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Futuristic Republic Remnants CS



Fantasy and Sci-fi Enthusiast
Roleplay Availability
Roleplay Type(s)
My Interest Check
Home Planet:
Appearance (Feel free to use an image, or a hand written description, or both):
Eye and hair color:
Rank in order/ position:

Personality bits
Biography (Please include where they were during order 66, and a brief moment of aftermath before arrival on the planet):
Equipment (this includes weapons, vehicles, etc):

Jedi bits
Trained force abilities. 1 thing they're the 'master' of, and max of 3 things they're 'good' at:
Lightsaber hilt:
Kyber Crystal color:
Practiced forms:

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Name: Lofurra (pronounced lof-urra). 'Loffy' in a very relaxed setting.
Age: 250
Race: Wookiee
Home Planet: Kashyyk

Height: 7'2
Weight: 355
Eye and hair color: Blue eyes, Deep brown fur that lightens around the face
Attire: Master robes, Traditional Baldric
Rank in order/ Position: Jedi Master. Jedi guardian weapon master.

Personality bits
Personality: Remarkably calm for a wookiee, fits of anger and rage have more or less been 'grown out of', very few things able to set him off to a length extent. A good portion of his time is spent meditating or training, though he has been known to offer guidance and counseling to those who seek him out.

Biography: Lofurra spent his younger years as every prospective jedi did. First as a youngling, then a padawan. From there he would go onto being a successful knight and after several years of training and commitment, eventually went on to become a master. A large portion of his time before and after becoming a master was spent on honing his martial skill with the bowcaster and his own hand to hand capabilities, in order to become recognized as a weapon master of the order. The bowcaster came naturally, of course, though the hand to hand combat was a bit more...difficult. Eventually, he did reach the mark, and was recognized as such. While he never became a member of an official council, he felt no anger or envy over this fact. He was perfectly happy with his place in the order and life, and could have expected many years ahead of him helping others and aiding the order...should order 66 not arrived. He had been on coruscant at the time, attending to business in the temple when it was stormed. It had come completely unexpected and caught them all unprepared, and the result was an absolute massacre. He had done what he could, but even a master must admit when everything is lost. Barking an order to retreat to those he could, they made an attempt to escape...only for all of them to fall under hails of blaster fire, and for lofurra to narrowly escape alive, though not unscathed. He had received a couple of shots to his shoulder and leg, making him thankful for his races pain tolerance and endurance as he escaped. After a series of events and evading republic craft, he eventually made it to an abandoned post on drongar and set up a hidden encrypted signal on a jedi channel, with a very simple message. 'Dire times ahead, seek this out if you're alive'.

Equipment: Traditional Baldric, Bowcaster, Lightsaber (greatsaber/lightclub variant) with a six foot blade, travelling satchel containing a few things, Personal Universal translator (currently damaged, resulting in a few difficulties in communicating for those who don't speak Shyriiwook).

Jedi Bits
Trained force abilities: Master of electric judgement/emerald lightning. Capable with Force Body, Enhance attribute, and Comprehend Speech.
Lightsaber hilt:

Kyber Crystal Color: Bronze
Practiced Forms: Form V; Djem So. Form VII; Vaapad. (Both of which perfectly suited for a race with extreme strength and a strong temper which can be channeled in the latters sense)

Owns a modestly size 'trinket' made of wroshyr wood. Intricately carved and rather ornate, it's only half done, the other still a solid block. In actuality, it's a simple past time hobby to carve, it's very relaxing. Commonly kept in his travelling satchel.
Has undergone his Hrrtayyk ceremony, a special ceremony unique to the wookiee species, which is how he earned the baldric at around the age of twelve. Translates to 'Test of Ascension' or 'Rite of Passage'. All males of his species are expected to undergo this.
Has no formal 'emotional' attachments according to the jedi code, but he would be a disgrace to his race if he did not attempt to adhere to their honors...a tightrope walk that he must balance.​
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Name: Syana Terai
Gender: Female
Race: Arkanian
Home Planet: Arkania
Appearance (Feel free to use an image, or a hand written description, or both):

Height: 1.8 meters
Weight: 72 kg
Eye and hair color: eyes are pure white with no pupils. White Hair
Attire: Simple robes with an armor on her right arm and shoulder (see Appearance)
Rank in order/ position: Knight

Personality bits
Personality: Syana is level headed and pragmatic. While many Jedi reject the dark side on moral grounds, she does so on the grounds of practicality and cost/benefit. This does makes her tend to have a more grey outlook on the Force. While definitely not unemotional, she relies more on her head than her heart. She gets easily frustrated by those who are overly emotional. To her, emotion is another tool for understanding the Force and the Universe in general, but one that needs to be balanced out by logic.
While a loyal member of the Jedi Order, Syana is not a traditionalist. She views some of the tenants that the Order holds dear as archaic and holding them back from further evolution. She has broken several rules of the Order in secret with no remorse. She had also been out and about the galaxy enough to know that the view of the Jedi is not always favorable. Seeing the fear of the power and authority, she has begun to wonder how the Order must change. Though she would never express it, she looks upon the Jedi purge as a way to rebuild things from the ground up.
Among her skills and hobbies, Syana has an affinity for technology in general, and computer systems in particular. During the war, she developed her skills to be an expert slicer. Whether it be a difficult system to crack or a skilled enemy, Syana enjoys a challenge. When it comes to enemies, she developed a habit of using sass and sarcasm to goad them for tactical advantages and personal enjoyment.
Biography (Please include where they were during order 66, and a brief moment of aftermath before arrival on the planet): Syana Terai, like the majority of those in the Jedi Order, was taken from her family at a young age to train to be a Jedi. As a youngling, she had propensity for asking difficult questions of her teachers and reprogramming training droids to make them more challenging. She was eventually given over to a Avin Gar, a Lannik Jedi Master. Syana’s inquisitive nature and Avin’s stanch advocacy for critical thinking led them to mesh well, leading to a strong bond between master and apprentice. The pair spent much of their time investigating organized crime in conjunction with the Republic.
But that all changed with the Clone Wars. Called back from an investigation to aid in the war, Avin and Syana were teamed up with a Clone Commando team to sabotage a droid factory. The mission went awry when they were attacked by the new Magna Guards. Unfamiliar with this type of droid, most of the Clone Commandos and Avin were killed. Syana almost joined them when her lightsaber was heavily damaged, but she managed to pull her Master’s lightsaber to her and defend herself. Syana and the remaining Commando names Revs managed to complete the mission, flying out of the exploding factory in a stolen speeder. Through their combined loss and skill with computers, the duo formed a friendship on their way back to the Republic. While it took some convincing, the young Jedi managed to get both her and Revs on a special sabotage unit codenamed Mynocks. Syana rebuilt her lightsaber as a pike and kept her Master’s saber as a back up.
For most of the war, the Mynocks were behind enemy lines. They’d spy, sabotage, train resistance cells, and spread disinformation. During this time, Revs and Syana’s relationship developed further to love. They were married in secret by a Mandalorian chief they allied with. Though this complicated things, the couple decided that after the war, they would work together to reform the Jedi Order, hopefully to a point where their union wouldn’t have to be secret.
During the final days of the war, the Mynocks were assigned a mission to try to sneak a virus into a droid control ship to disrupt the enemy forces on Mygeeto. They had infiltrated the droid control ship when Order 66 was issued. Syana was saved from the first shot by Revs, who threw himself in the way of the other Clone’s shots. Sensing something terrible happening, Syana defeated her once friends and tried to help Revs. While he tried to fight off the chip in his head, the Clone eventually chose to blow his own brains out rather than harm his wife. Distraught and shaken, she managed to get off the droid control ship and into hiding as she felt more more Jedi deaths through the Force. Numbing herself to the pain she felt, she began following the force to find more survivors.
Equipment (this includes weapons, vehicles, etc): robes, light armor on her right side, lightsaber pike, lightsaber shoto, a Blurrg-1120 Holdout Blaster, a satchel of nondescript clothes, a disguise kit, a tool kit, and a customized data pad.

Jedi bits
Trained force abilities. 1 thing they're the 'master' of, and max of 3 things they're 'good' at: Master at Force Sight. Good at telekinesis, persuasion, and healing.
Lightsaber hilt:
Primary; a lightsaber pike (see Appearance image). Made of Phrik alloy, which is lightsaber resistant. Electrostaff “head” at opposite end from the lightsaber.
Secondary; a Lightsaber shoto
Kyber Crystal color:
Primary; Blue.
Secondary; Yellow
Practiced forms: Form V and Form II

Other: Owns a Dynamic-Class Freighter named the Malicious Convor. While outwardly looking like a tramp freighter, it was modified to by the Mynocks’s personal ship. It has enhanced weaponry, shielding, Sensors, along with an advanced computer system. It has interchangeable transponder codes, including some not in the Imperial records.
Has a R2 unit named R2-P13, or “PeeBee”. Main duty is to maintain the Malicious Convor.

Name: Karn Kel’labino

Age: 19

Gender: Male

Race: Balosar

Home Planet: Balosar


Karn stands roughly at five foot eleven with tanned skin and an athletic build. He weighs 150 pounds (~68kg) and has light green eyes and dark brown hair.

Rank: Padawan-ish

Personality: Karn is at heart still a kid; impulsive and sarcastic to a fault. He never really learned when to keep his mouth shut, which has gotten him into more trouble than he’d like to admit. Yet while he talks big sometimes, on the inside he’s utterly terrified of the future and just wants to be meaningful.

Background: A wasted planet was where Karn grew up. The air was always black with pollution and water was oily in nature; the already toxin resistant beings were reaching their threshold. At the young age of eleven, Karn smuggled himself onto a frigate bound for Corellia; unwittingly trading one economic hell hole for the next. He spent the next six and a half years there, stealing from vendors just to survive. It was on one of Corellia’s many space ports that a fateful encounter took place.

The smog was lighter than usual that day, the light more blinding with its warm rays. Karn had picked up the general schedule of arriving ships at the port. For some reason he noticed that nearly no one arrived nor left around 4:00, yet by 5:00 the entire place was packed with all walks of shady life; he’d blame it on the happy hour that started at the cantina a few blocks over. It was the structured footsteps that he first felt across the half-hazardly welded platforms. His antennapalps twitched with each increasingly closer footfall, the slowly gathering crowd moved out of the way of the hooded figure. Karn looked up from where he was sitting, the intricate details on the brown robe indentifiable to him. Apparently the person stopped next to him, paying for the spot where the medium sized ship was now parked. The crowd continued to stare at the robed figure, some gaped while others sneered. There was only two types of people that got that type of reaction around there, and Karn was pretty sure senators didn’t wear outfits like that.

It was the third time the Jedi arrived at the port, in which Karn started a conversation; nearly immediately quizzically questioning the motives behind backing the order and high council. By the fifth, she removed her hood and revealed herself, trusting Karn ever so slightly more than the thieves on the streets. After a year Twi’gefi even explained her own reasons for becoming a Jedi, how the force can be more than just a belief or a magic trick. Yet the situation went sideways when Karn’s antennapalps started to vibrate the same instant Twi’gefi felt something. It was too late when he noticed the troopers walking up towards them, blasters raised at their heads. It didn’t matter that he was just a civilian, the soldiers aimed at the whole immediate crowd just the same; no possible associates.

The sky felt like it was on fire, the ground seemed to never cease shaking, and all Karn could do at that moment was sit and stare as people were executed. Blood spots littered his jacket; some might have been his, the blue definitely wasn’t. His ears rung as time crawled forward, smoke filled the air as his lungs followed a similar path. Words were coming from somewhere, indistinguishable sounds that he thought were words floated through the blaster fire and screams in the distance. Squinting in hopes of seeing through the concentrated atmosphere, he could see Twi’gefi saying something. Something...

The world slowly came back into view, light seeped in through cracks of an ever encasing shutter. Concrete. Karn was face first on nice, cool, and comfortable concrete. His head weighed as much as a star cruiser. The instant his nerves started to work, he was screaming. All he could feel was the pain his leg was in. It took hours to haul himself into a seating position; he couldn’t tell if he was lucky or cursed. All he could find under the rubble near him were more bodies, and Twi’gefi’s lightsaber. Karn had no idea what had happened, his mind was still fuzzy and memories weren’t necessarily apart of the survival instincts that were kicking in. Limping his way towards the nearest port, there was a ship parked on an unguarded pad; though considering what happened he’d be surprised if it was guarded.

After re-reading the manual a few dozen times, Karn pulled the small starfighter shakily off the ground and into the atmosphere. He spent the last few months traveling alone, hopping from one system to the next, never staying in place for more than a day; never properly grieving. It was on one of these hops that he had finally picked up on an old signal after finally installing a comm system that he bought off of another robed figure: ‘Dire... ahead... seek... out if... alive.’

Needless to say he hightailed it as fast as he could towards the source.

Equipment: Backpack, a few sets of clothes, limited survival equipment, a CDEF blaster pistol, and Twi’gefi’s lightsaber.

Applicable Jedi information: Has really little connection to the force, his antennapalps help sense emotions and danger while the small attachment to the force only currently allows for sensing other force wielders; and even then he can’t interpret it very well. Plus he has absolutely no training in properly using a lightsaber besides what little he taught himself.

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Name: Eucil (You-Sihl) Devic
Age: 17
Gender: Female
Race: Miraluka
Home Planet: Alpherides

Height: 5'1"
Weight: 115 pounds
Eye and hair color: Has no eyes,
has dark gray hair
Attire: (look above) gray and purple robe reaching the floor, turtlenecked tunic and long pants. Bandage over eye sockets.
Rank in order/ position: Young Padawan

Personality bits
Eucil is very confident in her skills as a young Jedi, sometimes so confident it gets her in trouble. She is a hard-worker and dedicated to her craft; when the other younglings took a break from training, she would practice on her own. This would often separate her from her fellow students, which she didn't seem to mind in the slightest. In fact, Eucil acts mostly out of touch with her feelings, and doesn't see much use in friendship. Despite this mentality, she is a jokester, and may be more in touch with her emotions than she lets on. She's observant, stubborn, a risk-taker, and is quick-thinking in a crisis. A firm believer in the Jedi Code.

Eucil Devic was 4 years old when she was taken from her family on Alpherides to join the Jedi order, a great honor among her people. She didn't take training lightly, wanting to prove herself as a Jedi as quickly and efficiently as possible. One time shortly after she received her first lightsaber, she was sparring with a fellow Padawan while Yoda overlooked them. Eucil easily defeated the other Padawan, and when Yoda asked why she had done so well opposed to her opponent, she said, "Eyes are a disadvantage, and I have none." Yoda smiled rather and said, "Mm, yes, advantage, you have. But disadvantage, you also have." Before Eucil could ask what that disadvantage was, she was force pushed into the wall. Yoda helped her up and explained to the class, "Advantage you have is focus. Focus is an advantage everyone can have." The next day, Yoda assigned Eucil a master to train under, Master Kayrani Shah, a Miraluka like her. Master Shah took Eucil on her first mission to a barren location Eucil can not describe because she could not see it. Shah explained that Miraluka can only see the force. When the force is taken out of something, like in a desolate landscape where a battle purged the land of life, there is no sight. It was a harsh lesson for Eucil, how dependent she is on the force.

Eucil was separated from her master during Order 66. She was being sent to help Master Aayla Secura on Felucia when she heard the order being given on her starship. Eucil quickly boarded an escape pod before the clone troopers could turn on her. She landed on Arcan IV, and was relatively safe hiding among the thieves and con artists for a while. Several times she noticed con artists pretending to be Jedi Masters, perhaps to catch a Jedi for a bounty, but Eucil could see the small amount of the Force in them, so she stayed away. She was in a ship she was preparing to steal when she heard the message, and at first she was suspicious. In the end, she decided to seek out the message, hoping her master would be there, even though she felt the moment her master's life force slip away along with so many other Jedis.

Equipment: Two Shoto Lightsabers, the clothes on her back

Jedi bits
Trained force abilities. Master: Force Sight : Good at: Force Cloak, Art Of Movement, Force Sense
Lightsaber hilt: (has 2 shoto lightsabers)

Kyber Crystal color: Both are green
Practiced forms: Form IV and Jar'Kai

Loves to make people uncomfortable, mainly through the use of her lack of eyes.​
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“Follow no path. Make your Own.”
-Jared Leto

Name: CT-7231 "Stiff"
Home Planet: Kamino
Age: 12
Gender: Male
Species: Jango Fett Clone
Height: 6'0"
Weight: 180 lb
Eye Color: Brown
Hair Color: Black
Rank: Clone Trooper
Role: Weapon's Specialist

Personality: Stiff is a soldier is a simple, uncomplicated soldier, or at least he used to be. Stiff was named Stiff because of how regidly he followed orders and protocol, often hesitating back then to defy orders. But these days? Things are different...they arn't as black and white as it used to be...it's all...complicated...and it's somthing that Stiff still struggles with. Stiff knows a lot about fighting, but the clone still has a lot to learn about life outside of fighting. Still, assign him to a combat task and he'll carry things out without a problem. One of Stiff's greater attributes is his ability to synergize with other people, often adapting to their style of fighting, trying to make up for their short coming. In a sense you could even say the same about him, a true friend who will give his last for his comrades at arms. Stiff talks proudly of his past battles, brothers and jedi he served with, but he refuses to talk about Order 66 itself. Sometimes he could be heard loudly waking at night or just staring off into space, presumably remembering what happened during the wrenched order.
Biography: The existence of CT-7231 was no different then any other clone; a being manufactured to fight and die for a cause that they were programmed to support, truth be told they were no better then droids. They were ordered to fight the separatist, they were ordered to obey the jedi...orders were the only thing CT-7231 ever knew, and it was somthing he had abide by. CT-7231 didn't know what life was outside of orders, how could he? The only thing he was taught was how to point and pull the trigger of a blaster.
"Stiff" was the name that was gifted to him, it started out as a joke...a joke that CT-7231 had trouble thinking outside of direct orders... but...it stuck, and CT-7231...Stiff, kept the name...a name to clone was important, after all, it gave them an identity beyond just...a number. Perhaps was it was Stiff's name that began his...learning process, with the help of
Stiff's first encounter with the Jedi master hadn't been under great circumstances. Stiff had been hit to the head by shrapnel from an incoming bombing run, and truth be told, he could of and probably would have died that day, and no one really missed him...at least, no one of note would have cared. But it was a miracle really, when he came to in the medbay. Turned out, the Jedi Master he had served under had...saved him. But why? Protocol stated otherwise, why did this Jedi save him? Stiff was more then expendable, afterall...he was a clone.
Well, the Jedi Master seemed to have thought otherwise...and although Stiff never fully understood the logic...he started seeing life in a much different life...he started seeing his general in a much different light.
The Jedi Master became more then just a commander to Stiff; the jedi was a hero that Stiff would follow, a teacher that Stiff learned from, a friend that made his existent feel...human...
Above all, the Jedi gave, not just Stiff, but all of them a reason to fight, a reason beyond just orders...a true purpose, so to say, a cause worthy of dying for. Sure, all clones began developing different reasoning, but like their own individual names, it granted them individuality that none of them would have given themselves. Purpose in war, perhaps it was never the greatest of circumstances but...it was the best Stiff had ever known. Stiff had his bond with his brothers, a bond stronger then any known steel in the galaxy, and the Jedi whom he was able to look up to and find council in his own purpose in life...and a side that he could stand for...a side he could die for.
Everything was so simple back then.
But all it took to topple all of that were the utterance of four words:
"Execute Order Sixty-Six"
What was the worst part of that day? Was it when his brothers turned their rifles on the jedi whom they had fought side by side all their lives? Or Perhaps it was when he found the Jedi Master shot to bits? Or was it when one of his brothers turned the barrel of the gun towards him? Calling him a traitor? How about the moment he had to shoot his own brother when he failed to make him see reason.
To say that life had spiraled into a mess was putting it lightly, everything that Stiff had every knew was being thrown into chaos.
But...Stiff, of all his brothers...was able to resist the accursed order...an irony that always earns a bitter laugh from the clone...Stiff, a clone who'd always been comfortable with simply taking orders...defying a direct order from the Chancellor, his supreme leader, like he was some independent minded ARC Trooper.
Stiff didn't know why he was able...but he knew that at the time, he didn't have time to think.
Action was required...it wasn't just his life at stake...the life of someone his general had left behind was at stake...somthing greater then him...and he had to see to it's destiny...her destiny...even if it costed his own life...at least it was his life to spend....

-Modified Phase II Clone Trooper Armor
-Tattered Cloak
-Combat Satchel
-OPTIONAL Combat Pack or Rocket Pack
-DC-15 blaster rifle or DC-15A blaster
-OPTIONAL Z-6 Rotary Blaster Cannon
-OPTIONAL RPS-6 Rocket Launcher
-Combat Shield
- Electro Magnetic Pulse grenades
-Thermal detonators.
Other: N/A
(just copypasted from the other rp. lmk if i need to make changes)
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Ilenya Meressi
Jedi Master
[div class=tabBox][div class="Tabs tabone"]
[div class="Tabs tabtwo"]
[div class="Tabs tabthree"][/div][div class="Tabs tabfour"][/div][div class="Tabs tabfive"][/div][/div][/div][/div] [div class=miniBox][div class="miniText mini1"] [div class=bar][div class=title]full name[/div][div class=barText]Ilenya Meressi[/div][/div] [div class=bar][div class=title]species[/div][div class=barText]Echani[/div][/div] [div class=bar][div class=title]age[/div][div class=barText]45[/div][/div] [div class=bar][div class=title]gender[/div][div class=barText]Female[/div][/div] [div class=bar][div class=title]homeworld[/div][div class=barText]Bengali[/div][/div] [div class=bar][div class=title]jedi rank[/div][div class=barText]Master Consular[/div][/div] [/div] [div class="miniText mini2"] [div class=bar][div class=title]height[/div][div class=barText]186 cm[/div][/div] [div class=bar][div class=title]weight[/div][div class=barText]59 kg[/div][/div] [div class=bar][div class=title]hair color[/div][div class=barText]Silver[/div][/div] [div class=bar][div class=title]eye color[/div][div class=barText]Violet[/div][/div] [div class=bar][div class=title]build[/div][div class=barText]Toned, athletic[/div][/div] [div class=bar][div class=title]face claim[/div][div class=barText]Jaime Murray as Stahma Tarr[/div][/div] [/div] [div class="miniText mini3"] [div class=bar][div class=title]alignment[/div][div class=barText]Lawful Good[/div][/div] [div class=bar][div class=title]like[/div][div class=barText]Silence[/div][/div] [div class=bar][div class=title]like[/div][div class=barText]Reading[/div][/div] [div class=bar][div class=title]dislike[/div][div class=barText]Needless violence[/div][/div] [div class=bar][div class=title]dislike[/div][div class=barText]Too much heat[/div][/div] [div class=bar][div class=title]fear[/div][div class=barText]Being exposed by the Empire[/div][/div] [/div] [div class="miniText mini4"] [div class=bar][div class=title]Midichlorians[/div][div class=barText]10,700[/div][/div] [div class=bar][div class=title]Lightsaber[/div][div class=barText]Cyan[/div][/div] [div class=bar][div class=title]strength[/div][div class=barText]Force Healing[/div][/div] [div class=bar][div class=title]strength[/div][div class=barText]Close Combat techniques[/div][/div] [div class=bar][div class=title]weakness[/div][div class=barText]Nonaggressive, passive[/div][/div] [div class=bar][div class=title]weakness[/div][div class=barText]Reserved, unemotional[/div][/div] [/div] [div class="miniText mini5"] [div class=bar][div class=title]hobbies[/div][div class=barText]hobby[/div][/div] [div class=bar][div class=title]habit[/div][div class=barText]habits[/div][/div] [div class=bar][div class=title]food[/div][div class=barText]fav food[/div][/div] [div class=bar][div class=title]color[/div][div class=barText]fav color[/div][/div] [div class=bar][div class=title]season[/div][div class=barText]fav season[/div][/div] [div class=bar][div class=title]theme[/div][div class=barText]song name[/div][/div] [/div] [/div] [div class=bigBox][div class=bigScroll] [div class="textbox big1"][div class=title]personality[/div] Upon first approach, Ilenya is organized and congenial, though she carries herself demurely. She maintains the fierce discipline and spiritual codes which were instilled in her during her Jedi training and seeks to uphold those under her wing to the same unerring standard. Master Ilenya is well-spoken, well-groomed and a re-assuring sight for many younger Jedi. Yet while she enforces strict professionalism among her apprentices, she also recognizes the importance of camaraderie and loyalty. She understands the need for a steadying hand in trying times, and will actively seek to provide a motherly sort of reassurance and guidance to those who come to her.

Master Ilenya's loyalty to the Order is something which is unquestionable and unfaltering. She has served for many decades and has earned the respect of her fellow Jedi for her long service and dedication to the Order. She does not like praise and seeks to be out of the limelight as much as possible, despite her hard work and determination to become one of the most talented healers among the Jedi. There are many who know that Ilenya would give her life to save theirs, epitomizing the beliefs of the Jedi even after all this time. [/div] [div class="textbox big2"][div class=title]description[/div] Ilenya stands taller than the average woman, with a lean, though muscular build. She has pale Echani skin and bright silver hair that falls down past her shoulders. Her lilac eyes are deep and expressive, often showing hints of emotion even if she'd rather hide it. Her hair, while long, is typically pulled back into a style that keeps it out of her face when needed.

After Order 66, Ilenya has done away with her typical Jedi attire for practicality's sake. She dresses for travel, wearing muted colors of brown and grey for blending in. Echani combat principles discourage wearing anything that could hinder movement, so she keeps herself lightly-dressed and mobile. [/div] [div class="textbox big3"][div class=title]backstory[/div] If there was a life before the Jedi, Ilenya does not care to remember it. Her earliest memories are of a home on Bengali with parents of little consequence, but most of all, her gift. The Force had been strong in her from a young age, the fact brought into light when, in a child’s fit of rage over nothing of consequence, the small objects about her lifted, thrown about the room as if a strong gale had ripped through it. Her childhood was plagued by such events, often leaving her weak, tired, and sick. When it came time for her to leave the nursery and enter the realm of childhood, Ilenya was flown away to the Jedi Conclave on Eshan.

It was within the conclave she was raised, spending the overwhelming majority of her time on the temple grounds. Her life there -- as with all Echani youths -- was steeped in the combat traditions of her people, sparring, dueling with fist and saber and other sorts of physical exercise. But it became apparent at a young age where her true worth would lie. With an affinity for the healing arts of the Force, she quickly surpassed expectations, and was on her way to becoming one of the more talented Knights produced by the Echani Jedi.

Her tenure as Jedi had been rather uneventful before the Clone Wars, but since then, she has distinguished herself as a capable field commander and medic. Having served with distinction and honor for her service to the order, Ilenya has used her training with the Echani to train many apprentices in the ways that she has been, leading to many Padawans across the galaxy regarding and attributing their skills as combatants to Ilenya.

Then, with no warning, on Coruscant, the soon-to-be new Emperor issued Order 66. [/div] [div class="textbox big4"][div class=title]Lightsaber Forms[/div]
[div class=title]01[/div] Form I: Shii-Cho (Proficient skill)
[div class=title]02[/div] Form II: Makashii (Basic familiarity)
[div class=title]03[/div] Form III: Soresu (Intermediate skill)
[div class=title]04[/div] Form IV: Ataru (Proficient skill)
[div class=title]05[/div] Form V: Djem-So (Basic familiarity)
[div class=title]06[/div] Form VI: Niman (Advanced skill) [/div] [div class="textbox big5"][div class=title]relationships[/div]
name here

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Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Morbi nec nunc nisl. Aliquam tristique gravida enim in facilisis.
name here

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Morbi nec nunc nisl. Aliquam tristique gravida enim in facilisis.
name here
relationship status here

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code by Ri.a
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Name: Odile Duvalis

Home Planet: Anaxes

Age: 42

Gender: Male

Species: Human


Height: 6”0

Weight: 12 stone

Eye Color: Grey/Blue

Hair Color: Blonde

Attire: Still wears his Captain's uniform

Rank: Captain in the Republic Navy


Odile is logical, calculating and does not allow emotion to get in his way whilst on duty, willing to make the tough decisions that could mean life or death for the men under him. Despite his hardened exterior, he is by no means aloof or completely devoid of emotion, he cares deeply for the crew and any others he finds under his command or deemed under his protection, feeling their losses keenly. He has been rocked by recent events however, though he feared where the Republic was heading, the turn of events with Order 66 has left a near shattered man, in need of a victory however minor to remind him of who he is.

Born on Anaxes to one of the many Carreerist naval families, Odile only had one profession that he could feasibly enter into. Despite the near mothballing of the Republic Navy at this time, training at the College of Planetary Security, was still largely in keeping with naval military traditions. And so when the Separatist movement erupted into the mass galactic conflict of the Clone Wars, on Anaxes a whole generation of purpose trained naval officers could be found, ready, willing and able to join the newly re-formed Republic Navy.

For 2 years he served without question, attaining the rank of Captain, his vessel being a DP20 Gunship named ‘The Lance of Anaxes'. As the war entered its waning years however it was not just parts of the Senate that began to question the political direction the Republic was heading in.

As a whole the Military was either fully committed to the Chancellor and the militarization of the Republic, especially the higher ranking Admirals and Generals, able to garner more power and influence. However there were some who , despite bring members of the military still believed in the democratic ideals that were being stripped away. Odile was one of these officers, and together with 6 other Captains, they formed a like minded faction, The Anaxes 7 as they would come to be known. Despite their coming together, at no point did there fears ever reach the point of fostering rebellion or dissent, this was simply 7 likeminded officers (with the backing of their respective crews) were able to garner and debate the situation the Republic found itself in.
Despite their remaining loyalty to the Republic, it did not take long for the Chancellor’s spies to get wind of this group, any dissent or factionalism, no matter how minor was to be quashed.

The Anaxes 7 met upon a Space Station orbiting Anaxes. It was not by their own design that they came here however, each had been ordered there under the guise of refit purposes, and as the 7 filtered into the main conference room, they realised that something was wrong. Their comm units suddenly roared into life. Cries of betrayal and ambush, Clone troopers had begin turning on the crews of the seven Captains, mercilessly slaughtering them in the corridors of the station, the Chancellor was cleaning house.

Odile and the other six desperately led their respective crews, in an attempt to reach their ships. Separated from each other as they made their way to the separate docking bays. After what felt like an age of desperate fight and flight through the corridors of the station , Odile and the surviving crewmembers reached ‘The Lance of Anaxes', flight routines were rushed through and the ship left its mooring under a hail of fire. Comm hails to his fellow Captains returned nothing but static washed silence, and the other ships remained dark and unmoving. After a final appeal for any survivors, and still under heavy fire from the station, the ship slipped into hyperspace.

Given a moment of respite , an analysis of the situation proved sobering. Out of the original few of 90, 34 had been killed or were missing presumed dead, of the surviving 56, 8 were mortally wounded, leaving around half of his original crew still alive, not counting the losses of the other 6 ships with all hands.

Emerging from hyperspace they prepared to broadcast accounts of this treachery to whomever would listen. As they activated the ships communication arrays however, it appeared that the events of that morning paled in significance as to what was happening throughout the galaxy. The Jedi denounced ad traitors to the Republic, an attempt on the Chancellor’s life, and wide ranging military reports of the Jedi being killed on site. One piece of news that filtered down was particularly hard to stomach. 7 Antaxen Naval Captains were killed as part of a mutiny, having been linked to the Jedi uprising.
It was this that hit Odile the most, and cemented in his mind that had not been a case of rogue clone troopers, but the Republic that he had once served and loved without question turning against him. His ever loyal but depleted crew stood by their Captain ad he addressed them in regards to the events and betrayal of the previous hours. Maintaining their viewpoint of possibly being the last loyal Republic Naval vessel against whatever power now cavorted as the Republic, Odile and his crew plan to locate as many survivors of Order 66 in order to try and create something akin to an organised resistance.

1 service issue Blaster
Republic Naval Officer’s Uniform

45 crew members
‘The Spear of Anaxes' DP-20 Class Frigate
Specifications: DP20 frigate
The 'Spear of Anaxes' is a true workhorse of the Republic fleet. Purpose built as a warship as opposed to having been hastily converted from merchant frigates or corvettes. Her main purpose is as an anti fighter/bomber role combating smaller craft, however her increased armour and weaponry can allow her to go toe to toe against larger foes, and at least hold her own for longer than her size would suggest. She has seen more recent times, and due to the damage sustained in her flight from Anaxes she is need of repairs, both minor and urgent.
Yis-yis Woop
Home Planet:
170 lbs
Rank in order/ position:

Personality bits
Personality: Yis-yis is one of the more st ease among his crew. He is the one that tried to make everyone laugh or smile. He loves to be the center of sttention. Don't mistake his lightheartedness as innocence; he has seen many battles and knows the prospect of war. He turns into a cold killer when he is provoked. He shows little mercy for those unkucky to cross his path. Yis-yis balances his two sides pretty well, but he does have a slight temper.
Yis-yis grew up on Naboo in one of it’s greatest times. He wanted to see the world, and become better, so he joined the army. Along the many adventures I’m the army, he was thrilled by all the cultures and people he met. After every win against their enemy, Yis-Yis would celebrate with the locals.
Yis-Yis tried to settle down on his homeworld, but found it all too boring. He left the planet and acquired many kinds of skills: piloting, mechanic, and a translator for 2 languages, which didn’t really help that often.
When order 66 occurred, Yis-Yis had no idea it happened. All he knew was the Empire overthrew the republic. He began to hide more choosing to stay in the shadows as well as not helping as much.
Yis-Yis tried to escape the planet as fast as he could. He found a ship, but a droid hindered his escape. He saw slashing and scorch marks on the little droid—an R2-C4–, and assumed he must have been a Slavs droid. He removed the chip stopping it from rebelling and together, they escaped.

Long range blaster
Marine clothes
Stolen ship
R2-C4 nicknamed Chrome
Jedi bits
Trained force abilities: Yis-yis pretends to be able to mind trick people all the time. He is very unsucessful at it.
Lightsaber hilt:
Kyber Crystal color:
Practiced forms:
Has watched many jedi masters. He belived to have form I and ii mastered, but it is all based on opinion.
Yis-yis is a bit of a dancer. He sometimed sings too, but most people shut him up quickly.​
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Zhari Galaan
Home Planet:
134 lbs
Eye and hair color:
Black eyes and hair
But red instead of blue.
Rank in order/ position:
Slave trader

Personality bits

Zhari is, at most times, quite cold. She won't show her emotions to anyone unless they hold a spot in her heart (a very small few). And when it come to orders she will not allow any disobedience or deviance, and she followed orders that way as well. But where she lacks kindness she has determination like no other. She will see something through to the end.
Zhari was born into a family that serviced the Skyborn for many generations. She was taught that they created their planet and everything on it. She was trained in cooking and obedience. Her family expected her to follow in their footsteps and serve the Skyborn as well. But what they didn't know was that while in her spare time she was learning combat from a friend of hers. She found far more intrigue in the art of fighting than cooking. It was purposeful and held the power she craved to feel.
But as she grew older she felt a different power running through her veins. It was different than when she fought, but just as strong. She asked about it and found she was one of the few Keshiri that wielded a strange force they had no name for as of yet. She was then trained to wield it and shape it to her will. She made a vow to herself once she got her powers under control she would find the Destructors and kill them for the Skyborn.
When she reached a suitable age a friend of hers, who specialized in technologies and other complex things, built her a rudimentary shuttle that would get her beyond the atmosphere of Kesh and to a nearby planet. He traveled for a long time bit she eventually found herself on a planet far more advanced than her own. She found out from a kind person that she was on Zakuul. She had made it beyond Kesh. She worked to incorporate herself among the people of Zakuul. She continued her training to remain strong.
Over the years she built up her equipment and she set out to make a name for herself. She donned some Mandalorian armor she had bartered for and travelled the galaxy. She decided she wouldn't kill the Destructors (which she later learned were also known as the Jedi) but instead force them into slavery. She had seen slavery and it was much more befitting the Jedi than death. She became a slave trader and built a reputation for herself as Hollow, the slave trader without a soul. She captured and traded many different species for quite a few hefty prices.
When Order 66 was enacted and she heard of it she was enraged. The Jedi shouldn't have been killed. They should suffer for what they'd done. But then she heard whispers of Jedi that remained in hiding and she dedicated herself to finding them again and capturing them all.
Equipment (this includes weapons, vehicles, etc):
She carries two blasters, cuffs said to suppress Jedi powers, and her lightsaber (which she rarely uses)
Her ship that uses to transport slaves and get from planet to planet (Nicknamed Shade)

Force bits

Trained force abilities:
Master: Mind Probe
Good: Force Stealth, Force Choke, and Force Fear
Lightsaber hilt:
Kyber Crystal color:
Practiced forms:
Form V​
Name: RC 1125 “Scrapper”

Age: 13

Height: 5’ 10”

Weight: 190 LBS

Gender: Male

Race: Clone

Home Planet: Kamino

Appearance (Feel free to use an image, or a hand written description, or both): He basically looks like any other clone, except for a nasty scar going from the top left of his face, to the bottom right, no damage to the eyes.

Eye color: Brown

Hair color: Black

Rank in order/ position: Data Slicer

Personality bits

Personality: As the name may imply, Scrapper is a fighter. He lives for the battle, the rush of being shot at, the heavy metal explosives going off, and even the screams as his enemies are gunned down. However, he does not look for fights, but fights when he needs to, or when he feels the need to defend someone or himself. He is loyal to his allies, and willing to put them before himself, and jump into the line of fire.

He doesn't talk much, but will speak when spoken to if given the chance. He will follow orders, however, he will do it how he thinks it should be done if no specifics are given. He is not afraid to speak his mind, but only when he is asked to do so among his allies. Though he may not act like it, but he is very caring for his allies, and easy to get along with, and is more of a man of action than a man of words. Scrapper is also adaptable, and able to change up his fighting style quickly. And he is not a man to talk about the past, and will try to deflect anything about Order 66. At first, he may seem cold, but will warm up when he knows someone enough, but it will take a lot of prying and asking before he reveals anything of his past.

Biography (Please include where they were during order 66, and a brief moment of aftermath before arrival on the planet): Scrapper was on Kashyyyk when Order 66 happened. He was in a small wookie village with his squadmates, having gotten wind of Trandoshans enslaving the wookies, and were assigned to eliminate them. Upon arrival, they were ambushed by Trandoshan mercenaries, who had scouted for them earlier. Scrapper and his squad won the fight, but barely pulled through. He had taken an Electro Grenade while his shields were down, he could still move, but he lost feeling in some parts of his body, such as his torso and legs. And during the shock, his inhibitor chip overloaded from the surge, and became damaged. After freeing the remaining wookies, and when their Twi’lek Jedi General showed up, He got a comm signal saying “Execute Order 66” from the chancellor himself. His squad mates followed the order, gunning down their superior right in front of him, and he watched in awe as he disobeyed. He felt something inside him erupt, like a sudden rush that had come from watching his brothers murder their general. He opened fire as they pointed their rifles at him, and ensued a short battle fueled by vengeance. He stood, blaster rifle in hand, and stared at his brothers, lifeless and filled with blaster holes. Scrapper did not feel a hint of regret, but he felt awful for having to kill his brethren. And before leaving, he looked at the corpse of the Jedi, and closed her eyes, and walked off. This hour will haunt him for the rest of his days, but the wookies he saved will remember that day, as the Commando walked off, injured, broken, and most importantly, he walked off knowing that he had completed his objective prior, but at the cost of his squad, and the Jedi he was loyal to. Maybe one day he can find more of his brothers that resisted the order, and maybe, just maybe, form a new brotherhood with them.

Equipment (this includes weapons, vehicles, etc):


DC-17 Blaster Rifle (60 shots in a clip before needing to be reloaded), DC-15 blaster pistol (clip recharges) , 3 Thermal Detonators, DC-17 Sniper attachments (5 shot clip and barrel attachment), Rechargeable shields on his Katarn Class Clone Commando armor, and a Comm pack on his back. Hidden away in his left glove, is a small vibro blade that comes out when he swings his fist outwards.
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Death is a solution to all problems, no man—no problem”

: Alpha-51 “Kyramud”
Age: N/A
Gender: Male
Race: Alpha-class ARC Trooper
Home Planet: Kamino
Height: 6’0”
Weight:185 pounds
Eyes: Brown
Hair: Black
Rank: Regiment Commander

Personality bits
Kyramud is frankly, the ideal clone. He’s smart, a capable tactician and merciless commander, ultimately disconnected from anything vaguely resembling emotions. Like most ARC troopers, Kyramud doesn’t have any issue breaking rules, meaning, he fight fair. He’s certainly the type that’s being an Imperial Star Destroyer to a knife fight. If you want a fair fight, you’d be better off fighting the Hutts. At least they have some sort of Criminal Code to follow. Kyramud will do what it takes to see his mission complete. His Emperor wants the Jedi dead, so, they will die.
Like all clones, Alpha-51 was created for the sole purpose of war. Every day from the moment he opened his eyes has been spent training and learning, becoming a weapon. A tool to be used. Unlike other clones though, Alpha-51 was just that, and Alpha. Alpha-Class ARC Trooper. Meaning, his training was intense, oversaw by Jango Fett himself, and his life in the republic would never be one of peace...

He spent quite some time on Mandalore, fighting insurgents and earning his nickname. Kyramud. Killer. It’s been intended an an insult from some drying terrorized, but Kyramud came to wear it like a badge. Proof of his abilities. He came to be proud of it, it’d be his given name for the rest of his life.

As the Clone Wars really began to heat up, Alpha-51, now Kyramud would come to see the real hardships of it. Alpha-51, along with many of his brothers, eventually came to be attached to the legendary 501st. They saw nearly every corner of the war, fought on every front, endured every horror. From Felucia to Geonosis, Alpha-51 fought side by side with his brothers, marching against the enemies of the Republic under the command of their Jedi Generals. There was never a moment of doubt in Kyramud’s mind. He served the Republic with skill and passion, sporting a near perfect record.

Right up until the Republic became and Empire...

The 501st has been rotated back to Coruscant and was placed directly under the command of Anakin Skywalker, who now went by Darth Vader. No one knew why they were there, at least not until The Emperor made the betrayal of the Jedi public. Then it all became clear. The 501st was on Coruscant to handle the Jedi Rebellion, to stomp it out lest they overthrow the now powerful Galactic Empire.

As always, Kyramud would follow orders faithfully. Before the main force of the 501st marched on the Jedi Temple, Kyramud and his squad made a preemptive assault, disabling security and sabotaging the defenders. The next six hours were a bloodbath, as they hunted the Jedi like rats in their own Temple. Kyramud didn’t hesitate. He slaughtered the Jedi, as was his mission, as would become his final mission...

After the events of Temple Assualt, Kyramud and his squad were called before The Emperor himself. There were still Jedi stragglers and their sympathizers scattered across the galaxy, and it would become Kyramud’s mission to Hunt. Them. Down.

Thus was born was born the first squad of ARC Troopers to be ordained official Jedi Hunters; Codnamed; Spectar. The Empire denies their existence, but Kyramud leads his squadron in the shadows, listening to whispers of Jedi refugees.
-Westmar-M5 Blaster Rifle
-Heavily Modified Katarn-Class Commando Armor; Highly Modified
-DC-15s Blaster Pistol
-Thermal Detonators

Armor used by Kyramud and the handpicked few that belong to his squad.

Being part of an elite unit has its perks Answering only to Palpatine and Vader, Kyramud and his subordinates have near unlimited access to the Empire’s Arsenal. Equipment varies, depending on mission requirements.​
Name: Shin Zavalla
Age: 32
Gender: Male
Race: Human
Home Planet: Corellia
Height: 6'3"
Weight: 195 lbs
Eye and hair color: Green and Black
Attire: Standard black Jedi Robes, armored gauntlets
Rank in order/ position: Jedi Knight

Personality bits
Personality: Due to the upbringing of the Jedi instilled upon him since youth, Shin has developed a devotion to not only the Jedi Code but upholding the peace of the galaxy at large. Though initially against taking a combat role in the emerging Clone Wars, Shin has since adopted the mentality that bringing a swift end to the war would be the best way to ensure peace would be able to return to the galaxy. He's fiercely defensive of his allies and friends, willing to do whatever necessary in order to keep them and others safe.
Biography: Born years before the conflict known as the Stark Hyperspace War, Shin was born on the world known as Corellia in the Mid Rim. Displaying early signs of Force-sensitivity, Shin's parents tried to keep it a secret from the Jedi Order so they did not lose their only son and heir to their family. He was trained in swordplay by the family's head of security, Dash Corsair, but showed a lack of interest in the art. His true interest lied in his abilities in the Force, wishing to learn the nature of his new powers as well as the depths at which he could use them.

He would often take to sneaking out of his family's estate on Corellia to seek out knowledge of the great Jedi and their prowess in the Force to learn about how he could learn to do what they did without going against his family's wishes. Unfortunately, Dash discovered him on one of his excursions, taking him by force back to the estate while roughing him up to make an example of him in front of his parents. Shin lashed out with the Force in anger, grabbing Dash telekinetically by the throat and holding him aloft. Terrified of what he did, he released his hold on Dash and ran from his estate, fleeing to the nearest spaceport where he ran into a traveling Jedi by chance. This Jedi, a Nautolan by the name Jain Duro, discovered Shin's Force sensitivity, and brought him into the Jedi Order at age five.

After reaching the Jedi Temple on Coruscant, Shin was taught the ways of the Jedi by his new master Jain. With a compassionate teacher and one that kept him working, Shin was quickly advancing in his studies. After several training missions with his master, including a harrowing mission to the shadowy world of Umbara, Shin was ready for the Trials and would be made a Jedi Knight. Shin was in the Jedi Temple the night of Operation Knightfall. He was horrified as he watched his fellow Jedi be hopelessly gunned down by clone troopers or cut down by the now Sith Anakin Skywalker. He had fought to rescue a group of Padawans and lead them out of the temple, but they were caught and the less skilled Padawans were killed in the ensuing fight. Shin fled in exile with a group of other Jedi to an Outer Rim world, torn emotionally by the sudden betrayal.

Shin's double-bladed lightsaber is able to be separated into two separate lightsaber hilts and operate individually if the connected hilt is damaged.

Jedi bits
Trained force abilities. 1 thing they're the 'master' of, and max of 3 things they're 'good' at: Mastery of the Mind Trick, trained in Battle Meditation and Force Push
Kyber Crystal color: Green
Practiced forms: Form III Soresu, Form IV Ataru, Form V Djem So/Shien and their Jar'Kai variants​

Chebi Bunon
Gender: Female
Race: Zeltron
Home Planet: Zeltros

Height: 173cm
Rank in order/ position:
Jedi Knight

Personality bits
Personality: wip
Biography: wip

Jedi robes, lightsaber, grappling hook, holo-communicator, rebreather

Jedi bits
- Jedi mind trick
- Saber throw

Lightsaber hilt:

Kyber Crystal color: Grey/silver
Practiced forms:
- Form I: Shii-Cho
- Form V: Djem So

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Name: CT-5324 Vertigo
Age: 11
Gender: Male
Race: Human Clone
Home Planet: Kamino
Appearance (Feel free to use an image, or a hand written description, or both):
Height: 5'11"
Weight: 178lbs
Eye and hair color: Brown, Black

Instead of Orange, His units colored their armour in a blueish purple scheme.
Rank in order/ position: CPL

Personality bits
Personality: Vertigo is an Adrenaline junkie and a trickster. To him, nothing makes him feel more alive than knowing that what you're doing is bat shit crazy. Like jumping an AT-RT out of a Larty in high atmosphere, or painting a Rival Squads armour pink, much to the dismay of his brothers. But even with that said. Vertigo understands the consequences of War and understands that doing something overly reckless can get himself, or worse, his brothers killed. Which is his greatest fear. Every time he watched a brother die. It would tear him apart. He saw each and every death as a failure on his part to protect his family. So when Order 66 came, Vertigo nearly fell to a place in his mind He never wants to go again.

Biography (Please include where they were during order 66, and a brief moment of aftermath before arrival on the planet): CT-5324, A clone in the grand Army of the Republic. A soldier bred specifically for fighting and Dieing. Thats what the Cloners told him. Trained him to be. He had watched the war Rage while still in training. Saw the Horrors as he was Selected for the Paratroop Program. So when he and his Pod Brothers finished training and Received their first Deployment orders. they thought they were ready, They weren't.

Sent as Replacements for the sole surviving Company of the 432th Air Battalion. The company, Known as lancer Company under the command of a young Jedi Knight were attached to the 13th Assault Corps as a quick response force and Vanguard force. the Battles following his Assignment to Lancer Company and the 13th were grueling and terrifying. But he would fight with his brothers and Commander to Corellias nine hells if asked, even while their commander was accident prone.

On the day Vertigo Received the Order. Lancer Company wwas on the Planet Drall, responding to A CIS flank attack as a stalling force so the 13th could turn their armoured might onto it. it was crazy, sending a single company to hold off an entire assault, but Lancer Company were the only ones who could respond, otherwise the damage to the rear would have been devastating. As the Nine Larties soared through the sky, Vertigo could remember looking over the farms and thinking that being a farmer might not be a bad life once the war was over. But he couldn't dwell on that thought for long when the order was passed down to this squad. which so happened to be the commanders guard squad. what happened next Vertigo could only remember because of his Helmet Cam. Upon receiving the orders, the squad split. half, primarily the original members of Lancer company, covered the Commander. while the other half, All replacements, tried to get past them to the Commander. At first no one wanted to fire. they were brothers after all. But that didn't last long. one of the Replacement troopers thought he had a shot and took it. All hell broke loose. the two groups opened up on each other at point blank range. as this all happened, Vertigo saw one of his Pod brothers pull out a concussion grenade. Closest to the Commander, Vertigo dove on top of her as he tried to protect her from the blast. the resulting explosion tore the LAAT/I and threw it occupants out the open doors. Including Vertigo and his Commander. The Fall he can't remember. what he does remember is waking up in a ditch beside his mortally wounded commander. She had a large chunk of Shrapnel impaling her through her ribs, puncturing a lung. Vertigo, Dazed, confused, and down right terrified, didn't know what to do. he just fell out of a LAAT without a jump pack or supplies. he is alone with the one person outside of his brothers he loves, watching her die. And he just watched his own brothers open up on each other. As he began to shut down. His Commander Grabbed him and whispered something into his ear. What she whispered he has never told anyone, and never intends to. But what ever it was, pulled him back to reality. letting his training take over, Vertigo tried to stabalize the Commander before moving her. spending days evading Republic and CIS patrols. Vertigo was able to find people willing to take his wounded commander. But he had to leave, it seemed relations between the locals and the GAR became tense after the Order and they didn't trust him. Setting out, Vertigo said his goodbye to his Commander, where she gave him her lightsaber and told him to always remember.

Equipment (this includes weapons, vehicles, etc): Modified AT-RT with thrusters and main Repeating blaster swapped with a Z-6, DC-15A, RPS-6.

Other: Vertigo carries the Lightsaber of his Commander
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Name: Kirin Shahara
Age: 16
Gender: female
Race: Sephi
Home Planet: Spacer
Appearance: Kirin has the lavendar skin and pointed, elongated ears typical of her species, her frame is short and slender for her age, almost emaciated and her demeanour is generally nervous and alert, with wide, watchful eyes and a quiet presence. She keeps her hair in a short, practical bob and her features are delicate, but not especially striking, she tends to blend into a crowd and prefers it that way. Although they are rarely visible, Kirin's back and arms are covered in a spiderweb of partially faded scars.
Height: 5' 1"
Weight: 103 lb
Eye and hair color: brown
Attire: standard, jedi robes
Rank in order/ position: padawan

Personality bits
Personality: On the surface Kirin is charming and outgoing, easy to to get along with and talk to and good at getting people to open up or share things. However that openness only goes ome way, attempt to turn it around and get Kirin to open up and she skillfully redirects the conversation, or distracs you, or makes berself scarce. If cornered Kirin is prone to acting defensive or even lashing out if cornered or questioned too closely. There is a strong sense of compassion and a desire to help people underneath all of this, but fear and uncertainty run deep in Kirin and she finds herself constantly torn between the teachings of the jedi and simply abandoning it all in favor of self preservation. Above all, Kirin finds it difficult to trust others, to trust that they won't abandon her, or simply die on her and so she keeps her fears and doubts to herself, where they tend to fester and cloud her judgement. On some level, this fear is a projection, Kirin believes herself to be unreliable and unworthy of trust so she assumes others to be the same, pushing them away so that she can't let them down later.

Biography: Kirin was born to traveling musicians, who met each other while working as entertainers aboard a luxury cruise liner. The job offered steady, lucrative work which was hard to find for musicians, so even after Kirin's parents married her and had their child they continued the work, Kirin grew up on a succession of ships instead of any one planet, exploring their depths, pestering the crew with endless questions or playing with the children of guests. It was an unorthodox upbringing, but a happy one, until pirates attacked one year. Looking to kidnap rich guests and ransom them back for fortunes. The crew were not needed in this equation and Renn watched her parents and the other adults that had cared for her gunned down with her own eyes..

Kirin herself was taken as a slave, this particular pirate crew had a fondness for child slaves as they could survive on less food amd were easier to keep in line than adults. Much of the actual maintanence and repair work on the ship was actually done by these children, with the actual crew merely supervising them and keeping them in line with frequent beatings. On top of forcing them to work long hours performing danger work with no safety gear the pirates also amused themselves by pitting the children against each other in brutal, gladiatorial matches that they gambled on. The winners of these fights received better food, or even luxuries such as new boots or bedding while those who refused to fight or did poorly were starved and beaten, leading to a cut throat atmosphere among the children as they constantly sought to undermine each other for any small comfort they could gain from heir cruel masters.

Kirin was totally unprepared for this harsh environment, but somehow she survived. Whether in a fight, or when one of the other children tried to sabotage her she seemed to have a kind of sixth sense that warned her at the last second, she seemed to know just where to dodge, or where not to step, amd she combined this with a deperate ferocity not to die like everyone she had known. Despite not being the biggest or strongest of the children Kirin was oddly formidable and the other children learned to to pick fights with her. Kirin fought her way to the top of the foodchain, earning the best jobs and the affection of the pirates who gambled on her fights and won, who would sometimes indulge her by teaching her more advanced repair knowledge or dirty tricks they liked to use in fights, there was even talk of her joining the crew as a full fledged member if she survived long enough.

In the end though the pirates should have been more concerned with their own survival. The crew found their ransom strategy to be so lucrative that they set their sights a little high, snatching the daughter of a senator from her pleasure craft. A jedi was dispatched to rescue the girl, a human named Eriden Kassar who cut his way through the pirate crew singlehandedly and liberated their prisoners. Renn was in awe of the jedi, but he was also interested in her, sensing the force sensitivity that she had unknowingly relied upon during her time as a slave.

Eriden took Kirin back to the jedi temple, fudging her age a little which was easy due to the small stature long malnourishment had given her. Kirin took quickly to the practical side of jedi training, but struggled with the more philosophical aspects. Kirin struggled to reconcile the jedi teachings of serenity and mercy with her own experience up to that point, after all being nice sounded appealing, but she had only survived life on the pirate ship by being ruthless and cunning and it wasn't wrong that she was alive right? She deserved to fight for her survival at least. But if Kirin's time among the pirates had instilled in her some distinctly unjedi leanings, it had also taught her not to argue the people in charge unless you wanted a beating, so Kirin kept her opinions to herself for the most part and cultivated the skill of puzzling out what her instructors wamted to hear and telling them that.

Perhaps in peace time Kirin would have been subject to more scrutiny, but the clone wars meant there was a huge demand for more jedi to fill in the ranks so no one was overly keen to delay Kirin's graduation to padawan, at the age of 14 she was reunited with Eriden Kassar when she was shipped out to the frontlines of the Clone Wars to serve as his apprentice.

Kirin's apprenticeship was difficult, Eriden was somewhat overzealous in his prosecution of the war. The jedi knight had lost many close friends in the initial battle on Geonosis and saw it as his personal mission to wipe out the Seperatist threat. He became famous during the wars for his aggressive tactics, throwing himself and his troops into the thick of each battle and out maneouvering foes with forced marches or straining his fleets' engines to the very peak of their capabilities. Naturally Eriden expected nothing less from his apprentice than he did from himself, from the moment they reunited Kirin was following her master into firefights and fleet actions. Kirin was terrified if she failed to keep up she'd be discarded, just like the children back on the pirate ship who couldn't keep up with the workload and were killed off. So just like she always had, Kirin kept her fears and weakness hidden and did her best to survive even as the war ground her down. The constant physical exhaustion, the ever presemt threat of death or injury, they both took their toll but worst of all was the constant stream of clones, looking to her and Eriden for guidance, expecting them to command them just because they carried lightsabers and dying by the dozen only to be replaced with the next wave of reinforcements.

After two years on the frontline, Kirin snapped, in the middle of an assault on droid factory, an assault she was supposed to play a key role in by leading a small, flanking detachment, the young padawan dropped everything and ran for it. Kirin was convinced that if she stayed there a moment longer, risked one more fight then her death was certain so she abandoned her duty, her master and her soldiers and ran. Kirin returned to their base, bluffed her way back onto the orbiting fleet and stole a long range fighter before anyone figured out what was going on, she was already out of the system and weeks away when she heard news of the clones turning on their jedi commanders and the new galactic order. Not long after that Kirin received the distress signal Master Lofurra semt out and plotted a course for Drongar, hoping against hope that her master would be there, that her abandoning him hadn't sealed his fate.

Aethersprite light interceptor (badly damaged after a detour through an asteroid field to avoid a republic patrol, it will likely crash land and be unsalvageable)
DC15 sidearm
General purpose repair kit

Jedi bits
Trained force abilities. 1 thing they're the 'master' of, and max of 3 things they're 'good' at:
Proficient in: Art of movment
Capable of: Force Speed, Force Sense, Precognition

Lightsaber hilt: Kirin's lightsaber is an unconventional, jury rigged design, it was damaged in an explosion during a battle Kirin followed her master into and she was never able to take time away from the frontlines to procure the high quality parts jedi typically use in light saber construction. Intsead Kirin was forced to make do with whatever parts she could scrounge fromtheir military supplies.

Originally a double bladed design modeled after her master's and capable of splitting into two, single bladed weapons, Kirins saber is now single bladed, as the crystals powering the blades were too damaged to sustain a blade by themselves. However the output of the combined crystals is still too much for one blade, so Kirin added four vents around the main emitter that vent plasma parrallel to the primary blade, forming four, smaller streams of plasma that inadvertantly function as a relatively effective handguard, though their main purpose is to modulate their flow so that the main blade can remain a constant size despite the fluctuating output of the saber's damaged crystals. The main blade and hilt are longer than a typical lightsaber, and overall it seems ungainly in the hands of its rather slight wielder, nevertheless Kirin makes surprisingly effective use of the saber, using its length to compensate for her lack of natural reach and making use of the force to swing it with surprising strength and speed.

Kyber Crystal color: blue
Practiced forms:
Kirin mainly relies on form IV, but has picked up a handful of form VIi techniques and principles by observing her master, who was quite proficient in the sometimes controversial form, though he never intended for his apprentice to learn it.

Other: Thanks to her early background, Kirin has maintained a lifelong interest in maintaining and repairing ships and other technology. Her repairwork would never be found in a textbook, focused as it is around hacking together a solution that would have the original manufacturers breaking out in cold sweats and using whatever scrap amd spare parts happen to be at hand. Still, more often than not Kirin's singular approach works, or at least, it works lomg enough to get you to the next port where a more permanent solutipn can be found.
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Name: Carter Moran
Age: 26
Gender: Male
Race: Human
Home Planet: Tatooine
Appearance (Feel free to use an image, or a hand written description, or both):
Height: 5'11"
Weight: 190 lbs
Eye and hair color: Brown and hazel
Attire: (Above)
Rank in order/ position: Smuggler

Personality bits
Personality: Carter is a man that cared for the sister he helped lived with on Tatooine, resigning himself to doing anything he must to defend her. This also applied to the very small circle of friends and allies that he began meeting during his travels across the galaxy. Rather fearful of major confrontation, Carter will often take whatever road necessary to avoid major conflict unless necessary. He will often try to talk his way out first, but will more often than not fall back on his lightsaber and blaster to get him out of a bind.

Raised on the desert streets of Tatooine, Carter Moran was a thief from the getgo. Stealing credits, food, water, equipment, anything he needed to provide for his sister Sarah. Eventually, he landed in trouble with the Hutt Cartel and was forcefully recruited to work as a smuggler to pay off his debt, or else the Hutts would abduct his sister and sell her into slavery. Once his debt was paid off, however, the Hutts demanded he continued his employment due to his talents, again under threat of selling his sister into slavery. He denied their request, moving his sister of Tatooine and taking them both into hiding. The Hutts then put a price on both of their heads. Determined to keep his sister free of the Hutts, he brought her to Coruscant and had her identity changed while he would lead them on and keep their focus on him.
Later, a group of pirates had offered to pay off his bounty to the Hutts in exchange for his services as a smuggler, as well as the technical components to build a lightsaber. During his travels, he bonded with a kyber crystal found in the depths of the Kashyyyk forests as well. Once his business with Kanjiklub was finished, they ended up double-crossing him to claim his kyber crystal and sell it to the Hutt Cartel in exchange for more operational freedom to conduct their business. He ended up evading the syndicate's efforts to capture him, garnering him animosity from them as they strived to kill him and reclaim the kyber crystal from his now-functional lightsaber.

While on the run from the pirates, Carter met a Jedi Knight named Kaiden Fey, who offered to aid the youthful smuggler in his endeavors and train him in the art of saber combat and instruct him on how to use the Force. This training helped him prolong his life and learn to better fend off against the constant threat of the galaxy's criminals trying to kill him. He's been in Kaiden's debt ever since, using his talents and lifestyle to assist both the Republic and the Jedi Order in any way he could during the outbreak of the Clone Wars. He would run supplies, weapons, and rations to the troops and Jedi participating in the Outer Rim sieges when the Republic couldn't get to them. When Order 66 fell, Carter was resupplying a few Jedi Knights and their garrison on the world of Ord Mantell. The Jedi were killed in the surprise attack, and Carter sustained heavy injuries to his arm and leg. His crew at the time was forced to amputate the limbs and replace them with cybernetic prosthetics. After recuperating, he sent his crew off to keep them safe while also opting to run solo.

Equipment: His lightsaber, a DL-44 blaster pistol, a custom TL-50 repeater for emergencies, his YT-1930 transport freighter ('The Ambition')

Jedi bits
Trained force abilities. 1 thing they're the 'master' of, and max of 3 things they're 'good' at: Mastery of Force Persuade, trained in telekinesis, tutaminis, and Force healing
Lightsaber hilt:
Kyber Crystal color: Blue
Practiced forms: Form III Soresu and Form IV Ataru
Name: Zuzich Rugose
Age: 25
Gender: Male
Race: Rodian
Home Planet: Rodia
Height: 6'1"
Weight: 190 Pounds
Eye color: Black with golden undertones.
Attire: Very Causal, typically wears some sort of coat with his pistol holsters and some light armor plating underneath. Very light weight.
Rank in order/ position: Criminal

Personality bits
Personality: Zuzich is definitely the type that is going to end up going out in a firefight. He's young enough that he still thinks he's invincible, despite the numerous scars that adorn his face and body. Zuzich's entire attitude towards life revolves around the use of his blaster pistols. If he has got a problem, he'll go ahead and shoot his way out of it. His blasters do all his talking for him. Shoot first, ask questions later.

Zuzich is a clever one though. Sure, he has no issues shooting his way out of things, but Zuzich finds enjoyment in knowing he outsmarted and out maneuvered his enemies. There's just something satisfying about the look on a bounty hunter's face when he knows he's been beat. Generally, every one of his plans revolves around shooting or blowing something up, but there is still a plan. It might be a crazy plan, but its still a plan.
Following in his ancestor's footsteps, Zuzich became a criminal. A little bit of bounty hunting, a whole lot of illegal arms running, maybe a little meandering in the arson and drug departments, Zuzich has just about done it all. He's experienced in the criminal underworlds of the core worlds, located in the underbelly of planets like Coruscant, and he's familiar with the crime lords that rule over to the planets of the outer rim. Zuzich has got some friends in high places, as well as some enemies...

Having pissed off more than his fair share of Hutts, Zuzich spends a lot of his time looking over his shoulder for bounty hunters as well as lawmen. In truth, he's been in hiding for quite some time, dealing mostly in small time crime rings in order to avoid attention from the crews and crime lords that want him dead. He's been running from the big dogs for quite some time now, doing his absolute best to avoid the Mandalorian bounty hunters that get sent his way. DUe to being hidden away on backwater worlds, Zuzich didn't even hear about the massacre of the Jedi until long after it happened, and even then, Zuzich didn't really care. It's not like he's got anything against Jedi, he just doesn't like them either. After all, he's had more than a couple Jedi try to arrest him.

He was happily organizing a small heist, basing his crew out of some abandoned Outpost on the forgotten world of Drongar when a STAR DESTROYER showed up. Just his luck right? In truth, Zuzich was a little impressed with himself. The Empire thought his dangerous enough to send an entire Warship? Oh Boy. ...
-2 DL-44 Heavy Blaster Pistols
-Plasteel armor plates attaches to the inside of his duster​
Name: Hende Maugg

Age: 17 years old (Adult age in Trandoshan society)

Gender: Male

Race: Trandoshan

Home Planet: Trandosha

Appearance (Feel free to use an image, or a hand written description, or both):

Height: 6’ 2”

Weight: 249 lbs

Eye and hair color:

No hair, purples eyes

(This is what he normally wears, but the pic above is what he looks like without the mask on.)
(A close up on the scaly's face from the web, since the game does not allow me to zoom in.)
Rank in order/ position: Mercenary

Personality: Hende is just like other Trandoshans, Predatory, aggressive, brutal, and driven. But Hende is also a bit more calculating and smart, thinking things through before he acts. Hende is also adaptable, due to his training as a Merc. While he has a love for weapons, he has an even bigger soft spot for droids, since he views them as an asset and a tool, due to his inability to speak. Though when he is backed against the wall, Hende will not be afraid to let loose, and rip apart anyone who stood in his way. He is also a focused individual, get the task done, get paid. No exceptions. He is not exactly social, despite the fact he cannot speak. Mainly because he is often criticized by others of his race for his fascination with droids, so in a way, self conscious.

Biography: Hende is a trandoshan trained in the art of war, but however, he is more savvy when it comes to technology than the rest of his brethren. Mainly droids. However, he was born with defective vocal chords, so he figured out how to modify a scavenger droid to speak for him via a remote with a holographic keyboard, and a live feed from the droid’s view, for scouting purposes. Upon finding this out, the leader of the group of mercs he was in, had constantly bullied him about his inability to speak, and using a droid to do it, calling him a “Weakling” or “Cannon Fodder.” Though the rest of the group does not see him as such, his leader soon learned why he should “Watch out for the quiet ones,” as he was torn apart as he insulted Hende for the last time towards the end of the Clone Wars. His group, who were once his friends, turned on him as Hende went on a berzerk rampage, leaving none of them alive. He then decided to go solo after that, taking up contracts and jobs to make the money necessary to keep himself armed and his droid up to date in repairs and software. But it was just a normal day looking for a job, until he got a message from someone who kept themselves anonymous, contracting him to hunt some jedi down.

Equipment (this includes weapons, vehicles, etc): ACP Repeater Gun (Smg), ACP Array Gun (Shotgun), a knife hidden under a knuckle plate, Thermal Detonators, as well as a Scavenger Droid that had heavily modified to speak for him, translate languages, etc. Though normally the droids would suicide dive if enough damage is sustained, this droid has that function removed, since this droid is the only bridge this trandoshan has for communication.
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Name: Tann'Nillim
Age: 50
Race: Twi'lek
Home Planet: Ryloth
Appearance (Feel free to use an image, or a handwritten description, or both):
Height: 1.70 meters
Weight: 70 kg
Eye and hair color: Blue eyes, bald
Attire: Brown robes with a beige tunic underneath
Rank in order/ position: Jedi Master

Personality bits
Tann'Nillim is a strict person, and even in exile, she follows the Jedi Code. A serious woman when on duty, but shows a softer side off-duty to friends. When it was about the men under her command, she never left anyone behind when retreating or advancing. While she did disagree with several actions by the Jedi and questioned the general treatment of the Clone Army. She never disobeyed an order if it was for the good of the Republic and her men.

The betrayal of her own men left her mental scars behind, feeling she failed her men, the Republic, and the Jedi Order.

Biography (Please include where they were during order 66, and a brief moment of aftermath before arrival on the planet):
Equipment (this includes weapons, vehicles, etc):
Tann'Nilim was born around 70 BBY on Ryloth and was brought to the Jedi temple after she was discovered to be Force Sensitive. Being trained from a young age, learning a lot about the Force and lightsaber combat in an Initiate clan under the supervision of Jedi Master Yoda. She was taken as a Padawan around the age of 12. She was involved in the Stark Hyperspace Wars late into the later parts of her training as a Padawan. Though taking mostly a supporting role among the Jedi.

She was a Jedi Master during the Clone Wars, serving as a General. She spent most of the time at the front lines as commander and partly as a field medic. She was known by the clones as a general who took her soldier's safety as a high priority. Unlike some of her fellow Jedi, she treated them as equals. This was one of the factors that helped her surviving Order 66.
After she tried to hide in self-exile from her former allies, the Force guided her towards the planet.

Jedi bits
Trained force abilities. 1 thing they're the 'master' of, and a max of 3 things they're 'good' at:
Force Healing
Lightsaber hilt:

Kyber Adegan Crystal color: Blue
Practiced forms: Form I Shii-Cho (basics), Form III Soresu (basics), Form IV Ataru (basics), Form V Shien/Djem So (basics), Form VI Niman, Jar'kai

She has two
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