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Fandom Ravenhurst University of Magic OoC Chat

Hi everyone! I’ll be away over this weekend but should be getting some posts up on Sunday! I’ll also be adding the possible clubs and other activities available on the lore page! :)
Hey, so sorry but I probably won't be able to reply a lot for a bit! With the holidays and exams coming up I am dying! :) I will try to get some replies out but just wanted to let you guys know hehe
Hey everyone! So sorry I haven’t been around in the chat! Stopped getting notifications for this thread, but if everyone is still interested in the RP we can get it back up and running after Christmas. If you’re still interested just let me know. We can skip to the first day of Ravenhurst or something like that :)
Hi everyone and Happy New Year! I hope you are all doing well! Over the holiday I have had time to think about whether to keep up with this RP and have decided that though I love the slice of life vibe, I would rather work with a more plotted and structured wizarding world RP. So sadly this one will be over and I probably won't reboot it another time.

However if you would like to join, I am restarting a more mature wizarding world RP centred around adult characters with a more gritty dark tone. I'd love to have you all join if you would like as you are all very talented and lovely writers :) If not that's totally fine too but here is the interest check for those intrigued.


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