (as well as a little morally dubious) as many of the other locations were based on an element.)

brunettes should be pardoned from all crimes send tweet.

Your beauteous brain has bestowed upon me impressive means to sate my curiosity, I thank you for this humble answer and offering.

(As a frequent player of the LEGO video game for POTC, where Tortuga was just. always my favorite. for no reason. I heartily approve. Who doesn't love lawlessness < 3 )

And as a brunette, I second this last statement.
Crap I forgot part of my answer when I read Pirate King


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