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A bright blue glow appeared in her mouth, as well as her scales, especially her wings. This was her getting ready for a defensive move

Scourge curled her snout into a snarl that bounced off the walls of the cave. The cursed wolf growled back and then disappeared, then reappearing behind all of them, sending a bolt of electricity through all of them.

Scourge fell to the ground and stood up, recognizing the power. "Thorn..." she murmured with a grumble.​
Immediately as she felt the bolt, Saphira activated her powers and blocked the bolt in her body with her internal ice. Though it still affected her greatly, and she whimpered in pain, but still growing as she turned around to see the cursed wolf
Tamara let otu a cry of pain and then Stands up with her tail Lashing out in Anger, as Flames surrounds her paws."everyone move back I'm finna try something!"She said.

Scourge turned to the cursed wolf and he grinned at her.

"Thorn, no!" she snapped as she saw him open his jaws and a huge bolt of lightning crashed into her, sending the huge she-wolf tumbling across the cave motionless.​
Saphira held her paw out, using freezing cold air to put out Tamara's flames. "If you attack, you'll only anger it. " Saphira swiftly jumped in front of the fallen she-wolf. She growled loudly, and her throat glowed bright blue. "Scourge, are you alright?"
Tamara Flames Dissapeared as she felt the ice, and hufffed to herself."Okay..."She said. she Came b Scourge side and Then Has a defensive Stance while looking at the Cursed wolf with an MEanacing look.

Scourge tried to stand but fell again a loud crack was heard. Anger filled her veins and her eyes as she now had a burning hot aura coming off of her, dangerously. "I think it's best if you try to fight him off... I think I broke a rib..." she growled lowly.

The cursed wolf, Thorn, stared at them, still grinning.​
Tamara Stood forward."I got This."She said. She Attacked the Cursed wolf with Her flaming claws.
Saphira stepped toward the wolf slowly, growling. "You first, you evil canine of a wolf! Come on, 'come at me', as the common folk would say"

Thorn disappeared again as Tamara went after him and reappeared again as he heard Saphira speak to him, his ears flicked to her. His voice was very deep as he spoke, "Will do, missy." Thorn leapt at her, his fangs glittered of sparks.​
Tamara looked at the Wolf and Then stopped."You seem like playing like a Coward, and I have a question, How are you going to beat two people?"Tamara asked.
A wall of ice appeared in front of her, causing Thorn's leap to fail and send him into the ice. She chuckled softly "Try harder, you fool"

Thorn spat out and then stood up, shaking his pelt. "Fine. I am to go. You have not seen the last of us." He then lit up and was gone.​
"Who is us- " Then, the wolf was gone, and she turned back toward scourge. "Are you alright, My friend?" Saphira asked, sitting down next to the she-wolf
Tamara looked Confused and went to Scurge."I have some medical Technique so I need to to keep still."She said.

"He's probably going to find more of those... cursed wolves," she says to Saphira with a heavy breath. "I'm in pain, is all," she says with a wince as she tried to move into a more comfortable position, but failed.

Scourge's eyes faded into a more blue color in a few quick seconds and some ice came from her pelt, which was now heavy with moisture. "Okay..." she mumbled to Tamara.​
Tamara Checked in her pockets For what she had, She found bandages and a Medincine like Syrup in a battle that's used to sooth the pain, Okay i'ma wrap this banadge around your chest and also give you this medicine to Soothe the pain, Try to breath slowly and also Take Easy okay?"Tamara asked. She Wrapped the managed aron Scurges Chest with minor Difficulties and then sighed.
Saphira nodded went to sit near the edge of the cave, standing watch. She scanned the area and the horizon, sitting proudly with her chest puffed out
She Then Gave scouge some medicine and Smiled a bit."Okay, I did Help you a bit, just rest a bit okay, I broke a rib once in a Stunt Contest with my sister."She said, She teared up at the word sister.

The lava-eyed she-wolf watched as Tamara assisted her. Scourge remained completely still, though, she only winced once but was calm the rest of the way. "I appreciate it..." she murmured, her tail twitching. "We do need to remain vigilant. There's no telling who else he will bring or when he will be back," she spoke.​
Tamara nodded."Your welcome, I'ma Go explore in Search of some berries to Eat."She said."Is there any edible ones around here? And your a wolf? So you need to eat eat, I could look for some good meat for you to eat or something?"She asked.
"I will hunt for her. I'm used to hunting for meat, as that is my main diet. But someone will need to remain at guard. You go first, tamara. When you come back with berries, I'll go out on the hunt" The ice dragon stated as she turned around to face them
Tamara nodded. She spread her wings and Took off into the air without a word an Looked into the sky to find a patch of berries or something. She Then found a blueberry bush and landed and gathered some berries and Looked for other kind with much difficulties, She found blackberries, huckleberries and Them odd ORange colored berries and strawberries, She was searching for a few more berries and then she was done.
As tamara returned, Saphira nodded and leaned off the edge of the cave, opening her wings as she let herself drop, then started flying. She scanned the ground as she flew fastly

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