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Mystery of Mythwater (OOC)

I shall slay a dragon! Huzzah to a great adventure, And onwards into the horizon!
Kidzait Kidzait Just to double check, we are riding in on a carriage, correct? I don't want to make a false assumption.
Is it just me or does it say that you threw a 5 sided dice?
Derp. I guess it helps to use the right kind of dice. I'll reroll Athaclenna's Stealth roll here.

Edit: a 23. Much better.
Way better. You manage to remain unseen as you hop off the carriage
That’s what happens when you use the word squabble against a bunch of guys in college
Kidz, will you make a narration post once everyone finishes their post? Or will we be doing a play by post with no real order? Idrc wich one, BUT I SHALL NOT BE CHAINED!!!!
Kidz, will you make a narration post once everyone finishes their post? Or will we be doing a play by post with no real order? Idrc wich one, BUT I SHALL NOT BE CHAINED!!!!
For right now I'm waiting on everyone to get their posts in before I post another narration We will play it by ear in the future but I don't have apost order planned unless we get into combat.
That's odd, I swear I've seen the dice roll button before, but now I can't seem to find it.
Once you make a post, go back into it with the edit function. Down at the bottom of the post is a Roll Dice option.

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