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Realistic or Modern r o s e s a n c t o r i u m ¬ OOC

Hey guys, I won't be putting an application through anymore. Good luck with your characters and all :)
what if her childhood friend is going? Even though he's going because his little sister DEMAND that he go.
it would take some pretty good convincing to get her to go either way. maybe the reason she is convinced is because Aurora tells Bai that Zeke is going
it would take some pretty good convincing to get her to go either way. maybe the reason she is convinced is because Aurora tells Bai that Zeke is going
Yeah. My first post will be an argument between Zeke and Valencia about him needing to start socializing again.
OKAY! Cracking down and using other people's posts on what our character's relations might be like, I'm gonna start trying to like... figure out how Aaron feels and interacts with every character who has been posted so far? Mostly putting this all in one place to better convert it to a relationship chart once I get the code up. It's gonna happen! I haven't given up yet!!!

Not tagging because I'm just copy-pasting shit that's already been said here
"Jordan sees Aaron as another quiet student that needs a friend. He will invite Aaron to parties and the like, trying to make an effort."

"I don't think Aaron trusts Jordan, and it's probably directly tied to him making an effort to be friendly, but that doesn't mean he's gonna tell Jordan that, right? Not when he keeps getting invited to parties. And honestly, it's kind of weird, and he's not totally sure what the deal is here. He's expecting something to happen eventually, even if he's not sure what, but there's no need to stop accepting invitations or to pick a fight until it happens, right?"

neon reverie neon reverie
Funnily enough, Aaron also tries to avoid Aurora when possible! He knows she's observational, and worries over just how good she's seeing what others want to keep hidden, and what that means in relation to himself. When they do end up in close quarters, I can definitely see some awkwardness, though he does his best to cover it up.

Not tagging because I'm just copy-pasting shit that's already been said here
"I can defo see Aaron respecting him! He doesn't pry too much, and they don't have to interact, and I think Aaron would really appreciate that lol. He's a bit too wrapped up in his own shit to see that there's anything going on with Zeke, which from what I gather would serve Zeke's desires well, too? So I can definitely see a mutual respect going on."

Meme Machine Meme Machine
To be honest I'm not seeing much interaction between these two. Neither of them seem like the type to make the first move. They've seen each other in the halls but that might be it.

FireFlare FireFlare
So words are struggling to come to me but I don't think Aaron liked Devin. He was too happy, too cheerful... but now that shit's happened he feels kind of bad for wishing something would happen. He's started being a smidgen nicer to Devin in the halls. Will wave, maybe even try and force a weak smile? Before, he just didn't respond to any smiles sent his way.

Ayama Ayama
Aaron limits interaction as much as possible, which hey, probably pretty easy.
Nathaniel grates at Aaron. He doesn't get the whole vampire thing, and to be honest, it kind of pisses him off. I think it all really does boil down to not getting it in this case. He avoids him.
She's nice. Too nice. Aaron probably just tries to ignore her existence and avoid interactions.

Pai Chan Pai Chan
I guess I just want it to be noted Aaron isn't a fan. She avoids him and he doesn't seek her out. She's another person who seems nice and Aaron doesn't trust niceness.

erzulie erzulie
Another person Aaron's wary of. Noticing a pattern. I think in this case it might be a similarity thing? Blunt, untrusting... I can see them butting heads in the rare forced interactions they have?

KennethPhoenix18 KennethPhoenix18
So I think you were about right. Good news is Aaron doesn't actually dislike him or harbor a feeling of distrust towards him or anything. Just neutral on him.

Millennial Dragon Millennial Dragon
I'm thinking maybe they've gotten into spats in the past? Possibly something physical if you want? They both get into fights, and I could see their personalities not exactly mixing well.

This Name is unavailable This Name is unavailable
She annoys Aaron. He doesn't like pranks, and he doesn't like snark, either. Simple as that.

"They might have problems at first as well, since Sarah doesn't like people who pick on others, it seems like he might come off that way at first. I think that if they got to know each other though then it would be her mostly accepting him for as he is."
OKAY! Cracking down and using other people's posts on what our character's relations might be like, I'm gonna start trying to like... figure out how Aaron feels and interacts with every character who has been posted so far? Mostly putting this all in one place to better convert it to a relationship chart once I get the code up. It's gonna happen! I haven't given up yet!!!

Not tagging because I'm just copy-pasting shit that's already been said here
"Jordan sees Aaron as another quiet student that needs a friend. He will invite Aaron to parties and the like, trying to make an effort."

"I don't think Aaron trusts Jordan, and it's probably directly tied to him making an effort to be friendly, but that doesn't mean he's gonna tell Jordan that, right? Not when he keeps getting invited to parties. And honestly, it's kind of weird, and he's not totally sure what the deal is here. He's expecting something to happen eventually, even if he's not sure what, but there's no need to stop accepting invitations or to pick a fight until it happens, right?"

neon reverie neon reverie
Funnily enough, Aaron also tries to avoid Aurora when possible! He knows she's observational, and worries over just how good she's seeing what others want to keep hidden, and what that means in relation to himself. When they do end up in close quarters, I can definitely see some awkwardness, though he does his best to cover it up.

Not tagging because I'm just copy-pasting shit that's already been said here
"I can defo see Aaron respecting him! He doesn't pry too much, and they don't have to interact, and I think Aaron would really appreciate that lol. He's a bit too wrapped up in his own shit to see that there's anything going on with Zeke, which from what I gather would serve Zeke's desires well, too? So I can definitely see a mutual respect going on."

Meme Machine Meme Machine
To be honest I'm not seeing much interaction between these two. Neither of them seem like the type to make the first move. They've seen each other in the halls but that might be it.

FireFlare FireFlare
So words are struggling to come to me but I don't think Aaron liked Devin. He was too happy, too cheerful... but now that shit's happened he feels kind of bad for wishing something would happen. He's started being a smidgen nicer to Devin in the halls. Will wave, maybe even try and force a weak smile? Before, he just didn't respond to any smiles sent his way.

Ayama Ayama
Aaron limits interaction as much as possible, which hey, probably pretty easy.
Nathaniel grates at Aaron. He doesn't get the whole vampire thing, and to be honest, it kind of pisses him off. I think it all really does boil down to not getting it in this case. He avoids him.
She's nice. Too nice. Aaron probably just tries to ignore her existence and avoid interactions.

Pai Chan Pai Chan
I guess I just want it to be noted Aaron isn't a fan. She avoids him and he doesn't seek her out. She's another person who seems nice and Aaron doesn't trust niceness.

erzulie erzulie
Another person Aaron's wary of. Noticing a pattern. I think in this case it might be a similarity thing? Blunt, untrusting... I can see them butting heads in the rare forced interactions they have?

KennethPhoenix18 KennethPhoenix18
So I think you were about right. Good news is Aaron doesn't actually dislike him or harbor a feeling of distrust towards him or anything. Just neutral on him.

Millennial Dragon Millennial Dragon
I'm thinking maybe they've gotten into spats in the past? Possibly something physical if you want? They both get into fights, and I could see their personalities not exactly mixing well.

This Name is unavailable This Name is unavailable
She annoys Aaron. He doesn't like pranks, and he doesn't like snark, either. Simple as that.

"They might have problems at first as well, since Sarah doesn't like people who pick on others, it seems like he might come off that way at first. I think that if they got to know each other though then it would be her mostly accepting him for as he is."
lmao imagine her and Aaron taking another route just to not cross paths with each other - only to bump into each other on the other said route lol
Alright, it's last minute, but here are here are the relationships I could see Devin having with people. Just let me know if you want something different!
Jordan ( Physiicz Physiicz )
I think Devin and Jordan would know each other through Taylor. Taylor wouldn't have been in the exact same circles as Jordan, but there was probably significant overlap. So while they wouldn't really be friends, they would be familiar with each other.

Aurora ( neon reverie neon reverie )
I don't really think Aurora and Devin would be in the same social circles, but I think they both hold good opinions of the other. Aurora seems like she'd be fairly popular(correct me if I'm wrong), and Devin is more on the outskirts of quite a few groups while he tries to make everyone happy. So they definitely know of each other and have probably talked a few times, but I don't think it would be too common an occurrence at this point.

Zeke ( Kiroshiven Kiroshiven )
Going off of what you said, I think it's likely that Zeke and Devin have probably formed a loose friendship. They'd talk in school and have possibly paired up for a project or two over the years. Devin doesn't really understand why Zeke acts like he does, and definitely isn't fond of fighting, but he would have wanted to at least try to get Zeke to smile.

Aileen ( Meme Machine Meme Machine )
I don't really see these two as having much interaction before the start of the rp. Devin's probably seen her around, but I don't think he even knows her name.

Ayama Ayama
Same as with Aileen, I don't see this two as having talked much. If they've had classes together, Devin likely would have tried to befriend her at first, but when she didn't reciprocate, he stopped trying. He still smiles at her when they pass in the halls, but has stopped his attempts of talking to her.

They could either be really good friends, or simply acquaintances. They both like stories, and Devin would jump on the chance to share his own theories and wouldn't judge Nathaniel at all for his own. However, if they were friends, I think he's the one Devin would have distanced himself from the most after Taylor's death. He wouldn't be mean, but Nathaniel would remind him too much of what Devin is used to be, instead of what he's trying to be. This could also mean that Nathaniel is the one really trying to get Devin to stop being something he's not, although that might lead to a few fights before it gets better.

Since she's only a freshman, Devin wouldn't really know her. He might have seen her around, but the two wouldn't have interacted much.

Bai ( Pai Chan Pai Chan )
I was thinking Bai and Devin might be good friends. Devin doesn't care about social status, and Bai's cheeriness would have drawn Devin to talking with her. If they were friends, I kind of think she would be the friend Devin went to (before his brother's death) with different stories of creatures or legends. He wouldn't have tried to convince her that they were real, but instead would have just wanted to share them, and maybe entertain Bai with different tales. If they weren't friends, Devin would know who Bai was, and would smile at her in the halls as they passed, but they probably wouldn't have interacted much.

Leonora ( erzulie erzulie )
I kind of see those two as having a sort-of friendship at one point before just kind of drifting apart. I think they might have talked during classes they had together, but while they were both friendly to each other, they just never hit it off and so now their interactions are limited.

Uriel ( KennethPhoenix18 KennethPhoenix18 )
Devin thinks Uriel is cool, but I don't think they're friends. Although, they might know each other from Devin frequenting the bookstore Uriel works at. So they might be familiar with each other.

Ibuki ( Millennial Dragon Millennial Dragon )
Devin doesn't push his friendship on people who don't want it, so he might have tried to become friends with Ibuki when they first met, but quickly learned that the other boy wasn't really interested.

Aaron ( mikaluvkitties mikaluvkitties )
I'm with you on everything you said. Devin wouldn't have wanted to spend time around Aaron, and would have probably gone out of his way to avoid him (he's not proud to admit that). He still would have smiled at him when they did see each other, and would have hidden his dislike as best as he could, but any attempts to make Aaron happy would have been out of habit and a need to not antagonize the boy rather than an actual want.

Sarah ( This Name is unavailable This Name is unavailable )
I completely agree with you! I don't think these two have really seen much of each other, so Devin doesn't really have an opinion on Sarah (other than thinking her eyes look cool), but I can definitely see them becoming great friends.
Alright, it's last minute, but here are here are the relationships I could see Devin having with people. Just let me know if you want something different!
Jordan ( Physiicz Physiicz )
I think Devin and Jordan would know each other through Taylor. Taylor wouldn't have been in the exact same circles as Jordan, but there was probably significant overlap. So while they wouldn't really be friends, they would be familiar with each other.

Aurora ( neon reverie neon reverie )
I don't really think Aurora and Devin would be in the same social circles, but I think they both hold good opinions of the other. Aurora seems like she'd be fairly popular(correct me if I'm wrong), and Devin is more on the outskirts of quite a few groups while he tries to make everyone happy. So they definitely know of each other and have probably talked a few times, but I don't think it would be too common an occurrence at this point.

Zeke ( Kiroshiven Kiroshiven )
Going off of what you said, I think it's likely that Zeke and Devin have probably formed a loose friendship. They'd talk in school and have possibly paired up for a project or two over the years. Devin doesn't really understand why Zeke acts like he does, and definitely isn't fond of fighting, but he would have wanted to at least try to get Zeke to smile.

Aileen ( Meme Machine Meme Machine )
I don't really see these two as having much interaction before the start of the rp. Devin's probably seen her around, but I don't think he even knows her name.

Ayama Ayama
Same as with Aileen, I don't see this two as having talked much. If they've had classes together, Devin likely would have tried to befriend her at first, but when she didn't reciprocate, he stopped trying. He still smiles at her when they pass in the halls, but has stopped his attempts of talking to her.

They could either be really good friends, or simply acquaintances. They both like stories, and Devin would jump on the chance to share his own theories and wouldn't judge Nathaniel at all for his own. However, if they were friends, I think he's the one Devin would have distanced himself from the most after Taylor's death. He wouldn't be mean, but Nathaniel would remind him too much of what Devin is used to be, instead of what he's trying to be. This could also mean that Nathaniel is the one really trying to get Devin to stop being something he's not, although that might lead to a few fights before it gets better.

Since she's only a freshman, Devin wouldn't really know her. He might have seen her around, but the two wouldn't have interacted much.

Bai ( Pai Chan Pai Chan )
I was thinking Bai and Devin might be good friends. Devin doesn't care about social status, and Bai's cheeriness would have drawn Devin to talking with her. If they were friends, I kind of think she would be the friend Devin went to (before his brother's death) with different stories of creatures or legends. He wouldn't have tried to convince her that they were real, but instead would have just wanted to share them, and maybe entertain Bai with different tales. If they weren't friends, Devin would know who Bai was, and would smile at her in the halls as they passed, but they probably wouldn't have interacted much.

Leonora ( erzulie erzulie )
I kind of see those two as having a sort-of friendship at one point before just kind of drifting apart. I think they might have talked during classes they had together, but while they were both friendly to each other, they just never hit it off and so now their interactions are limited.

Uriel ( KennethPhoenix18 KennethPhoenix18 )
Devin thinks Uriel is cool, but I don't think they're friends. Although, they might know each other from Devin frequenting the bookstore Uriel works at. So they might be familiar with each other.

Ibuki ( Millennial Dragon Millennial Dragon )
Devin doesn't push his friendship on people who don't want it, so he might have tried to become friends with Ibuki when they first met, but quickly learned that the other boy wasn't really interested.

Aaron ( mikaluvkitties mikaluvkitties )
I'm with you on everything you said. Devin wouldn't have wanted to spend time around Aaron, and would have probably gone out of his way to avoid him (he's not proud to admit that). He still would have smiled at him when they did see each other, and would have hidden his dislike as best as he could, but any attempts to make Aaron happy would have been out of habit and a need to not antagonize the boy rather than an actual want.

Sarah ( This Name is unavailable This Name is unavailable )
I completely agree with you! I don't think these two have really seen much of each other, so Devin doesn't really have an opinion on Sarah (other than thinking her eyes look cool), but I can definitely see them becoming great friends.
i do like the idea about Bai Ling. i just gotta figure out where Devin would go as to not step on Zeke's toes. Aurora would be fine because she's (right now) Bai's only close female friend. Zeke is Bai's childhood friend so it'd be hard for her to go to Devin over Zeke if there are any problems. But his stories and cheery personality would probably draw her more than anything. Like Aurora's but more innocent/playful (i think? :P). Bai would definitely be concerned if he suddenly change after his brother's death.
i do like the idea about Bai Ling. i just gotta figure out where Devin would go as to not step on Zeke's toes. Aurora would be fine because she's (right now) Bai's only close female friend. Zeke is Bai's childhood friend so it'd be hard for her to go to Devin over Zeke if there are any problems. But his stories and cheery personality would probably draw her more than anything. Like Aurora's but more innocent/playful (i think? :P). Bai would definitely be concerned if he suddenly change after his brother's death.

That makes sense. Maybe it's not so much a deep friendship, then. Devin just likes making people happy, so after figuring out that Bai liked his theories, whenever he heard a story he thought she'd enjoy he'd search her out and they'd have a fun conversation, but they wouldn't really be the type of friends who were close enough to share problems. What do you think?
So, I got my post up. However, it ended up really, really long. So I covered up most of the unimportant at home drama between Zeke and his little sister to make it reasonably spaced. If anyone wants to see it, feel free to go read the whole post.
So, I got my post up. However, it ended up really, really long. So I covered up most of the unimportant at home drama between Zeke and his little sister to make it reasonably spaced. If anyone wants to see it, feel free to go read the whole post.

I was like two seconds from being done when you posted.😝 I had to fix up a few things to make it work.

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