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Futuristic Project Ares, a Halo roleplay interest check! (Classified ONI material within)


Hey everybody, Foster here back it again with my second attempt at a Halo roleplay. So this is mostly just an interest check for an idea that’s been knocking around my head for a while now and will with any luck attract a few like minded individuals who would be willing to develop this concept with me. Sorry about the text wall below!

The Spartans. If you are familiar with Halo these are probably the first things that come to mind whenever you think of the franchise, the iconic super soldiers that took on the might of the Covenant and won. The spartan lls defined the class, boasting such beasts as Fred-104, Kelly-087, Linda-058 and of course John-117. But the methods by which these soldiers were created was inefficient, with problems such as having to kidnap children from their homes, a tiny genetic pool from which to draw candidates from and augmentations that fairly often went terribly wrong. The latest generation of Spartans, the lVs, has solved many of these issues by using full grown consenting adults but the resulting Spartans are nowhere near as effective as their predecessors. This is where the Ares project comes in. A new generation of Spartan designed to make full use of all its predecessors' strengths combined with experimental technology to result in the most powerful soldiers ever created, all at ONI’s black ink covered fingertips. These would be the Spartan 0s, so named as they are to replace all previous iterations as the very definition of a Spartan.

What makes a Spartan 0 I hear you ask? Allow me to give you a brief overview. Rather than being kidnapped or recruited for the Ares project these particular candidates are literally born for the role, grown in labs with DNA samples taken from Spartan ll and Spartan lll candidates. Without creating a super soldier breeding program this was the only logical step for ONI and so they have gone about creating the first batch of these lab grown children, each one a unique combination of older Spartan DNA. I should note that none of these candidates will be brothers or sisters from a genetic point of view, only a single DNA sample was used from each genetic host for this first batch of candidates. From here the training is much the same as it was for the other child spartan candidates, intense regimes that would shape mere children into living weapons. This training would take place at Camp Gilgamesh, a top secret ONI blacksite located on the planet Rapture, a supposedly uninhabited rock just outside of UNSC controlled space. This process is overseen by the camps own A.I, a team of scientists led by one Doctor C. Bortz and finally William Graves, an accomplished Spartan lV. At the age of 14 these Ares candidates would undergo similar augmentations to that to the Spartan lls, albeit with much better technology helping to prevent potentially lethal side effects. This process took the group of 60 down to 57, which was an acceptable loss as far as ONI section three was concerned. Soon after this the freshly augmentented Spartan 0s would be supplied with MJOLNIR armour of their own, of the latest generation of course. But this wasn’t where the surgery stopped for these Spartans, no, at the age of 18 they were given a “top up” similar to what adults received upon being initiated into the Spartan lV program. This resulted in the loss of a further 3 candidates but left those still standing with the potential to surpass all those who had come before them.

So yeah that is the basic idea although I feel it worth mentioning that I am flexible and may make changes as I see fit. This will be set between Halo 4 and Halo 5, giving us a wide array of potential storylines to pursue from Covenant remnants to the Banished or even the dreaded flood. I see the Spartan 0s as being kept very close to ONI’s chest for now, mostly deployed in a manner similar to that of the headhunters. Even if they are deployed more openly they will likely be under orders to pretend that they are simply Spartan lVs. I could be tempted to start the roleplay off whilst the Ares candidates are still training at Camp Gilgamesh but otherwise I was planning on having them freshly graduated. Tell me what you think and if you are interested be sure to tell me in this thread! As for the type of players I’m looking for, I would like to see those who can write at least a few good paragraphs per post and a mix of males and females all of which should be 18+ due to the themes in Halo. I don’t need you to be too active, just a minimum of one post a week would be fine. That being said I of course reserve the right to pick and choose as I see fit but don’t worry, I’m not too harsh :P

Thanks for your time~​
i dont have discord but im super intrested, im a halo fanatic ever since the halo CE came out. i've read most of the books as well
Each genetic host does not imply that a single genetic host was used. It implies DNA was only used from each Spartan once, with two samples being combined to produce offspring 👌

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