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Fantasy Plenty of time to RP! (Thanks Covid-19) [1x1 Partner search]


A vagabond of the lavish jungles of my mind
Greetings and Salutations.

Welcome to my thread. I'm always searching for potential RP partners, so if the below floats your boat, feel free to PM me or post in this thread.

A little about me:
  • I am relatively new to this website, although I have been an avid writer and roleplayer since my teens.
  • I love writing long descriptive paragraphs that take into account surroundings as well as character development. I usually write a good 3+ paragraphs in a reply, if not more. I consider myself literate, although you can be the judge of that as I am also mildly dyslexic as well as non-native. Your replies do not have to be an essay's length, but they should be well thought out and at least semi-literate. This means no one liners, text speak etc.
  • Gore, check. Violence, check. Strong language, check. Sexual themes (adhearing to site rules), check. My RPs tend to have a darker twist, so most mature topics are welcome if not encouraged. If you have any triggers, please let me know beforehand and I'll be happy to accommodate.
  • +18s only please. Especially if romantic content is involved. I am sorry to say that I do not want to be RPing any romantic scenes with anyone who is underage. This means that all RP characters also need to be above 18 as well
  • I don't mind romance, but I prefer it not to be the main focus of the RP. However, there is no strict limitations to the relationships characters can develop over time. I'm happy with mxf and fxf pairings.
  • I prefer not to write character sheets, I like my characters shrouded in mystery, with their backstory and persona being revealed organically. This also means I don't tend to do face claims preferring to describe them instead (mostly because I struggle finding them).
  • What I don't RP:
    -Fandoms: I prefer RPing my OC rather than someone else's creation
    -Slice of life: C'mon, where is the excitement in that? Aren't we here to get away from normal life?
    -Young RPs: As mentioned before, no under 18 characters as the MC. Side characters are fine.
    -Vampire/werewolf or angel/demon RPs: Be honest, it has been massively overdone. Let's write something original.
My biggest interest at the moment (come to think of it, it is always my biggest interest), is epic fantasy. Think elves, dragons, dwarves, monsters, demons, magic. The whole nine yards. I am fascinated by world building, so I am happy to sit down and spin a magical tale and history of the world the story is going to take place in before we start.
In fact, I prefer it. It is the reason why I don't have any ongoing 'plots'. I much prefer to brainstorm with a partner and come up with a story together. I feel if it is both our 'baby' then both parties are more invested in it. Despite this, if you have a plot in mind, feel free to bring it to the table.

Tha-Tha-Tha-That's all Folks! Thank you for reading!
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I'm down in trying out a fantasy RP. Haven't done a free-versed one like this in a while.

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