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Fandom Ravenhurst University of Magic OoC Chat

There will be more information added to the Lore page with information about clubs to join and creatures that live in and around Ravenhurst Castle as well as activities happening throughout the academic year so I will let everyone know when those are added :)

I've moved the plot along a little as well :)

girlcanines girlcanines I'll make a reply for Lysander probably later today, but if you want to move Divya on feel free, just let me know!
I'm also going to be posting Prof Ravenhurst's first post so if anyone has professors it's a good time to introduce them and if anyone wants to make a professor feel free :)
There will be more information added to the Lore page with information about clubs to join and creatures that live in and around Ravenhurst Castle as well as activities happening throughout the academic year so I will let everyone know when those are added :)

I've moved the plot along a little as well :)

girlcanines girlcanines I'll make a reply for Lysander probably later today, but if you want to move Divya on feel free, just let me know!
take your time!! november is a hectic time!!
It's fixed! Amelia's favourite colour is green but the reason the colour scheme of the University is purple and gold is because those are her daughter's favourite colours.

Bit of a random side note there lol
Ruby frankly doesn't care who she is, as long as it's not a Gryffindor who only talks to her to be civil
That works for Hattie! She has a love hate relationship with popularity lol She also probably wouldn't like most Gryffindors if she'd attended Hogwarts
She also doesn't care about house rivalries, but apparently that's just her
Hey all! just saying im still here, just been busy with life, that time of year ya know

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