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Fandom Lore



Oddball and author
A history lesson
The most important story in the history of Power Rangers Sentinels, is the tale of what happened between Vorkalth and King Tericius. This story knows several versions:
- The version of those who are loyal to king Tericius
- The version of those who are loyal to Vorkalth
- The version Fate (with commentary by Novus) tells at the beginning of the story
Read all versions and draw your conclusions. What has truly happened at the beginning of days?

Legends say that centuries... no, even millennia ago, there was a powerful shaman. I know there have been many shamans, druids, or whatever you might want to call them over the course of ages. Not just in our legends and history, but anywhere... everywhere in the Wheel. Earth, Avalon, Yggdrasil, Olympus... every mythical world. Now, the shaman of this particular part of history is one of our world.

A long time ago, there was a very powerful shaman. He had a strong connection with the Ancient Gods and the Elements. He may even have been the first to coin the term "Essencia", something we use even up until this day. His name was Vorkalth, and he was the right hand and loyal advisor of King Tericius Aumuidel. He was one of the first kings our world had ever seen. But as the king grew in power, he became more and more wary of Vorkalth. Tericius started to question Vorkalth's loyalties and started distancing himself from his old friend. He stopped listening to his advices. Tericius even went as far as accusing Vorkalth of treason. Shocked and angered by his insolence, Vorkalth...

(who dares questioning the gods in the old times?!)
Would you mind not interrupting me?

...Vorkalth prayed to the ancient gods to help him show Tericius back to the right path, to show him the error of his way diverging from the gods. His prayer were heard. The ancient gods granted him with special powers, the limits of which are lost to time. By accepting the gift and merging it with his own Essencia, Vorkalth proved to Tericius that the gods were real and still present. That, and that he was their spokesman. Tericius apologized and accepted the shaman back at his side, whether this was because he had truly seen the error of his ways or was just terrified of Vorkalth's newfound powers remains unknown.

(the latter is clearly assumed though)

Together they built an empire greater and more prosperous than the world had ever seen

(much the Roman Empire, which was rapidly growing on Earth. This being not the only thing they've got in common)
Fair enough, just this once.

At the peak days of this renewed Empire, something was bound to change again. A shadow loomed over the unstoppable pair. As time passed by, the two grew wary of one another again. Vorkalth knew Tericius would soon try to accuse him of treason again and have him executed due to his ever growing power. And Tericius... he started to believe Vorkalth would soon try to claim the throne for his own. Due to his mastery of the Arcane, it


took Vorkalth little effort to kill Tericius and everyone who dared to stand in his way. He ruled this new Empire as a God-King

Damn you...

The Empire was plunged into darkness until it started crumbling apart into many tiny nations. The darkness took over more and more, and the tiny nations were thrown into war among each other. Few dared to fight Vorkalth, as those who tried always perished. In the darkest of those days a small shimmer of hope brought a few brave souls together. They were willing to risk their lives and fight for the Empire, for balance, for all they believed in.

(Sadly it seems they all died in the battle that ensued)

This might be the case, but it was not before they destroyed Vorkalth's mortal body and banished his soul to the darkest reaches of the underworld. Without a mortal body his soul searched for something to attach itself to. Some believe this was the skull of a deer. We honored the sacrifice the shamans, who called themselves Sentinels, made as they disappeared into nothingness. All they left behind for us was magical stones, shimmering with what we believe to be a small bit of their souls, their very essence, and the warning that the battle would not be over.

(And it sure wasn't )
I swear to the gods, you damn fairy...

In the underworld, Vorkalth's soul slumbered. Maybe it is a rather funny thing that similar stories seem to arise every once in a while. A new ruler rises, becomes power hungry, perhaps even crazed. They plunge their “Empire” into the darkest times that have been seen in years, until the moment where brave souls rise and stand up to fight for what they believe is right. The ruler is killed eventually, and the world is restored to former order. According to the legends, Vorkalth has yet to be destroyed entirely. Every time he dies, he is again banished to the Underworld, each time retaining a tiny bit of his regained powers. Once he recovers his full power, he will resurrect his ancient body and plunge the world into eternal darkness. It has been a long time since the legend started, so maybe this time is now closer than we’d like to believe? Who knows for sure. Some will claim these things to be nothing but legends alone, but can we really be so sure? Only time will tell.

(The answer is obvious, ‘innit? )
*sigh* I give up.
History tells us that long ago, our realm knew a great king. Tericius Aumuidel. A strict but fair ruler who cared for nothing but what was best for his realm and her people. To ensure himself he ruled fairly, our king had asked one of his oldest friends, a powerful shaman named Vorkalth, to be his advisor. Vorkalth had a powerful connection to the Ancient Gods, and they would bless our king with prosperity.

The longer our king worked together with Vorkalth, the more he started to suspect something was not right about the man. Rightfully so, our king took his distance and observed, coming to the conclusion the shaman’s rites were treacherous. He attempted to put Vorkalth to justice, but the shaman was cunning and unleashed a curse upon the realm, claiming it to be the fury of the Gods. This struck great fear into our king, who was always a man of the Gods himself. Frightened by the curse and Vorkalths newfound powers, our king asked him to rejoin his side.

Together they built a great empire, stretching to the far corners of the Realm. Vorkalth lifted his curse, putting Nexilis back on the path to prosperity. But when everybody expected it the least, Vorkalth showed his true colors and stabbed our king in his back. He claimed the Throne for himself, and a dark rule began. The realm was thrown into war, darkness and evil thrived. Anyone who dared to stand up for the realm were slaughtered in horrendous ways.

But even then there were souls brave and powerful enough to stand up for the meek. Cloaked Shamans, who called themselves the Sentinels, appeared in mystical light. They were believed to be sent by the Gods themselves, to rid Nexilis of the reigning darkness. They fought long, and they fought bravely. By the end of the battle, they had defeated Vorkalth, banishing him to the underworld. The Sentinels perished in this battle, leaving behind magical stones containing a small bit of their souls. We believe these brave heroes will always watch over us, and return in times of need.
Long ago, at the beginning of days, our Master, the Shaman named Vorkalth was the loyal advisor to a man who did not deserve him. “King” Tericius was only a king by name, not by deeds. He was a selfish man who cared for nothing but his own good. While he pretended to care for his people, he would ultimately only choose what was best for himself. Our Master, a long time friend to Tericius, found this out rather quickly, but chose to stay as an advisor in the hopes of changing Tericius’ mind when his latest decision would hit the people in Nexilis too harshly.

Master Vorkalth was always very much in tune with the Elements and the Ancient Gods. The life force that flows through everything that is, he named Essencia. Whenever he noticed this energy was corrupted, he would do what he could to restore it. We believe he spotted there to be something wrong with Tericius’ Essencia, and other than advising his friend and protecting the realm, he also tried to save Tericius from harm. However, Tericius grew suspicious of his friend’s concerns. He grew suspicious of Master Vorkalth questioning his many decisions, altering them to not fit Tericius’ needs. This so-called King decided to accuse his long time friend of treason and strip him of his powers. After all, without an advisor doing what’s best for the realm, the king could do whatever he wanted.

Our Master was shocked that his friend could betray him like that. He prayed to the Ancient Gods for guidance. The Corruption within Tericius was too strong for him to handle on his own. The Gods listened to his prayers and greatly enhanced our Master’s powers, so that he may show Tericius the error of his ways. Witnessing the miracles our Master could now perform, Tericius apologized and took our Master back to his side as his advisor. This worked out well: they worked together in building a great Empire, making Nexilis into the wonderful realm connecting all others.

When the Empire was most prosperous, Tericius’ corruption stroke again. Fearing our Master would take over if the king appeared incapable of ruling so many people without putting his own needs first, he was bound to accuse our Master of treason again and have him executed. Rumors say the two fought: that Tericius attempted to kill our Master while he was unarmed. While it was only our Master’s intention to defend himself, Tericius perished in the skirmish. Our Master then did what any loyal advisor and friend would do: try to hold the realm together. However, with the death of Tericius, the Empire started to crumble.

Many tried to take advantage of the disturbances in the realm, trying to forcefully take over and instill their own will on the people. Our Master swiftly put those people to justice. In the peak days of the chaos, an unknown order of shamans showed up, calling themselves the Sentinels. They were convinced Vorkalth was to blame for the chaos. Likely they were told so by those loyal to King Tericius. We cannot truly blame them. After all, most they seemed to know was that Tericius had died after a battle with Vorkalth, and that the realm was now plunged into chaos and despair. They, like our Master, did what they thought was best for the Realm and battled him. There were only losers in this battle. Our Master was banished to the Underworld, and the Sentinels perished. And our world… our world has never truly recovered from that dark age. But we believe that one day our Master will return and restore the realm to her former glory.
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The Wheel/Web & The Veil
A legend is a traditional story sometimes popularly regarded as historical but not authenticated, or so any dictionary will tell you. And the reason why you will find little to no prove for these stories is a simple one. There are countless of worlds, many of which unknown to mankind. However some are known to others, mostly through folklore, myths and legend. Little do they know these stories are much more than legends alone. In their respective worlds, they are history. As true as anything you have experienced in your own world. A story repeating itself over and over again. Avalon, Yggdrasil, Olympus, Earth... just to name a few. Worlds you might have heard of through stories. Worlds that, to a certain degree, are aware of each others' existence. But it's only a story, right? Think again, for all the stories you might have heard have at least a core of truth.

The Wheel/Web
The Wheel and the Web, terms are interchangeable and are as simple as it sounds. All the worlds however known or unknown, are connected to each other via the Middle Realm Nexilis. Realms that lie in a closer proximity with one another have larger chances of “knowing” each other through having heard of the other worlds as legends. However it is still possible for worlds to lie on completely opposite sides of the Wheel and still somehow being aware of each other, for example because a writer in one world has “created their own world” but unbeknownst to themselves having written that world on the other end of the Wheel. The Wheel does not keep in mind several different versions of one world, but it is commonly known that the version of the world someone knows, is not the only one. The only exception to this rule is Nexilis, the only Realm to only have one version of itself.

The Veil
To most this isn’t visible as an actual veil. In fact the only ones who can see the Veil are Guardians and Watchers. This (to most) unseen force keeps the worlds where they should be and prevent beings from one realm from crossing over into another. However, there are points where the Veil is weaker. These places are known for their strange sightings such as ghosts, floating lights, and other things that cannot otherwise be explained. It is of utmost importance that this Veil remains intact. A small tear or a rip can be disastrous, allowing beings or influences to seep through. The consequences of the Veil ripping entirely apart would be dire, to say the least. Any and all beings both of good and ill intend can walk freely from one realm into another, which would completely destroy the balance between all realms. This can only result in total obliteration of every known world.
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NexilisAboutMeaning intertwined or woven together, Nexilis is the Realm that binds all the others. This realm is as ancient as time itself. Some would consider this to be the birthplace of all the other realms. It is located in the middle of the Wheel. One can only travel to another Realm via Nexilis. The people living here are aware of the existence of other worlds, but few if any have ever traveled beyond their own world. Most would simply consider the other realms to be stories, fairytales, and legends. One thing they know for sure exists, are the Sentinels. After all, they have been recorded in their history. Some of the most important events that shaped this world have everything to do with the Sentinels and the war they’ve fought.

Nexilis is the home realm of many people, humans and other creatures alike. Key figures from Nexilis are the Twin Beings Fate and Chance, said to be the children of Destiny itself. Figures that cannot be missed either are of course King Tericius Aumuidel, one of the First Kings that ever was, and Vorkalth the Shaman. The war that waged between them is what shaped this world the most. Tore it apart and left large parts either destroyed or too dangerous to travel.

Whatever exactly happened in this war is unknown, whoever is to blame is up to whom you’d ask. Those who were loyal to King Tericius will blame Vorkalth, while those on the Shaman’s side will tell none of this would have happened if it weren’t for Tericius. We might never know who was right and who was wrong. Then again, is there truly a right and wrong in times of war? What matter is that the once prosperous realm was left in darkness. Even now, millennia later, the realm has not fully recovered. One of the few places that escaped the carnage was the Coven, now home to the Guardians and base of the Sentinels. Being located in the middle of the Wheel, Nexilis is directly connected to all worlds in existence.

Most of Nexilis is shrouded in darkness left behind by the war. Large parts are lifeless, but the realm is not entirely without inhabitants. There are still villages and towns full of live, of people trying to make the best of it all. While the people are wary and hesitant to trust those they do not know, they make allies for life once a bond of trust has been formed.

Key figures

King Tericius

Born under the right star signs, Tericius Aumuidel was meant for greatness. He was destined to become a famous warrior, a great leader, someone who would be remembered throughout history. Tericius had no talent for magic, but he had a great eye for politics and battle. It came as no surprise that the people of Nexilis asked him to be their King. He was commonly known as a strict but fair king, however those who didn’t support him saw him as a tyrant mostly. Early in his reign, Tericius asked his long-time friend Vorkalth to be his advisor and right-hand man. After all, every tactician/politician/king needs a man of the gods skilled in powerful magic at his side. Not to say Tericius wasn’t a man of the gods himself. After all, it was them to put him on his path to glory. It was them to have written his greatness in the stars.

Later in his reign, Tericius grew worried about Vorkalths power. After all, he could easily use it to overthrow him if he wanted to. The two had their quarrels, which eventually lead to Tericius’ death. What happened precisely remains unknown, something only Tericius and Vorkalth know.



Long ago, Vorkalth was a mortal like many others. Yet something about him has always been slightly different. He had a particularly strong connection to the Elements, as well as the Ancient Gods. He would speak of a force he named “Essencia”, the life force flowing through everything and everyone. When someone could utilize this Essencia, they could shape the energy, even the elements around them. He became one of the very first Shamans Nexilis had seen. Vorkalth had been a longtime friend of Tericius, one of the First Kings of Nexilis. He served as his loyal right hand man and advisor, guiding the King in the ways of the Gods.

However, as time passed, Tericius and Vorkalth drifted apart. Whatever precisely happened between the two is unknown. Some claim Vorkalth murdered Tericius, others claim it was merely self-defense. After the king passed, Vorkalth took over the rule of the realm in times of chaos, to be ultimately banished to the Underworld by the First Sentinels. There, Vorkalth waits for his time to rise again.

A key figure in Nexilis not mentioned above, is the Guardian Novus Tarragon. Together with Fate he guards the Veil that keeps all worlds where they belong and ensure there is little to no Bleeding, for this occurrence can have devastating consequences. The Guardians not only guard the Veil, but also their home realm and those directly connected to it. A Guardian can appoint Watchers to keep an eye on the safety of other realms. Guardians decide when and if help is needed in another realm, and if so what type of help is needed. In rare cases of extreme danger the Charms they guard will react on their own, choosing those they consider worthy of defending not only their own realm, but all of the others as well. It is the task of the Guardians to guide these protectors, the Sentinels, on their journey.

Watchers are appointed by the Guardians. They live in realms connected to Nexilis, and they stay in touch with the Coven and the Guardians through Scrying Windows. A Watcher might not live in the realm they originally came from anymore. They are bound to the realm they chose to watch. It is their task to keep an eye on the Veil in that world, mending tears and restoring balance before things get out of hand and Bleeding occurs. When a Watcher notices too great of a disturbance, they contact the Guardians and ask for help. Watchers are among the few people in a world who are aware that everything is a circle and time will repeat over and over again.

Current Society[Update coming soon]
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