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Dice Rifts Japan - OOC Thread

Sherwood Sherwood I noticed that my character doesn't have a Speed start for his human running speed. Should I roll for that? If so, I'm guessing it would be 3d6. Does that sound ok to you?
Yes, go ahead and add that to your sheet. Thank you.
I hope the dice are as nice to GunMan2 and me as they've been to the both of you! =)
Sherwood Sherwood Are you near dice or are you at work? If the former, would you roll the 3d6s for me? If the latter, it can definitely wait. Either way, at your leisure!

I'm definitely going with the Spirit Host P.C.C. (meanwhile I'm examining the Mystic Ninja O.C.C. thinking it might be a great team-up with the Snake Spirit Host).
Sherwood Sherwood Are you near dice or are you at work? If the former, would you roll the 3d6s for me? If the latter, it can definitely wait. Either way, at your leisure!

I'm definitely going with the Spirit Host P.C.C. (meanwhile I'm examining the Mystic Ninja O.C.C. thinking it might be a great team-up with the Snake Spirit Host).
I'm at lunch break at the moment, so the dice will have to wait until I'm home. How many rolls of how may dice do you need?
Sherwood Sherwood
Sherwood Sherwood
So here is the thing with that...its all about versioning here.

It used to be you automatically got 2 attacks per melee PLUS whatever you got with your Hand to Hand PLUS Boxing etc...

In the Rifts Ultimate Edition (which was published after Rifts Japan), you get 4 attacks per melee with Hand to Hand: Basic and Martial Arts.

So based on the old system, my Police Officer with Aikido and Boxing...should technically have 2+2+1 = 5 attacks per melee. Translating to the new system, I would just assume that the other specified Martial Arts (Aikido, Karate, Jujitsu, etc) would have 4 attacks per melee to start with, similar to Hand to Hand Martial Arts in the Ultimate book.

But I will definitely take a free boxing skill ;-)
If Eon's concern was finalized, I can't find it. How are we working this?
IIRC Aikido had some great defense and Chi abilities to it, making it rather hard to hit the practitioner. With the version in Rifts Japan having two attacks and adding boxing for the third, that will put Eon closer to the rest of the party in the attacks department.

I am open to suggestions on changing things.
IIRC Aikido had some great defense and Chi abilities to it, making it rather hard to hit the practitioner. With the version in Rifts Japan having two attacks and adding boxing for the third, that will put Eon closer to the rest of the party in the attacks department.

I am open to suggestions on changing things.
I am referring to the number of Attacks per Round in general. Are we going with the old method or the Rifts Ultimate method or with the method mentioned in Ninjas & Superspies (which I personally use in Broadsword and every other Palladium game I've run)?

Attacks per Melee (page 82).

Attacks per Melee: Represents the maximum number of Attacks per Melee when using this particular "Form" of martial arts at first level. It doesn't matter what kind of whiz-bang bonuses the character has, and it doesn't matter how many attacks per melee the character gets in another Form, this is the maximum, first level, attacks per melee when using this specific Form. Bonuses gained from two or more forms of martial arts are not combined with each other, but remain separate and distinct from each other. NEVER combine the bonuses of two or more "forms" for an overall bonus total. However, boxing and wrestling are not considered to be "Forms" and can be combined with martial arts and each other.
Sherwood, come to think of it, the N&S version is the version we used in your previous Rifts and Robotech games. Psychie's games too. In the nearly 10 years Kaerri and I have been part of RP Nation, I don't remember us ever going with anything but the N&S method.

But it's your game. I'm just bringing it up.
Let me get home and do some reading, but I'm leaning more towards the N&S rule set, but the Aikido write-up from Rifts Japan. That one grants two attacks at level one instead of the single attack that the N&S one does.
Do I need to drop my Boxing to keep from being overly powerful? I'm already tough as nails, so it wouldn't be a huge blow.
Let me get home and do some reading, but I'm leaning more towards the N&S rule set, but the Aikido write-up from Rifts Japan. That one grants two attacks at level one instead of the single attack that the N&S one does.
Sherwood Sherwood In Broadsword, you may recall that in order to make Aikido closer to what I've experienced in Real Life (and a bit more reasonable to play in an RPG), I've made my own version (Aikido 1.2). That version provides 2 Attacks per Round, two basic attacks (punch and kick), two Weapon Katas (Sword and Staff), and possibly most importantly: Automatic Dodge. I feel this makes the system far more attractive especially since we don't use Martial Art Powers in that game. You're welcome to use it if you wish (just give me credit in your Lore post as always, please).
Do I need to drop my Boxing to keep from being overly powerful? I'm already tough as nails, so it wouldn't be a huge blow.
I would like to know this too as I'm basing my overall build on my perceived power level of the party (a young Kumo-Mi Sohei, a human cybernetic detective/SAMAS pilot, and it would not surprise me if GunMan2 rolled a full conversion combat 'borg! All right! Not to mention whatever our NPC teammates are likely to be).

I'm also remembering just how tough vanilla Rifts oni (demons) and other monsters are. =)

Sleep time now. Be well, everyone!
Thanks for the offer. I might take you up on that, and I'll make sure to give credit to you.

Just let me compare the various versions of the Aikido style and I'll decide which we'll be using.
Hmmm.....I got the book that Dannigan recomended. Kind of looking to either go ninja borg C.C and combine it with the mysthic ninja race. Though i got no concept yet playing around with the Modern ninja and how everything changed after the feudal era.
Hmmm.....I got the book that Dannigan recomended. Kind of looking to either go ninja borg C.C and combine it with the mysthic ninja race. Though i got no concept yet playing around with the Modern ninja and how everything changed after the feudal era.
I don't think you can combine the mystic stuff with the borg conversion. The cyborg stuff wipes out your ppe/chi, making any cybernetics anathema to a mystic.
So shadowrun rules then. Where having human flesh euqals to the ammount of mana and spells you can use. Hmm.....ill have to look for the samuarai or other non magic races then.
There are cyber samauri and other high tech options in your book that could be used if you want to go that route.

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