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Fandom Persona 6 (OOC)

Is this RP still open? It seems that things are still in a tight spot to squeeze into for now. I can wait for a later time, that is.
Hey BeastofMyth22 BeastofMyth22
Can you describe the importance of the game board is that the theme for our persona?
I just want to make sure that I'm correct in it's understanding.

Like in persona 3 they shot themselves in the head to release it.
And in five it was centered around thieves and had to rip masks off to get them.

What is our premise for actually getting ours?
I thought of a couple things game board related if they are cool let me know.

1. Dice appear when char needs their persona the first time and they roll/throw it calling out "persona"
The dice then glows and lands on the side of the chars arcana.

2. A row of cards appears and char reaches out taking one before yelling "persona" then throwing it to the ground the face of the card displaying the arcana.

If you can think of any others or if you knew the way we would activate them I would appreciate it. TY

Those are good ideas, as far the game board goes, it serves as the way to claim your persona,earlier on in the roleplay. Ace,Romeria,and Makoto all claimed their persona through their first interaction with the board. Ace found it and they attempted to play,resulting in the game knocking them unconscious and their Persona's coming to them in their sleep. AS fro Reis and Ian ( and whoever else joins. when they meet up with Ace,the owner of the board. their will be a game piece of them in the game,the next time the group opens it.

The game board will also serve as map of progress.as we go through and clear our first area(don't want to say what it is cause of spoilers) the piece will move along the board. As we go though the board an reach the end. The board will change reflecting a new place we have to go in the city to clear the demon epidemic. Shinoharu will also have a role after this first encounter. Trust me, shit is about to get crazy.

Personas - I wanted to take things a little bit of a different front, at least for mine,you guys can do as you wish. I wanted each persona top kind of have its own personality. kind of like a Yami/Yugi relationship if you ever seen Yu-Gi-Oh!

As far as summoning persona goes I haven't really thought about it to be honest, but throwing the dice could work.

VeiledPariah VeiledPariah
redroseknight redroseknight
ThatGuyWithSouvlaki ThatGuyWithSouvlaki
Have You Ever Tasted Sand Have You Ever Tasted Sand
Expect a character from me tonight. Although if it seems a bad place I'm fine why waiting awhile to come in at a good time.
Quite at a loss for Satou's background. Are the characters connected in some way or another?

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