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Fandom Persona 6 (OOC)

simj26 simj26
You can have satou be a friend of Reis from middle school or childhood if you want. She is one of the few that aren't transfers so that could work.
simj26 simj26
Same with Teika. They could have gone to middle school together, though I doubt they would be friends starting off since he has been labeled as a delinquent and there are plenty of rumors surrounding him being one. Though, before all the incidents leading to that, they could have been friends, maybe.

Edit: I meant that Teika is the same as Reis because he didn't transfer. I realized the above might not have made sense.
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Oh my God the intensity of this scene is so amazing I am so pumped with this RP
- Currently stands fist pumping and squeeing like a fan girl-
#✊ ##Persona!!!!!
So Teika is the loner type?
Even then all three of our chars could still know of each other and could have even interacted in middle school etc. I'll pm you for more clarification since I don't wanna ruin my chars side story.
Refaulted Refaulted
simj26 simj26
So Teika is the loner type?
Even then all three of our chars could still know of each other and could have even interacted in middle school etc. I'll pm you for more clarification since I don't wanna ruin my chars side story.
Refaulted Refaulted
simj26 simj26
Yeah, pretty much the loner type after the incidents that are mentioned in his CS. Before then, he was rather social, and was involved with a lot of sports.
though I doubt they would be friends starting off since he has been labeled as a delinquent and there are plenty of rumors surrounding him being one.
Satou has this thing, where she really doesn't care what a person is labelled by others. She just cares how they are to her personally. They could still be friends.
Hell, par the course for Magician Arcana, she may have had a crush on him before, and her love was kinda left unrequited, one of the many things that led to her being the lazy, uninspired gal she is now.
Satou has this thing, where she really doesn't care what a person is labelled by others. She just cares how they are to her personally. They could still be friends.
Hell, par the course for Magician Arcana, she may have had a crush on him before, and her love was kinda left unrequited, one of the many things that led to her being the lazy, uninspired gal she is now.
It may be possible. So they can be friends early in middle school with Satou maybe having a crush on him, but after all the events that happen, he becomes really distant and whatnot and pushes her away? I dunno.

I am sensing a Teika/Satou story Arc o.o
I'm down for it.
Mkay my history section is incomplete, kinda like a rough draft right now. I'm gonna refine and edit it later.

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