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Fantasy Orias - OOC

Yeah, I figured as much. I've got maybe a couple more good posts in mind, but after that, I suggest we wait a bit or figure something else to do.
Yeah. Though, one of my friends irl is supposed to join the RP soon, but who knows how that will be. I don't even know how good his actual style is.

I have a side character Drayko that tends to get Sear riled up in some way, so I could introduce him early or something.

Let's just hope we can move forward soon.
Arcanimus Arcanimus , I'm sorry to announce this so suddenly but I'll be going on a college-related trip starting tomorrow and I will not be able to post during the following week. I should be back to regular posting frequency by monday.
Arcanimus Arcanimus First of all, I'd like to apologize (again) for the rather long silence on my part.
I'm afraid I won't be able to continue playing here. The RP I'm administrating is taking a bit too much of my attention and just can't seem to spare time to focus on this the way I should. All being said, I did enjoy my time here and I hope your story turns out as awesome as it was playing it for me.
See you around.
CapRock CapRock .
It's okay I understand, I'm sad to see you leave the RP but I u understand your need to.
I hope to work with you in the future sometime, it has been fun while you were here.

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