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Fantasy Nation Builder


Mysterious Writer
Perhaps, seeing as "Nation Building" has recently become a topic of discussion here on RpNation, some of you might be interested in doing a Role-play of that sort?

Now I know what some of you are thinking, "Nation building is fun but you have to wait for others to post (which can take forever - literally - some people never post), and some people over power their nations!"

And that is all true, but only if the stories taking place within the Role-play are dependent on more than one writer. I know one of the main benefits of the Role-play experience is intermingling stories with other Role-players, but some - like me - might be more interested in some of the other benefits Role-playing has to offer. For instance, when you join a Role-play someone else has already giving you much of what you need to know about the setting, key elements of the story, and other important guidelines. Using what you've been given - almost like tools - you get to the create characters, stories, and in this case nations all within the bounds set.

Another benefit is you have an audience. An audience can be one of the hardest things for a writer to obtain; and on the other side of the coin, you have interesting stories to read, and characters to follow.

So, what I propose is a "Nation Building Role-play" where we do not interact with one another. That is to say, our nations and characters do not directly interact with each other in regards to the plots and stories going on. It would be sort of like all writing stories that take place in the same world, with the same setting, in the same time period, but without having to wait for other people to respond before continuing your story/stories. That being said, there could be some interaction between nations, like letters between rulers over what sort of terms they are on with each other, trade, and other such political things, which might effect what nations your characters can and cant go to.

I know this isn't everyone - possibly anyone's - cup of tea, but I thought I'd check to see if anyone would be interested in trying this idea out with me. It's still rough idea, but I'm throwing it out there anyway
Ah! Got'cha.

Well, I think this is a really interesting experiment, and I would still like to try it.
While this does seem like an interesting idea, I'm not really sure I personally would be able to pull it off xD It sounds like it'd be fun though!
So, would it strictly be "write about your own nation," or could we be able to have relationships with the other nations, i.e. war?
Interesting, I started a roleplay where we were meant to intermingle. Suffice to say, it crashed and burned. This, however, seems like it could be quite stable.
@jamaicanviking You could, so long as you did it in a way that didn't cause a hold up in your character/characters story/stories progression. That is to say, as long as you aren't putting yourself in a spot where you become dependent on another writer's next post in order to continue your story. Also, this wouldn't be done as a game but rather a string of stories that all take place within the same world, so you would need to discuss your plans with the writer of the other nation because there wouldn't be any system in place to keep wars and such fair.

@The Doorman Yep, that happens to most I think (the whole crashing and burning thing) mainly due to the fact that when you need someone else to post in order for you to continue, you put yourself into a corner if they happen to back out (many, many, many people do back out of Role-Plays for various reasons).

Seeing as there seems to be some fairly good interest in this idea I'll go ahead and set up a Role-Play that we can implement this structure in. @LegoLad659 @ronnydazzler
I like the idea, wether or not I could pull it off I don't know, but writing stories and plots is one of my favorite things to do. So if you will have me I'd love to join.

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