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Fandom Pokemon: The Chosen Ones [OOC]

lugia, the one getting shit done

you didnt respond to celebis telepathy to cyan
Andrita Andrita Due to the plot going in a direction differently than I thought it would, I think I'm actually going to have your two chosens, and your grandma spawn in at a village nearby instead or maybe at the Global Pokemon League headquarters where the grandma is helping them out with something.
Come to think of it, i dont think i have a favorite legendary
The Deino line are my favorite pokemon, and those are pseudolegendaries so it kind counts
I mean.. according to his Bulbapedia page Lugia is 476 pounds. 476 POUNDS! Like... it would've been stupid to not have him break the glass. Plus aeroblast is really fucking powerful.
Oh Lugia, breaking shit with powerful air blasts xD
Also SapphireSkylines SapphireSkylines I don't think Graci introduced herself to maverick and Jade yet.
Also does that mean if Giratina smashes the glass in his pokemon form it'll break, apparently it weighs over a thousand pounds xD
Oh Lugia, breaking shit with powerful air blasts xD
Also SapphireSkylines SapphireSkylines I don't think Graci introduced herself to maverick and Jade yet.
Also does that mean if Giratina smashes the glass in his pokemon form it'll break, apparently it weighs over a thousand pounds xD

Yeah probably. I do think we need to slooow down a bit. Because there's still people who haven't posted. And I'll edit my post, I thought they all introduced eachother.
Yeah probably. I do think we need to slooow down a bit. Because there's still people who haven't posted. And I'll edit my post, I thought they all introduced eachother.
Now worries, and yeah we should prob give the others a chance to post. Ace told me they would be posting tomorrow.
I'm gonna reply to all that's happened and then wait to give the others a chance to catch up.
How some legendaries are handling the situation:

Everyone is breaking out left right and center, meanwhile Mia is currently interrogating a bucket
Also StarryKnights StarryKnights Is Giritina going to break out as well or just travel via reflection to Mia's bucket. I think the bucket way might be a lot funnier but sadly, a lot less likely.
Also StarryKnights StarryKnights Is Giritina going to break out as well or just travel via reflection to Mia's bucket. I think the bucket way might be a lot funnier but sadly, a lot less likely.
Oh he's breaking out, the ghost dragon is not happy and the glass bore the brunt of that xD
SapphireSkylines SapphireSkylines
is the area outside of the containment cells big enough for a full sized lugia to fly in or are they stuck on the ground?

The area itself has pretty high ceilings. Slightly higher than the containment cells. However there's a glass wall surrounding the lab that's already partly broken into because of Lugia, and there's a bunch of machines and equipment. Including a machine that just opened and had a Cresselia fall out of it, and those machines filled with liquid and unconscious Pokemon inside.

Not sure if the bucket will be a smart idea. Giratina could potentially break through the ceiling but unfortunately he wouldn't be able to break through the ceiling because the establishment is underground.
The area itself has pretty high ceilings. Slightly higher than the containment cells. However there's a glass wall surrounding the lab that's already partly broken into because of Lugia, and there's a bunch of machines and equipment. Including a machine that just opened and had a Cresselia fall out of it, and those machines filled with liquid and unconscious Pokemon inside.

Not sure if the bucket will be a smart idea. Giratina could potentially break through the ceiling but unfortunately he wouldn't be able to break through the ceiling because the establishment is underground.
I knew the bucket wasn't likely, but is is very funny to imagine Giritina squeezing through a bucket and probably scaring everyone other than Mia in her cell senseless

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