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Dice Rifts Adventure - OOC

I will be posting IC shortly to move the story along. Thank toy everyone for your patience.
No worries, Bud! You're alive and kicking and I'll wait as long as you need to recover, man!

I'm just glad you're O.K..

Honor and fun,
Dann =)
O.K.. Here's a blanket statement in every game I share with Psychie for all of you.

Psychie is offline until further notice. She's O.K.; it's her computer that isn't. Our favorite Psychotic, er, Psychie will be back when her computer-related woes are back in order. =)
Heya GunMan2 GunMan2 ! Psychie's back on RP Nation (and with a new phone)! Hooray!

Sherwood is still in the hospital recovering, slowly but "surely!"

leslie nielsen shirley GIF by simongibson2000
I saw that the announcement as RP nation keeps sending me emails whenever something is posted. But right now im studying and got a real big assignments i need to post on how sports is a vehicle of social inclusion and exclusion

Now did i forget to roll for stats....what was it again. d6 or something
GunMan2 GunMan2 Hey you! Hope you're doing well!

Here's a blanket update I'm putting into all of the games I share with Sherwood:

He's still in the hospital for at least one more week, possibly longer. If you want to send any good tidings his way, you might put them here or on his Profile Page?
GunMan2 GunMan2 Hey you! Hope you're doing well!

Here's a blanket update I'm putting into all of the games I share with Sherwood:

He's still in the hospital for at least one more week, possibly longer. If you want to send any good tidings his way, you might put them here or on his Profile Page?
Hey Sherwood. Im doing fine just big study stuff getting in the way and such. Finished a large assignment the day before and now im just doing more work. How are the others?

Also thanks for that one ill send my well wished to him, hope he gets better.
I am posting this... everywhere? =)

Heya RP Nation!

For the first time in the near-10 years that Kaerri and I have been on RP Nation, I am changing my name (and I don't imagine it'll change in the future)!

I will always still answer to Dannigan or Dann and I'll leave a little something in my signature to that effect.

Hope you're having a wonderful day, RP Nation! 8D

Honor and fun,
Purr =)
Last edited:
Heya friends and fellow gamers! Here's a blanket Sherwood update for you!

Sherwood will be in the hospital for about another 6-10 days, and he wants to assure you that - OH YES! - Sherwood WILL be back! Mark your calendars, people! The laser-chasing kitty knight we all know and love WILL be making his return!

Honor and fun,
Purr =)
Psychie Psychie
A vat holding six Mystic Leaches pg 115
Three Mind Slugs pg 116
*A Mental Incapacitator pg 153
*Three Forearm Blasters pg 153
*Two Net Guns
One Barrier Projector
A TW powered rail gun

I see the asterisked items in Rifts Sourcebook One, Revised, but the others? Rifts World Book Atlantis?
Also, just what kind of TW Rail Gun is that, please?

They are all from the World Book Atlantis.

The TW rail gun fires tk bursts that require no ammo, just PPE or ISP to fuel it. It has a PPE battery with 50 points in it. A single shot fired does 1d4 MD and uses 1 PPE. A burst does 6d6 MD and uses 5 PPE. If the battery is empty, a person can use their own PPE/ISP to fuel it directly. Range is 2,000 feet.
I am sure t hat over the past two days of waiting for Dreamy 2.0 to hatch/emerge from her cocoon we would be able to gather up what there is. Raven would insist on waiting for any final "this is what I'd like" until Dreamy is up and about again.

Personally, Raven would like to lay claim to one of the Net Guns and one of the three Forearm Blasters, but that is open to negotiation.
Well, here is another update on the Eternal Hospital Stay for poor Sherwood. I am feeling much better today, but the downside is that I have multiple leaks in my right side lung, keeping my chest tube in. If the docs pull it out now, the leaks would just have my lung collapse again and they would have to replace the chest tube. If there is not any progress, the next step is a much more invasive operation to open up my side and do a surgical repair of these leaks, leaving the chest tube in until I heal from the worst of the operation and can then start to look for a discharge date of about 5-7 days from then. I am sooooo done with this, having spent the past three weeks in the hospital.
Psychie Psychie What page is the Barrier Projector on, please? I cannot find it in my physical copy of Rifts World Book 2: Atlantis. I went looking through our O.O.C. conversation here and I can't find a description of it in here either.
I have one in my Equipment tab already. Here is the write-up:

This hand-held device is rather bulky and unwieldy. It is shaped like a short rifle with a large, squat cylinder for a barrel and a pair of handles instead of a grip and trigger. Upon mental command, the projector fires a large energy beam that envelops its target in a sort of energy bubble. This works quite well against beings who can teleport on their own and those who use Phase Powers. Remember, Phase Powers cannot pierce magic barriers. It is also used extensively for containing the non-magical members of raiding parties.
Weight: 10 Ibs (4.5 kg).
Mega-Damage: None, but creates an energy bubble with 120 M.D.C., and those inside the bubble can not teleport, phase or use a mystic portal.
Rate of Fire: Two shots per melee round.
Maximum Effective Range: 300 feet (91.4 m) and the bubble has an eight foot (2.4 m) diameter.
Payload: Six shots and regenerates its full payload in 24 hours or instantly at a Stone Pyramid.
Market Cost: 750,000 to one million credits; very rare on the open market, typically used only by special Splugorth troops.
I have one in my Equipment tab already. Here is the write-up:

This hand-held device is rather bulky and unwieldy. It is shaped like a short rifle with a large, squat cylinder for a barrel and a pair of handles instead of a grip and trigger. Upon mental command, the projector fires a large energy beam that envelops its target in a sort of energy bubble. This works quite well against beings who can teleport on their own and those who use Phase Powers. Remember, Phase Powers cannot pierce magic barriers. It is also used extensively for containing the non-magical members of raiding parties.
Weight: 10 Ibs (4.5 kg).
Mega-Damage: None, but creates an energy bubble with 120 M.D.C., and those inside the bubble can not teleport, phase or use a mystic portal.
Rate of Fire: Two shots per melee round.
Maximum Effective Range: 300 feet (91.4 m) and the bubble has an eight foot (2.4 m) diameter.
Payload: Six shots and regenerates its full payload in 24 hours or instantly at a Stone Pyramid.
Market Cost: 750,000 to one million credits; very rare on the open market, typically used only by special Splugorth troops.
Oh, that thing! Right, right, right! Thanks a bunch, Sherwood! I kept getting it confused with the forcefield projector on the Slave Barge - and I knew that wasn't it! =)
Here's an update on my illness. I have my chest tube clamped, and assuming that there is no problems overnight, I'll get it removed in the morning and be home hopefully Thursday. I am so excited to be out of here after spending nearly a month in the hospital.
Also, a quick update on Sherwood's status. He has a large air bubble in his right lung that the doc's have put in a new drainage tube to keep his lung from collapsing. He should be getting out of the hospital on Monday, and he's pretty depressed with having to wait to get home. After all, it's now been a full month that he's been in the hospital.
Posting this in all games I share with Sherwood.

Update on everyone's favorite pun-meister! If all goes well, Sherwood might be out of the hospital and home this Friday! Cross your fingers and keep sending good vibes his way, fellow gamers! =)
Sure wish to heck I was getting alerts to this game! I didn't know anyone posted last week! Mrph.
I hope to post tomorrow when I have more brain. Make it a good one, fellow gamers! =)
And speaking of doing well, I may be getting out of the hospital tomorrow or Saturday, assuming that everything continues to look good on my x-rays. It has only been 43 days since I was admitted, so I am more than ready to go home.
On an unrelated note, I have just gotten the word that I'm getting discharged from the hospital! It has been something like 45 days that I've been locked up here, so I'm quite ready to go home. Now all I have to do is wait for the paperwork to get done to get me out.
I'm out and home now. I got to spend my first night in nearly 45 days in my own bed, cuddled up next to my wife. This experience has been hard, and not just on me. It has affected my family quite a lot. My 11 year old was in tears when she saw me at home last night, just in time for her birthday party. I was pretty choked up, too.

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