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Fandom Star wars- Republic Remnant IC



Fantasy and Sci-fi Enthusiast
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Dire times ahead, seek this out if you're alive.
The message was short, simple, and spoken in a dull robotic voice, on the account not everyone could speak his native tongue if they could find the hidden frequency. It'd say it's message once, twice, then pause...and then repeat. Every day or two, he'd re-scramble the encryption code and frequency in order to keep it hidden from the clones who had turned on them. As much as he disliked doing it as it'd reduce chances of it being found by an ally, it also meant it's chances of being discovered by the enemy dropped. It had been a month and a half since what he could only describe as a massacre, too many lives to count cut short in an instant. It'd taken a lot of effort and laying low with considerable difficulty, until he managed to arrive on the now useless planet of drongar. A small ship was in a landing area, inside of the bubble shield dome that kept it's own small biosphere safe.

Inside the shield was a decently sized republic and jedi base. Living quarters, landing zone, clinical area, cantine, and a small holo-radio (although this was considerably broken)...it had functioned as just about everything during the war for the republic forces, and when they all pulled out with the bota became useless, it was considered lost and forgotten. He may have never known about it, if he had not been studying the holocrons for insight into past missions shortly before the temple was stormed. It was in this base that he sat in a small personal quarter, seemingly meant for the general of the outpost. He had cleared a space on the floor to take up a meditative seated position, attuning himself to the force and the life around him. He'd done this almost every day, stopping only to eat, survive, and upkeep the outpost. He knew the hope was small, maybe stupid...but if he could stay attuned and 'listen' to all about him...maybe he'd be able to sense the arrival of another, should that time come. And even if it didn't...he took comfort in the force and the meditation, something that was needed in these times.
In her defense, Eucil Devic didn't see the poor shape the A-24 Sleuth vessel was in when she stole it. The owner had just left the ship to collect a bounty on some contraband and she had slipped inside before the door had closed. He must have been listening to a frequency on the comm, for when she reached the controls, she heard the message.

It was vague, unclear, and yet Eucil knew the message was for her. Seek this out if you're alive. It could be a trap, troopers trying to finish the Order, or maybe some clever Bounty Hunter, perhaps even the owner of this ship, looking for a nice paycheck. Eucil decided that, trap or not, she would still go and seek out the message. If it were friend, she would no longer be alone. If it were foe, she could prevent others from falling into the trap as she did. Either way, it was better than just staying on Arcan IV and doing nothing, so she set herself down in the polite seat and started it up.

The ship stuttered and spurred, but reached space without much trouble. Eucil let the force guide her fingers as they put in the coordinates and place the ship on autopilot. It was the jump into hyperspace that did the ship in. Eucil jumped out of the her seat. and ran to see what was wrong. Not having zero to no experience in fixing ships, she had no idea that the binary motivator was completely dysfunctional and the power outlay differentiator was busted. The shipped jumped out of hyperspace way too close in orbit of the planet Drongar, and it was going in hot.

"Frag Frag Frag," Eucil cursed, running over the controls again trying to slow it down. Then she stopped, took a deep breath, and reached out to the force. Finally, the ship lost speed, and luckily crashed without crushing Eucil in the process.

"That could have gone a lot better," Eucil mumbled, pushing rubble off of her. She wiped herself down and rummaged through the ship to see if there was anything she could use. She didn't know much about Drongar, only that it existed, but she could sense that there was something wrong with the air. There was one old gas mask in one of the compartments with about a quarter tank of air left. Not much, but there was nothing else so it would have to do. She donned the mask and stepped out of the ship.

Wherever she landed, it was swampy. Eucil stepped lightly, careful to not disturb the ground beneath her feet. Her destroyed ship, she expected, has done enough damage as it is, she didn't want any more evidence of her being here. There was no path, and Eucil didn't have the slightest clue of where she was going. Like always, she would let the force guide her, for that was all she could do.
*Up in space, near Drongar*
Scrapper had been flying around the system for a long time now, flying from planet to planet as to avoid being found by the Empire, and of course, looking for any clones that have not joined the enemy ranks. Blaster fire ringing in his head as he remembered the pained screams of his squad mates as he gunned them down. He did not want to do it, but his loyalty to the Jedi forced him to do it. But the internal noise was cut off by a message caught on the radio.
"Odd, I'd better investigate this." He said to himself as he took his old and battered Republic v-wing star fighter into Drongar's atmosphere.

The landing was not very smooth. In fact, it was a serious crash landing that was caused by loss of control, with damage caused to the wings, which were loose, unbeknownst to him. He was thrown out of the cockpit upon impact, but the V-wing kept tumbling and rolling for a few seconds. a few moments later, Scrapper gets up, and looked around. Lush forests, strange flora all over the place.
"I don't think this is Kashyyyk.... this area is too tropical looking for that." He then moved north. He did not like the bad feeling he was getting from this place, but he knew he could handle what was thrown at him. "All these trees and plants. This is definitely not Kashyyyk. And that damn V-Wing was clearly older than I thought. I must keep moving, hopefully I can find some form of civilization, if any." The commando had his DC-17 blaster rifle ready, and finger on the trigger. As he was walking he heard the battle cry of Trandoshan mercenaries as they opened fire on him and his squad. But he snapped back to reality when he saw a young girl next to a wreckage. He took note of the bandages over where her eyes should be, and studied her. "A blind girl driving an old ship. Not a good combination, I need to be careful, She could be hostile, or maybe not..." He thought as he slowly advanced toward her, keeping his weapon pointed away from her, with his finger off the trigger.
Syana sat miserably in the Malicious Convor's cockpit as she tried to will her stomach to settle. She had thrown up again this morning. It had started a few days after...well, Order 66. She had been containing the feelings of sorrow and loss of her friends and Rev, but it seemed like her body was rebelling against her. The shock was bound to have effects, but she didn't need this. She didn't have time. She had a lead. One she was sure would lead her to more Jedi. Once she found enough, she could come up with a plan. Not just for stopping this new "Empire", but also to make the Order anew.
"PeeBee, have you got the coordinance locked in?" Syana asked her astromech before trying to eat something bland.
PeeBee warbled something.
"I'm fine, PeeBee. Just get us Drongar."
After a protesting whistle, the Astromech took the ship into hyperspace.
Eucil froze. Someone was watching her. Friend or Foe? She reached out to the force and recognized the individual, or rather type of individual immediately. Clone. Instinctively, she reached for her sabers, but stopped herself. The last thing she needed was for that clone to call all his traitor buddies over here to wipe her and whoever sent the message out. She would have to be clever about this.

Eucil wrapped her robe closer around herself, hiding her sabers, and started breathing heavily, as if scared. She was a young blind girl who didn’t know where she was. Who could antagonize that?

“H-hello?” Eucil called out hesitantly. “Is anyone there?” She swung her head around nervously, as if she didn’t know where he was.
"She really is blind... but I think she knows someone is here." He thought to himself as he stopped. "I am RC-1125, and I am not here to harm you. It seems you have had a bit of a crash yourself." He said as he studied the little girl, he was very cautious, for he did not know if the girl was armed or not. "Do you need any assistance, young lady?" he asked as he slowly stepped toward her, and stopped a foot away from her.

He did not know what to think of the situation at hand, a young girl, all alone and blind, and he assumed that she drove that crashed ship. he studied the wreckage, and then looked back at Eucil. "How did you manage this much damage anyway?" he asked in a genuinely curious tone. Beckspace Beckspace
Was the ship really that damaged? That explained a lot, and Eucil worried she might not even be close to where the message was transcribed. Could be on the wrong planet for all she knew.

No. It was here, she could feel it. It wasn't too far either. Just passed the clone who had some guts saying he wasn't going to harm her as if he didn't just help wipe out the Jedi.

"The ship was a rental," Eucil said quickly. "My family and I are farmers. I wanted to try and sell goods on some outer-rim planets, but I didn't reach the planet's orbit. Came crashing back down."

Did Drongar have farms? Based on the atmosphere of the planet, probably not. Even with the old gas mask on, Eucil could still taste the sickly taste of the air. Eucil did not like it. She needed to find shelter from this air and heavy temperature soon.

"I should head back to my farm now. Mother and father will be worried sick. Goodbye." Eucil lowered her head and inched passed the clone. She forced herself to not run off. If he's suspicious, he'll follow her. If he's not, no sane clone would waste their time on a little blind girl.

Emperor Of Embers Emperor Of Embers
"If that is true, maybe they would be willing to provide shelter until I finish my investigation, and get off this rock." He thought as he held out a hand. "Wait. Seeing as I am stranded on this planet, maybe I could stay with you and your family until my investigation of a strange message is done, and hopefully I can find a way off." Scrapper was not sure if the little girl walked off. That, and he did not feel like letting a blind girl walk home alone. "You probably don't trust me, but I promise I mean no harm." He said with a hint of pain in his voice, he wouldn't blame her is she did not trust him, but it was worth a shot of at least setting up a foundation for a friendship at least.

He wanted to tell her he was not what many would say that he was, that he did not stand there and pull the trigger on his Jedi general alongside his former brothers. But he kept it in, for he assumed that she would not believe him. Beckspace Beckspace
So, he had heard this message too. That was not reassuring. Maybe this was a trap after all. At this point, though, did it matter? She was stranded on this planet with strange air and humid temperatures, and the only form of civilization she can sense is the one she believes the message was sent from. The force was calling her there, and that was where she must go, and if this clone must come with her so be it.

Stars, is this gas mask malfunctioning?

"Fine, you can come. But stay light on your toes and try not to touch anything. There's no telling what's out there," Eucil said. She then realized she forgot to sound like a poor farmer that lived on this planet and knew what was out there and added, "Mother and father will be happy to have company."

That old bucket of bolts Eucil used as a ship did manage to serve its purpose relatively well. The outskirts of the swamp was only a couple hundred paces from the crash site. The trees stretched further apart and they soon found themselves in a clearing with a gigantic shield dome protecting the area.

"This is it," Eucil said quietly, stepping forward and touching the dome lightly with her hand. She took one more step forward and she was inside the shield. Instantly, she felt much better and decided to take off her mask. She lifted her head up and sighed deeply. "You forget how much you need clean air until you get it."

Emperor Of Embers Emperor Of Embers ManofManyRoles ManofManyRoles
"I am always light on my feet... We commandos always have to fast and deadly." Scrapper replied to the girl as they moved away from the crash site, and he picked up when she did not sound like a farmer for a moment. "She is not a farmer... Huh... Better keep an eye on her, make sure she isn't a hostile of any sort." he thought.

Upon arriving to a protected area with a shield, he began to wonder about the use of this location before. He then saw an insignia of the Republic. He walked up, and touched it. "This might be a place where clone troopers were stationed, better hope there are functioning facilities." He thought aloud as he walked through the shield, and unsealed his helmet. "Agreed." was all he could say as he began to look around, while still keeping close to Eucil. "So how did a farmer child end up on this planet anyway? Where you brought here by your family, or were you born here?" Beckspace Beckspace
He felt the presence of..something, before they actually arrived. The message had worked then?...but no craft had landed that he could hear, which only meant that they had been exposed to the air more than likely. Thanks to the outposts positioning it was possible to stay in the air in the highlands for just a bit longer, but that was only a short window before the spores could sink in...and even then, he wasn't sure they'd come from the highlands themselves. Standing up to his full height of seven two, he stretched his limbs out for a moment, before hoisting the bowcaster he kept with him up with ease, putting it over his back. Many jedi didn't use ranged weaponry, but as a 'weapons master' it was important to master something exotic or ranged...the traditional bowcaster did both. Baldric...check. Blade and robes...check...he could go now.

It was a short walk from the commanders office to into the open area of the outpost, and with every step the force seemed to 'tell' him what was here. A force sensative child, more than likely a padawan and...his stomach dropped. The second person was a clone of some sort but...they lacked the malice and threat that had been held by those who had stormed the temple. It was as if they held no ill will to anyone as of yet, and were simply here...in spite of this, terrible memories of jedi falling around him as he tried to escort the small group of padawans out flashed in his minds eye. He decided after a moment to give the clone a watchful eye, and be prepared to disarm him should he draw his weapon...trust the force.

Once he exited the command building, he took a quick look around before catching sight of the pair, and slowly advancing. A hand was kept warily near the overly large hilt of his blade before he made his presence known. "Greetings...where are you coming from?". He could only hope one of them understood shyriiwook or this was going to be far more difficult...if they didn't, they'd just hear roars and growls instead of what he was really saying.

Beckspace Beckspace Emperor Of Embers Emperor Of Embers
Eucil sighed in relief. As far as she can sense, there was one life form in this base, and the force was strong with them.

“Oh, I’m no farmer, RC-1125,” she said, just as a Wookie walked up to them.

“Master Lofurra!” Eucil of course knew of Master Lofurra, and looked up to him in more than one way. She hadn’t had much opportunity to talk to him at the Jedi Academy, but he was an important fixture there.

The familiar wookie garble came out of his mouth, and she was immediately confused. Usually, Master Lofurra had a translator. Why wasn’t he using it now.

“Uh... uhm. It was you that sent the message, right?”
Scrapper sighed as he heard Eucil say she was no farmer, but then realized it was because she was trying to not be killed by his hand. But was surprised when she exclaimed a name of a master name Lofurra. "Well then why did you not - a Jedi master...? I... I thought they were all gone...!" He was confused, until he saw a wookie dressed in a baldric walk out.

The commando was stunned at the sight of a wookie standing in front of them. He did not know what to say, until he swallowed his surprise.
"I am RC-1125, and I have come originally from Kashyyyk, back when that blasted war was going on. But since then I have been going from planet to planet in search of any remaining troopers that did not obey..." He stopped as he looked the Jedi master in the eye, and removed his helmet, his scarred face revealed for him to see.
"Sir, I heard the message. I decided to investigate, knowing nothing about this planet. And... I have a large respect for your people. Very strong, and very honorable. I am honored to be in your presence."

His mind's eye opened, and he saw a village of wookies being bound by Trandoshan slavers, he and his squad, Zeta squad, were moving in to eliminate the scalies, and free the wookies. However, things went awry when a squad of Trandoshan mercenaries opened fire. Blaster fire and the sounds of ACP Repeater guns (Trandoshan SMGs) going off at once littered the air.
"Zeta Squad! Find cover and take out those mercs! We have got to free those wookies if we want to get to Kachirho!" The Squad's leader, Night, exclaimed as Scrapper found cover behind a metal barricade, and opened fire on a Trandoshan, and hitting his backpack. The reaction was an explosion, as well as a flying trando corpse going straight up. The squad's explosives expert, Boomer, had switched to his DC-15 blaster pistol, and missed every shot. The squad's CQB specialist, Slug, had been opening fire using an ACP Array Gun (Trandoshan shotgun) he had picked up from a slaver he had killed. during a long battle, the squad had won, but were injured. Scrapper got up, after being hit with an Electro grenade after his shields went down, he could not feel his legs and torso, his vitals were in orange, meaning that he needed a bacta station soon. "Move up! Those wookies need a hand!" Night ordered as the squad elminated every slaver in the village, with more ease than the mercs. The wookies were unbound by the commandos, and they thanked the squad. "No problem, we cannot let our allies be sold for profit, not when we are around." Scrapper said as one of the wookies nodded, and ran off, with the rest of the remaining villagers following.
"Alright squad, now let's head to-" Night stopped, and put listened in to a transmission the whole squad received.

He shook his head, and looked at the wookie master. "Apologies, I was... I was remembering how rough it was back then..." ManofManyRoles ManofManyRoles Beckspace Beckspace
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The master studied the both of them for a moment, before slowly closing the distance and standing before them in full, being a good portion taller than scrapper and practically towering over the young miraluka. Rummaging in the satchel at his side, he presented a sizeable hand held machine to the both of them, lingering on eucil for a moment. Scrapper would probably recognize it due to his background, and eucil because he always had it on him to communicate with the others on coruscant...a P.U.T, or personal universal translator. Sliding the speaker piece over his head, he turned it on and waited. After a moment, the machine gave the sound that could only be described as an animal dying a painful death and whine, before he spoke into it. All the machine managed to give was a garbled and pained '-llo....air....-angerous....or ali-...'. Turning off the P.U.T, he pointed out blaster holes and scorch marks on it, before stowing it away again.

"You were on Kashyyk?...I thank you for your service to protect my peoples planet then, and I thank you for...not trying to shoot me right away. Forgive me however if I must watch you with wary eyes...much has happened to the republic. As for your compliments...I am sure my people would appreciate what you have to say, but I must humbly decline them to myself, for my own reasons...What is your name?...Your real name?". Stopping for a moment, he looked to eucil realizing he'd been excluding her...more so if he'd been talking to her directly. Placing a heavy, large, furred hand on her shoulder, he patted it a few times. "She cannot understand me...but please tell her I am glad she is alive, and I hope there are others.". Suddenly, he froze up, remembering something. He'd gotten so caught up in pleasentries he'd forgotten the truly important question. "The air...how long were you both outside in it?..It doesn't matter, I may have to give you both a dose anyways..". It was oddly comforting,speaking without a third party...even if only one of them could understand him.

Beckspace Beckspace Emperor Of Embers Emperor Of Embers
Recognizing the small machine in the wookie's hand, Scrapper then saw the damage done to it. After listening to the wookie, thanking him and declining his compliments. He was then asked his name.
"Scrapper. My name is Scrapper, Master Lofurra." He said as he watched the jedi gently pat eucil on the shoulder, when he asked scrapper to translate for him.
"He says that he is glad you are alive, and that he hopes there are others." He said to Eucil, Then looked at the wookie, who asked them a question.
"Not long, sir. I am fine due to my helmet being sealed, but I am unsure of our little friend here." He said as he squatted down, and looked at Eucil, looking for any abnormalities on her skin. "She seems fine, but I cannot be sure. How bad is the air anyway?" he asked the jedi as he looked back at the wookie, and put his helmet back on. ManofManyRoles ManofManyRoles Beckspace Beckspace
Eucil was confused by the conversation before her. She was expecting Master Lofurra to, well, do anything other than give the traitor the same welcome as her. Apart from that, the clone seemed to understand what Master Lofurra was saying! She crossed her arms, a bit annoyed at this outcome.

Despite it being just a simple pat, Eucil’s knees buckled under the weight of the Master’s hand on her shoulder. The gesture did work to calm her down, though. She was starting to think Maybe the clone was not so bad after all.

“I only had this old gas mask,” Eucil said, holding it up. “But I’m fine. I’m made of stronger stuff,” she added, standing up straighter. “That air tasted nasty. Still have this taste in my mouth like I licked a Hutt or something.”

Emperor Of Embers Emperor Of Embers ManofManyRoles ManofManyRoles
The jedi studied her for a moment, a frown visible on his furred face. "If she can taste the air, she was exposed to it. We'll have to get her a dosage immediately.". At the question of just how 'bad' the air was, he gave the clone the most serious look a wookiee could give a person. "The entire planet's atmosphere is laced with spores. Harmless to the native fauna...but to anything not from the planet, it will induce a death more painful and gruesome than one can imagine. I haven't seen it, but I read about mission reports and the planet in the holocron library on coruscant...It's called spleen rot, and some of the clones who were in the later stages asked to be shot rather than suffer further...could you...explain the situation to her as...honestly, but lightly as possible?". Looking down at eucil and then back to scrapper, he made a motion for them to follow him, starting towards one of the outposts buildings with markings designating it as the clinical area.

Beckspace Beckspace Emperor Of Embers Emperor Of Embers
Shin Zavalla - Jedi Encampment, Drongar
Interactions: (Open)

The Jedi Knight sat in solitude in his quarters, continually disassembling and reassembling his lightsabers as the parts littered his quarters. The sparking of his tools was the only light source in the darkened room as he continued his daily ritual. With little else to do and too scared to even think about using the Force, this mundane task of continually taking his lightsaber apart and putting it back together at least gave him something to do with his hands. His mind was slowly dulling, the familiar mantra of the Jedi Code offering little to his psyche. He had barely even managed to say anything to the group since his fighter had crash-landed on this forsaken world. Where did everything go so wrong?

Blasterfire errupted so suddenly in the vast corridors of the Jedi Temple that Shin barely had enough time to react. Screaming, the sound of lightsabers deflecting blaster bolts, the sound of shouting. Shin retrieved his lightsabers and opened the door to his quarters, igniting his weapons as he emerged into a war zone inside the Temple. He witnessed the very clone troopers they had been leading against the Separatists slaughtering his fellow Jedi without any hint of hesitation or mercy, not even the Padawans or Younglings were being spared. He leapt into battle with a warcry, the vision cutting out abruptly.

Shin reacted negatively to a small overcharge of his lightsaber hilt that he damaged while lost in memory. He grumbled as he began to begin work on repairing the damage.
The jedi studied her for a moment, a frown visible on his furred face. "If she can taste the air, she was exposed to it. We'll have to get her a dosage immediately.". At the question of just how 'bad' the air was, he gave the clone the most serious look a wookiee could give a person. "The entire planet's atmosphere is laced with spores. Harmless to the native fauna...but to anything not from the planet, it will induce a death more painful and gruesome than one can imagine. I haven't seen it, but I read about mission reports and the planet in the holocron library on coruscant...It's called spleen rot, and some of the clones who were in the later stages asked to be shot rather than suffer further...could you...explain the situation to her as...honestly, but lightly as possible?". Looking down at eucil and then back to scrapper, he made a motion for them to follow him, starting towards one of the outposts buildings with markings designating it as the clinical area.

Beckspace Beckspace Emperor Of Embers Emperor Of Embers
Scrapper's face lost its color as he heard the news. "Erm, What he is saying now... is that you may have a disease from breathing the air on this planet. Clones had caught this disease, and then asked to be shot.... the disease is Spleen Rot." Scrapper said as he looked at Eucil as he felt gravely worried. He then looked at the Jedi master, and then sighed. "Is there a treatment for her? Is there any way to get rid of the disease?" he asked, as if he was living through a nightmare he had weathered before, a jedi death he could have prevented, but couldn't. Beckspace Beckspace
Eucil's face paled. "Oh," She placed her hand over her stomach. There was a small pain in her abdomen now, perhaps a symptom? "Spleen rot. That-That sounds pleasant." Looks like that message was a trap after all, thought in the way she expected.

"Lovely planet, Drongar. Ok," she took a deep breath. "I assume there's a med bay around here? I think I might be starting to feel the rot."

ManofManyRoles ManofManyRoles Emperor Of Embers Emperor Of Embers
The wookiee gave a calm nod of his head, starting forward and just expecting them to follow. "There is a cure and a preventative...But only for two days after exposure. The outpost is stocked with specialized medication int he form of pills. If taken before hand, they'll allow you in the air for a time with no ill effects. If taken after exposure...it will neutralize the spores in your body, and prevent worsening condition. But after two days...there is nothing I would be able to do.".

Once the trio arrived at the medbay center, he walked over to a dispenser unit and pressed a button, a rather large pill dropping into his palm. The inside of the medbay was stocked exactly as one would expect a republic outpost, dispensers for medication and equipment, a few bacta tanks, and two OR rooms, long since deserted. Walking back to eucil, he offered it out to her. "Here...you'll have to swallow it...I wish it was smaller.". Provided she took the pill, he nodded towards scrapper. "There is another jedi here, he will want to know you've arrived.". Pulling out a small comm piece, he spoke into it. "Shin, would you meet me in the medbay for a moment?".

Thawne Thawne Emperor Of Embers Emperor Of Embers Beckspace Beckspace
Two weeks, thats how long he has been stuck on this planet. At first he thought it would have been a good place to lay low for a while. but now, He's not so sure anymore. Drongar used to be a heavily contested planet early in the war. But was abandoned by both factions after it's value became worthless. so there is a lot of stuff laying about. problem is, most of it is junk. for two weeks Vertigo has been moving from Republic base to Republic base. scavenging stuff from each as he went. and fending off the local wildlife. Luckily he brought an AT-RT he stole from his old Company. Moving out of the Jaseerak Lowlands into the highlands. Vertigo had to precariously scale a cliff with the nimble walker, it was his third attempt. Setting up the walker on a decently sized ledge, Vertigo could see the top. one last jump should do it. as he maneuvered the vehicle into position. the thrusters attached to the legs started to wind up. "three, two, one!" Bracing himself, Vertigo propelled the walker into the air. as the vehicle started to slow. he activated the thrusters, propelling him further skyward. clearing the lip by several meters, Vertigo came crashing down with a metallic thud and straining joints. Taking a moment to breathe. Vertigo leaned back in the saddle like seat. he was exhausted. that climb took longer than expected. opening a map. the clone eyes the Icon of his destination. on the highlands was a Republic base about an hour from his location. and by faint readings hes receiving. it still has power. A blessing. extending his arms to stretch. Vertigo readjusted himself and set out again at top speed.

As the outpost came into view. the first thing Vertigo saw was the shield was still up. A good sign, most bases that still had some power, the shields were usually the first to go so to save power. if these were still up. the place had presumably months of power remaining. passing through the shield, Vertigo moved his walker into the main opening and removed his helmet. sitting there, Vertigo felt a tingle in the base of his head. something seemed off. examining the base, he noticed it was too tidy. this base wasn't abandoned. Releasing the safety. The Z-6 on the walker spooled up as he slowly started to back the Walker away, stopping just before leaving the shield. He needed to move. but going out of the safety of the shield with his helmet off was out of question. but he didn't want to don his helmet because that would leave him blind and vulnerable for too long. so he did the next best thing. He started to move along the perimeter of the shield, scanning for any threats.
Just above the atmosphere of Drongar there was a flash of light and a wedege shaped, beat up star fighter appeared, it's momentum carrying it down into the gravity of the planet, so that it began to pick up speed and heat as it fell toward the surface. Inside the cockpit of the star fighter a chorus of wailing alarms and error messages assualted the young, rather scrawny pilot as she desperately wrestled with the controls and flipped switches more or less at random.

"Yep that last jump definitely fried something," Kirin muttered, barely able to hear her own voice over the rioting alarms. "Guess I'm landing this thing the old fashioned way," Kirin pulled up sharply on the control stick, trying to pull into a shallow glide and stretch up in her seat to take in the terrain that came into view as she shot through a thick layer of cloud.

The ground below was mostly forest and jungle, if she landed there she'd probably be splattered against a tree, but up ahead there was a more open patch of brown that looked like swampland. It wouldn't smell very nice but it might be a soft enough crash to keep her alive.

Kirin's ship knifed through the air, slicing the tops of dozens of trees before skiddingto the thick, gunked up water of the swamp, landing with a crash and a splash and disturbing a flock of small, native flying creatures.

"Urghhhhgragh," Kirin moaned, her body aching from the impact. The chorus of warnings and alarms had been mixed up subtly, a few of he blaring klaxons about the malfunctioning exhaust vens replaced by klaxons wailing about catastrophic damage to the outer frame and environmental scans reading extreme

"Wait toxic?" Kirin said groggily, leaning forward tl read the scan reprorts, which were being displayed alongside a database on the planet Drongar.

"...Spores... SPLEEN ROT!? AWW C'MON!" Kirin slumped back in her seat and looked up throught mercifully intact canopy. "I don't even know what my spleen does and now it's gonna rot? What the hell did I get myself?" Kirin smiled wistfully. "Heh, Eriden would totally chew me out. 'How many times do I have to tell you to read the environmental scans before we land girl!?'" Kirin's expression hardened into determination. "He's... he's probably waiting to chew me out right now wherever that signal is coming from. I just have to find him, he can't be...I'll find him,"

Unbuckling herself, Kirin got to her knees and turned around in the seat, rummaging around in the small storage section for her repair kit. She needed some way to breathe safely out there and since she hadn't been able to find a flight suit that fit her when she left she'd need to improvise a bit.

The fighter's air system had a filtration unit she could repurpose and some flexible tubing she could cut out to make a seal around her neck and an empty storage container formed the helmet of her makeshift gas mask. After that all that was left to do was wire in the battery from her sidear, to keep it running, pillage the fighters display for a transparent screen to see through and then weld it all together with the plasma torch in her repair kit.

"Well I doubt it's gonna turn heads on the runways of Coruscant," Kirin muttered, her voice becoming muffled part way through as she wrestled the crude, boxy mask over her head. "But hopefully it'll keep the spores out," she said, triggering the manual release on the fighter's canopy and pushing it open with her foot, before hopping out and landing lightly on the marshy ground.

"Alright," Kirin said, putting her hands on her hips and surveying the swampland around her crash site. "Now I just gotta find that signal...which...would be in what direction exactly? Hmmm,"
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"Another Jedi? I guess the Jedi are not as few as I thought... but the order... some of them may have fled the crossfire." He thought as he heard blaster fire as his squadmates obeyed Order 66. He readied his rifle, but he was too late, as their former general fell to blaster fire, he looked scrapper in the eye as he fell forward. "You disobeyed, 25. You know what that means, don't you?" Night asked as Scrapper felt a rush of fury as he kicked down his leader, and landed 15 consecutive shots to his head, with his squad mates backing away slowly, rifles aimed. "What the hell happened to hi- AAGH!!" Boomer screamed as Scrapper shot him in the chest 5 times with his DC-15 pistol, missing every shot he fired back. Slug looked on at his angry brother, and stared him down as he charged Scrapper. They engaged in hand-to-hand combat until Scrapper stabbed Slug in the chest with his Vibroblade in his left hand. "Traitor...." Was his last word before he took his last breath. The wookies that stayed to watch the fight looked on in horror and awe as the wounded commando walked off, leaving the bodies of his squad behind, and closing the eyes of his general.

He shook his head as he looked at Eucil. He began to worry for her, not only because she was basically still a child, but the fact that she could have a disease that could kill her. "I'd recommend taking it, young lady." He said in an unintentionally paternal tone, like a how father would talk to their child.

"Master Lofurra, who is this jedi that is also here?" he asked curiously. ManofManyRoles ManofManyRoles Beckspace Beckspace
Approximately one month earlier

The ship slipped out of hyper space into the unamed sector. It began to drift through the emptiness, if one was to look closely they could see what appeared to be a trail left behind it. A stream of venting coolant and fuel, freezing as soon as it left the ship, leaving an icy trail in its wake. The ship was listing slightly, and multiple scorch marks and impact craters littering the ship's hull, clearly she had been in a fight. However the Republic emblem on her flank remained unblemished, with the name of the stricken vessel embossed underneath ‘The Spear of Anaxes'


Inside the ship was in chaos. Corridors were lit with the red of emergency lighting, illuminating strewn debris and a multitude of damaged sections and consoles. Crew members were moving down them at fast pace, makeshift damage control teams dealing with fires and any ruptures in the hull, whilst medical teams were scooping up those who were too injured to perform their duties. Whilst the corridors were full of crew, the bridge was somewhat emptier. It was designed for 8 hands including the captain, up to 15 with passengers and guards but this would have been a squeeze. There were only 4 here however, the Captain and 3 bridge officers.

The officers were pouring over the screens, multiple reports coming in from all over the ship.

“Breaches to deck 3, 4 and 6, teams are enroute but are having trouble with blocked corridors,”
“Medbay is at full capacity, the Canteen has been repurposed for overflow,” “We're getting unconfirmed reports from Engineering that one of the reactors is not responding to shut down procedures. Attempting to get a clearer answer from them,”

Amongst all of this the Captain was sat on his chair. His uniform was torn in places, and like his face blackened from smoke. A cut above his right eyebrow was bleeding, the worst of it having stopped however. One of his officers had attempted to send him down to the medbay, but he got a pretty short and sharp answer in response. Odile looked up, as if noticing his surroundings for the first time. He cleared his throat, his voice was hoarse from barking orders and smoke inhalation. His cold grey eyes turned on the Comm Officer.

“Lieutenant Lyvans. I want you to get the comm system up and running. Though we are battered and bruised, we much spread word of the treachery that has occurred today. I want us to be ready to broadcast in the next 5 minutes,”

He closed his eyes again as the Officer snapped a salute and began warning up the communications array, thankfully undamaged. He could still hear the screams of dying men, and the incessant laser fire. His men, his fellow captains, shot down as they fought and fled their way through the station. Not by separatists or terrorists no... his gloved hands gripped tightly against the arm rests, the knuckles going white. By the very Republic Clone Troopers who had been garrisoned he station. The very thought made him feel sick, this had to be a mistake some sort of rogue batch, or a division turned traitor, there was no other plausible explanation. He snapped back out of his stupor as Lieutenant Lyvans began speaking.

“Comm system is up and running sir and we're getting... we're getting a lot of reports flooding in, you should see this Sir,”

The poor young man was near shaking in his boots, his face pale and quivering. Captain Duvalis came him a brief nod of his head .

“Very good Lieutenant, onscreen,”

He view screen flickered into life, static washing away as numerous camera relays, and audio locations began flooding onto it. The officers went silent with their status updates and Duvalis’ grip on the chair slackened as the enormity of what he was watching and listening to began to become apparent. Countless terrified cries for help, Jedi all of them, Padawans, Knights, Masters, all crying out for help in a Galaxy in Flames. Clones turning against their commanders, slaughtering them in cold blood, the comm channels were clogged with countless similar tales. Amongst it all a report worked its way to the top, from the Republic Naval Command, 7 traitors within their ranks, conspiring with the Jedi in their plot to overthrow the Reublic. Their faces began to slowly scroll across the screen, each of them recognised at once, 6 of them were fellow comrade in arms, having come through the Academy together, each marked ‘Deceased'. The final profile emerged on screen, the cold grey eyes matching his own, as he stared at his own reflection, he stamp ‘At Large" stamped across the bottom of the picture. This is what he had been reduced to, a traitor to the Republic, to the principle that he had served without question for over 20 years of his life. He pushed himself up from his chair.

“I want a ship wide broadcast... now,”

The comm officer quickly complied, giving the Captain a thumbs up, stating that he was now live. Captain Duvalis leaned in towards the comm system, his hands spread on the console.

“This is the Captain. We have been betrayed,”

He paused for a moment, his mouth dry at the words he had just spoken, admitting it out loud for the first time

“It has become apparent that the actions taken against ourselves, and the other 6 ships docked at Anaxes station was not just a random localised event. As I speak it appears that Jedi commanders throughout the Galaxy are being mercilessly slaughtered by the Clone Troopers under their command. We have been labelled traitors, complicit in a plot to topple the Republic, and replace it with who knows what. We know the truth however. It is not us that have betrayed the Republic, but whatever the Republic has become has betrayed us, killing our brothers in arms, and now turning against itself in its slaughter of the Jedi. No. We are the last loyal members of the Republic, the last loyal ship, we have been battered, we have been bruised and we have bled. But we are still standing, we shall not go quietly into the night and allow the Republic that we have given our lives for to collapse and be taken over by traitors, whoever they may be. We shall refit, we shall re-arm and we shall find others who choose to say no! We are members of the Republic Navy, and we shall not surrender or give up so easily, we shall fight until we can fight no more. Return to your duties in confidence that the people behind this will pay, we will make sure of it.”

There were no rampant cheers, or spontaneous applause, too much had happened in too short a space of time. But backbone had been stilled, confidence that had been wavering has been strengthened. The Spear of Anaxes would go forth into battle again.

Present --Drongar System

The Spear of Anaxes slips into the Drongar system. No longer venting atmosphere or leaking fuel, but the damage still severe. She made a slow steady burn from the edge of the system, making good progress towards the planet from which the signal they had picked up originated from.

Captain Duvalis sat on the bridge, finger peaked in front of his chin.

"And they still haven't responded to any of our hails?"

The comm officer gave a brief shake of his head.

"Negative Sir. Scans suggest there is some sort of base on the planet's surface where the signal has originated from, it's definitely Jedi in origin, however they either do not have the means to reply or pick up our signal, or whoever left the message may be gone,"

Either left the planet or left the world of the living, Odile thought to himself. This was the first contact of any sort they had managed to pick up, and he couldn't afford to be fussy, the ship was damaged, the crew were near demoralised, they needed some sort of hope to hang onto. This could be it, not to mention the fact that a planet this far out of the main hyper lanes would reduce the chance of a patrol happening upon them.

"Very good, take us intowards the base. I want everyone on red alert, we dont know what we're going to expect down there, and I don't want to take any chances,"

There is a chorus of affirmative responses from the assembled officers, as a call to battle stations rings out about the ship, the surving complement of Marines arming and preparing themselves for a possible hostile reception. The Spear of Anaxes slips into the planet's atmosphere, engines burning as their ascent is slowed, but any people on the planet would hear the crack of the sonic boom as it initially entered the atmosphere. Within a few seconds it would be visible, an increasingly large gunship approaching the base. It slipped inside the protective shield, it's bulk taking up most of the free room as it approached the ground, a swirl of dust being kicked up from its thrusters as the landing gear engaged, touching down on the ground. The symbol of the Republic still emblazoned proudly on the side for all to see.
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