• This section is for roleplays only.
    ALL interest checks/recruiting threads must go in the Recruit Here section.

    Please remember to credit artists when using works not your own.
Célian Debrosse
"You're dating him?" He asked, lifting a brow in curiosity. "I pegged you for the type of girl with standards." Célian didn't know anything about the girl beside him or the type of relationship she had with Key, but he could assume. He was a handsome lad. And judging by the green letterman he wore, he was a football player. He was familiar with relationships formed purely for appearances and this particular relationship reeked of it. If she had been anyone else, he might have mocked her for it but she hadn't ratted him out for stealing the wallet and he supposed he owed her.

Besides, he too couldn't help but laugh with her when Key came storming past them, paying absolutely no attention to the wallet in his hands. He was so set on fighting Mason for a crime he didn't commit to even notice the true culprit. He knew, deep down, he should probably feel bad about letting an innocent man go down for his crimes, but Key hated Mason. He figured he'd find a reason to fight him eventually whether he was innocent or not. Why not push things along and score a free wallet out of it?

"I'm Célian, by the way," he said, cringing slightly at the sound of shattering glass. He couldn't see the full fight from where he stood but he could see the island and some boy, who he assumed was Mason, sprawled across it. Still, the fight amused him. Physical fights seemed so.. Amateur to him. He couldn't understand why people bothered to make such a public display of extreme masculinity when you could work from behind the scenes and come out relatively unscathed. And, in most cases, undiscovered.

He was about to voice his bets on who'd win when a girl walked up to them, a hand on her hip. Célian knew she was there for the wallet that still sat in his lap, perfectly exposed to the entire party. He laughed when she spoke to Laurel, asking her questions about Key and the party. What was she trying to do? Casually bring up the wallet and convince him to hand it over? Convince Laurel into ratting him out? It wasn't going to work. "Cut the bullshit," he interrupted, holding up the wallet. "You're here for this, aren't you? I'm not giving it back. 'Finders, keepers.' That's how the saying goes, right?"

Interactions: mikaluvkitties mikaluvkitties Taelonthesands Taelonthesands

Aaron let loose a sigh, looking back down to his fruit punch. He was already drafting how to tell Drake that he was not going to drink this, perhaps ruder than absolutely necessary, already preparing for Drake’s speech on the virtues of Capri Sun or whatever it was he was about to get on, when there was yelling.

He glanced in the direction, then turned his gaze to Drake, raising an eyebrow. Aaron had been in enough fights with Mason to extrapolate. Granted, he didn’t particularly want to go stop a fight between Mason and someone- He hated the bastard’s guts- but at an even greater lack of want was for Drake to go and stop it himself. Let’s be frank here, Drake was a stick. Aaron was not.

So he followed after Drake, getting a first-hand view of everything going even more to shit.

At this point, Aaron was pretty sure he would not be getting a drink of the alcoholic variety. The realization stang, but it was enough for him to finally open his Capri Sun and take a hesitant sip- It tasted tacky, much too close to sugar. He fought the urge to pull a face.

As they entered the room, Aaron finally saw the son of a bitch who started all this, and he couldn’t help but be a bit taken off-guard that it was… Some popular football guy. Really? Mason was pissing off his own team now?

He was bleeding, and his shirt was ruined, but he didn’t seem to mind, instead telling someone that… this was better than any football game.

A football player was saying this… Huh.

Drake moved forward, and Aaron tensed, watching him place a hand on the football player’s shoulder, which, honestly, wasn’t even that extreme an action. It was perfectly reasonable. Definitely not the type of thing that should get Drake elbowed.

Aaron was already sliding closer at that point, and then the guy had the balls to shove Drake, hard, and Aaron decided that yeah, enough was enough. Sure, the guy was beating up Mason, which Aaron got, really, but he’d crossed the line now.

So Aaron stepped forward, helping prop Drake up, and as soon as the fucker wasn’t about to fall over, he stalked up behind this rat bastard, balled his hand into a fist, and slammed it sideways into his head.

Key Killough

Status: Punching innocent civilians (in retaliation-- so are they really innocent?)
Location: Kitchen
mikaluvkitties mikaluvkitties (Aaron)
Mentions: N/A


Key put a hand to his face where the dude had punched him, slightly surprised at the nards on this bastard. He recognized his face, but he couldn't recall his name. Either way, it'd felt like nothing more than a bump.

"What do you think you're doing, buzzcut? You wanna be dead, too? You and Mason going to fight each other in hell?"

He sneered, rolling his knuckles, then looked back up at the dude. "Listen, if you're gonna punch me, do it right. Like this!"

As he let out the last sentence, he punched his fist right at the part of his face where the guy's right eye and the side of his nose were, as hard as he could.
Mason (and kinda Drake because I'm too lazy to write him a whole thing)

He was pushing himself up off of the ground. His back was soaked in alcohol and ached from not only slamming into the ground, but also having broken glass dig into his flesh. But he could hear Drake's annoying voice and he looked up, still rubbing the back of his head, as his idiot brother touched Key's shoulder. And before he knew it, his brother was being shoved.

Drake was caught by Aaron, but Mason was still pissed. His brother wasn't hurt, but no one touched his little brother.

Everything happened in such quick succession.

Aaron punched him. Key was shitty. Key went to punch Aaron.

Before Key's hand could connect with Aaron's face, Mason had sped up and tackled Key in a similar way to Key tackling Mason. Adrenaline pumped through his veins. The pain was just a distant thing as the two boys fell to the ground. Mason sat up and with one hand, grabbed the front of Key's shirt and with his right hand, he made his hand into a fist.

And then he just kept bringing his face into Key's face.

ditto ditto mikaluvkitties mikaluvkitties

circle-cropped (2) (3).png

Status: Unconscious
Location: Kitchen
Winona Winona (Mason)
Mentions: N/A

. K E A G E N . K I L L O U G H .

(Hidden text: Pretty gross description of injuries. Ew.)

Key struggled for a few seconds to get Mason off, but after the first couple of punches, his body went limp.

The blood from his nose kept pouring, picking up speed, and the more Mason punched, the more crooked and fucked up it ended up looking. There was no way he was going to get away from this without a nose job, maybe a couple of black eyes, and perhaps even fractures to his eyebrows.

It let out small, wet cracks with each punch. It bubbled in the (rather very short) between-times of Mason punching.

The bridged false tooth that he had from the last fight he got into also found its way out of its spot, the wire of the bridge all bent up, and it somehow found its way out of his blood-soaked, busted lips and onto his once-white, now red t-shirt. It was his left side canine, and it was covered in blood from his gums and slightly chipped.

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Laurel sighed. “Me, too.” She sipped again at her ginger ale, looking into the kitchen as well as she could. She couldn’t help but smile a bit at the shattering. Like, yes, totally inappropriate, an improper response to anger, whatever… but sometimes you just wanted to watch- Or, in this case, hear- two idiots destroy each other.

“Célian,” she repeated, testing it on her tongue. “Pleasure to meet you. I’m Laurel.”

And then that Juniper freak was in front of her. She was about to ask her what her problem was, and then she stopped herself, because Laurel was pretty positive that kind of emotional response was a much higher intensity than this situation actually entailed, and in the pause Célian began to speak, and she smiled, leaning back against the wall.

She did give Célian half a look, like any girlfriend worth her salt. “He’s going to flip if he doesn’t get it back.”

She made no move to do anything about this.

Juniper Ava Rowlands
Tension Rising by KH II
Mood: Oh gods why is this actually happening

location reluctantly begging by the couch
mentions the kitchen crew
interactions Laurel mikaluvkitties mikaluvkitties Célian cadence cadence

“Fine, you caught me or whatever,” Juniper crosses her arms closely, defending herself before things could get out of hand. Whoever this boy was clearly stood in the same wavelength as the girl beside him and she was not about to have any of it. Especially when she could read that Laurel clearly didn’t care about whatever was happening, playing girlfriend at her finest.

“What is it going to take for you to give me that wallet? Or at the very least the contents. Cause unless that happens now, things are going to get worse for all of us.”

As if on cue, that’s when Juniper turned to hear Drake speak and watch the chaos grow. She shouted out Drake’s name, biting her tongue after with a pained sigh as she saw Aaron catch him. She cringed as she watches Mason, the severity of the damage getting way too out of hand, and at this point, the wallet probably wouldn’t matter with the state Key was in. Still, Juniper knew that this wouldn’t end until one of them was right, or until Mason was finished on his murder spree. The amount of blood overwhelming, the smell of it taking over the stench of sweat and alcohol. They were a call away from total chaos and several cop cars and that was not how this year was going to start if Juniper could help it. There were good people in here, sure two of them weren’t the people in front of her, but everyone else deserved something other than this.

Her phone pings with a notification from twitter, she looks away from the fight to respond, quick to look back at Laurel and the other.

“Look, just...what can I do? My friend is hurt. People are hurt.”
coded by incandescent

Chase Callahan

Chase considered himself a connoisseur of the finer things in life - ice cream and Capri Suns. That's why he did not like to listen to anyone's arguments that there was a better flavor than Wild Cherry. At least when it came to Capri Suns. Cherry ice cream was good, but Chase wouldn't say that it was his absolute favorite flavor. In fact, his favorite flavor often changed, but he was feeling a little spicy tonight. Maybe when he bought the ice cream for his ice cream date with Owen, he would get something like chocolate eclair or blueberry cheesecake waffle cone. It was just nice to hear that Owen trusted his intuition when it came to something like this. "I'll get you your rocky road, bro, but I'm too unpredictable about my flavors to choose one now. I'll surprise you with one when I come over and we can try each other's." That sounded good. There was nothing wrong with bros sharing ice cream.

"Coach is one tough cookie, bro. You know I'm a charmer. Everyone on the team but her and Lauren love me. I mean look at you and Ash! My bro and my bestie. But yeah, bro, she sucks. This year is gonna be an interesting one for sure..." Owen was right. Not even into the school year and Coach already punished them. Chase was in for a long year. But!! He had Ash and Owen there, and what else did a boy need? "Uh, I haven't seen Ash. I'm sure she's having a great time though!" Ash knew how to have fun and Chase trusted her ability to turn any party into something great. "We should do more with the three of us!" Chase said. He was sure that Owen and Ash could be besties if they hung out together... as long as they didn't leave him out. Then he'd be sad, and he was so used to being the odd man out and the unwanted one that was only tolerated because he was Arlo Callahan's twin when even his own twin didn't like him... but this was Radcliffe. He was fine here. He was happy here. He had friends like Ash and Owen and Theo and Eli.

"Cha-Cha Chase..." Chase paused for a moment, feeling the name. And it felt right. It felt SO right. "Bro, you are a genius!" Chase said. He gave a happy little bounce. "Cha-Cha Chase and Party-O." This was gonna be a bad idea but they already had twenty laps, Chase could handle 30. "We should see if Coach will let us get those embroidered on team jackets this year. Like Cha-Cha Chase, Party-O, and Ash-tonishing. Like astonishing. But with Ash."

"Heck yeah! Theo seems like a spaghetti-o kinda guy,"
he said with a nod of certainty. Yes, Theo definitely had to have them in his pantry. However, Chase leaned his head in to listen to Owen's next comment. He looked up to meet Owen's eyes. "Hey, bro, don't worry. I got you now and I always got you. Whether it's protecting you from bugs or Coach or whatever else, I got you," he said with a small smile. And it was true. Chase was a fighter, especially when it came to people he loved. He'd already thrown a couple punches for Ash, and he'd do the same with Owen, even if it meant coming face to face with a centipede.

"But come on, bro! To the kitchen!" Chase let out a shout of victory and grabbed Owen's hand before running off towards the kitchen. Their hands became disconnected rather quickly, but Chase charged ahead without seeing if his bro was following.

When he reached the kitchen, he stopped dead. There was too much to focus on. A fight where it looked like one guy was... not doing well. Mason. Ash. Drake and Aaron. A couple other people that Chase was no longer paying attention to. He blinked once and then jumped into action, just hoping that Ash and Owen would stay out. The thought of either of them getting hurt scared him. He pushed past someone to get to the pair of boys and grabbed Mason. Without thinking, he latched onto the football player and began to pull. Chase, while he wasn't constantly in the gym and didn't have the meat to him that half the football team had, was still a strong guy and he just hoped that would be enough to keep Mason from killing this kid. He didn't like Mason, but he didn't think the dude needed any legal troubles right now.

too many tags but I think the only direct interaction is cadence cadence Winona Winona
Samantha Jones​
The shorter girl glanced at the mess blinking. “What the-“ She trailed off, stepping back. Of course know this was a party, drunken rages were probably going, but should they really happen this early into the party. “I’m just going to pretend that none of this is happening.” She muttered, shaking her head. Of course, it’d be hard to not notice a fight, but she wished it wasn’t. Whatever had gotten the blond guy so pissed off, it didn’t seem like something she wanted to deal with, at least not right now. And the sight of all that blood made her gag. Stepping away from the three fighting guys, plus Ryker if you could count him, she turned to Ash. “Lets get Ivy out of here, before it gets any crazier, and then you can tell me how the fuck this happened to her.” She snapped, beginning to head for the entrance to the kitchen. Ould this night get any fucking worse? Yes, yes it could. But she hoped it wouldn’t, for the sake of the smaller kid, and the people fighting.

Interactions: Winona Winona Chimney Swift Chimney Swift
Mentions: Quicxk Quicxk ditto ditto
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Aaron was more than ready to deck Key when he turned around, but then he saw, out the corner of his eye, Mason begin to stand, and much as Aaron hated Mason, Mason was also Drake’s brother, and that meant he had first dibs to kick Mr. Popular’s ass hard enough he missed the first week of school.

He watched Key blankly, taking a controlled couple of steps back as he spoke, the idea of him and Mason fighting in Hell more entertaining than he cared to admit, if a bit… disheartening.

Aaron would be the first to admit that he was pretty glad Mason tackled the guy before he could punch Aaron, even as he moved to avoid getting decked before school even started back up.

And then Mason started really tearing into the other boy, and Aaron was very glad he had never decided it would be a good idea to hit Drake, though he couldn’t fathom a universe where he’d want to in the first place.

Seeing as his influence was not needed to kick Key’s ass and Aaron didn’t care about Mason getting into legal trouble, he turned back to Drake, still standing there, and closed the distance between them.

“Are you alright?”


He... he wasn't thinking straight.

Everything was red. He was blind with rage and he just wanted to release all of his unending anger on the guy in front of him. Mason didn't even see him as he punched -- Mason forgot what he was punching for, but he didn't stop. He kept going, feeling the sickening crunch of the guy's bones under his hand again and again and--

Someone grabbed his arm as he was winding up for a punch and pulled him away from Key. Mason stumbled a bit as he tried to catch his balance and stand. He was breathing heavily -- his chest heaving, his muscles aching, his arms shaking. After all of this, the adrenaline was starting to dissipate from his body and he blinked once. Twice. Did he... did he do that to Key?

He was reminded of a hand on his arm and with the last bit of fight left in Mason, he turned and slammed his sore, undoubtedly bruised and bloodied fist into the face of Chase without thinking. Mason didn't want to get into another fight, but he also wasn't in the mood to have anyone touching him. It made him feel like a cornered wild animal.

Mason ripped his arm out of Chase's arm and then slammed his fists into Chase's chest before he stumbled back himself to put distance between himself and Chase. His gaze was shifting around wildly, taking in everything around him. The broken bottles, the expressions of his peers, all of the eyes that were focused on him.

"Don't fucking touch me." He yelled as he kept backing away. He lifted a hand to his face to wipe the blood away from his bleeding nose but then he saw the blood that already slicked its surface. God. Everything was just...

He needed out.

ditto ditto Beeze Beeze



Status: Somehow still alive. Not doing too well, but alive.
Location: Kitchen
Winona Winona (Mason)
Mentions: N/A

. K E A G E N . K I L L O U G H .


His ears were ringing. He brought his hands up to touch them, but he only came away with wet.

What was that throbbing at his nose...?

Key sat up slowly and looked around, dazed. There were people all around...

And blood.

Lots and lots of it. Dark red, too.

And then he remembered, but he felt no particular way about it. He was still in that haze of barely conscious.

His tongue found the spot where his bridge was missing, and he slowly picked the tooth up from his chest.

"Hell...I'm going to need surgery...," he mumbled, adding no further commentary. He sounded stopped up and dazed.

His phone, nestled deep in his front right pocket, began to buzz, and, as if nothing else around him was happening, the dazed, bleeding, crunch-nosed boy answered it. "Nnello...?"

"Keagan?" The voice on the other side of the phone was that of one of his younger brothers. "I saw some stuff on Twitter about a fight...are you okay?"

"Diego...?" After a long pause, he snickered. "Yeah, I'm fine. I just need a new bridge...and a new nose."

A very long pause.

"Key? What the...where you in the fight?"

"Yeah, but I'm fine."

Another long pause.

"I'm coming to pick you up."

"You don't have to do that."

"I kinda do. Where in...where are you?"

Key, despite his dazed state, rattled off the address with no wait at all. "But it's okay. You don't have to--"

"You've done it for me before. Let me return the favor."

"Be safe, Deggs. Don't rush here for my sake."

"What, are you my mom? I'll be fine. It's only seven minutes away. I can clear it in three. See you."


He had hung up.

Dazedly, Key lowered his phone. He gave a kind of dumb, I've been brain-damaged-ish chuckle, and he stood up, nose still dripping. He called out to Mason, "You know where I can get a towel?" His speech was still very slurred.

Drunk, severely wounded, losing blood, and down a false tooth. Key was in just tip-top shape.
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2 - First Day of School : Before School


The walk to school was not bad. It was an easy pace with little variation of incline, and though it wasn't exactly scenic, it wasn't absolutely dull, either. The weather was good, too, and the roads empty. The only thing ruining this morning's walk was the simple fact that it was a walk back to school after a summer of freedom.

Casper was practically vibrating as the pair walked, tugging their sweater down, curling their fingers in their hair, scratching at their hands. Aaron was still, eyes ahead, face set in a quiet determination. Neither of them spoke a word to each other.

It wasn't a long walk, and soon enough, they were at school. Aaron walked up to a bench and set his backpack down, pulling out a folder, passing Casper their schedule and keeping his own in the folder, putting it back in his bag. At this point, Aaron recognized he should say something... encouraging. He knew that this was harder for Casper than it was for him, that it always had been, and yet...

He saw Angela, and he relaxed, looking up to Casper and tilting his head towards their mutual friend before making his way over.

"Have a good summer?"

Samantha Jones​
Summer had ended with a drunken party, fun. Samantha knew that it would’ve gone down like that, or well, she should have, instead of wasting her time trying to help a child. “Fucking hell..” She muttered, opening the door to the school.

She had decided to wear her normally clothing, and didn’t see anything wrong with it. She had to give off the vibe of, “piss off.” Or else people would think she was some small girl who couldn’t defend herself. School was just the place for it to happen, and while she didn’t care what people thought of her, she did understand why they thought she was different.

Shaking the thoughts from her head, she’d look around, scanning the building. Who did she know? Or who would bother her? She decided to move next to a row of lockers, sighing. Only time would tell who approached her, and she knew deep down it wouldn’t be good.

(This is open, just @ and interact with Sam whenever



Status: Loitering, naturally.
Location: Front of the school
mikaluvkitties mikaluvkitties (Aaron, Casper)
Mentions: N/A

• A N G E L A • W A L C O T T •
Angela stepped out of her brother's car, her sister following after her. "Leonette, I swear to God," Ange mumbled to her sister, "if you follow me around this year, too..."

Her sister scoffed. "It wasn't like I really wanted to hang around you last year, you know. Mom just said that if you failed another grade, it'd be my fault. You don't have to worry about me this year. I don't want to have to deal with you again."

Ange blew out a puff of air. "Whatever, Lee. Just stay away, okay? It's embarassing."

Leonette snickered and began to walk in the other direction. "Oh, wow. You're so grown up."

Ange blew out another puff of air and flipped her off as she walked off. "I love you," she said.

"Love you, too. Make some actual mature friends!" Lee called, and she disappeared into a crowd.

"Whatever," Ange sighed softly. She drew a piece of gum out of her black sweatshirt. She'd decided to dress darkly today-- dark eye makeup, dark clothing, dark jeans. It was the first day of school, sure, but she didn't really feel like dressing out today.

Still walking, she shifted her same old, maroon backpack to her front, wrapping it around her stomach like a baby in a pouch. She opened up the middle zipper pouch and pulled out her schedule, which had somehow already gotten crumpled up. She struggled to flatten it out, then gave up with a soft little laugh.

She stopped by a pole, and she soon heard the familiar voice of her once-classmate. She looked up, and she gave the two of them a smile. "Casper! Aaron! Hey!" She went to hug them, and then backed away when she remembered she had her backpack on her front. "Long time, no see!" She paused, laughing slightly, and she shifted her backpack back onto her back.

She tucked her hair behind her right ear and spoke again. "Yeah, I had a great summer. Not super busy or big or anything, but I did a few jam sessions with my band and nearly filled up a sketchbook. My brother and sister and I went on a road trip for a week, but that was about it. How about you two?"
code by ditto (head empty go bonk)
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Although the party had been a horrible experience, the after party hadn't been terrible. After Mason and Key had left and the party had dissipated, Ash had taken Ivy to one of the bedrooms in Theo's house and made her go to sleep before leaving with Chase for her own home. It was nice to be out from under the whole "babysitting the drunk freshman" thing and hanging with Chase had been a welcome relief, and a great way to end her last free Saturday night before school started.

Hot chocolate, snacks, Jeffrey, and movies. What else could one ask for? At some point in the night, Ash and Chase had fallen asleep and waken up in the morning on Sunday still in her clothes from the night before. Lovely.

After Chase had headed home, Ash's day had been fairly normal. She spent her last free day in bed, watching reruns of The Office with Jeffrey until it had been time to sleep. And Ash had made sure to go to bed early so she could get up early on Monday for the first day of school. It was the first day of her junior year, after all, and Ash needed to be ready.

She had spent a couple hours getting herself ready for the day. Her makeup had to be perfect, her outfit had to be flawless -- and today, she chose a baggier sweater that would hide her boobs more after what had happened at the party. It seemed that silicone had already started to spread as a nickname before the party had even ended and Ash was determined to do everything possible to keep from that becoming something serious. Ash was not amused by it.

Ash had just finished getting ready when Chase and Owen arrived to pick her up. She had hopped into the backseat for the short ride to the school. Seriously. Ash could walk to school without issue, but rides were also nice and hanging out Chase and Owen before school was always something that she couldn't say no to.

Now, they were at school and heading in. Ash couldn't help but feel a little like a third wheel, especially with how much Chase and Owen would refer to each other as bro. Her fingers played with the straps of her backpack and she glanced over at them before finally deciding to say something. You know, speak up.

"Are you guys ready to run all those laps at cheer practice?"

Beeze Beeze cadence cadence Mentions: Chimney Swift Chimney Swift (Ivy)​

Max was still feeling sick to his stomach when he left his car, hands in a tight chokehold on his messenger bag strap as he made the short trek from the student parking lot to the front of the building.

He'd been on edge ever since the party that left a bloody gash in the weekend. He hadn't reached out to anyone since, taking the time away from the stress and confusion of social media to finish his long forgotten summer reading assignments. His course load, as usual, was littered with AP and Honors level classes that his parents had to fight the schoolboard to let him take. Equipped with an in-class interpreter and a few other services, though, he seemed fully capable of doing the work.

The work didn't scare Max; his peers did.

He stopped for a moment outside the doors to quickly look over his schedule again, head ducked down to avoid coming face to face with any familiar folk. Once he'd committed to memory his first class of the day, he folded the paper into a tight triangle and tucked it back in his shirt pocket.

No use in trying to dissociate from the situation now: summer was over, and a new year of confusion and turmoil awaited behind the glass-paneled doors of the old school building.



Status: Nose? Wrapped. Missing tooth? Still missing. Sharpie? Gone. Wallet? Also gone. Attitude? Regretting drinking Saturday.
Location: Car; in front of school
Winona Winona (Parson)
Mentions: N/A

. K E A G E N . K I L L O U G H .

Key sighed through his nose and yelled, "Diego! Hands off your girlfriend while I'm driving! You're distracting!"

First day of school and even the ride there was chaos.

"Whatever, Keagen," Diego laughed, putting his hand higher on his girlfriend's thigh.

Ethan smacked him. "I'm between you two. Please stop that. It makes me uncomfortable."

"Hey, don't hit me!" Diego held up a fist.

"Shut up, both of you!" Key looked back at the road.

His eyes widened. "Shit!" He slammed on his brakes. He had almost run the stop sign.

Diego's head smacked into the seat, and he yelled, "Bro! What are you trying to do, kill us?!"

"You're the one who wrecked your car! Don't start talking about my driving! Stop fucking complaining! I'm driving here!" Key leaned over the seat and glared at his brother, then looked through his back windshield to make sure that no one was coming before he turned into the school driveway.

Diego balled up his fist again. "You shouldn't yell at me! I'm the one who drove you to the hospital, Bandage Nose!"

"Keagan, you're speeding," Ethan said calmly, clamping a hand over Diego's mouth.

Key pulled up in front of the school and put the car in park. "Get the fuck out, Deggs. Cam, make sure he doesn't kill anyone today. Ethan, be careful."

"Alright, Mom, will do," Diego mumbled stepping out of his side of the car. Ethan followed suit, giving Key a small "thanks", and then Camree (or Camryn? She was Diego's girlfriend was all that Key was sure of...) followed after him.

Key sighed softly through his nose again as the car door slammed. He rubbed the bandage over his swollen new nose as he pulled around the parking lot and searched for a free parking spot. His brothers were a mess. He loved them anyway, but...

He found a free spot-- 45. Someone had taken his usual 48, but he didn't recognize the car. Whatever. He looked at himself in the rearview mirror and sighed. "Big fucking dummy," he mumbled, and then he grinned at himself, poking his tongue at the spot where his left canine bridge was supposed to be.

He slammed his fist against his steering wheel and sighed. He touched his nose bandage again, and then loosely touched his swollen, busted lower lip. "He really fucked you up. Stop feeling sorry for yourself. You didn't even get the wallet back. If he doesn't have it, whoever does is gonna pay. Now shut up and get out."

He sighed, grabbing his small backpack from his passenger seat. It was green and gold, and on its face were the three letters of his monogram-- though KKC looked a bit questionable, he thought that it looked pretty rad. Inside it was a small binder with RH (and the school mascot) emblazoned on it, loose change, and three pens. No pencils, but he didn't realize that he'd forgotten any.

Ah, and his schedule, with his autograph (the name Key with a little lock next to it) scribbled all over it.

He tugged on his letterman, which had somehow (miraculously) avoided getting blood on it) and patted his pocket to make sure that he had his phone in it.

And he sighed when he felt the absence of his wallet. He hadn't told his dad that he didn't have it...he hoped that he didn't need it, and he was glad that the feds didn't catch him speeding today.

He cast one more grin at himself in the mirror (and tossed another "dumbass" at his reflection) before he stepped out of his yellow Lamborghini. He strode in his usual "I own this place" way and gave a forefinger tip to everyone who looked at him (and even a couple "I know, I look dumb as shit, dude!"s or "who are you laughing at?"s for the people who gave him funny looks).

He looked around for Owen or some of the guys from his team-- besides his brother-- but he literally saw no one. He was as early as usual, it seemed.

He noticed a dude who looked vaguely familiar from a couple of parties, and he punched his shoulder. "Hey, man! Didn't see you at the party Saturday!" He spoke to him like he knew him super well.

Perhaps he was mistaking him for someone else. Or maybe he was just being friendly. Or maybe he just hadn't found any of his friends so far.

Definitely the last option. But whatever.

"You missed some really big shit, Parker!" he said.

So he did know him-- well, kinda. Maybe not his name, but it was close enough, right? It counted for something, right?
code by ditto (head empty go bonk)
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He'd arrived at school with a smile on his face, excited about what the day and the new year would hold for him. Would this perhaps be the year that he would finally break out of the shell he'd found himself stuck in and reclaim his title as being kinda popular? Would this finally be the year where people would remember his actual name?

Apparently, the answer was a resounding no as some guy that Parson didn't even know approached and punched him in the shoulder. Parson rubbed his shoulder, frowning at the dude he most definitely didn't know but that seemed to know him. Parker? Well, it was closer than Parsnips or Parsley which seemed to be the most common things people called him.

Parson, however, most definitely didn't know the guy. At least not on any kind of level that would be considered friendship, but he had seen the guy... Key, right? Yeah. Like lock and key. Anyway, he'd seen him around before and heard that he got beat up pretty badly at Theo's party. Parson had been gone by then with Noah and was glad that he had been. Watching a fight wasn't exactly the type of night he had envisioned and hanging out with Noah had been one hundred times better than any party.

Well, if this guy thought his name was Parker, then whatever. At least he was talking to him and to be fair, Parson could really use a few more friends. So he smiled and nodded his head.

"Did I, man?" Parson asked. "I heard you got in a fight with that jackass Mason. Did you beat him up good?"

ditto ditto Mentions: mogy mogy (Noah)​



Status: Looking a little rough, but talking like he's fine
Location: Not the kitchen. Uhh, in front of the school.
Winona Winona (Parson)
Mentions: N/A

. K E A G E N . K I L L O U G H .

Key cocked a grin at him and laughed. "Shit...you could say that." He rubbed his neck. "Slammed him onto the kitchen island. Bad thing is that he thought that it was a fuckin' great move to knock me out and break my nose."

He kicked at the grass and leaned against the pole close to him. "But you know him. Plays dirty. But I shut him up, definitely. He got what was coming to him." He sniffed, and at that, he tapped his bandaged nose again. "Bad thing is that he knocked out my tooth bridge and ruined my shirt."

He looked at the sky and remembered. "Oh, yeah. And broke my nose. I had to get a third one." He laughed a dumb laugh. "Could have been worse. I somehow avoided a black eye, so it could have been worse, bro." He looked at him. "The boys are definitely going to give me a hard time about it, but I bet the girls will think its sexy, so it doesn't really matter, does it?"

He blew out a long draw of air, and then gave yet another dumb chuckle. "Whatever, ya know? I showed him and messed up his ego. That's all I can ask for, huh?" He paused and he rubbed his pocket where his phone was. "Anyway, why weren't you at the party, Parker? I mean, you never do much at them, but you're always there or something. Like lurking or whatever."

Sure, this might have been slightly insulting, but at least Key was unaware that it was, so that counted for something. Besides, he was a pretty popular dude who rarely associated with people outside of his little group of jocks talking to someone who wasn't one of his little group of jocks without bullying them. So that was...a plus? Maybe. It depended on how this dude looked at it.
code by ditto (head empty go bonk)

The party had been a cruel reminder to Mason that no matter what he tried to do with his life, he would forever be seen as that really shady fuck. The kind of guy that, despite never having... okay, so yeah, Mason had stolen things when he was younger. But that was before he'd been able to get a job to help support himself and Drake. Bitch all you want, but fuck, the kids still had to eat. Regardless, he had never stolen from people. Just gas stations and stores.

Heading home had been fucking hell, but at least Maddie had given him a ride home. He'd thanked her, headed into the apartment, and gotten cleaned up. Turns out that yeah, removing glass from your back by yourself was really fucking hard and Mason wasn't sure he'd gotten it all. But he'd washed up in the sink and headed to bed where he slept for a solid probably twelve hours. Mason woke up in the morning feel even more like shit than he had the night before.

Now, it was the first day of school. The gash in the back of his head was covered by his dark hair but his nose was bruised and slightly crooked. His knuckles had split on Key's face and were raw and sore and his back. Well, his back was a disaster in and of itself. But just looking at him, Mason didn't even look half bad compared to Key.

So yeah, apologies were out of character for Mason, but maybe the fight had gotten a little out of hand. And maybe if he apologized to Theo, the dude would leave him alone with all of his stupid frog facts. So Mason headed off on a mission to try and find wherever Theo was and luckily, he found the guy at his locker. Perfect.

"Stanton," Mason barked as he walked up behind Theo and slammed his fist into the locker beside him. Maybe not the nicest thing to start off a conversation, but Mason was used to being intimidating and scary. Not... nice. "I wanted to say... sorry," the word felt like poison on his lips, "for the uh... fight thing. Breaking all that shit and not staying around to help clean it up and shit."

elytra elytra Mentions: ditto ditto (Key) Beeze Beeze (Maddie)​
Jace Rose

This was it. A move across the country, a couple weeks of waiting, and some amusing first contact on Twitter had all led up to this day. The first day of junior year. Not just the first day of junior year, but the first day at a brand new school. He had stepped off the bus full of new faces onto an unfamiliar campus, itself brimming with a sea of strangers. Now see, normally Jace wasn't very enthused about going to school. However he'd been looking forward to this, curious about what his new school would be like. So as Jace strode among the crowd of groggy teenagers, class schedule in hand, he'd actually had an eager spring in his step. The boy very much being far more energetic than anyone his age had any right to be so early in the morning.

Only once he was in the door did Jace turn his attention to the paper in his hands, weaving through the crowds on his long legs while he tried to figure out the layout of the school. He had plenty of time, probably, so he might as well try to track down all of his classes in advance. It gave him an excuse to explore his new environment. Oh! Also lockers. He needed to figure that out. Once he'd gotten a reasonable idea of where his first class was going to be, Jace changed course to where the lockers were located. Specifically the hall where his locker would probably be. It didn't take very long to track down the particular overcrowded hall he was looking for, and before long he was scanning the rows of metal boxes for the number assigned to him.

Oh! Right! His outfit! Jace didn't really notice the looks he got, but his clothing was just a little bit fancier than one might expect of a highschooler. An unbuttoned black blazer fit tightly around his shoulders, flowing gently behind him while he made his way down the hall. Framed by its sharp lines, however, was the very opposite of formal. A black t-shirt with a picture of a castle emblazoned upon it. Equally as informal were the dark blue jeans and black tennis shoes accompanying them. Although they were nice jeans and expensive looking shoes.

Jace either didn't notice or didn't care that he stood out somewhat from those around him, however, as his piercing blue eyes were focused squarely on the lockers. He was barely watching where he was going, only paying enough mind to make minor course corrections as he proceeded through the flocks of other students. It ought to be only a few more before he reached it...

Chimney Swift Chimney Swift
Theodore Stanton
: At His Locker
Mood: Juggling Five Full Crises at Once like the Clown He Is
Interacting: Mason ( Winona Winona ) Mentions: N/A
Frankly, the party was the worst choice he'd ever made.

To be clear, Theo had made a lot of bad choices in his time being alive. Example: the one time he'd touched a boiler just on impulse to see what would happen, because he thought it didn't 'look hot'. Another example: the time he'd seen a frog and ended up falling off a bridge into a river trying to catch it. Final example: hosting a party when his parents were out at a convention and his little sister was sleeping over at a friends house. The last was far worse than the other two just because of how much shit had gone down.

At first, it hadn't been bad. If anything, it'd been going well. He'd hosted a fair share of parties, and while minor things happened, they usually were pretty chill; he didn't expect anything different this time around. People were getting hyped up about juice, but it had all been in good fun. It wasn't like he was actually annoyed; it was just theatrics. Everyone loved a bit of drama, right? Right. So that had been fine. He could live with the juice debacle.

Then a wallet had been 'stolen' (was that even true?) and a fight broke out in his kitchen and he was pretty sure some dude had to head to the ER to get his nose fixed and his head checked. So that was fun.

Not to mention Mason didn't come out of it much better, and okay, he felt a little bad. He knew he could be a bit much. It was sort of just how he was. He went from 0 to 100 when it came to people. He was annoying. It wasn't as if he wasn't aware of that, but his brain to mouth- or in this case, brain to finger -filter just didn't exist. He had definitely gone a bit far with bothering Mason, which was really uncool, especially with the whole fight debacle (that had happened in his kitchen, to make things worse).

So, that was great.

He was planning to just stew in it, seeing as there was no way he was about to approach Mason in person. The guy could probably take out his spine and bludgeon him to death with it, which was an experience that Theo really wanted to avoid. While a good part of him did want to say sorry, he was pretty sure it wouldn't be taken well. Or, that was what he thought, until his last name was yelled and a hand hit the metal next to where he was standing.

His life flashed before his eyes. He thought of all the things he should've done, particularly along the lines of actually making a will. He wondered what type of burial would be given to him, and if his little sister would pass on his wishes to have the jack-in-the-box song play at his funeral. None of these thoughts ended up mattering, because then Mason ended up saying sorry. To him. Out of surprise, he accidentally laughed, and oh god, that was going to get him beaten until all his individual atoms were scattered across the school.

"Waitwaitwait, bad reaction, I just- no. Okay, no, you don't need to be sorry, alright? Appreciated, but no need." He said quickly, trying to fix his mistake of seeming too gleeful. "Like, I should be saying sorry. Bothering you and then you getting assaulted in my kitchen? Jesus christ, man. Not to mention you didn't even start it, and I don't expect someone who got hurt to clean up my kitchen. Seriously, I rather you go home. So, I'm sorry about all that." He paused, considering whether or not he'd rambled too much already, before tacking on "You're alright though, right? I mean, no offense, but you look like hell. Which...understandable, all things considered."
Interactions: DrabberRogue DrabberRogue
Ivy's dusty looking black ankle boots marched robotically down the schoolbus steps and dragged themselves down the sidewalk, white stockings pulled over her bony knees and an old-fashioned blue plaid dress completed the look. Despite her bouncy black tresses and prim ensemble, she looked gaunt and washed-out, as though recovering from a long illness.

Paying only minimal attention to the swarm of teens that towered over her from all sides, she made her way down the halls like a solo funeral parade.

This was not at all like the frenzied, nervous and excited movements of her fellow freshmen, who seemed to be enraptured by the start of their new adventure. Ivy looked like she'd seen all this before and was already tired of it. She was on a mission: find her locker.

Coming down the opposite side of the hall was a young man looking just as buoyant as any of the freshmen, who stopped at the locker adjacent to the number indicated on Ivy's crumpled schedule sheet.

"Locker twins. How exciting." She groaned in his general direction, clumsily affixing a pink combination lock to her own locker, punching in the 4 digit code, and depositing a pile of books inside from her school bag. "Finally. Those things are the world's most expensive bricks." Her voice sounded hoarse and quiet, only barely loud enough to carry over the racket in the hallway. She closed the locker with her shoulder, leaning against it for a moment as if to catch her breath. "Hey, do you know where room 230 is?" She asked her new locker neighbor, this time turning her head slowly to look him over. She didn't recognize him from her scattered memories of Saturday, and honestly hoped he didn't recognize her. She was in no mood to play weekend catchup at ass o'clock in the morning.

Juniper Ava Rowlands
Patience by The Lumineers
Mood: Making the most of things

location School Entrance
mentions N/A
interactions Drake Winona Winona

A slight stretch and the light burn of metal inside her healing ear did its best to distract Juniper as she skated down the streets of Radcliffe. Making a very early start to the day, she had gotten up well before the sun began rising, her house far on the opposite end of the town to the school. Where some would think the distance as a burden or fill them with distraught, it was a morning blessing to Juniper. Almost an hour away, it gave her plenty of time to feel the breeze against her skin and the long fabrics of a brown tencel skirt brushing against her ankles, her oversized mushroom button-down rolled up to her elbows flapping against her arms. Hair tied up and wrapped in a bandana that whipped against her ears.

It was a moment of prayer to her gods and goddesses, a small herb sachet attached to her overflowing school bag, held loosely between her hands as she asked for a good day. But most importantly, it was Juniper’s time to fully contemplate and think. And oh did she have a lot to think about.

Although no heavier than maybe a small stack of papers, the contents of Key’s wallet felt like a heavyweight on her shoulders. It was a terrible reminder of the party, half of the reason why a fight broke out in the first place. She had been nice on the phone when she was messaging Key, acting in the manner of just being a helpful bystander after the carnage. In truth, Juniper hoped that she could get rid of the crap as soon as humanly possible. She could only think about the ifs with it around. The fact that if she had convinced that one boy, Célian, to have given her the wallet sooner, then maybe Key wouldn’t have needed a new nose. Or if she could have intervened at all and stopped them, maybe she could’ve been a better voice of reason so Drake and Mason hadn’t ended up hurt. So chase wouldn’t have been punched in the eye. So the only big deal could’ve been the mindless juice heist.

Sure, she knew that in truth there wasn’t much else she could have done, the timing was all wrong, and she was a twig against two of the strongest football players of the school. Plus, she still did end up with the wallet’s contents which meant a lot to Key, so that made her happy as well. Yes, it cost her in the sense that she now owed almost a complete stranger a favor that they could ask her to do at any point, but at least Key wouldn’t have the wallet as another reason to hurt the people she cared deeply about.

Juniper shook her head, sticking her sachet back into her bag as she tried to clear her mind. She was already approaching the school’s entrances, wherein the distance she could make out the familiar form of Drake. She puts a smile on her face, slowing down on her skates until she comes to a stop beside him.

“Hey! How’s my favorite guy doing today? I was honestly wondering if I’d see you or not but I had my hopes up,” She chuckles lightly, “You seem to look a lot better than when you left the party, are you doing alright?”
coded by incandescent
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