Chitchat Personality Test Profile

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Hydrophius (Water Dragon) is a Morphian Morphiped. Repetitive-sounding, huh? Well that just means that it can change shapes, spending most of its time as water itself, with a core at the center, allowing it to change whether it has wings, two legs, or four legs! If you are a Hydrophius, you are a gentle, but powerful, go-with-the-flow kind of person. You watch over from a distance, and spend much time on thoughts and whimsy.

The Grand Bishop

13% Strength, 17% Bloodlust, 32% Intelligence, 47% Spirit, 23% Vitality and 20% Agility!


Grand Bishops often have few skills with weapons and they are probably the least physically powerful of all the classes. However, they are by no means the weakest class. In fact, Grand Bishops utilize some of the most powerful magic in world: the power to control time. By controlling time, Grand Bishops can change and reverse the course of events and defeat opponents that no other class could ever dream of defeating. In fact, Grand Bishops can even alter the time of an object, allowing them to fast forward that object into the future or revert it to a state in the past. As an extension, this can be used as an advanced form of healing, enabling Grand Bishops to restore severed limbs and wounds. Although time may be a powerful ally, it requires a great deal of energy and magic to manipulate, so Grand Bishops use this power sparingly. Instead, they more often use their mastery over light magic and the basic elements to battle their foes. Grand Bishops may be supremely powerful spellcasters, but they most often use their power for good rather than evil. Those who use their power for evil may abuse their power over time and fall into chaos and oblivion.

Congratulations on reaching this high class!

You have not mastered any Hidden Power granted by the Genie

Didn't do the two latter since I've already done them before.
Oddess said:

Hydrophius (Water Dragon) is a Morphian Morphiped. Repetitive-sounding, huh? Well that just means that it can change shapes, spending most of its time as water itself, with a core at the center, allowing it to change whether it has wings, two legs, or four legs! If you are a Hydrophius, you are a gentle, but powerful, go-with-the-flow kind of person. You watch over from a distance, and spend much time on thoughts and whimsy.

The Grand Bishop

13% Strength, 17% Bloodlust, 32% Intelligence, 47% Spirit, 23% Vitality and 20% Agility!


Grand Bishops often have few skills with weapons and they are probably the least physically powerful of all the classes. However, they are by no means the weakest class. In fact, Grand Bishops utilize some of the most powerful magic in world: the power to control time. By controlling time, Grand Bishops can change and reverse the course of events and defeat opponents that no other class could ever dream of defeating. In fact, Grand Bishops can even alter the time of an object, allowing them to fast forward that object into the future or revert it to a state in the past. As an extension, this can be used as an advanced form of healing, enabling Grand Bishops to restore severed limbs and wounds. Although time may be a powerful ally, it requires a great deal of energy and magic to manipulate, so Grand Bishops use this power sparingly. Instead, they more often use their mastery over light magic and the basic elements to battle their foes. Grand Bishops may be supremely powerful spellcasters, but they most often use their power for good rather than evil. Those who use their power for evil may abuse their power over time and fall into chaos and oblivion.

Congratulations on reaching this high class!

You have not mastered any Hidden Power granted by the Genie

Didn't do the two latter since I've already done them before.
Oh my! A Grand Bishop! It's always nice to see a "not evil" result <3. Judging from the percentages, you are a very internally motivated individual! As for the other two, do you remember the results? If you don't want to share, no problem!
[QUOTE="The One Eyed Bandit]Hey! Shadow Hand wasn't evil ;~;

OH REALLY. What's the first word in Shadow Hand?? (> :D )
[QUOTE="White Masquerade]OH REALLY. What's the first word in Shadow Hand?? (> :D )

I have a Shadow following me around all day, and he's a pretty cool guy, I don't see why Shadow Hand would be any different >_>


[QUOTE="The One Eyed Bandit]Although their powers may be dark and seemingly evil, they may not actually be evil themselves. In fact, they are usually just and righteous people despite their ghastly appearance.

[QUOTE="White Masquerade]Oh my! A Grand Bishop! It's always nice to see a "not evil" result <3. Judging from the percentages, you are a very internally motivated individual! As for the other two, do you remember the results? If you don't want to share, no problem!

Oh, I must say I do not remember the last, but as for the third, I got the Ice Dragon. And I must admit that all the answers I got, described my personality pretty much correctly.

Haha, agreed with you there, emphasizing the word individual. I truly am very self-contained and introverted, usually separating myself from others, both physically and in my thoughts. So you could call me a voluntary lone-wolf. *laughing*

Oh sorry I didn't check the personality test correctly. I mistook it for Mensa... LOL

But my mbti -personality type is INFP. It has always been and will always be.

Ahem. I took another look at your percentages (why does everyone forget that?), and....55% BLOODLUST sounds like you picked some pretty selfish answers rofl. Did you let the people in the volcano die? I think you did.

@The One Eyed Bandit

Upon further inspection...I may have been a bit harsh. Yes, One-eyed bandit. Your result and avatar picture makes you look like a criminal. Yes, even your username has the word bandit in it. But if these results are correct, then at heart, you must be a nice person. Despite all evidence against your good nature, I will believe you have one.
Hi white! Haven't seen ya in awhile

Ooh personality tests. I love those when they're done semi-decently!

Though there are always issues with them...

But I guess it would be impossible for there to not be issues, haha.

One thing I'd mention is obvi these results aren't gonna be even 80% accurate probably.

Anyways I'm going to put my results from the last two first-

Because I've done so so so many MBTI tests and I always get INTP.

So, those websites' descriptions of INTP are:

" Blue retrievers are exploratory, analytical and constantly learning. They combine concepts and theories with knowledge and systems to create a cohesive solution. "

" You are one of the Analysts - a rational and impartial individual who enjoys intellectual pursuits and prizes independence. You are known for your impressive knowledge, ability to juggle multiple concepts and insatiable curiosity. Above you will find a brief overview of your personality traits - proceed to the type overview to learn much more about your personality type. Prepare to be impressed. "

Wow, the same as the person above me! What a coinkydink


" Hydrophius (Water Dragon) is a Morphian Morphiped. Repetitive-sounding, huh? Well that just means that it can change shapes, spending most of its time as water itself, with a core at the center, allowing it to change whether it has wings, two legs, or four legs! If you are a Hydrophius, you are a gentle, but powerful, go-with-the-flow kind of person. You watch over from a distance, and spend much time on thoughts and whimsy. "

For this one, I didn't do everything. I ended up choosing the "end quest" options.

" 13% Strength, 30% Bloodlust, 22% Intelligence, 18% Spirit, 18% Vitality and 37% Agility! "


" You are the Assassin, a ferocious and cunning warrior focused on silent killing techniques and deadly traps. As one of the stealthiest and most feared classes, you have no trouble taking down multiple opponents in the blink of an eye. When someone needs to be eliminated or killed off, people hire you because you do it so well (and you might just enjoy it a little). You know just how cruel and difficult this world can be, so if you need to survive by killing others, so be it. Most of the time, you're probably eliminating some nasty villains who don't really even deserve to live, so all the better. While you are quite strong, you have not fully mastered all your skills. To reach the higher classes you must improve both your agility as well as your killing techniques. "

" Continuing to hone your skills with dark magic, destruction, and death will lead you to.. (etc, it goes on about the other classes) "

" 0% Fire, 0% Water, 0% Earth, 100% Air, and 0% Lightning! "


" Wind Dragons are very intelligent and place strong emphasis on intellectual pursuits. When thinking and creating ideas, these dragons take a very objective approach and may at times seem a bit emotionally detached. Because of their strong objective nature, Wind Dragons can communicate and express ideas with mental agility; however, with so many theories, thoughts, and ideas running through their heads, Wind Dragons sometimes have trouble getting things done and staying grounded in reality. In fact, Wind Dragons are dreamers, constantly thinking but not always following through as well as others. This idealistic and impractical side of their personality is balanced by their rational and logical nature, allowing them to analyze situations fully and plan carefully before they take any sort of action. While Wind Dragons may ponder and vacillate, they rarely make foolish mistakes. Detached and not overly emotional, these dragons are almost always objective and fair-minded. They are people-oriented but often more inclined toward the group than the individual. "
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Heya Ghost! Nice to see you again! I am sad. You didn't take all of it? It looks like you were gonna end up with some crazy evil result though...but. Thanks for trying it haha. Ill throw you in the evil bin. Let me be psychic for a sec. Do you do any sports? Are you into sports?


INFP. Hm! I can see it. Did you have Makise diagnose you already? I saw that bolded word; individualistic. Let me be psychic for a second with you too. Are there any world issues you feel strongly about?
White Masquerade] [URL=" said:
Ahem. I took another look at your percentages (why does everyone forget that?), and....55% BLOODLUST sounds like you picked some pretty selfish answers rofl. Did you let the people in the volcano die? I think you did.

@The One Eyed Bandit

Upon further inspection...I may have been a bit harsh. Yes, One-eyed bandit. Your result and avatar picture makes you look like a criminal. Yes, even your username has the word bandit in it. But if these results are correct, then at heart, you must be a nice person. Despite all evidence against your good nature, I will believe you have one.
Good... Good... I am once again an ally of JUSTICE!

i gotta take that test again with some alternate answers tho >_>
@White Masquerade

Yeah, INFP-description is truly the perfect way to describe my personality.

I know nothing about getting a diagnose from Makise. But I'm sure I've got a Makise Kurisu -syndrome. LOL

I've done the test for the first time years ago, and posted the result today to Makise Kurisu (this time I'm talking about the user here) ´s thread about MBTI-personalities.

And about world issues? A honest opinion? Probably the threat of America and Russia, which is strongly affecting my country (Finland) by wandering above our heads. I wouldn't want to see those two mighty powers get involved in a nuclear war.

And then the lie-version: Nah, I'm too cool to care about the problems on mother earth.
B^) in that case it's better I didn't do all of the test, so you can think I'm at least semi-normal!


I guess it depends! Watching other people play sports is incredibly boring.

If I'm playing then it depends on the sport and who I'm playing with too.

My feelings about playing sports in general is....... I don't care about sports?

And since I consider sports and exercise to be very connected-

Exercise I feel negatively about. I'd prefer if I didn't have to do it.
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Lol. I'm too cool to care bout' problems too! *high-fives*. About the USA-Russia issue, don't worry. I'll tell my President to mellow out and take a long vacation. I got your back.


I see. I see. My psychic mind wants me to follow up. So you do exercise/physical activity, you just don't care for it? Be honest with me Goats. I know when you lie.

@The One Eyed Bandit

Beast Tamer Class? xD
Hydrophius (Water Dragon) is a Morphian Morphiped. Repetitive-sounding, huh? Well that just means that it can change shapes, spending most of its time as water itself, with a core at the center, allowing it to change whether it has wings, two legs, or four legs! If you are a Hydrophius, you are a gentle, but powerful, go-with-the-flow kind of person. You watch over from a distance, and spend much time on thoughts and whimsy.

The Silver Hand is both a martial arts expert and a master of light and moon magic. Specifically Silver Hands either use their magic to launch blasts of powerful light based energy from their fists, or they use it to heal and restore life. With the ability to cure any illness or disease, Silver Hands are often viewed as gods to those around them, and as one of the most pure and benevolent classes, Silver Hands almost solely walk the path of good rather than evil. However, because of their proficiency with life and moon magic, it is not uncommon for them to occassionally use their powers for the side of darkness. Indeed, just as they can give life, they can also drain it and absorb it as their own thus becoming even more powerful. By absorbing another's life energy they are literally absorbing their power, spirit, and will and are able to use it to enhance their own power. Furthermore, their moon magic gives Silver Hands powers of transformation and transmutation, which they can use to morph themselves and others from humans into ghastly creatures of darkness and divine creatures of light.

Congratulations on reaching this high class!

50% Fire, 50% Water

You are the Steam Dragon, combining the elements of Fire and Water!

Steam Dragons have personality elements of both the Fire Dragons and the Water Dragons. Like the Fire Dragons, the assertive, generous, and fun-loving Steam Dragons seem to project a radiant, vitalizing energy that glows with warmth and exuberance, energizing the people around them. Like the Water Dragons, the empathetic Steam Dragons are nurturing, intuitive, and intensely attuned to their feelings. Steam Dragons have a general tendency to express everything emotionally, excitedly, and rather impulsively, and there is sometimes a lack of logical, systematic thought and procedure, with a resulting restlessness and subjective bias. In fact, Steam Dragons are rarely objective and will most often rely on their instincts, gut-feelings, and passion to make decisions, and these dragons are suprisingly accurate in their judgments. Because these dragons put so much passion and effort into their work, they often have a need to be recognized, admired, and appreciated for their achievements and accomplishments. Steam Dragons who don't receive this appreciation are genuinely hurt, and they are prone to falling into a state of deep sadness. To recover from this, the normally extroverted Steam Dragons will often withdraw and spend time alone or with close friends. During this time, they may release any negative feelings by having deep emotional conversations or by expressing themselves through writing, dance, or some form of exercise. Although Steam Dragons are prone to these emotional extremes and intense feelings, their greatest asset is that they function well in high-pressure states, and they do best their best work when being challenged.

Your direct opposites are the Dust Dragon and the Lightning Dragon.

already did this last one lol. (INFJ)
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Woah, wow, wow, woah! Agatha! *Hugs* I..I..I think we're siblings..? This is too crazy...tell me, what's your favorite color and food?

(Omg! Steam Dragon and "not evil" character!? Omg! Omg! Agatha! It sounds like we would really get along!)

(No offense to everyone else LOL)
( :o ) don't mean that..think of all the good times! Yes! Chef! Remember the good times!
White Masquerade] [URL=" said:
Woah, wow, wow, woah! Agatha! *Hugs* I..I..I think we're siblings..? This is too crazy...tell me, what's your favorite color and food?

(Omg! Steam Dragon and "not evil" character!? Omg! Omg! Agatha! It sounds like we would really get along!)

(No offense to everyone else LOL)
Lol sorry I had to do some important profile business. You'll see soon. Orange and frosted animal crackers....

edit: profile business done.

Such suspense, could I have a long-lost sibling?

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