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Fantasy π‘πŽπ†π”π„ 𝐖𝐀𝐕𝐄𝐒 β€” OOC

From the Umbra perspective, me n GAO previously joked abt the king sort of being like a guy on a NYC street declaring himself the king of the world n ppl just... speedwalking in a wide circle around him side eyeing the entire time

not the aggressive side eyesβ€” 😭. king chose the wrong city for his manspreading.
I’m genuinely so excited to see all the finished characters and (hopefully) get to start scheming and cooking with everyone
Wrote a more in depth history for Antarin now that I've had a wee bit more detail about the politics, now to write my weird little freak of a second character
Guys I swear I’m allowed to make fun of Mormons I was raised in the religion 😭 (I am free now)
broken free of your shackles!

I live in a mormon heavy community at least for outside utah so ive been to mormon events via friends. Their conversion methods were unsuccessful, but i know too much about the religion now
Entirely random but am I the only one that keeps reading "Rogue Wars" instead of "Rogue Waves" and have to ask myself what Start Wars RP I joined?
broken free of your shackles!

I live in a mormon heavy community at least for outside utah so ive been to mormon events via friends. Their conversion methods were unsuccessful, but i know too much about the religion now
I lived in poor countries overseas and still couldn’t escape Mormons πŸ’€πŸ™ now I’m a broke college student in utah i may be cooked
Time to take out Rat’s kneecaps. Just … knock off a few inches and save the ship. 6’3? Nah, I say 5’9. Problem solved.
The idea of him chatting shit sitting down and people are like lets fight 😑😑. And then he stands up and it changes to oh my god why the fuck do you have all that leg on you why are you so e l o n g a t e d.

Entirely random but am I the only one that keeps reading "Rogue Wars" instead of "Rogue Waves" and have to ask myself what Start Wars RP I joined?
Everyone gets aboard the Leviathan and then it just shoots off into space

You’re right this is actually a NASA themed roleplay and a ploy to get rid of the entire crew by launching them through the stratosphere. There will also be lightsabers.

Good morning pookies I love to see us all simmering in here. Big thank-you to the shared effort of sharing dms so people can get their answers quicker!! Brings a little tear to my eye what beautiful collaboration πŸ§Žβ€.I will be very productive today by speedrunning an assignment the night it’s due but I shall be loitering about if any of you need any assistance (or someone gorgeous in here might be able to help you).
Should I make my second character just a literal inch or even half inch taller than Rat just for funsies lol.
Everyone gets aboard the Leviathan and then it just shoots off into space

Pirates? *ship ascends* SPACE PIRATES?

You’re right this is actually a NASA themed roleplay and a ploy to get rid of the entire crew by launching them through the stratosphere. There will also be lightsabers.
I *knew* The Leviathan sounded suspiciously star-ship-y
"Magic" is just the copyright-safe way of saying "The Force", isn't it?
Writing my second char's stuff and sometimes character brainstorming is really just staring at a word doc that is utterly blank save for the words 'personality is a privilege' and waiting for something to click 😌
Writing my second char's stuff and sometimes character brainstorming is really just staring at a word doc that is utterly blank save for the words 'personality is a privilege' and waiting for something to click 😌
Mine is usually just finding a song that I base their entire being on and listen to for 12 hours straight 🫑
Mine is usually just finding a song that I base their entire being on and listen to for 12 hours straight 🫑
PLEASE give me your music braincells, I have been rapid clicking through song after song trying to find a vibe for my two children and I am bereft and barren
ilya i just went "oh this is sad and quiet lets put this on"

aris required a lot more effort and i had to get recommendations from friends
I *knew* The Leviathan sounded suspiciously star-ship-y
"Magic" is just the copyright-safe way of saying "The Force", isn't it?
The King is also Anakin Skywalker β˜οΈπŸ€“

Writing my second char's stuff and sometimes character brainstorming is really just staring at a word doc that is utterly blank save for the words 'personality is a privilege' and waiting for something to click 😌
There is NOTHING more powerful than opening a doc, adding nothing for several hours, then closing it. The company of an untouched word doc is unmatched and you will never find a more loyal friend than that

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