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Fantasy Orias- CS



(Quote if you have one)
Basic Information:

Personality: (Whatever you know, I get figuring that out in an RP as you go)
Appearance: (Height, skin tone, wing color(if applicable), hair color, ect.)
Age: (You'll meet characters that are over 200 years old, supernatural species are technically immortal age wise but can still be killed physically, though they have an immunity to disease)

(Relations- Family, partners, ect. Not a required section)

Backstory: (Doesn't have to be excessively long, but it can be as long as you'd like)

Theme song:
Quirks: (Ex. Dances while washing dishes- the cute quirks we might not get to see except in certain circumstances, basically anything.)
Extra: (Anything I didn't mention that you want to add)


"I didn't chose to be the beast I am today. I have soul eaters to thank for that."

Basic Information:




Curious, Animalistic, doesnt understand somethings such as personal space, doesn't understand that somethings are socially unacceptable


Height- Formerly 5'8 but since transformation she sits at 15 feet from head to tip of tail

Skin tone-
Waist up a light tan
waist down a deep purple with turquoise green underbelly

Hair color-


Age: 115

Vezira wasn't always the way she is know. being born a normal Mani and leaving her childhood that way. It wasn't till she hit the age of 110 that everything changed. Her downfall came in the form of a soul eater with a burning hate for the Aves and Chiroptera. For reason unknown the soul eater chose her for his plans. Kidnapping her so he could work in piece. After days of tampering with her strings and inner being the soul eater had done what he planned to do. He had managed to turn Vezira into a monster. made to hunt the Aves and Chiroptera. Turning her lower half into that of a snake before severing her morphing string, Tampering with her to where she would hunger only for the flyers and hunt them for food. In addition he instilled in her predatory instincts, making her more vicious hunter than sentient being but still keeping her sens of who she is, what she was, and how to be sentient.

Theme song:

Cuddling people she conciders a friend
sleeping coiled around someone else (if said person is considered a friend)

During the tampering of her soul strings Vezira's eyesight was unintentionally tampered with. Changing her eyes to where they where amazing for night time or underground but where overly sensitive to the light to the point that she must wear a special head piece that covers her eyes protecting them from the light therefore leaving her to rely on her other senses. The most special of which is the ability to sense vibrations in the air and ground and know where they are originating from.​
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"Hybrid, Mongrel, Scum call me what you wish while you still have a tongue."
Basic Information:

Gender: Female

Species: Soul Eater/ Elemental

Allegiance/Clan: Rebellion (still wears Dark Army badge)

Personality: Manipulative, and overly flirtatious. She tends to try to act overly confident and sarcastic to cover up her inner flaws.

Appearance: 6'4, curvy, long hair with the shaved section above right ear going around her head and gradually descending in size at the rear. Her eyes are a sharp golden color, and her skin tone is olive.

Age: 224

Family: Were mortal and are now deceased
Mate: Deceased (Killed by LoD)

In summary: As a mortal, she was a slave and was rescued by the Lord of Energeia from the market. They fell in love and later became partners, at the time her name was Tera and she didn't know he was the LoE. He was later killed by the power-hungry LoD for trying to get in his way, the LoD then captured her and began splicing her soul- a lot. It brought her far from her old mortal self, giving her the ability to control her body heat at will to extreme highs and lows. She was then integrated into the Dark Army and rose to the rank of Elite # 3, unable to even hope to be stronger than Mask or Shame.

Theme song:

Quirks: If she knows the song she will dance to it.
Extra: She also owns several bars in the Mortal Realm under the name of the Dark Army.
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"As a Soul Eater, I've come to accept the fact that it's a lot easier getting people to hate you than to love you."

Basic Information:

Gender: Female
Species: Soul Eater
Allegiance/Clan: Rebellion
Age: 436 Years Old

Personality: Gloxinia has a very calm, passive, and seemingly apathetic attitude. Along with her unassertive demeanor, she always seems to be "highly motivated to do nothing", and rarely ever exerts energy on anything unless absolutely necessary; thus coming off as lazy and slothful.

Because of her bearing, Gloxinia talks little and seldom shouts or gets angry, though she does get irritated rather often. Her smiles are infrequent and she has almost never been seen laughing. On the other hand, she is incredibly wise and sagely, unbelievably good at giving advice to those who ask for it, and seems to be able to always find a solution to any problem if she gives it enough thought. In addition, it is unusual for her to be interested in something to the point where when she genuinely want to do something of her own account, her younger brother becomes extremely concerned and believes her to be sick.

Despite Gloxinia's indolent manner, she highly appreciates praise, and has a tendency of exerting plenty more effort than what she would typically when given positive feedback. She shows a soft side towards those she considers to be friends and family, exhibiting a kinder, more loyal and caring part of herself regarding those few, precious people in her life, and possesses a firm sense of maturity and shrewdness as well as a strong moral compass.

Appearance: Standing at the modest height of 162cm (5'4") and weighing about 53kg (117lbs), Gloxinia possesses the spitting image of a young girl, though her eyes, the shade of an abyss-like, pitch black color, break the illusion, hinting at her heritage as a Soul Eater. She has long, lustrous red hair that cascades down her shoulders, a cool and fair skin tone, as well an odd mark tattooed onto her right collarbone. "A reminder," she would say to those who asked about her ink.

• Gerheade - Mother, Soul Eater, Deceased
• Helbram - Father, Soul Eater, Deceased
• Harlequin - Younger Brother, Soul Eater, Alive

Backstory: A long, long time ago, Gloxinia had led a peaceful life with her parents, Gerheade and Helbram, and her younger brother, Harlequin. They lived in tranquility, in happiness. Her parents had taught her to be a smart and moral woman, capable of wielding her powers as a Soul Eater in an intelligent, useful way. They didn't want her to become like most Soul Eaters --brutal, cruel and ruthless-- and drag their name into the mud, but they didn't want her to think in the stark terms of the dichotomy of good or evil either. They wanted her to understand the difference between right and right. To know about duty, honour, and doing what's right, even when it isn't easy, but most importantly, that the ends don't justify the means. But alas, they never lived long enough to see if their wishes for her had been fulfilled.

Their parents had died, both of them, leaving their children alone to fend for themselves. Of course, Gloxinia had been heartbroken at their untimely demise --who wouldn't be after having your parents die all at once, without even knowing the cause behind it?-- and even considered chasing after the truth behind their passing, but she had a duty. And that duty was to take care of her brother, who had only been a toddler at the time. So, with steel in her heart, she absorbed both of their souls before setting off with her younger brother, Harlequin, tucked safely in her arms, intent on protecting him.

From then on. Gloxinia raised him as their parents would have done. She took care of him to the best of her ability as his older sister. She taught him all he needed to know as his teacher. And the two of them survived together. As of now, centuries after that fateful day, the two of them were seperated. Their paths had divided many years ago, but no matter where they were, they knew that they were still family, and promised to stay in touch with each other.


Theme Song: Gloxinia's Lietmotif
Quirks: Gloxinia has this habit of sticking out her tongue when concentrating on something. Usually when she's reading a particularly interesting book.
Extra: While Gloxinia isn't ready for a romance and all it's implications at the moment, she is open to a relationship with all genders and species.

Shadar Logoth
"All things are revealed in due time."

Basic Information:

Gender: Male

Species: Energeia (Time)

Allegiance/Clan: None

Personality: Shadar has lived life as a hermit. He doesnt really know how to interact with others and it shows. To make matters worse he is not bound by moral compass or humanity. Many would view him as an unstable being who seems to act on a whim.

Appearance: Shadar is rather Tall standing at 6ft 11in and has broad shoulders paired with an athletic build. He wears gold plated bracers and carries a gold plated glaive with him. He is adorned with gold paint and wears fine silks from ages past. He has no hair but by far his most striking features are his golden glowing eyes.

Relations- N/A

Backstory: Long ago Shadar Discovered his abilities as a young man. That is when The energiea of time was born. If asked about the time before he will always state that it was irrelevant. His history is strange and diverse. From others perspectives he is a hermit whose tower arose overnight and has yet to do anything. From his perspective he has lived hundreds of lifetimes with hundreds of different outcomes and results. He and many other of himself errected the tower over the course of ten years, yet to the rest of the world it miraculously appeared one night over 100 years ago. Those who have managed the courage to enter the tower find it filled with many floors of tomes and scrolls containing history, present events, and prophecies of possible futures. So many rows and so many possibilities that it would drive a common man mad. Yet it is rumored that atop the tower dwells one who holds the secret to immortality, and much more.
Other: dont believe all that you hear.
Theme song:
Quirks: Has a habit of staring...unblinkingly at whoever is talking...its a bit unnerving.
0812bf3520ed92fef6cf07b8f6beddeb.jpgthe tower: The structure itself is seven stories tall. It possesses a very large clock the never seems to change. Those who make it inside find that it has much more room than it should. The first floor is a floor to ceiling library that seems to extend forever. None have made it beyond this point.​
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"We are the choices we make. Not out blood, not our name, not even our scars. I can only live with myself because I believe in that."
Basic Information:

Gender: Male
Species: Chiropteran
Allegiance/Clan: Thielor (renegade)
Appearance: 1,75 (5'9"), pale white, very dark blue hair and wings, bright blue eyes (will add a drawing of Scelus later)
Age: 30
Relations - Born from a whore with an unknown father, abandoned at age 2.

Scelus is a troubled person that likes to hide under the guise of an innocent smile. He'll act calm and friendly towards others but won't mention much about himself unless specifically asked by someone about it. He is of a kind heart and is much more likely to help a being in need than to take advantage of others to further his own goals. Also a somewhat curious person who enjoys listening to experienced people and their philosophies. He'll alternate most often between good-humored and quiet, but under the right triggers (such as lots of blood and violence or a particularly heinous act) he'll go mad, becoming reckless, merciless and sadistic until he can restrain himself again.

The Thielor have a very specific ritual to punish the most heinous crimes. They believe that those who commit murder, treason or heresy have their heart corrupted by evil and serve no more purpose in life other than to try and corrupt others in their way of sin. The only answer to such a threat is to perform the Execution, in which their bodies are gruesomely quartered and then burned in front of a massive crowd to show all of those tempted to do evil that this is the only outcome possible to this path. It is believed to be the only way to prevent temptation from ruining their society.

The role of executioner is a lifelong burden. The chosen must be a child of a pure and kind heart because only those with a strong sense of good can withstand the horrors of taking other lives time and again without being seduced by evil. Though he was just a simple orphan, Scelus displayed these qualities since a very early age and was given the title of executioner and the Ritual Scythe once he reached 12.

For many years, that was what Scelus did. He "purged" hundreds of lives during his work, suffering deeply each time the blood in his hands grew. He would spend entire nights sleepless, burst into tears at the sight of blood and raw meat and even tremble violently every time that damned scythe was near him, but he endured all of it until it didn't hurt him anymore. That marked the beginning of the end for Scelon.

You see, it is expected that most executioners eventually grow numb for the pain and suffering they've caused, but it has to stop there... Or else. But that wasn't the case with Scelus. Much to his terror, he started to realize that a part of him didn't despise the ritual; on the contrary, it started to enjoy the pleads for mercy and squeals of pain coming from his victims. He didn't tremble in fear of his scythe, he trembled in excitement to kill more.

This became too much for Scelus to bear. He knew the evil on him would only grow if he remained with his role, so he decided to flee his home and wander the world, seeking to understand and control his darker side before it could spiral out of control. He was already far gone when he realized he took the scythe with him without even noticing. Though Scelus still hated the weapon, he was also incapable of letting it go. Hopefully, he'd never have to taint it with the blood of others again.

Scelus's weapon is the Ritual Scythe, which is made of a metal from the Barren realm that is nearly indestructible and is always perfectly sharpened. It is said to be able to cut the strings of the evil and corrupt with its slashes, freeing their soul from harmful manipulations and slaying those of vile heart, though whether it can actually do it or it is just a myth is debatable and Scelus hasn't been able to use it as more than a blade so far in his life. (I'll add a drawing for this as well)

Theme song:

Gets terribly sick when he sees raw meat, though he'll eat any steak as long as it's well-done.
Likes children and spends time with them whenever possible; he loves scaring them with spooky stories.
Dislikes hot places and will sometimes go shirtless in inappropriate places.

Scelus is a bastard's name in the Thielor clan, meaning "One that is born from sin". This is the first time a Scelus has been chosen for the role of executioner, and will probably never happen again given the outcome.
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"It is the past who makes us and destroy us"

Basic Information:

Allegiance/Clan: Enenrgia and Rebellion
Personality:somewhat antisocial and keeps to herself, has too much hope still even being in the dark army, unable to stand mortals who think they're from punishment, she is willing to make sacrifices for her past and does not like people know of it along with Sear’s past but she does not let Sear know,
Appearance: 5 foot 6, pale skin tone, deep gray hair with white dyed highlights, light blue ocean eye color.
Age: 220

Backstory: Elara being the second in command to Alex who was the Lord of the Enenrgias, the role of organizing the Last Enenrgia Reserve when his untimely death happened. Refusing to talk to anyone about it she handles her responsibility until she meets the mortal Alex had told her about Sear. Knowing only little information on Sear, Elara has someone to share her past with and try to open up but she is very unsure about Sear.

Theme song:
Quirks: Hums to herself to calm down, like to dance as a way to relax​
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Ishwar Ghurapure
"Serve and obey."​

Basic Information:

Gender: Male
Species: Human
Allegiance/Clan: Kingdom of Goswaistan
Personality: Pros: Benevolent, Charismatic Cons: Brutal, Cruel

Age: 29

Zalim Ghurapure- Son
Venkata Adwani- Step-brother
Shambhavi Ghurapure- Wife

He's brave, witty and skillful. But what'd you expect from somebody with his dreadful past.

He was born and grew up in a royal family in an important capital, he lived happily until he was about 7 years old, but at that point everything changed.

He maimed somebody during a fight which got out of control and was rejected by all. Together with a companion he had to survive in a corrupt world. But with his capability and vigor, he managed to battle the elements and survive everything. This has turned him into the man he is today.

While haunted by memories of the past, he now works as help for hire. By doing so, he hopes to find vengeance for the actions in the past and finally find happiness he has never had.

Other: Nope.
Theme song:
Quirks: Was known for his aggressive behavior and to expand the Kingdom to it's former glory.
"As the darkness comes, I can only stand strong in the belief of my free mind."
Basic Information:


Soul Eater/ Energeia

Dark Army (Rebellion)

Snarky, spiky outer shell, becomes almost playful with close friends "Yay!"

Pale skin tone, long black hair with red tips. Dark red eyes. Muscular physique. 6'0


Family: Deceased
Friends: Mask & Sear
Love Interest: Abandoned her after she gave the rest of her soul to the LoD

She grew up in a rather loving clan in the Barren Realms, that because of their non-warring attitude considered 100's to be equal to being a teen, so Shame refers to her turning as when she was a child even though she was 113. She was exploring the forest after there had been a strange occurrence, and it had piqued her interest; she was discovered by a soldier of the LoD who brought her to him because he was in the desperate stage of recruitment. He then split the soul that was already a Soul Eater soul and gave her the half of the former LoE's soul that controlled; time, darkness, hallucinations, and death. Scared, she ran back to her camp after it had been done in hopes of finding solace in her mother's arms. Instead, she found those she loved dropping dead around her as everything died from the wide aura emanating from her, the worse she felt the wider it spread and soon she was collapsed in the middle of the camp crying with silence around her. She then was brought into the LoD's ranks and rose to be second Elite under Mask, of whom she trained with. She learned to control her deathly aura and now she can even allow some to be immune entirely.

Theme song:

Quirks: Tends to play down her power, and acts somewhat childish to ease the tension in new recruits

Extra: Her position in the Dark Army is Torturer of the Mind
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" Nothing is truly ever as it seems, is it?"
Basic Information:

Gender: Female

Species: Soul Eater/ Energeia

Allegiance/Clan: Dark Army (Rebellion)

Personality: Monotonous tone and expression, robotic movements, tends to "learn" common gestures from others. "Yay."

Appearance: 6'6, blonde hair fading to white, gold nonmetallic mask obscuring most of her face, flat muscular physique.

Age: 317

Family: Deceased via Lord of Darkness
Friends: Shame
Love Interest: Asexual, panromantic

Family was murdered in front of her at the age of 106 by the LoD. She was then adopted into his ranks, being given the other half to the former LoE's soul that gave her powers over; Space, earth, and light. She was a Soul Eater before being adopted into their ranks. She detached herself as much as she could from her feelings, instead focusing on her training. Her mask was forced on her at the age of 160 after she grew to adapt at her abilities and needed to be suppressed in order for the LoD to feel safe in power without losing his best soldier. She rose to the top rank of the Elites far surpassing her peers, she only grew close with Shame since she was akin to being her other half now that they shared different halves of the same soul. She became the LoD's "Destroyer" being sent to different groups and offering them the chance to survive by joining the LoD, most ended in her destroying the land and leaving a crater using her space abilities.


Theme song:

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Williams Rock (The Dust Wanderer)
You will know pain when you watch your race eradicated in front of you and have to live for millions of years with that image.
Basic Information:
An immortal human who lived before the bombs fell and survived in an bunker until saved by a healer before its own death by an angel and the soul is stuck in a limbo of revenge and wanting to help other and due to this his eyes glow green. He wears the uniform of United States soldiers during the time and collects old human things or things that remind him of them. Addicted to soda. Wants to join the rebellion. Feels increasingly lonely.
Species:immortal Human
Personality: A mixture of hatred and love with mercy trickle in. Very sad. Wanders often
Appearance: 6 ft eyes glow green. Physically fit. View attachment 437524Bright Brown hair. Scars and stitches on his face.
Age: immortal (millions)

(Relations- Family, partners, ect. Not a required section

Backstory: serving for the United States before the end and living in a bunker I until he almost died but was saved by a dying healer. Awaking an immortal man he slowly learns for millions of years and now has seen the posters for the rebellion and the fight calls for him.

Theme song:uprising by muse
Quirks: collects trinkets that remind him of the old world and often wanders off looking for adventure. Shy around others and is quite quiet until he makes friends but from there is quite loud and obnoxious.

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Drayko / Cole
"I am a walking corpse.
I am empty.
If you come to a different conclusion it’s because you haven’t known me as long.”

Basic Information:

Gender: Male
Species: Fire Elemental hybridized Soul Eater

Former: Pack of Swirling Flames & The Symbols
Current: Rebellion

Personality: Fiercely protective over what he believes to be under his jurisdiction, can lie about anything if believed necessary. He has already lied to people who thought him a friend, and lover.


Human: 6'4, shaggy/wavy black hair, dark golden skin tone, orange fire like eyes. Wide muscular physique.
Wolf: Resembles an oversized Mackenzie Valley Wolf, 49" tall and 7' long, has deep black fur entirely and keeps his orange fire like eyes.

Age: 18


Father: Killed in Duel with (Drayko's) mentor
Mother: Suicide
Parental Figure: Mentor, Teraith
Arranged Mate: Sylvia, Princess to the Pack of Swirling Flames
Siblings: None


His mother cheated with his mentor, upon discovering this his father challenged his mentor to a duel to death; and of course lost, as he was vastly beneath the mentors' skill level. Drayko was 5 at the time, and when his mentor took his "winnings", it left both his mother and Drayko in a much worse situation. His mother eventually committed suicide after the hate of not only the pack, but her son and new mate became too much to handle. Drayko blames himself for her death, though only admitting it once during his first torture session with Shame (much later).
He then put all of his energy into fulfilling his duty, and became comfortable with the thought of his own death. He lead his life protecting Sylvia the best he could, though when he learned that he must become mates with her as part of his duty..he subconsciously put it off and "took it slow" with her even though he didn't feel anything for Sylvia at all. Not just no romantic feelings, but he couldn't feel any bond of friendship with her either.
When they were kidnapped by mortals, with the help of a Mani, they were brought to a facility where the Symbols were then formed. They broke out when they were united and then went off on their childish journey of hope.
Drayko was captured trying to protect Sylvia from Shame, as they were under attack. He was then brought back to Shiversheild with Shame and Mask, and was then tortured mentally by Shame in her black box. Resulting in his soul being tampered with by the LoD, and he now is partially Soul Eater. He currently has a weird status of being required to be in the vicinity of an Elite and is regularly brought into questioning.

Theme song: (Subject to change, doesn't feel quiet right for him, but the best I found so far)

Quirks: He likes to challenge mortals to drinking games, one of the few things that amuses him.
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