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Tamara Stood Guard while Eating a few blueberries. She Then gathered some dried firewood and ignite a stick and put it on the pile and made a small Campfire. She sat down with her tail curled oat her side as she started Inspecting her tail for any injuries or cuts.
Unknown wolf

As Saphira set out, there was a blue-ish glowing down at the trees. It seemed to be moving and whip about the dark terrian.​
Saphira stared down at the forestry, seeing the blue-tinted glow. Her curiosity took her over, and she landed down on the ground. Landing on this planet was a bit difficult, as the gravity was a bit weaker.

As she landed, the figure pretty much lit u where it was, making the night appear so much clearer. It was a wolf. But not like any ever seen. Not a cursed wolf or like Scourge's Nightbringer wolf.

Its pelt had a bright, blue aura and its eyes looked like deep pools of ocean blue. Though, under the blue aura, looked like the normal color was black. The aura looked like it was going around the wolf like waves.​
Tamara looked at scourge and Walked to the wolf."You need anything?"She asked.
Saphira slowly approached the mysterious glowing wolf. "ah-... ahm... hello there, stranger. Can I help you?" She asked, stepping forward a few more small steps.

The she-wolf flicked her ears, "no, thanks. I'll let you know if I do." She lied her head down with a huff. She had a look of... emptiness or loneliness in her eyes.


The wolf spun around, the aura growing, enough so that she is visible to this wolf's eyes. "I am searching for Scourge," the wolf replied quickly.​
"What is your business with Her? If any harm comes her way, I will be forced to attack you... " She snarled, narrowing her eyes

"If any harm comes to her-" a sudden wave came upon behind him, "-I will attack you." He sounded serious but more desperate. A growl came from his throat and he urged, "please."​
She looked scourge and knows that look and came closer to her."You miss someone don't you?"She asked.
As a small animal came by, Saphira quickly killed it. It was an arctic fox. "Very well. "Follow me... or rather... My shadow" she spread her wings and lifted into the air, heading back toward the cave with the fox in her mouth.

Scourge heaved a sigh and nodded, "I do... but that dragon stole him from me..."


The blue wolf nods to her and followed behind her shadow-- but he was on water-- he is a water wolf, who can control the water quite well.​
A moment later she arrived in the cave, the landing a bit smoother than before, and she dropped the fox near Scourge. "We have a visitor..." She said softly
Tamara looked in surprise."Ooh, Was he your brother or boyfriend?"She asked. She seemed a little sad, but she kep on.

"Boyfriend..?" she sounded a bit confused. "I am in love with him. That's all I can say-" she stopped when she smelt the fox and saw Saphira.

Scourge leaned up at the sound of water, her eyes searching the entrance. She looked like the pain wasn't even there from her rib.

Then the blue wolf landed at the entrance, the water letting him land softly.

"Scourge?" the voice.

"S-Stephan?" she stood up and raced over, crashing against the water wolf. They both wag their tails in greeting each other.​
Tamara sighed."Like a A mate sorta.."She said. She looked at the blue wolf in surprise."Is that your boyfriend, or shall I say nothing else."She said.

"Boyfriend?" Stephan looks to Tamara.

"I guess so... since we love each other. How did you escape?" Scourge looks to Stephan who now sits down.

"Let's say water is something that dragon can't handle... I couldn't save everyone but myself," he says but then he sees where she was bandaged. "What happened? Who did this to you?"

"One of the cursed wolves..." she murmured.​
Tamara sighed."Like Sorta a mate."She said. She hated explaining and her tail swished impatiently. Bt when he asked what happened to her."She got attached and a broken rib, I bandaged her up and gave her some medicine, She'll feel better in like Several days or so."Tamara said. She Ate a blueberry and then took out these orange mysterious berries."Hey does anyone know what kind of berries these are??"She asked.
- Everdal Watches this whole ordeal... shrugs then curls up and says - No Food for me, not hungry -she rests her head and only a few minutes later in snoring like a lawnmower. which is to say no noise, for lawnmowers don't snore.-
Ethner was k.o’ed by the thunder strike and just woke up “what happened” he said putting away his hatchet
Saphira nodded, sitting herself down. "So you're her ever-so-attractive lover?" She sniffed him. "I don't see it."

Stephan blinks and lightly shakes his head, trying to keep to himself.

"I love him for his personality," Scourge says, swiping her tail across Stephan's muzzle. She then looks to Ethner, who just woke up, "we were attacked by one of the cursed wolves..."​
Tamara Gets up and chews on another berry and then looks outside."Mind if I go outside and explore for a bit, I promise I'll be careful."She said.

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