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Futuristic Republic Remnant OOC

I have three different versions of my character right now, and I don’t know which one I want to go with! 😫
Well, I can either weigh some input in, or i can direct you to 'wheeldecide', which is a virtual wheel you can input slots into, and then spin it. And if you don't get what you want, you know what you REALLY wanted. If you're indifferent, it answers it anyways. Handy, I've found.
Lol nice. I guess I’m just thinking about what kind of character we would need in our little group. I have one character in three different roles, a master, a padawan, and a member of the crew. I can always just wait and see what everyone else is doing and make my decision based on that.
It's totally up to you. There's just one master slot left, and there's no cap on the padawan/knight roles, nor is ray going to cap his crew I think. Personally, I'm looking forward to interactions between lofurra and other characters. Simply because his universal translator is busted up, so it's going to take some time in rp before those who can't understand him, can.
So, here's a question, that I'd like the thoughts from the peanut gallery from for. Now, lofurra is 7'2 in height. The standard lightsaber projects a blade up to 3 feet. BUT, he uses a lightclub varient, which has the max length of 9'8 feet. So, the question is... How big's too big?
The blade being taller than the user seems a bit much, but a lightsaber "greatsword" is pretty cool.
I agree it being larger than him would be a bit outrageous, I'm trying to think of what would be an appropriate sizing however. Put it at six foot, keep it just a foot shy of him perhaps?
Also, it made more sense for him to use the greatsword varient of a lightsaber, because it'd compliment an aggressive combat style thanks to it's extra weight (which wouldn't be an issue for a race like wookiees), and a standard light saber would seem a bit tiny in the hands of a 7'2 person.
I agree. Well, that's what we're going with then. We have three standard players CS up, so I think if we get three more in by the end of the week at the least, we'll be able to at least get the ball rolling.
I will openly admit, kount is one I am highly looking forward too see in action. It was a bit of a let down I never saw him last time, as the other rp kind've failed to take off.
For beckspace, I'm looking forward to on the account they strike me as the 'willing to learn' padawan type, which is always so interesting to see played out.

And something I want to clarify, the message was a sort of 'text to speech' message, on the account not everyone would understand shyriiwook. So instead of massive roaring and 'yelling', characters will have heard a somewhat robotic message on the channel, just repeating. All good?
ooh, ok so yeah Eucil may be very suspicious of that. XD

I made her a die-hard Jedi code believer to create inevitable conflict between what the Jedi now mean to people and what they mean to her. I think Syana also had some issues with the Jedi code? RikuXIII RikuXIII
Syana has the idea to 'reform' it. Which will inevitbly cause conflict with lofurra I'm sure, as wookiee's tend to be quite..traditional.

Eucil:"This is a suspicious situation..abandoned post in a bubble shield on a planet of death..this is going to be a trap, isn't it?"
Master lofurra: *roars in greeting*
5'1 padawan meets 7'2 furry tank species.
Abendrot Abendrot If you could for your characters bio, just give a bit of brief info on where they were when the order came through? I figure if we've got at least a bit of that in CS, we won't have to do cover it too much in rp unless character are asked.
ooh, ok so yeah Eucil may be very suspicious of that. XD

I made her a die-hard Jedi code believer to create inevitable conflict between what the Jedi now mean to people and what they mean to her. I think Syana also had some issues with the Jedi code? RikuXIII RikuXIII
A little, though not quite a full on “let the past die” style. More believing it’s time for the Jedi to further evolve.

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