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Robotech - Southern Cross Adventure

Deunan is quiet and attentive to the mission briefing, taking in all the information that she can before the two officers pause to accept any questions. She does have a thought that is in her head. "Sirs, I am wondering just how the Zentraedi knew where to find these technical experts to nab. It is too unlikely for this to have been an accident. If possible, I would like to ask some questions of the factory manager to probe into this. Ever since the convoy we were in was attacked, evidence suggests that there is someone on the inside that is feeding the Zentraedi information on which trailer to target. This same person or persons could have been responsible for this leak, too."
Marlon listened to the briefing with crossed arms. Thinking. And coming to the same conclusion that his Sergeant did. "Yes. And it is pretty coincidental that the abductees were in groups at the time. I may be over thinking things, but it would certainly be advantageous to group them together the best they can so the recovery team would have been able to grab and go as quick as possible. Just a thought really, but it's something could have been organized for them be together to have helped it go off without a hitch. As easy as inviting some specific folk to lunch or a meeting."

Marlon rubbed his chin,"But then again... if it is an inside person, that would be pretty far reaching position they have. From details of a convoy to a military outpost, to a factory in a different area. I can't imagine a lot of people would have access to both, let alone have gone to both recently. Unless it is more than one."

The man shook his head,"Sorry, I am just thinking out loud." He said, redirecting his attention back to the task they were expected to take care of.

"Lieutenant, I can think of a few things to request off the top of my head. Some C4 and wireless detonator, and a mine detector if a compact model is available. Just in case."

Marlon looked over at Deunan,"Sergeant, this might be a good time to see if we can get any camoflauge on our tanks while they are in the hangar." He said. It was one thing to ask for personal things, but Duenan was the head of the squad. He was not about to make a request on her tanks without going through her first. Would be disrespectful. And not good form.

Marlon remembered another thing he wanted to ask. "Oh yes, Lieutenant. You said we are going out there to see what we can find. Tracking the enemy. Should we spot the enemy, do you wish us to attack or follow? And will we be expected to take part in the recovery, or will a special team be prepared for that?" He asked, wanting to know 1) what sort of gear he should consider, and 2) what sort of protocols they should follow in such events. It never hurt to have too many details! Unless those details were top secret.
The Lieutenant looks at Marlon. "We have some of the same concerns about the two attacks, but there is little we can do from here to address that other than send our suspicions up the line and hope for the best."
"Lieutenant, I can think of a few things to request off the top of my head. Some C4 and wireless detonator, and a mine detector if a compact model is available. Just in case."
"The D-40 Cobalt Mine is more powerful than C4, and can be remotely triggered. They are fairly compact and stable to transport, but if you want the C4 instead, that can be arranged. If you choose the D-40's, you can get a case of 12 of them no problem." (OOC they do 1d6x10 MD, a lot more than a bit of C4. Which do you want?)
"Sergeant, this might be a good time to see if we can get any camouflage on our tanks while they are in the hangar."
"That is also easily done. When we're done here, I'll have Lt. Danfield repaint your rigs."
"Oh yes, Lieutenant. You said we are going out there to see what we can find. Tracking the enemy. Should we spot the enemy, do you wish us to attack or follow? And will we be expected to take part in the recovery, or will a special team be prepared for that?"
This time, it is the Captain that takes the question. "I am not going to lay any iron-clad Rules of Engagement on you. Use your judgement. If you encounter a small force of Zentraedi that you can take down that won't compromise your mission, waste 'em. If you are discovered, fight back if possible or disengage if not. If you find the captured technicians and feel confident that you can rescue them, a Supply Sergeant helicopter with some Commanchero escorts will be standing by to fly in and make the pick-up. Don't forget that you have friends out there; Veritechs on patrol and artillery strikes can be called if you find a large enough target. Just remember, the techs are a priority. Don't call in the missiles and heavy guns unless you know the status of those people."

He looks around the room at the five of you. "Something about all of this stinks, and if we're not careful, we'll be stepping into it hip deep. Remember, we don't know that these eight people are culpable in this. They might just be innocent in all of this." He glances at his wristcomp, then stands. "Give Elaine here your equipment requests. You have . . . five hours to get them in and to prepare for your trip. Good luck, and good hunting." With a nod, he heads out of the room.

Lt. Hulsizer pulls up her data pad, ready to take your requests.
Deunan lists off her requested gear, not expecting to have any issues with getting it assigned to her. Looking to the rest of the squad, she asks, "You guys have anything you'd like to ask for?"

WlfSamurai WlfSamurai Rykon Rykon D. Rex D. Rex
Alan ponders his options for a moment, "The support equipment you guys already mentioned sounds about right. However, since we'll be explicitly in enemy stomping grounds, I'll be hauling a grenade launcher instead of the LAR-10."

[I'm out of my depth on this one. I'll have to lean on the experts here.]
Neo nods, and says, "Ma'am? I am pretty well set with my standard equipment. I'm just looking forward to getting out there."

Assuming that no one has any bizarre requests, Lieutenant Hulsizer taps it all out on her data pad. "Done. Everything you've requested is going to be waiting for you by your mecha, and before you leave, they will be camouflage painted. I'll let you go and secure your gear. Good luck out there."

As it gets closer to time to go, you can see that the rain is still coming down hard, making everything not paved a muddy mess. A good thing that your tanks have the hover jets or else they would be bogged down in the muck. Setting out, the five of you go out over the bridge and down the highway, hitting your top speed with no worries of getting a traffic ticket.

Over the course of the next hour, you race along without any encounters as you close in on the manufacturing plant. You'll be there in less than ten minutes.

Make sure you also list out what heavy shells you have for your main guns.
As they race along the highway, Deunan is already keeping her thoughts on the hunt ahead. "Heads up, everyone. We're getting close to the factory that was hit. Be on the lookout for any nasty surprises that the Zentraedi have left for us."

At this point, she decides to call ahead to any members of the defense forces at the factory site to let them know not to start shooting at them when they pull up from the highway. No need for any friendly fire incidents to happen.
On Foot:
Number of Attacks: 5
Strike: +7
Parry: +9 - +12 with Heavy Combat Shield
Dodge: +10
Roll: +6
Perception: +12
Damage: +2 from Ps

In the Hover Tank:
Number of Attacks: 6 - +1 attack per melee round at levels 1, 3, 6, 10, and 14
Strike: +9 with Cannons, +10 to HtH, +11 with EU-11 (+2)
Parry: +13 (+1)
Dodge: +13 (+1)
Roll: +9
Perception: +12
Initiative: +2 (+2)

Plasma: 5
MPAT: 10
Smoke: 3

Left Shield: 500
Right Shield: 500
Main Body: 475
Calling ahead was a good idea; the Defense Forces that have been assigned to protect the repair work on the manufacturing plant are understandably jumpy. As you pull in, you can see a pair of Tomahawks that have seen better days that are standing guard, along with a Defender and three Spartans. Several old style tracked tanks are parked at what look like key choke points, but if the Zentraedi do mount another sizable attack, they will be little more than speed bumps to the skilled giant warriors.

Looking around, you can see that the Army Corps of Engineers are hard at work laying down hedgehogs, mines and prefab walls to protect the repair crews that are working on the manufacturing plant. It seems a bit like closing the barn door after the cows have all escaped, but if the work that they are doing here is as important as has been suggested, they can't put up the defenses fast enough. It was either blind luck or sheer ignorance on the part of the Zentraedi that they didn't do more damage to the place when they had a chance.

You can also see where the Zentraedi attack forces came out of the treeline from all the damage done to the foliage from both their passing and the weapon fire that was let loose in the area.

Do you stop to look around the factory complex at all, or do you head off down the trail of the Zentraedi?

D. Rex D. Rex WlfSamurai WlfSamurai Sherwood Sherwood Rykon Rykon
Marlon had ultimately decided on the D-40 mines. While he liked plastic explosives for their versatility, they did require a bit of setup. He also logged in a Jump pack like the Sergeant. Couldn't hurt for some extra mobility. Finally, requested a tool kit for field repairs. Other than that, he would make sure he had his standard loadout. His LP-09 on his hip and the Mk.25 in the Spartan.

With the rain still pouring, the tanks would surely be even harder to spot when coupled with the new camo painting. A slight edge if need be. He made sure to give plenty of time to count out the shells he planned to take with him, and everything was well and good.


Marlon looked over the factory defenses. Working in the rain and mud was a pain, he felt for them. It might not hold a wave, but it was much better than nothing. At least there was plenty left to the touch after the giants gentle assault. Perhaps all the more reason to get defenses up, in case they come back to finish the job.

He would wait quietly, simply surveying things. Ready for orders from the Sergeant.

Main Body: 475/
Cannon: 150/
Arm L: 150/
Arm R: 150/

Arm Shield L: 500/

Arm Shield R: 500/
Leg L: 260/
Leg R: 260/
Pilot Compartment: 150/

In the Hover Tank:
Number of Attacks: 6, +1 attack per melee round at levels 1, 3, 6, 10, and 14
Strike Cannon: +8 (+2 UC)
Strike EU-11: +10(+2 UC)
Strike MIW-20: +8(+2 UC)
Hth strike: +9(+2 UC), +12 damage
Parry: +13 (+1 UC)
Dodge: +12 (+1 UC)
Roll: +10
Perception: +9
Initiative: +2 (+1 UC)

105mm Shells
Plasma: 15
MPAT: 15
Canister: 0
Smoke: 3

105mm Cannon, Damage
APFSDS: 3d6x10
Plasma: 2d8x10, 25ft AoE
MPAT: 2d6x10, 50ft AoE
HEAT: 2d6x10
Canister(half range): 1d8x10, 25ft AoE
Canister(full range): 1d4x10, 50ft Aoe
Smoke: n/a, 100ft AoE

Rate of Fire: Twice per melee round
Payload: 48 rounds
Note: Typical loadout for the Hover Tank is nine shells of each kind except for the smoke rounds. Those have three rounds, unless something different is required for the mission.

EU-11 Gunpod
Single blast: 1d8
Five shot burst: 1d4x10
Ammo(rechargeable): 140/140

MIW-20 Triple Barreled Ion Pulse (tank mode only)
Three round burst: 1d6x10
Ammo: N/A
Deunan calls out on the squad channel, "Throttle back, guys. Lets check in with the locals and see what wasn't in the reports." She wipes her visor from the running rainwater again (damn all this rain!) and pulls up to a stop nearby one of the Tomahawks. She stands and stretches, then waves up at the pilots of the tall Destroid. "Hey there! I'm Sergeant Conway of the Third Heavy Recon squad. We're just passing through on the trail of the Zentraedi that hit not long ago. Is there anything you can tell us that might not have made it into the reports we've read? Anything that might help us out as we go hunting?"
On Foot:
Number of Attacks: 5
Strike: +7
Parry: +9 - +12 with Heavy Combat Shield
Dodge: +10
Roll: +6
Perception: +12
Damage: +2 from Ps

In the Hover Tank:
Number of Attacks: 6 - +1 attack per melee round at levels 1, 3, 6, 10, and 14
Strike: +9 with Cannons, +10 to HtH, +11 with EU-11 (+2)
Parry: +13 (+1)
Dodge: +13 (+1)
Roll: +9
Perception: +12
Initiative: +2 (+2)

Plasma: 5
MPAT: 10
Smoke: 3

Left Shield: 500
Right Shield: 500
Main Body: 475
Pulling up, one of the Tomahawks takes a step forward, and you get the image on the video screen of a older man, probably in his forties. "Welcome to our part of the Zone, Sergeant. I am Chief Alanzo Cruz. I was here during the attack, but there is not much to add to the official record. Me and Mike over there held our own, and managed to take down several Battle Pods, but just as suddenly as they came in, they all bolted out of here. It wasn't until much later on that we were able to discover that there was anyone missing. Good luck out there. If you do manage to run into those bastards, give them a few licks from me, will ya? We lost some good people that gave their all trying to defend this place."
Deunan lets out a silent sigh. She was hoping for some missing piece of information, but it doesn't look like there is anything besides what they already know. "Thank you, Chief. Don't worry. We'll make sure those giant assholes get what's coming to them."

Cycling up the power to the hover jets once more, she calls out, "Alright Third Heavy. Lets get a move on. Those Zentraedi aren't about to drop dead on their own."
On Foot:
Number of Attacks: 5
Strike: +7
Parry: +9 - +12 with Heavy Combat Shield
Dodge: +10
Roll: +6
Perception: +12
Damage: +2 from Ps

In the Hover Tank:
Number of Attacks: 6 - +1 attack per melee round at levels 1, 3, 6, 10, and 14
Strike: +9 with Cannons, +10 to HtH, +11 with EU-11 (+2)
Parry: +13 (+1)
Dodge: +13 (+1)
Roll: +9
Perception: +12
Initiative: +2 (+2)

Plasma: 5
MPAT: 10
Smoke: 3

Left Shield: 500
Right Shield: 500
Main Body: 475
As the five of you are moving through the trees on the trail of the Zentraedi, Alan is the first to spot a glint of metal in the trees up ahead, roughly 1,000 feet out. As you take a closer look, you are able to make out the distinctive features of a Battle Pod lying in wait for someone to come along!

You have just enough time to call out a warning before the shots are fired.

Roll initiative!
With the warning shout from Alan, Deunan gets ready for a firefight!
Everyone gets a +2 to Initiative from the bonuses of the Command Tank. Also, ignore the first Initiative roll; I forgot to change it from the d100 for my Sensory Systems skill check.

Initiative total of 11

On Foot:
Number of Attacks: 5
Strike: +7
Parry: +9 - +12 with Heavy Combat Shield
Dodge: +10
Roll: +6
Perception: +12
Damage: +2 from Ps

In the Hover Tank:
Number of Attacks: 6 - +1 attack per melee round at levels 1, 3, 6, 10, and 14
Strike: +9 with Cannons, +10 to HtH, +11 with EU-11 (+2)
Parry: +13 (+1)
Dodge: +13 (+1)
Roll: +9
Perception: +12
Initiative: +2 (+2)

Plasma: 5
MPAT: 10
Smoke: 3

Left Shield: 500
Right Shield: 500
Main Body: 475
Main Body: 475
Right Shield: 500
Left Shield: 500

Plasma: 5
MPAT: 10
Canister: 5
Smoke: 3

In the Spartas (See MECT Bonuses):
Number of Attacks: 6
Strike: +7 with Cannons, +8 to HtH, +9 with EU-11 (+2 Command)
Parry: +10 (+1 Command)
Dodge: +9 (+1 Command)
Roll: +6
Perception: +8
Initiative: +2 (+1 Command)
Last edited:
Once Alan's keen eyesight was able to spot the Regult Pods lying in ambush, he is able to get off the first attack and spoil their surprise. They are dug in, giving them partial cover, so you are all at a minus to hit them until they start to move.

Rykon Rykon is up

Order of Initiative
21 - Alan <====
15 - Battle Pods 1-5
11 - Deunan
9 - Marlon
7 - Neo
How spread out are the battle pods? More specifically, can I hit more than one with an MPAT round?
Three are to the left the road in close range to one another, the other two are on the right side of the road and are more spread out. The ones on the left are close enough that you can hit two of them with a MPAT or other shell like that.
Alan shifts to tank mode to fire off an MPAT round at the clustered group of three battle pods, hopefully dealing solid damage to at least two of the Zentraedi mechs.

Main Body: 475
Right Shield: 500
Left Shield: 500

Plasma: 5
MPAT: 10 9
Canister: 5
Smoke: 3

In the Spartas (See MECT Bonuses):
Number of Attacks: 6
Strike: +7 with Cannons, +8 to HtH, +9 with EU-11 (+2 Command)
Parry: +10 (+1 Command)
Dodge: +9 (+1 Command)
Roll: +6
Perception: +8
Initiative: +2 (+1 Command)
The dug in position of the Pods keeps the MPAT round from hitting them.

With their surprise attack foiled, the pods begin to fire. The two on one side aim at Deunan, the three on the other side aim at Alan.

Sherwood Sherwood is up, and you and Rykon Rykon have a defense to declare.

Order of Initiative
21 - Alan [1]
15 - Battle Pods 1-5 [1]
11 - Deunan <====
9 - Marlon
7 - Neo

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