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Dice Rifts Japan - OOC Thread

Sherwood Sherwood I am giving my character Pilot Automobile with a +10 bonus and Swimming because why would they issue a Police Officer a Police Cruiser and not train them in Pilot Automobile??? and also live on an island without not knowing how to swim and be a policeman??? Really? That make no sense and it is soooo typical of Palladium copy and paste OCCs...
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Sherwood Sherwood I am giving my character Pilot Automobile with a +10 bonus because why would they issue a Police Officer a Police Cruiser and not train them in Pilot Automobile??? That make no sense and it is soooo typical of Palladium copy and paste OCCs...
Eonivar Eonivar Right?

My favorite example of devs making what appears to be an oversight is the Robotech Masters Mecha Engineering MOS which has every possible skill you could ask for... except Mecha Engineering! You choose the M.O.S., but you can't do the very thing it is centered around! Ack! =)
Without being able to get Boxing, lets go ahead and say the four from your RCC.
Sherwood Sherwood Four Attacks per Round with Jujitsu? Starting? Holy moly! That's double the normal amount!

Hey! How can the rest of us get on board this bandwagon? There are a number of martial arts I have passed up because of their lack of Attacks per Round (Aikido I'm looking at you).

The Demon Queller ("Shoki") OCC doesn't get Boxing either and that's one of the three occupations I was considering.

Do all martial arts start off with four Attacks per Round then? Or at least three?
Psychie Psychie If you would like an alternative to Jujitsu, and if you don't think our Game Master would mind, you might want to check out Isshin-Ryu from the Ninjas and Superspies martial arts systems.

That is if you like going bo staff-crazy!
If you wish to go for it, feel free.
Sherwood Sherwood Four Attacks per Round with Jujitsu? Starting? Holy moly! That's double the normal amount!

Hey! How can the rest of us get on board this bandwagon? There are a number of martial arts I have passed up because of their lack of Attacks per Round (Aikido I'm looking at you).

The Demon Queller ("Shoki") OCC doesn't get Boxing either and that's one of the three occupations I was considering.

Do all martial arts start off with four Attacks per Round then? Or at least three?
Hmmm. In N&S, Akido has only one action starting out, but in the Rifts Japan book they upped it to 2. That one has a lot of defensive ability, making it very hard to hit the practitioner, along with some good Chi powers. I will do this: I'll allow any OCC to get Boxing for the extra attack per melee round, so if Psychie Psychie takes Isshen-Ryu with its 3 actions per round, that gets her to the four attacks that she can get as a dragon.
Hmmm. In N&S, Akido has only one action starting out, but in the Rifts Japan book they upped it to 2. That one has a lot of defensive ability, making it very hard to hit the practitioner, along with some good Chi powers. I will do this: I'll allow any OCC to get Boxing for the extra attack per melee round, so if Psychie Psychie takes Isshen-Ryu with its 3 actions per round, that gets her to the four attacks that she can get as a dragon.
A terrific and fair solution! 8D
Sherwood Sherwood I find myself caught between three different directions to go. I'm not sure which road to take. Is the following true?

So... as a Section 6/Silent Mobius style law enforcement operation, we have arrest powers and License to Kill if I recall correctly. We are after supernatural beings of evil intent. We will be doing some traveling and the game is not centered in the city.

Hmmm. In N&S, Akido has only one action starting out, but in the Rifts Japan book they upped it to 2. That one has a lot of defensive ability, making it very hard to hit the practitioner, along with some good Chi powers. I will do this: I'll allow any OCC to get Boxing for the extra attack per melee round, so if Psychie Psychie takes Isshen-Ryu with its 3 actions per round, that gets her to the four attacks that she can get as a dragon.
Sherwood Sherwood
So here is the thing with that...its all about versioning here.

It used to be you automatically got 2 attacks per melee PLUS whatever you got with your Hand to Hand PLUS Boxing etc...

In the Rifts Ultimate Edition (which was published after Rifts Japan), you get 4 attacks per melee with Hand to Hand: Basic and Martial Arts.

So based on the old system, my Police Officer with Aikido and Boxing...should technically have 2+2+1 = 5 attacks per melee. Translating to the new system, I would just assume that the other specified Martial Arts (Aikido, Karate, Jujitsu, etc) would have 4 attacks per melee to start with, similar to Hand to Hand Martial Arts in the Ultimate book.

But I will definitely take a free boxing skill ;-)
Sherwood Sherwood I find myself caught between three different directions to go. I'm not sure which road to take. Is the following true?

So... as a Section 6/Silent Mobius style law enforcement operation, we have arrest powers and License to Kill if I recall correctly. We are after supernatural beings of evil intent. We will be doing some traveling and the game is not centered in the city.

You will be both in and out of the city of Hiroshima.
Ok, I got Detective Ando's character mostly up. The only thing I need to add is Backstory. Please take a look and make sure I did not miss anything.
Dragon is your native language. You'll need to make sure you can speak Japanese or you'll need a translator.
Somehow, I doubt every Sohei at Psychie's character's monastery spoke Dragonese, but wouldn't it be cool if they did? A whole bunch of Japanese folks stuck in the Edo period talking dragon because they secretly have a baby Kumo-Mi hidden in the temple!

Monk from nearby temple: "So why is it everyone here speaks the language of dragonkind?"

Monk from Psychie's dragon's monastery: "It is a mystery, brother." =)
Eonivar Eonivar GunMan2 GunMan2 Psychie Psychie

Just to share with my fellow Players, here is where I am concerning my character creation:

I am happy to say Sherwood has agreed to allow me to play a Spirit Host P.C.C. (from China 2). This scratches my Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtle itch exceedingly well (and TMNT is one of the reasons I wanted to change games - the setting!). He is also allowing the O-Ken Wa sword/kicking system which I have never personally had a PC with this! Exciting! But which of my three roads to take (or do I look for more)?

1. Shoki a.k.a. Demon Queller. The Spirit Host + Shoki combination is an old one in my tabletop games. I have been down that road so far with one of my favorite Players who went from nothing to making his character a major legend feared by demons and devils everywhere in my game! But... having played his family of NPC Shoki Spirit Hosts, I feel I have "been there, done that" big time. It provides a combination of great familiarity (even the temptation of playing a certain NPC). The ability to never be possessed, the extra Martial Art Powers, even the spells! They make for a potent combination (even if the personality I am thinking of is far from the pirate-like boisterous Shoki that many of them appear to be).

But it also lacks wonder for me. This is the same reason I am not playing a LEO (Law Enforcement Officer) class or a cyborg. Been there, done that. Still, unlike the LEO and cyborg characters, I find I can't completely shelf this idea just yet. It is my "fall-back" OCC if I can't come to a better conclusion.

2. Gun Master from China 2. A character in Rifts whose power is to make them intimately familiar with any (non-heavy) firearm in all of the Megaverse? Holy freaking cow, there's something I haven't played before! However, I think I should read through the O.C.C. again to become more familiar with its strengths and limitations.

If I took on the Gun Master O.C.C., I could combine it with the O-Ken Wa sword style and another martial system like Tai Chi Ch'uan. The benefits there? The advantage of being effective at all ranges (hand-to-hand, melee, ranged) while having Automatic Dodge when in ranged combat. There is also the multiple benefits of being a Chi Master as well as a hard-bodied fighter - the Yin to the Yang, one might say. But... the character would very likely lack Skills.

3. Enter the N&S Operative Agent! What a skill-hound! (Psychie, you may recall that in Broadsword, this is Hitomi's O.C.C. and for her, 1st level was a looong time ago!) It is education-city, so being able to afford a second martial art is easily taken care of. Such a character can be a medical doctor, computer hacker, bodyguard-become-"supercop" (from Jackie Chan's movie of the same name), and then some!

Except it lacks the supernatural edge of the previous two options. But what's the point of being a computer specialist when outside of Hiroshima, the number of computers are very likely few?

Whatever happens, I would also like the character to be a professional chef who began his living in Hiroshima by sharing all of the culinary wonders of that one place the Republic is not likely to hang out long in - the New Empire, my character's birthplace! I love the idea of my character being able to craft the best teas and coffees our team might ask for! Plus, in a world where time has created a million mysteries, who knows what lost cookbooks might still be out there?

Heh! Any thoughts from you? If you would like a hand with your character, let me know and will try to help! =)
Wow...all those special cool powers and skills...Detective Ando is so very normal ;-)
Wow...all those special cool powers and skills...Detective Ando is so very normal ;-)
Yes! I cannot help but think of the conversation between the major and Togusa while they are riding in the van in Ghost in the Shell.

(I'm quoting from memory. There will be mistakes.)

Togusa: "Major, there has been something I've been meaning to ask. Why did you choose a guy like me?

Major Kusanagi: "Because we need a guy like you."

Togusa: "Huh?!"

The way that conversation goes speaks volumes. We cannot all be copies of one another. "Over specialize and you breed in weakness. It's slow death."

Sherwood has told us that we are going up against "supernatural evil" in Japan. The differing types of demons in Japan and China alone are too numerous for me to list. Therefore, if our group, whatever we decide to play, is not adaptive, is not able to change with the wind if you will, then we will be forced to succumb to the evil.

This is something I'm trying to keep in mind as I learn about your characters too. Just like Sherwood's Robotech game and every game I'm involved in, I want this game to last. =)
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Wow...all those special cool powers and skills...Detective Ando is so very normal ;-)
Eonivar Eonivar

Ando has a load of cybernetics and Samas training to go along with his Aikido and detective skills. Plus, I imagine he knows Hiroshima like the back of his hand! Probably better than anyone in the in the party. He'll be doing just fine, I bet, and we'll be glad to have him! But you make a good point. If you want "normal people," go for Ando. =)

By the way, don't SAMAS missiles have a +3 bonus to hit (like basic Robotech missiles)? (Add the weapon system skill for another +1 if desired?) Don't want you missing out on bonuses you should have!

(Edit: I edited this because after reading it, it really didn't come across the way I meant it to. This rewrite does!)
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If you want to bounce ideas off of someone, I'll be up for about another couple of hours.

I just reread Gun Master and it won't work (no extra psychic bonuses/powers allowed and the Spirit Host is a P.C.C. + the O.C.C. uses no other W.P.s of any kind and my PC has a sword style... that's kind of lame without the swords!). The hunt continues! =)
Sherwood Sherwood I noticed that my character doesn't have a Speed start for his human running speed. Should I roll for that? If so, I'm guessing it would be 3d6. Does that sound ok to you?

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