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Fandom Return to Magic Kingdom OOC

*sees "Izzy" and thinks of the character from Digimon*


mxlly mxlly : we are doing that first cause yeah it needs to happen. Cause it's been too long.

Eva: Isa, for now ill say Isa *goes to look at middle name if any*
mxlly mxlly : we are doing that first cause yeah it needs to happen. Cause it's been too long.

Eva: Isa, for now ill say Isa *goes to look at middle name if any*
Okiedokie ♡
And aw Esme~

mxlly mxlly : Oooh! Mary Ann! Esme's last name is Marie and like we can do something with that!
Ah! Any ideas?? It's too late for me to think lol

Wait I thought Moxie was the one with an Eva?


Yesss but it would've just been a lil mistake ^^
Okiedokie ♡
And aw Esme~

Ah! Any ideas?? It's too late for me to think lol

Yesss but it would've just been a lil mistake ^^

But that's kinda hmmmm.

Marie and Mary


Marzie pan

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