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Fantasy .๐Ÿ‡ฑ๐Ÿ‡ช๐Ÿ‡ฆ๐Ÿ‡ท๐Ÿ‡ณ๐Ÿ‡ฎ๐Ÿ‡ณ๐Ÿ‡ฌ ๐Ÿ‡ฌ๐Ÿ‡ท๐Ÿ‡ช๐Ÿ‡ช๐Ÿ‡ฐ. [out of character]

i thought so! and not to worry, i completely understood ! just didn't know if you wanted to make any relations prior to their meeting now since they were both in the moral realm - thought, not sure in the same country, city, etc. etc. etc.
Sorry I edited my previous post cause I hit reply on accident. Yes a relationship would be fun!
Sorry I edited my previous post cause I hit reply on accident. Yes a relationship would be fun!
honestly. . . . i do the exact same thing!

i . . . your. . . PAHAHAHA. your example. i'm cackling. . . . oh my god. i need to use that.

let's see. . . since Ares is familiar with the strife that Eris craves . . them meeting sometime in the mortal realm could be a thing? [ i was going to suggest like maybe some sort of event in olympus but. . . i don't think Ares has been back since now , so i think the only thing that fits is them meeting in the mortal realm prior to IC? ]
- so in my Eris' post her saying "Well, I see you haven't changed a bit, Ares. Always going for the weapons than a simple 'hello'" or something like that , pfft.

but ! as for future relations, i think , them butting heads could be fun in terms of them bickering? but it's not one of those "i hate you" type of vibe but because they're similar in intimidation and loneliness, it's kinda like "you're in my bubble, there's only room for one of us"? but it's also one of those "i can be real with you" and "i'd fuck with you" because they also get along really well when they put their mind to it? challenging each other? i think? i can def. see her being his friend for sure , kinda a go-to person maybe?
- and also. . . them influencing each other sounds like a huge volcanic eruption . . so with Ares' Frenzy and Eris' Dysfunction, big ol' o o f s !
honestly. . . . i do the exact same thing!

i . . . your. . . PAHAHAHA. your example. i'm cackling. . . . oh my god. i need to use that.

let's see. . . since Ares is familiar with the strife that Eris craves . . them meeting sometime in the mortal realm could be a thing? [ i was going to suggest like maybe some sort of event in olympus but. . . i don't think Ares has been back since now , so i think the only thing that fits is them meeting in the mortal realm prior to IC? ]
- so in my Eris' post her saying "Well, I see you haven't changed a bit, Ares. Always going for the weapons than a simple 'hello'" or something like that , pfft.

but ! as for future relations, i think , them butting heads could be fun in terms of them bickering? but it's not one of those "i hate you" type of vibe but because they're similar in intimidation and loneliness, it's kinda like "you're in my bubble, there's only room for one of us"? but it's also one of those "i can be real with you" and "i'd fuck with you" because they also get along really well when they put their mind to it? challenging each other? i think? i can def. see her being his friend for sure , kinda a go-to person maybe?
- and also. . . them influencing each other sounds like a huge volcanic eruption . . so with Ares' Frenzy and Eris' Dysfunction, big ol' o o f s !
Meeting in the mortal realm by happenstance sounds like a good way to have them already acquainted. Good ideas!
hello darlings!
Dictionaddiction Dictionaddiction , FireMaiden FireMaiden , User User ; i most likely won't be able to post anytime soon !
i have to finish these two cses as well as work on some assignments for class, so you lovelies are free to move the scene if you guys like and don't have to wait on me !

am a bit under the weather so it'll take me some time to function pfft.
Hello!~ I figure I would introduce myself before I go and seeing if my bio gets approved so uh, hiya everyone its super nice to meet you all
Hi! Saw the second interest check and am thinking I wanna give this another try.

A few questions though:

  1. I want to make a character based off of Pheme, the personification of fame and goddess of fame and rumor. But I have no idea what kinds of powers I would give her? Like I have an idea to give her a currently uncontrolled power to be able to announce something loud enough for everyone within a certain distances to hear clearly at the cost of temporarily having fried vocal chords. But I have no idea what else I could do. Pheme is of course usually portrayed with wings, but is that a power?? I read through both the Eros and Nemesis sheets and neither of them seem to treat wings like a power as far as I read. So Iโ€™m lost, help.
2. Can you give me some advice on finding a realistic faceclaim? Iโ€™ve never really found one before and I may need a little help.

3. Do you mind if the sheet takes a little time? I assume not, but I would rather make sure now than face your wrath while tangling with bbcode templates later.
Hi! Saw the second interest check and am thinking I wanna give this another try.

A few questions though:

  1. I want to make a character based off of Pheme, the personification of fame and goddess of fame and rumor. But I have no idea what kinds of powers I would give her? Like I have an idea to give her a currently uncontrolled power to be able to announce something loud enough for everyone within a certain distances to hear clearly at the cost of temporarily having fried vocal chords. But I have no idea what else I could do. Pheme is of course usually portrayed with wings, but is that a power?? I read through both the Eros and Nemesis sheets and neither of them seem to treat wings like a power as far as I read. So Iโ€™m lost, help.
2. Can you give me some advice on finding a realistic faceclaim? Iโ€™ve never really found one before and I may need a little help.

3. Do you mind if the sheet takes a little time? I assume not, but I would rather make sure now than face your wrath while tangling with bbcode templates later.

Unfortunately, I have no ideas as far as another power, and yes, I discussed with Nemesis and Thanatos's players that the wings were more of a physiology thing. Perhaps try the Superpower Wiki? Sometimes that helps!

As for realistic face claims, there are plenty of lists on tumblr and such that help - or you can try Googling, for example, "brunette actresses under 25" which has given me a lot of help in the past!

My wrath only comes out if you're a jerk, I swear. I haven't set a date yet, so you're fine on that front, and coding doesn't matter to me! If you don't want to have coding, that's a-okay!
and coding doesn't matter to me! If you don't want to have coding, that's a-okay!
but it matters to me

i will sink into the ground of self consciousness if I donโ€™t at least try to code a little
FoolsErin FoolsErin Sir Mayday Sir Mayday Just checking to see if you two are still interested! It's been a while since you expressed your initial interest! c:

tentacles tentacles I realized I totally forgot to ask if you had Discord - I'm so sorry! :c If you don't, don't worry about joining the server - if you do, feel free to join! :D I'll be reading yours and the other new sheets today! ^^

Edit: I'll change my cookie to a heart once the backstory's finished! c:
Last edited:
FoolsErin FoolsErin Sir Mayday Sir Mayday Just checking to see if you two are still interested! It's been a while since you expressed your initial interest! c:

tentacles tentacles I realized I totally forgot to ask if you had Discord - I'm so sorry! :c If you don't, don't worry about joining the server - if you do, feel free to join! :D I'll be reading yours and the other new sheets today! ^^

Edit: I'll change my cookie to a heart once the backstory's finished! c:
Yea! Still am interested, in fact just yesterday I was looking around for faceclaims for another roleplay and noted a few down for this roleplay as well. The Discord link in the pm you sent me expired.
Yea! Still am interested, in fact just yesterday I was looking around for faceclaims for another roleplay and noted a few down for this roleplay as well. The Discord link in the pm you sent me expired.

Did it really? >.>

Lemme go fix that-

Edit: It says it's fine? Unless you were the hhhhhyyyyy person who joined and I had no idea who you were and they never talked so I kicked-
FoolsErin FoolsErin Sir Mayday Sir Mayday Just checking to see if you two are still interested! It's been a while since you expressed your initial interest! c:

tentacles tentacles I realized I totally forgot to ask if you had Discord - I'm so sorry! :c If you don't, don't worry about joining the server - if you do, feel free to join! :D I'll be reading yours and the other new sheets today! ^^

Edit: I'll change my cookie to a heart once the backstory's finished! c:
I donโ€™t really like discord, unfortunately, but thank you! and I did my backstory, was just a little confused on how to do it haha :)
I donโ€™t really like discord, unfortunately, but thank you! and I did my backstory, was just a little confused on how to do it haha :)

It's no problem, it is a little confusing! I only ask that you change the Zeus part, at the very least, since he's a character in this roleplay and that's a little weird. xD

Basically we're pretending that most of the family connections don't actually exist and putting the gods in a completely different universe c:

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