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Fandom Ravenhurst University of Magic OoC Chat

Flame Demon Flame Demon Well, I just checked
apparently there is no wizarding school in Germany (Kinda rude ngl) so they're homeschooled. XD

I made them attend normal muggle school next to it tho, because homeschooling is not allowed in Germany haha.
Also like how they are apparently either homeschooled or go to Durmstrang which is in Bulgaria, which is further away from Germany than the UK???? Why would they then not just go to Hogwarts Joane??? WHY WOULD THEY GO FURTHER AWAY TO A COUNTRY WITH A WHOLE OTHER DIFFERENT LANGUAGE????? Like Germans learn English in their first grade why would we not go to England then???

Sorry just wanted to drop that here cuz what`?
Bulgarian/Russian isn't even an elective in most schools. So how does that work do they all just speak English I mean that could work.
WAIT. wait why wouldn't they go to the Beauxbatons Academy of Magic???

THAT IS A NEIGHBORING COUNTRY ??? I am so confused about the worldbuilding of Harry Potter rn. Sorry guys I just think it's funny
I mean that would make more sense since it is indeed a neighboring country and I feel like they wouldn't really learn everything there is to know about the wizarding word if they were homeschooled
Yeah, but I mean if their parents went to a wizarding school and the whole family is pure bloods maybe it's fine but I can deffo change that if it's a problem. But then they are going to the french school cause there is no way they would go somewhere so far away if there is a closer option XD Just makes more sense locigally.
The world building regarding the Wizarding schools is definitely terrible, no doubt. Better to just say that most countries have their own Wizarding schools rather than just having 11 in the whole world 😂
The Netherland is def too small to have one XD unless it's underwater, which would be very very interesting, but not the point
I feel like their would be at least one other wizard school in the UK personally since Hogwarts is catering for three and a half countries worth of wizards and yet only has like 1000 students at any given time
But like Germany would prolly have place like in all the woods and stuff. I could imagine an Irish Wizarding school catering to them because everyone in the uk is a bit much for one school
She could most like talk my characters into that, or at least Ruby.

Adrian's trying not to draw attention or get into trouble (he does not know that Ruby's an animagus)
She could most like talk my characters into that, or at least Ruby.

Adrian's trying not to draw attention or get into trouble (he does not know that Ruby's an animagus)
Isla would be so fascinated to meet an animagus! She'd probably ask Ruby way too many questions about the potion making process xD If there's anything she loves just as much as quidditch and creatures it's potions

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