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Fandom Power Rangers Sentinels

Tale 1: As Fate Foretold
  • @PenBlade1326@Steel Accord@Lady Insanity

    We're live~! Power Rangers Sentinels has begun :D

    (also... I know this first post turned out longer than I planned, kinda XDD Also, Lady... Feel free to make your character Erin's Roommate :) )

    Tale 1: As Fate Foretold

    Ablaze. The sky was on fire, or so it seemed. Colored in shades of red, orange, and yellow. Under any other circumstances it would likely have been a rather beautiful sight. But like this... it was still pretty, in a way. Were it not for that unsettling feeling of looming danger and utter doom that had settled itself in my stomach. Footsteps echoed between the darkened walls. Pretty damn sure they weren't mine, but whose could it be? Is it strange to say I feel like I've heard those particular footsteps a thousand times before? Not that there was anything special about the sound, like a limp or a jump... It was just familiar.

    The blazing sky is high above me. Below is just the cold floor of smooth stone, with the mosaic of a five point star embedded in it. Somewhere here in these walls, there's a door. I've seen it before, I think. But I never passed through it. Not that I can remember, anyway. Perhaps another time. What I do know is that somewhere around here, there's supposed to be a staircase, leading up to... not the sky. Just... something above. Meh, I don't know. If only I could move... But I can't. Again. Just what the heck is this? Am I paralyzed? Being held down? I can't see anyone doing it so... Another thought... Am I, maybe, dying? Too severely injured? It would explain the numbness in my body. If only I knew what the heck was going on. All I know is that I can't move, something's approaching, the sky is on fire... and a doomy thing. This really, really sucks.


    Erin shot up. That dream again. Not quite a nightmare, but not quite pleasant either. Just... odd, that's all she could use to describe it. An odd, recurring dream. She couldn't even remember when this dream started. At some point she had it, and it just came back every once in a while over the course of several years. The difference this time? That unsettled feeling in her stomach remained. Erin simply decided to blame it on the nerves. She sighed and briefly shook her head. In all her travels, all those years spent everywhere around the globe... Nowhere she had ever seen anything that resembled what she had seen in her dream. Taking a deep breath, Erin let herself fall back on her bed.

    It had only been a couple of days since she arrived here, in Ebongrove, quite literally having flown in, to start college. Hence the nerves, she thought. Perhaps some more certainty in her life, at last. No more moving around every two years or so, no more international grade- and high schools, no more having to switch friends. At least... not until after college. Knowing herself, she'd probably move away to some other place when she graduated. But that should take more than two years, right? And who knew... perhaps she'd find reason to settle for a much longer term. This was probably the biggest downside of traveling so much. You don't quite know what you want to do with your life. At least, not in Erin's case. Sure, she had "found herself" back in Thailand... And that conclusion was: "I am a hopeless mess of a person with little to no direction." Perhaps she'd find a purpose, or some sort of direction here, in Ebongrove. The city proved to be interesting enough, for sure. Plenty of old buildings, and new buildings in perfect harmony, kind of like Kyoto (and Tokyo, etc.), minus the whole Asian flair. And on just a short walk from the outskirts: a big lake, and on the other side a big forest. Plenty of local legends to those Witchwoods. Her father would love this place, for sure, being as interesting in mythology and the like as he was. That, and all sorts of things from the past being dug up again. Ah, archeology. Erin found it rather fascinating as well, but to make that her job for the rest of her life? Why couldn't adventuring and traveling just make a lot of money instead of cost a small fortune?

    Erin sleepily rolled over to her side and glanced at the alarm clock. The summer vacation was nearing its end. The tourists would leave, college would start again, and daily life would proceed in its perfectly normal and ordinary way. A little dull, maybe, but calm and peaceful. Here, her new and perfectly normal life would finally start. She didn't know a soul yet, but that would surely change when college started. Maybe a little earlier, if her roommate were to arrive anytime soon. Erin was pretty confident she'd be a rather... interesting person. With her unique mixture of characteristics from all around the world... Or they'd think she's a show-off and hate on her. The chances were 50-50. Ah well.... Time would tell sooner rather than later. For now... for now it was high time she'd get her ass out of the bed before she'd grow roots and be stuck on it forever. Time to go outside and explore the city for a bit. Maybe... maybe she'd go out for a hike in the woods. She would see.


    Deep below the surface of the world known to mankind, something evil stirred in the ink-black shadows. A dark presence, awoken once again. It started with a faint glow, two faint red spots slowly growing brighter and brighter, like embers finding new fuel. The spots made up the eyes in a skull as old as time. "Aaah..." the voice was still croaky, raspy... dry and cold as the grave. Any voice would sound similar after sleeping for the odd couple of centuries. "Finally I have awoken again. And this time... Yes, I can sense it... This time is the time." A darker tone, an earth-shattering rumble started coming through the croaky sounds. Vorkalth could feel it within him, burning in the depths were once his soul should have been. His power was returning to him. It always was, and it was always stronger than before. But now... this was different. He felt a power within him he hadn't felt in a long time. Vorkalth was stronger than ever before. Perhaps he would soon be strong enough to breach the surface and assume his old form and rightful position. This was the Time of Prophecy. The time where the chances were high he would at last be stronger than those cursed Sentinels who stopped him time and time again. He raised his hands, chanting in a language long lost and forgotten. The dark hideout lit up, revealing the cobwebs and dust, the stone armies of Spawners and members of the Legion, waiting for their time. And that time... that time was now. "Rise!" he thundered, his magical essence spreading through the Caverns awakening the waiting Spawners, as well as Nenet and Avlazor, his loyal generals. "Our time has come at last!"


    "Hmm... curious, most curious I'd say. Wouldn't you agree with me?" a pair of purple eyes belonging to an extraordinary figure glanced to his companion. A companion who merely looked back at him, shook her feathers and tucked her head under her wing.

    "You're quite boring, as of late," the male voice concluded with an almost audible and dramatic sigh.

    "I am not. I am working much harder than you seem to be," a feminine voice replied calmly. "Shouldn't you be preparing?"
    Silence returned to the darkness, and the figure whose hair matched his eyes glanced back to a large window. A window that was about as extraordinary as he himself seemed to be. It didn't show the world directly outside, but more rather a broader world outside. Perhaps more worlds, even, that was rather hard to tell. One thing was sure, or a few things, actually. Both he and his companion had felt it. A change in the very atmosphere of the world. Something had stirred in the Essencia flowing through each and every part of the universe. A slumber had ended, something dark had awoken. Neither of the two had to think twice to know who that was. But this time... This time the change they felt was unlike the many other times that came before. Something was different. They just couldn't quite place what it was.
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    Tale 2: Sentinel Spirit
  • @PenBlade1326@Lady Insanity@Steel Accord

    Tale 2: Sentinel Spirit

    Everyone was given a couple of days to breathe after their first leap into an adventure. They had had some time to hang out and get to know each other a little bit better. Today was the last day of summer break, but the Rangers could spend it all but quietly. All of them had been summoned to the Coven for training and learning more of the destiny that laid ahead of them. Erin glanced at the others. They were a nice bunch, all in all. Sure, for now they still seemed like a bit of an odd couple together, but at least they were getting along. That sure helped. Still, nobody had quite figured out yet why there was so much confusion as to why Clay was the Brown Sentinel, and she herself was the Red Sentinel. Erin hoped they'd figure it out soon though. Those odd looks were getting at her a little, making her feel rather out of place. Hell, this was even worse than when she had lived in Japan and was the only white kid in a class full of Asians. And to make things worse... her hair stood out as if she had wandered in straight from an anime. That had become a bit of a joke between her, Mizumi, and Masato though. Exchange student with odd colored hair, transferring after the school year had already started... The only thing that didn't fit the picture was the seat near the window. Anyway, back to the present: uncomfortable situation was awkward and uncomfortable. For now, though, it seemed to have been put off to the side in favor of teaching them some of the many things they needed to know.

    "Essencia is an energy as old as the world itself, perhaps even older," Novus explained. He stood before the Rangers in the form they had last seen him in: the young man. Unbelievable this guy was several thousands of years old, right? "It flows through everything around us, connects the entire world to one another in ways far beyond comprehension of most mortals."

    "Several cultures believe in a thing such as Essencia, albeit under different names. Chi, Ki, Life Force.. It's all one and the same," Fate added. "The ability to harness it, to control the Essencia flowing through the world around you, that's what gives you your power."

    "So... let me get this straight," Erin started, making a face as if she was trying to comprehend rocket science instead of what she had been told now. "The Charms allow us to channel Essencia, and changes us into brightly colored costumes making us stronger and better capable of fighting Spawners... but it is not enough to defeat Vorkalth."

    "That is a good start," Novus nodded. "But there is much more to your powers than simply transforming. The Essencia within the five of you has a much greater potential. To master that, you will need to tap into the Sentinel Spirit."

    "If you're gonna pull out an Ouijah Board out of somewhere, count me out," Erin said. "No messing around with spirits. Let the dead rest and above all, stay dead."

    "Oh, no. No such thing as... what did you call it? Ouijah Board? The Sentinel Spirits are the soul shards resting in your Charms. You need to become one with it in order to unlock the full potential of your powers."

    "Sounds an awful lot like possession to me..." Erin mumbled under her breath.

    (baddies likely coming again in the next post. Or at least their plotting. Just wanted to get this up before poofing for the largest part (if not all) of today)
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    Tale 3: A Golem's Might
  • Steel Accord Steel Accord marorda marorda Lady Insanity Lady Insanity

    Tale 3: A Golem's Might

    Events that have transpired over the past week or so have set life for Erin, Dylan, Clay, Benji, and April in a new direction. A magical one, should it be deemed such. Granted, such magic doesn't come without stress, danger, and the 'oh my God what the heck is going on' factor. Erin, Dylan and Clay were easily the better fighters and more enthused/open to the strangeness of it all, meeting Fate and Novus, going to the Coven for meetings and having magical questions answered. Whereas Benji and April seemed the more hesitant pair. Maybe April was still more about all of this than Benji, though. He still felt tempted to leave and just go on with his life as a studying artist...help raise the kids in the orphanage until something better comes along. Or wait until his older brother Derek said he could come live with him. Life for Benji is just odd as of late. Demons, magic, new friends, the works. And every time he walks by somewhere in Ebongrove that's just cut the grass, the scent puts him in a state of pure...indescribable bliss. Weird stuff isn't always bad.

    Earlier in the morning, Benji awoke in his bedroom at the orphanage to the sound of some of the younger kids playing in the hall. He's part of the staff technically since he's 18 and volunteering, but he still thinks of himself as just one of them. Benji got ready and happily helped the kids downstairs and contributed to cooking a big pancake dinner for everyone, pancakes of every kind available to the whole place. Mornings like this made Benji feel...cared for. Like he had a place to go.
    After the breakfast, Benji made his way to the art studio on campus. It's the weekend, so nobody should be clogging the place. He'd been working on a new statue, a figure made of clay, 6 feet tall, and entitled "Golem." He'd read about golems somewhere, and given recent exposure to demons, he had inspiration to make something...creepy. He was almost done, the body was sculpted anyway, just needed more detail and some finishing touches. Maybe a chisel here and there. He was sat on a stool in the studio, undisturbed and working peacefully. No fairies or shapeshifting beings in his head, and none of that poet tree either. Just Benji and his sculpture.

    Clay on the other hand, spent his weekend exploring. He'd invited the others to wander around with him a bit if they so wished, it didn't matter who joined up. Benji said he wouldn't be able to, busy with art. So that left the girls and Dylan. Ebongrove was a nice place when it wasn't under attack. Why not see the place around?
    He'd settled into a friends apartment. If he's gonna be a Sentinel, he'd need a place closer to be. He settled on moving in with his friend, Riley. An old buddy from school he'd on occasion hung bout with when in town. Explaining his move to his family was strange, but they saw no reason why a grown man couldn't venture out. Now he's in Ebongrove, close to the others and close to...well, work, sort of. Clay was sat in a restaurant where he had invited everybody to meet up, ordering a cup of coffee while he waited, having received no official confirmations from anyone. But it's the weekend, everyone's probably busy with school. They're all students at the college, aren't they? Nevertheless, Clay wanted to know his new friends better.

    (so let's everyone have a little inside into the characters personal lives! tell where they stay, what they do, just them as people for a little background info. helps to know everyone a little better :) )
    Tale 4: Under The Bridge
  • Steel Accord Steel Accord marorda marorda PenBlade1326 PenBlade1326

    Tale 4: Under The Bridge

    A week following the stylish and cunning victory over Golem and things were on a more routine track. The team had been stronger and united and the Legion had only spite towards them. This makes three times the Sentinels and that owl with the fairy had disrupted their plans. One could only imagine the hatred brewing in the hearts of the Legion. This is the Time of Prophecy, after all...things should go accordingly.
    It had been a strong suggestion of wit that lead this evening's current events. In the time that had passed, a little bit of training was in order. Focusing a stronger bond with the Spirits, elemental practice, as well as general weapons and hand-to-hand combat. If this team was going to keep fighting, they'd all might as well better their skill and figure out fighting styles that worked for them. And April especially needed work on aiming the crossbow. She wasn't too bad, but she could stand to improve. Actually, she desperately needed to improve in it. Hence one of many reasons the group had decided to spend the evenings training together at the Coven, . Like today, for instance. Another thing she would need improvement on was her figure skating. It's her life's dream to one day be a world-famous figure skater, gliding on the ice, majestically prancing and twirling from place to place. But with her work at the diner, school and the Sentinels, that dream has been on hold for a bit.

    The current time is 7:00 p.m. It's just starting to get dark outside as April finishes her shift at the diner. Removing the apron from her waist and the name tag from her shirt, she quickly changes form work attire and changes into a warm pastel pink sweater and a pair of white jeans in the back room. Once changed, she slips out and into the front of the diner, a lovely old couple being the only customers currently, enjoying apple pie together. Her brothers are working in the kitchen, and her parents at the counter. "Okay guys, I'm heading out." She announced.
    Her parents gave her an affirmative nod and a smile. "Alright, honey. You're going to a study group, right?" Her mother asked. A lie, but a good cover up so they wouldn't know what she was really going to do. April nodded. "Yep. Me and some kids at school made up a group, we met in class on the first day."
    Her mother nodded once more and planted a gentle kiss onto her head. "Be careful, honey. It's getting dark out, you sure you don't want a ride?" Her dad asked, protective as ever. She refused. "I'm sure," she replied. She didn't want him driving her through town and into the woods, after all...
    She said goodbye to both of them and gave her brothers a wave through the window before turning around, grabbing her bag and leaving. The other Rangers were all probably at the Coven by now, and she was late!

    April made haste and quickly went across town under the quickly-approaching night sky. Stars shined through, so pretty! And the moon was glowing. Prettier! As she continued her stroll through town she came across the lake. It was located on the east side of town, modern culture somewhat building around it. It used to be a much larger body of water, but over time it just naturally shrunk, and humans probably played a part in that. The lake had this new bridge across it, very pretty and shiny. Lots of people took pictures there. It replaced the old bridge that collapsed over fifty years ago. Funny enough, there's a ghost story about it.
    "In 1967, two fishermen were streaming down the lake on a calm autumn evening, fishing for a nice salmon or such to bring home to their wives. One fisherman claimed to hear a strange hissing sound from the water, but the other did not listen and continued to drift in the boat with him. The one who heard the hissing grew paranoid, frantic even. It drove him mad. The two fishermen fell into an argument about turning back to shore. Nearby college students on the water heard their argument. When they got so heated, they floated under the bridge, right as the wood began to fail and the bridge collapsed, crushing them both, killing them on impact. The witnesses panicked and called the authorities. They shared a water grave for days before being dug out under the debris. The real reason the bridge collapsed? No one knows. But everyone says they hear a hissing once they go over the new bridge. Supposedly haunted by the fishermen's spirits."

    April didn't believe in ghost stories. But as she came to the lake on her way to the Coven, knowing stuff she knew now...she shuddered. To think that right across the road is the ice skating rink she'd go to on occasion. Creepy. And as she passed the lake....either through paranoia or folk lore, she heard...a hissing sound. She shuddered again, clutching her bag to her chest and picking up the pace.
    She shortly arrived at the Coven. She felt uneasy...maybe she was paranoid. But knowing demons and monsters exist, who's so say things can't be haunted? Spooky! April let herself in to find the other four Rangers training in various fashion with Fate and Novus, slightly out of breath, as if she'd been running the whole way. "Hi guys, sorry I'm late."
    Tale 5: Standing Stones
  • Tale 5: Standing Stones

    The first couple of days after the Legion got their hands on the Eye were quiet. No signs of Spawners, sudden clouds of evil magic, no ghosts, no demons. As if everything was holding its breath, waiting for something big to happen. Though Erin had followed Fate and Novus' advice and had been on guard, her senses sharper than usual, she had enjoyed the silence to just focus on her studies, wander around the city trying to find her way better and better... and of course hanging out with her new friends. And in between that all.... training. Lots and lots of training. Learning more of the variety of worlds connected to theirs, learning of predecessors as far as the records went back, and still more magic practice. Though she could call upon her fire and Igneos easily, maybe a little too easily, she had trouble staying in control. Which may or may not have led to her almost setting Novus on fire two days back. Damn fairy thought it was a good idea to see if she could remain concentrated if she'd startle her while she was working with her fire. Everyone present had quickly learned this was a bad call. Thankfully in the end nobody got hurt!
    Novus sat in the Coven, running his hands through his shoulder length purple hair. He tugged harshly on the sides and sighed, eyes cast at the Scyring Windows keeping an eye on the worlds quickly fading in and out as they were scanned for anything out of the ordinary. Nothing. Which was just as wrong when there would be something very off. He knew Vorkalth, he knew him all too well and had known him for the longest of time. Nothing happening was about as frightening as one of the connected worlds suddenly shattering in front of his eyes. Nothing meant the Legion was cautious, preparing for something big. Novus shook his head as he started again from the beginning, looking at world after world, slowly draining his energy in order to keep up. Thankfully sugar was discovered a long time ago, and even more thankfully it seemed to be everywhere in this day and age. He downed another can of Energy Drink which he had taken out of Erin's backpack.

    By the time Fate walked in from her flight around the realm where the Coven was located, the 1 foot tall fairy was surrounded by six empty cans, and three gummy worms dangled from his mouth.
    "How much sugar did you have?" Fate raised an eyebrow. It was no secret Novus had a sweet tooth, but this was a bit... excessive.
    "Not enough," the fairy replied with full mouth. He rapidly tucked the worms into his mouth and swallowed.
    "It bothers you more than usually, doesn't it?" Fate sat down next to her friend, looking at the Scyring Window. Novus didn't reply and blankly stared ahead. "Perhaps you should tell them."
    "No. I can't," Novus shook his head. "Not all of it. Not now. They're not ready. And we don't even precisely know what will happen now."
    Deep down in the Underworld, Vorkalth had taken his time to absorb part of the Eye's energy, fuel he needed for the ritual. He had been cautious not to take too much magic to grow stronger himself, as the artifact was too powerful and valuable to waste entirely right away. Besides, the Sentinels weren't the only ones who might be in need of allies. Especially not now that the Time of Prophecy was upon them. Nobody could take risks. Now that he deemed he had absorbed enough of the Eye's magic, he could leave the Artifact to recharge while he himself initiated the next step of an evil plot being hatched. He had called Nenet and (though he wondered why) Avlazor to another cavern of the Underworld. A place once used for rites bigger, longer, and more complex than Nenet's rites of calling monsters and granting them a second life as giants. "It is time," he said, initiating the ancient ritual. His mind was set on one of the worlds, one that seemed to be popular even in this time. Soon the first tears would appear, soon the first evil magic would seep through. And once their enemies were either out of the way or subdued, the Era of the Legion would begin.

    He started a chant in a deep and inhuman voice, in the ancient language long forgotten to mankind. The chant resonated and echoed within the caverns.
    "Ak'teh Oluu d'shint. Seri'el doch aman shuu. Karashin Garan doluk, A'chec Xu'nas."
    Vorkalth reached for a ceremonial dagger underneath his robes and paced between the carvings on the floor, carefully, practised. Like someone who has done rites like this many times before. Although he was far from graceful, being broad and clad in robes, he moved with a certain almost -probably- magical elegance.
    "Vaelum karanna avasan, Cuimilt neyna koroch.
    Ataes Nyengo Solas ittrigum gan byar. Ataes Noctem tosaionn.
    Vaelum karanna Avalon."

    As he chanted the last line, the shaman cut the dagger through the air. The slit was paper thin, but dark tendrils slowly tore it apart, eager to enter, another energy eager to escape. If he had a true mouth to grin with, Vorkalth's grin would split his face in two. They had succeeded. The conquest could begin,
    Erin looked up, startled by something she couldn't place. It was as if a strong gust of wind had just passed her by. Maybe it had, maybe it was just her imagination getting the better of her after the last couple of days. Still she looked at the others. Until now they had just been hanging out together, as friends. "Guys...?" she asked, not even sure if she should finish her question or whether they already knew. After all, she wasn't sure if she felt what she felt just now. "Did you guys too just...?"
    She eyed her surroundings. No signs of Spawners, Hellgates (as she had dubbed the portals), demons, or anything out of the ordinary. And as of yet, no voices of fairies and owls speaking in her mind.

    (Yay, combining made up words with real languages xD this took me the longest of the entire post xD)
    Tale 6: Spirits of the Woods
  • Tale 6: Spirits of the Woods

    The lingering darkness remained and still increased with each passing moment, although it did seem to be slower than it was before. Whether this was a good sign and the protective charms put out there by the combined efforts of Merlin, Morgana, various other sorcerers, and the Sentinels, or whether it meant the darkness was about to reach a peak and the world would soon begin to fall apart... that yet remained to be seen. A few days had passed in Avalon since the Sentinels got here, and everyone had had some time to adjust to this different world full of knights and damsels, long forgotten courtesies, smelly streets, and everything else one would expect from a world of times gone by. Even the doomsayer on the town square couldn't be forgotten. Difference between Avalon and Earth? Here the doomsayers might be quite right about the end of the world being near. Behemoths fighting in the woods, shadows that seemed to lead lives of their own... Even the most skeptical souls would start to wonder if there might be some truth in the doomsayers' words. Erin sighed, sitting in the windowsill and looking out over the busy square within the safety of Camelot's walls. The relative quiet didn't sit too well with her. They knew something bad was about to happen, that Gawain-fellow was still somewhere out in those woods, she was starting to get more and more convinced every shadow inside and outside the walls was alive and a tendril of Vorkalth's evil magic rather than just a shadow dancing in the light of the flames... She had a billion reasons to be concerned, and she couldn't share all of those with her friends. When it came down to that, she agreed with his viewpoint that sometimes it was for the best to leave the ones closest to you in the dark.

    Erin absentmindedly but gently rubbed her arm. Merlin had applied some type of ointment and a clean bandage in the hope it would bother her somewhat less. Maybe it was helping. In the past few days it didn't sting or swell or feel like she had held it in a fire. Novus had warned her when the wound initially was inflicted on her, Merlin had once again expressed his worries... It wasn't going to stop anytime soon, it seemed. The best she could do was just hide it from her friends as best as she could. Plenty or reasons why she would keep a bandage on there, no?

    The sound of commotion on the square carried all the way up the castles walls to the rooms the Sentinels were using. Merchants cursing, chickens clucking and flapping all over the place, things falling over, shattering pots... Dogs barking, people running, panicked shrieks. Erin leaned as far out of the window as she dared and squinted. Not that she could see all that much from way up there.... but there didn't seem to be any traces of an attack. Still, with the knowledge that evil lurked in every corner, it may be worth a shot heading out there and seeing what's going on. She pulled herself back inside, fixed her dress - she had learned the hard way that ladies should always ensure their dresses are properly fixed, less they'd be seen as... something less proper than a lady - , and wandered into the hallway. "Anyone care to join me to see what's going on?" she called.
    Down on the square, amidst all the commotion, walked a man dressed in a gray wool tunic and trousers. A dark brown mantle cloaked his shoulders, his face shrouded by his hood. Safe for the small, amused smile that curled the corners of his mouth upwards. He didn't particularly stand out in the crowd. Just another traveler on a journey, perhaps a patron in the local tavern, maybe a merchant. His clothes were rather boring, really, and betrayed nothing of what he could do. However, the well made steel sword dangling in a sheath on his belt betrayed he may be wealthier than his simple clothes would make him seem. He walked around, watching the chaos unfold. A wicker basket levitated up into the air on its own. The chickens inside escaped and tried to flee for dear life, knocking over whatever they flew into. The man chuckled to himself, trying not to erupt into full laugher. He snatched an apple off the ground and sat down someplace where he could properly enjoy the show. He knew the cause of this chaos, and it wasn't him. But that didn't keep him from enjoying what he saw. He was a bit of a prankster himself, if he might be so free. Messing with the order of things, disrupting or changing plans... that's his forte. The poor little thing responsible for this mess wasn't even aware of what it was doing, he was sure of it. Or was it...? That brief giggle he heard in the wind... The man was about to take a bite from his apple when suddenly, the apple was snatched from his hands and levitated away into a small alleyway. The man blinked in surprise, watching the apple disappear bite by bite before the alleyway was even reached. Now he did erupt into a full laughter. "Oh, you little bugger," he muttered before turning his attention back to the crowd full of cursing merchants, and people claiming to have seen a whole lot more than what had actually happened. Before noon it wouldn't be merely a basket that went flying up into the air, no... it would be a whole cart, a whole market stand! Aah, human nature at its finest.
    Tale 7: The Lady of the Lake
  • Tale 7: The Lady of the Lake

    Vorkalth felt... conflicted. On the one hand he was definitely satisfied that his dark powers had spread far enough for the Ryxens to rise from their long-forgotten graves. They would be a wonderful aid in what had still to come, and they had proven themselves to be strong against the Sentinels. On the other hand, there was a new Sentinel. One he presumed had died generations ago. He had dealt with some of the others of that generation, and he knew this Golden Sentinel had fallen in battle back then. So how was this man still alive in this day and age? Who had saved him? The return of another Sentinel was bad news, for it could mean there were others as well, waiting for their chance of returning. Chance... Vorkalth growled. It wouldn't surprise him if that pest had a hand in this matter.

    Needless to say, he was not in the best mood. But that might change soon, for he had picked up on something powerful. Something he knew for sure Nenet would have picked up on as well. Another artifact, slumbering under the surface of a lake. As well as... ah, yes. The energy of another potential ally. A gust of wind blew through the caverns, rustling the pages of the ancient monster tome. Aaah, a spirit eager to take shape once again. With the dark energy in Avalon right now, that needn't be too difficult of a task. But the Shaman himself needed to save his energy, as he was going to need it very soon. Perhaps make use of one of his assets? Someone more... disposable than himself.
    "Nenet," Vorkalths voice rumbled through the caverns. "I request your presence. At once."
    Yes... he had some very special tasks for her while Avlazor whipped the Spawners and Ryxens into shape. His time to shine again would come soon as well.
    Dealing with the news hadn't been exactly easy for Gawain. Whereas this new blue Sentinel... Sir Dylan... had said it was a few hundred years, Merlin had informed him it was closer to a millennium. Nine hundred years. Leopold, Dederic, Guimond, Arnaut, Rosemary... All had been dead for a long time, possibly forgotten in the passage of history. How could one possibly deal with that as if nothing happened? Four days had passed, and he was still trying to get his thoughts sorted out. And it wasn't exactly made easier considering these new Sentinels were staying at the castle and he could run into them at every corner he turned. It didn't surprise him Aiyna had once again chosen the gentleness of a woman again. But Igneos? The Sentinels being led by a woman? Now that was something he definitely couldn't wrap his head around. Women weren't supposed to fight and get in danger, let alone lead warriors meant to protect the realm into battle!

    As he made his rounds through the castle, he paused near a window overlooking the inner court. Young knights were swinging their blades, practicing maneuvers they would use on the battlefield. A faint smile found its way on his face, and an odd melancholy filled his heart. It had been so long since he had been in that position, even if it felt like it had been just a few years. Were there even still knights in his homeworld, or had they all been replaced by something else? Gawain gripped the windowsill tight and took a deep breath. A movement near the stables caught his attention, even if it was only there for a short moment. Gawain blinked and rubbed his eyes. A tiny shadow, only about a foot tall, he guessed. Strange glowing eyes... a demon? A demon in the court? Not on his watch. Gawain rapidly turned around to make is way down, only to stare right in the face of...

    "Good morning," Erin tucked a strand of her hair behind her ear. "How have you been, considering the news from a few days back?"
    "Ah! Lady Erin..." Gawain bowed his head. Just because he didn't agree with her leading the Sentinels, didn't mean he would be anything that's not considered very knightly. "I've been... conflicted, as one might expect. And while I must thank you for your concern, there's no time for banter. There's a demon in the court."
    "A demon?!" Erin tried glancing over Gawain's shoulder, into the courtyard.
    "You'd be wise to stay inside, milady. It's not safe for women to get involved in battles." And with that, Gawain made his way past Erin and rushed towards the courtyard. Erin huffed and crossed her arms. Not safe? They might all be new to this, but they had been fighting against the Legion for a while now. They could handle themselves! Plus... if she hadn't been a girl, Gawain wouldn't have responded like this. Time to prove this knight in shining armor wrong!

    Erin lifted her skirts and rushed after him as well as she could in a dress, nearly colliding with April, who seemed to enjoy the ladylike castle life very much.
    "Whoa there!" Erin dodged April, but pushed herself straight into a wall in the process. "Ow...."
    Tale 8: War of the Lightbringer
  • Tale 8: War of the Lightbringer

    The days after Dylan's passing a darkness spread through Avalon. The corruption that had long been lingering in every corner of the Realm was coming to a true fruition. Dark clouds were tightly packed in the sky. A tense atmosphere made the air everyone breathed heavy. Every single person in Avalon was on edge, anticipating. As if a storm was about to break loose and all they had to wait for was the first stroke of thunder to break the sky and rain whatever awaited down upon the world. The tension hadn't spared Camelot. Rats infested the halls, ravens and crows flocked the walls, people fought and argued. The guards had their hands full in keeping the peace, and even Arthur and the Knights couldn't come to a compromise as of what had to happen. They all knew something big was about to happen. Something threatening and evil, powerful and dark. Vorkalths power was still seeping into Avalon, more and more each day. Gods be praised the Legion didn't get their hands on Excalibur, but still their victory seemed to have more and stronger of an impact than anyone could have anticipated.

    Gawain knew it was going to be today. He wasn't sure why, but every fiber of his body told him it was today. Today the storm would break loose. Today everyone would have to fight in order to save their world and lives. Even in the days before Sir Dylan's death, his nights had been plagued by dark dreams. Ever since seeing the Ryxens and recalling his days as a Sentinel, his nights were filled with dreams of darkness, of hordes marching on the walls. Dreams of the dead rising, of friends turning into foes. Dreams of darkness and cold, with not even a single ray of light. Most unsettling, seeing as how his spirit was Aurelius and Gawain himself was the Shining Light Sentinel, despite having forgotten about that for the last lot of centuries. Even more unsettling since it had long seemed his connection to Aurelius had been severed and the man would be nothing more but an ordinary knight. If the lack of light meant Aurelius would abandon him... But that could hardly be the case, could it? Gawain had spoken to the spirit the day they lost Dylan. Today, he felt, was the day his visions would become true. And so he had been staring out of his window all morning, gazing at the woods. They might have been saved for a moment after Morag was slain, but the corruption from elsewhere had caught up, turning the woods into a dreadful swamp. The lands as far as Gawain could see looked gloomy and dead, depressing and dark. Gawain had hardly seen the other Sentinels after they had lost their friend, and he understood. But he knew that soon they would have to fight again. All of them, despite the loss. Despite the fact they were bound to be outnumbered and in greater danger than ever.
    Erin hadn't really said a lot the last days. In fact she hadn't even been out of her room too much. Mostly to eat, always attempting to avoid the others. She couldn't bring herself to face them after her direct orders had led to the death of a friend. What if it would happen again? She couldn't live with herself if April, Clay, or Benji would face a fate similar to Dylan. Fate... that damn owl. Had she known about this all along? Had she willingly put Dylan in danger because it was 'supposed to happen'? Erin clenched her fists. The owl and the fairy had a lot to explain when they'd be back in Ebongrove. For now, Erin was just grieving, wondering how much longer they would have to stay in this world before they could go home at last. She had always loved the Arthurian Mythology, but now that it had cost her a friend... she hated it. She hated it all. The dresses, the castle, having magic and being expected to be the responsible leader... All Erin wanted was to just go home. But she knew they couldn't. The darkness was still in Avalon. Ironically it had become worse after the Legion's most recent victory. Not to be depressing, but Erin hadn't seen sunlight in days. As if the entire world was mourning Dylan. While in fact, the darkness was more of a sign that their battle was far from over. That it was only about to get much, much worse.

    She rolled herself of the bed, pacing around the room. Occasionally her eye fell on the Blue Charm she kept on a tiny table near the bed. Erin would swear she could hear the crashing of waves, faintly in the distance as she held the charm close to her. Impossible, since she had no connection to Deluvian whatsoever. Igneos on the other hand....
    "I promise you, we're going to make the Legion pay. You, me, all the others," a voice spoke up from the hearth. Erin nearly jumped, turning to the fire faintly taking on the outlines of a face. "What? Thought we could only appear inside your heads?" the spirit questioned.
    "I... well... yeah. I honestly did," Erin stared in absolute amazement, confusion, slight terror... all of it at the same time.
    "Sweetheart, we're magical beings nearly as old as the one who started this mess. Just because we don't often show ourselves, doesn't mean we can't." Yeah, Erin supposed that made sense. Probably meant they could eventually notice each others' spirits too, right? Gawain had mentioned something like that when they first met. Her gaze drifted from the hearth to the window. Pitch black and dark gray clouds covered every inch of the visible sky, and it sure seemed windy. Not the pleasant breeze, but that kind of wind that carries all the signs of something ominous. She definitely did not like the looks of that. And then there was the thick mist rolling out of the woods again.... Last time that didn't bode to well. Now wasn't going to be any different.
    Vorkalth had anticipated this moment for a long time, and now the right moment was finally upon them. He could feel the corruption in Avalon, the darkness lingering in everyone fueling him. It seemed as if with each passing day he could feel his body growing back, his power returning to him. The unrest in Avalon was at its peak, so if they would strike now the chances of success were at its highest. Their new ally had provided them with a lot of useful information too. Secret passages into the Castle that would make the Legion's forces able to get inside the walls and cause a massacre among those who would not bow to the rightful leader. Blood would flow in the streets, the Sentinels would fall, and little by little the Veil would be torn to shreds.

    Today he had called his generals and the new ally before him. "It is time," he announced. "Today we strike. Today, the Legion shall claim Avalon. The Sentinels are still weak, and with Venecorva at our side, those inside the castle do not stand a chance."
    Venecorva humbly bowed her head. "I will gladly do what I can to take this Realm back from my unworthy brother," she said, dark eyes glistening. Long ago her brother took the realm from her, and now she would claim it back. Her brother would pay for his deeds with his blood, and Avalon would soon be in the hands of someone worthier than him.
    "Nenet," Vorkalth addressed the sphinx. "You have done well in the latest encounter, but this battle is too great for you to spend your magic on." The skull then turned to the other, less intelligent but no less intimidating general. "Avlazor... This is your time. You will go with the Ryxens and Spawners and march upon Camelot. Spare none but those who join your side."
    And lastly he turned to the crow/humanoid being. "Venecorva, you will show our forces the way into the castle. Ensure that nobody escapes alive, and you will be rewarded greatly."

    Once everything was ready, once the armies of the dead would near the walls of Camelot, Vorkalth had a little surprise in store for those pathetically struggling, trying to protect Avalon from the Legion's endless forces. Everyone would behold what he could do, despite being far from who or what he used to be. His power was still weak, but it would be more than enough to show everyone, once and for all, who the most powerful being was here.