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"That's very true ill try...your sounding like me...you know that" she said with a small smile. Though Aqua wanted to avoid conflict with the group she figure she would speak with them as she walked off back to the main part of the camp.
"What the **** was that?!....tell me you all just witness that?!" Amelia spoke in shock as she looked around after having witnessed the images.

Emily's eyes went wide as she looked around, that small episode was very shocking and unexpected. She placed her hand on the side of her head as she processed what had just happened. ".... somehow...I believe we just witnessed a sort of snip in time....a snip-it of what happened here.."
"...that is true...but I hope not, ...that is nothing but messed up...Erza is near death from how what they said back there...why would the baddies come back?" Emma commented as they walked back toward the direction Lucy told them to head to.
Devon nodded. "I hope no one attacks but it might happen."
He waited.

The mercs were discussing things with the man the girl was with.
"Uh... This one does not wish to cause alarm. But the dead seem to be moving." Ra'Zeem said.
Devon nodded. "I hope no one attacks but it might happen."
Aqua walked in "you guys getting ready to head out?...mind if I have a word before you go?" she asked
"oh... that's not always a good sign..." Amielia answered steping back as she pulled out her gun from her back

"why are they rising though?...." Emily questioned pulling out her wand.
"let's hope not....though we're pretty tough, we can take them.." Emma replied. They didn't have to travel far where they found Erza lying on the ground next to a sleeping Juvia and a man (guy from blue pegi) typing away in a system in the air keeping tabs on everyone out in the forest.
Aqua walked in "you guys getting ready to head out?...mind if I have a word before you go?" she asked
"oh... that's not always a good sign..." Amielia answered steping back as she pulled out her gun from her back

"why are they rising though?...." Emily questioned pulling out her wand.
"let's hope not....though we're pretty tough, we can take them.." Emma replied. They didn't have to travel far where they found Erza lying on the ground next to a sleeping Juvia and a man (guy from blue pegi) typing away in a system in the air keeping tabs on everyone out in the forest.
The all turned to her. "You are a friend to us. Speak." Heavy said. They all looked willing to listen to her.
"Maybe something to do with the vision we saw..." Rolandor said thoughtfully.

"Who cares why their getting up? Put them back down!" Earl said. "The kids right." Liam said pulling out a revolver.
"They okay." Devon asked.
"Is Aqua okay?" He asked sitting up regardless.

"He's replaced most of his cells with stem cells using Adam. But it's like a benign cancer. The unstable cells overriding his body and replacing the normal ones." He said.
(Well sort of Benign. It still is really bad for the dude)
The all turned to her. "You are a friend to us. Speak." Heavy said. They all looked willing to listen to her.
"Maybe something to do with the vision we saw..." Rolandor said thoughtfully.

"Who cares why their getting up? Put them back down!" Earl said. "The kids right." Liam said pulling out a revolver.
"They okay." Devon asked.
The Doctor found Gwen again. "So. Uh. We're in World War 2." He said.
Aqua looked over at Heavy and then to the others a small smile forming on her face as they welcomed her to speak. Though they welcomed her to speak she was still nervous to the out come of what she had to say. "well....the child the girl you are to escort to find a cure, you can not take her to that place. what they have promised to do,....or what ever they had promised might not all be truth....if you take her there its nothing but to the girls death.." she added (I hope thats okay....>< not the best)
"most defiantly, have to deal with what we witnessed,...that or might be protecting something? seems like a trap set up for unwanted visitors." Emily added as she pulled out her want casting towards the rising dead

Amelia pulled out her weapon aiming at the rising dead blasing them, causing the bodies to explode sending a bit of part flying outwards that dint disintegrate.
The guy typing away keeping in touch with everyone quickly stoped what he was doing and turened to the two teens that walked from the treeline. "who are you two?!....dont come any closer im warning you.." the blue pegi boy (I need to look up his name XD I forgot) said as he stood between the two teens and the two unconscious woman.
"what?! out of any time and place why would you have us land during one of the worst wars out there on earth" Gwen replied.
Aqua looked over at Heavy and then to the others a small smile forming on her face as they welcomed her to speak. Though they welcomed her to speak she was still nervous to the out come of what she had to say. "well....the child the girl you are to escort to find a cure, you can not take her to that place. what they have promised to do,....or what ever they had promised might not all be truth....if you take her there its nothing but to the girls death.." she added (I hope thats okay....>< not the best)
"most defiantly, have to deal with what we witnessed,...that or might be protecting something? seems like a trap set up for unwanted visitors." Emily added as she pulled out her want casting towards the rising dead

Amelia pulled out her weapon aiming at the rising dead blasing them, causing the bodies to explode sending a bit of part flying outwards that dint disintegrate.
The guy typing away keeping in touch with everyone quickly stoped what he was doing and turened to the two teens that walked from the treeline. "who are you two?!....dont come any closer im warning you.." the blue pegi boy (I need to look up his name XD I forgot) said as he stood between the two teens and the two unconscious woman.
"what?! out of any time and place why would you have us land during one of the worst wars out there on earth" Gwen replied.
"Come on kid. There's no way-" Scout began. "Actually, with the level of technology they had before the outbreak... It is likely that the most efficient method of learning how the child is immune would be dissection." Medic said. Scout looked at him and then Aqua. Sniper was the first to speak. "A job's a job. We already took it. We're professionals."

Earl used a similar strategy to Amelia. Mostly casting bombarda and confringo.
"Relax we're with fairy tail." Devon said.
"Look I just followed the distress signal. I didn't know we'd end up here." He said. Auddenly the TARDIS' outside phone started ringing.
"Come on kid. There's no way-" Scout began. "Actually, with the level of technology they had before the outbreak... It is likely that the most efficient method of learning how the child is immune would be dissection." Medic said. Scout looked at him and then Aqua. Sniper was the first to speak. "A job's a job. We already took it. We're professionals."

Earl used a similar strategy to Amelia. Mostly casting bombarda and confringo.
"Relax we're with fairy tail." Devon said.
"Look I just followed the distress signal. I didn't know we'd end up here." He said. Auddenly the TARDIS' outside phone started ringing.
"How can that be the most efficient way?!...killing the girl? There has to be another way...that just can't be the only way...." Aqua spoke as sniper went to speak. "I understand you are professionals and this is a job...but you guys just cant...its wrong, ...besides what did they even offer you?.." she asked.
There were a large number of rising dead but the group were able to keep them at bay.
"...how do I know your even telling the truth?...we been tricked before." He replied
"Fine....guess your not all to blame..." Gwen said crossing her arms. She then turned towards the direction of the TARDIS. "Dose it actually work like a phone?..." she asked
"How can that be the most efficient way?!...killing the girl? There has to be another way...that just can't be the only way...." Aqua spoke as sniper went to speak. "I understand you are professionals and this is a job...but you guys just cant...its wrong, ...besides what did they even offer you?.." she asked.
There were a large number of rising dead but the group were able to keep them at bay.
"...how do I know your even telling the truth?...we been tricked before." He replied
"Fine....guess your not all to blame..." Gwen said crossing her arms. She then turned towards the direction of the TARDIS. "Dose it actually work like a phone?..." she asked

"How can that be the most efficient way?!...killing the girl? There has to be another way...that just can't be the only way...." Aqua spoke as sniper went to speak. "I understand you are professionals and this is a job...but you guys just cant...its wrong, ...besides what did they even offer you?.." she asked.
There were a large number of rising dead but the group were able to keep them at bay.
"...how do I know your even telling the truth?...we been tricked before." He replied
"Fine....guess your not all to blame..." Gwen said crossing her arms. She then turned towards the direction of the TARDIS. "Dose it actually work like a phone?..." she asked
"15,000 dollara each." Medic answered.
"I hate the undead!" Rolandor said with a shiver as he cast spells. Liam looked at him. But said nothing.
Devin lifted his shirt. A grey emblam was on his abdomen.
"No. It's shouldn't even be able to ring..." He said.
"15,000 dollara each." Medic answered.
"I hate the undead!" Rolandor said with a shiver as he cast spells. Liam looked at him. But said nothing.
Devin lifted his shirt. A grey emblam was on his abdomen.
"No. It's shouldn't even be able to ring..." He said.
Aqua's eyes went wide for a second, but she kept her composure as she let out a tiny cough. "Oh I see... that's a big amount..." she commented.
Amelia chuckled "They aren't all that bad....you'll find a good bag of bones in the mix" she commented as they continued to fight their way through the crowd of undead.
Emma took a step back, as the guy demanded proof, looking over to Devin as he showed him the emblem. "we are not enemies...we only want to help...please believe us" she added as she lifted her sweater sleeve and showed her emblem on her arm.

The guy from blue pegasus still looked suspiciously at them and at their emblems. "Ah...I see...very well..." he replied. "Ill be keeping an extra close eye on you little flower" he added looking over to Emma.
"well, it's definitely ringing..." Gwen commented finding it now overly creepy that a none ringing phone was working.
Aqua's eyes went wide for a second, but she kept her composure as she let out a tiny cough. "Oh I see... that's a big amount..." she commented.
Amelia chuckled "They aren't all that bad....you'll find a good bag of bones in the mix" she commented as they continued to fight their way through the crowd of undead.
Emma took a step back, as the guy demanded proof, looking over to Devin as he showed him the emblem. "we are not enemies...we only want to help...please believe us" she added as she lifted her sweater sleeve and showed her emblem on her arm.

The guy from blue pegasus still looked suspiciously at them and at their emblems. "Ah...I see...very well..." he replied. "Ill be keeping an extra close eye on you little flower" he added looking over to Emma.
"well, it's definitely ringing..." Gwen commented finding it now overly creepy that a none ringing phone was working.
Aqua's eyes went wide for a second, but she kept her composure as she let out a tiny cough. "Oh I see... that's a big amount..." she commented.
Amelia chuckled "They aren't all that bad....you'll find a good bag of bones in the mix" she commented as they continued to fight their way through the crowd of undead.
Emma took a step back, as the guy demanded proof, looking over to Devin as he showed him the emblem. "we are not enemies...we only want to help...please believe us" she added as she lifted her sweater sleeve and showed her emblem on her arm.

The guy from blue pegasus still looked suspiciously at them and at their emblems. "Ah...I see...very well..." he replied. "Ill be keeping an extra close eye on you little flower" he added looking over to Emma.
"well, it's definitely ringing..." Gwen commented finding it now overly creepy that a none ringing phone was working.
"Guys..." Scout said. "Are we sure... This job is the best way to do this?" He asked. It seemed she had swayed at least one of them.
Eventually they managed to fight through the Draugr. Earl looked angry. Angry and determined. "Someone did this... Good." He said. "Good? This one does not understand. How is that a good thing exactly?" Ra'Zeem asked. Earl looked at him. "Means there's someone I can hit for it."
Devon narrowed his eyes. "Don't get any bright ideas with my girlfriend." He said.
He went to it. "Don't pick it up." A female voice said behind them.
"Guys..." Scout said. "Are we sure... This job is the best way to do this?" He asked. It seemed she had swayed at least one of them.
Eventually they managed to fight through the Draugr. Earl looked angry. Angry and determined. "Someone did this... Good." He said. "Good? This one does not understand. How is that a good thing exactly?" Ra'Zeem asked. Earl looked at him. "Means there's someone I can hit for it."
Devon narrowed his eyes. "Don't get any bright ideas with my girlfriend." He said.
He went to it. "Don't pick it up." A female voice said behind them.
Aqua looked over at Scout a bit suprised but a smile did form on her face as it seemed at least one of them were thinking the job through. "I know that the price tag on such a job...its quite enticing, but there has to be something else that could entice you to sway a diffrent direction....or find a way to do this in a diffrent way...what is being planned to be done to the girl is just wrong..." Aqua added though she figure that is their minds could not be changed she was going to make sure the girl would not be takin in her own way.
Emily put away her wand once they managed to fight their way through the Draugr. She had noticed the look on Earl's face and she knew for sure that he ment business. And whoever was behind this had better watch out. "Well then should we keep on trucking through?" She asked ready to continue

"...oh the sapling has some spunk in him..."Amelia commented letting out a small chuckle at Earl's response after their small encounter with the Draugr.
"What ideas are you even speaking about? Im simply doing my job and keeping a close eye. I gather the information needed for tasks im reconse (I have the word in my head but not sure if it's right DX)" The guy played it out smoothly ignoring Devon's threat as he turned back to Emma. "Go ahead flower, do tend you our friend with you healing I'll keep watch and make sure the area is clear of interruptions to your work.." He added giving her a smooth and charming smile.

Emma kept her distance but took a step over closer to that of Devon lowering her sleeve of her sweater after showing her mark. She nervously held on the the edge of her sleeve, lightly blushing from the feeling of uncomfortableness the man was making her. Emma did not reply just nodded and headed over to Erza, kneeling next to her to over view what would be needed of her to do.
Gwen looked over to the voice seeing the girl it belonged too. "What do you mean....its only a phone?...and it's clearly ringing..." she replied.
Aqua looked over at Scout a bit suprised but a smile did form on her face as it seemed at least one of them were thinking the job through. "I know that the price tag on such a job...its quite enticing, but there has to be something else that could entice you to sway a diffrent direction....or find a way to do this in a diffrent way...what is being planned to be done to the girl is just wrong..." Aqua added though she figure that is their minds could not be changed she was going to make sure the girl would not be takin in her own way.
Emily put away her wand once they managed to fight their way through the Draugr. She had noticed the look on Earl's face and she knew for sure that he ment business. And whoever was behind this had better watch out. "Well then should we keep on trucking through?" She asked ready to continue

"...oh the sapling has some spunk in him..."Amelia commented letting out a small chuckle at Earl's response after their small encounter with the Draugr.
"What ideas are you even speaking about? Im simply doing my job and keeping a close eye. I gather the information needed for tasks im reconse (I have the word in my head but not sure if it's right DX)" The guy played it out smoothly ignoring Devon's threat as he turned back to Emma. "Go ahead flower, do tend you our friend with you healing I'll keep watch and make sure the area is clear of interruptions to your work.." He added giving her a smooth and charming smile.

Emma kept her distance but took a step over closer to that of Devon lowering her sleeve of her sweater after showing her mark. She nervously held on the the edge of her sleeve, lightly blushing from the feeling of uncomfortableness the man was making her. Emma did not reply just nodded and headed over to Erza, kneeling next to her to over view what would be needed of her to do.
Gwen looked over to the voice seeing the girl it belonged too. "What do you mean....its only a phone?...and it's clearly ringing..." she replied.
"And what do you think is the right thing hm?" Medic askee looking between her and Scout. "A simple blood sample won't work, they have to access her brain." "Doc you could easily do that without killing-" Scout started but Medic held up a hand. "If I had access to my own equipment. Which is off planet, do you really think that that the girl could be sent off planet hm? She may be immune but she still carries the disease."
"Then lets quit wasting time gabbing and lets get hunting?" Liam said.
Devon's hands balled into fists but he said nothing
"It's not for you. Don't pick it up." She said. The Doctor was, of course, instead walking to the phone.
"And what do you think is the right thing hm?" Medic askee looking between her and Scout. "A simple blood sample won't work, they have to access her brain." "Doc you could easily do that without killing-" Scout started but Medic held up a hand. "If I had access to my own equipment. Which is off planet, do you really think that that the girl could be sent off planet hm? She may be immune but she still carries the disease."
"Then lets quit wasting time gabbing and lets get hunting?" Liam said.
Devon's hands balled into fists but he said nothing
"It's not for you. Don't pick it up." She said. The Doctor was, of course, instead walking to the phone.
"well the right thing would be not sending the poor girl to her death...I just can't believe there isn't a way to get the sample need with out endinging her life...."Aqua replied as Medic asked them what the right thing were to do. Aqua bit her lip and became quite as the Medic was quick in telling them that death was the only way the girl could help with providing samples for the cure. "If you need access to your equipment then we can find a way to retrieve it...no need to take the child out of this planet if she would cause the disease to spread out there" she added.
"Lets,....lets see what else is out there daring to comfort us..." Amelia spoke straping her large gun to her back as she continuedto walk forward following the two wizard kids that taken the lead.
The wizard from Pegasus simply ignored Devon and his reaction as he went back to keeping a check on the rest of the teams and what they were doing. Looking over towards Emma when a green light formed around her and Erza.

Emma kneeled down next to Erza quickly feeling the power of the venom emulating from Earza's body. Emma placed her hands over the womans arm, which was now completely a dark purple black color. Taking a deep breath she closed her eyes and started her healing ritual.
Gwen looked at the girl and then towards the Doctor who had left her side and had walked over to the TARDIS. "Doctor you think we should not pick it up?...you said yourself if dosnt work and it's clearly ringing...what if something happens.." Gwen added as the Doctor reached for the phone.
"well the right thing would be not sending the poor girl to her death...I just can't believe there isn't a way to get the sample need with out endinging her life...."Aqua replied as Medic asked them what the right thing were to do. Aqua bit her lip and became quite as the Medic was quick in telling them that death was the only way the girl could help with providing samples for the cure. "If you need access to your equipment then we can find a way to retrieve it...no need to take the child out of this planet if she would cause the disease to spread out there" she added.
"Lets,....lets see what else is out there daring to comfort us..." Amelia spoke straping her large gun to her back as she continuedto walk forward following the two wizard kids that taken the lead.
The wizard from Pegasus simply ignored Devon and his reaction as he went back to keeping a check on the rest of the teams and what they were doing. Looking over towards Emma when a green light formed around her and Erza.

Emma kneeled down next to Erza quickly feeling the power of the venom emulating from Earza's body. Emma placed her hands over the womans arm, which was now completely a dark purple black color. Taking a deep breath she closed her eyes and started her healing ritual.
Gwen looked at the girl and then towards the Doctor who had left her side and had walked over to the TARDIS. "Doctor you think we should not pick it up?...you said yourself if dosnt work and it's clearly ringing...what if something happens.." Gwen added as the Doctor reached for the phone.
"Bah. There's not enough time." Medic said.
Earl lit up th tip of his wand once more.
Devon watched silently.

Link travelled with the others through the forest keeping a stoic expression.
The doctor picked it up anyway his curiosity getting the better of him. "Hello?"
"Bah. There's not enough time." Medic said.
Earl lit up th tip of his wand once more.
Devon watched silently.

Link travelled with the others through the forest keeping a stoic expression.
The doctor picked it up anyway his curiosity getting the better of him. "Hello?"
"Then the girls fate is sealed?..." Aqua commented
Emily walked along side Earl wand in hand with the tip lite up.

"Hope whatever your looking for is down Rolandor....though if this whole thing turns out to be a bust...at least it's been somewhat entertaining..." Amelia remarks holding on to a smaller weapond in her hand as Scout zips around her before flying off, zooming around each member.
Emma worked intentively for what seemed like hours on Erza. The venom had seeped into Erza's body, and the women had just been holding on for her life by a thread. Soon the light surrounding Erza and Emma faded. "Got it...." Emma said with a sigh as she fell back.

"...Link?...everything will be okay Erza will be fine,...she is strong...and we will find Wendy and put a stop to all this....you will see.." Lucy spoke as they continued down the forest.
A lot of static could be heard before the sound of a small boy could be heard. "Mommy?......are you my mommy?" The child voice could be heard in a creepy tone.
"Then the girls fate is sealed?..." Aqua commented
Emily walked along side Earl wand in hand with the tip lite up.

"Hope whatever your looking for is down Rolandor....though if this whole thing turns out to be a bust...at least it's been somewhat entertaining..." Amelia remarks holding on to a smaller weapond in her hand as Scout zips around her before flying off, zooming around each member.
Emma worked intentively for what seemed like hours on Erza. The venom had seeped into Erza's body, and the women had just been holding on for her life by a thread. Soon the light surrounding Erza and Emma faded. "Got it...." Emma said with a sigh as she fell back.

"...Link?...everything will be okay Erza will be fine,...she is strong...and we will find Wendy and put a stop to all this....you will see.." Lucy spoke as they continued down the forest.
A lot of static could be heard before the sound of a small boy could be heard. "Mommy?......are you my mommy?" The child voice could be heard in a creepy tone.
"You have a better idea?" Medic asked. "Yeah." Peter said walking in. "Find another way. You said your a resourceful bunch. You have a bunch of automated guns around the place and you can't find a way to get the xure without killing her? I don't believe it. You know what I believe." He said looking Medic in the eye. "That you just want to dissect her out of sheer curiosity and some psycho need for knowledge."
"We've found out more about the great collapse than anyone has in the last hundred years. Its already been worth it." Rolandor said.
As she fell back Devon caught her.

Link kept the stoic expression. He simply nodded in her direction.
"This is the Doctor. Can I help?" He asked the voice.
"You have a better idea?" Medic asked. "Yeah." Peter said walking in. "Find another way. You said your a resourceful bunch. You have a bunch of automated guns around the place and you can't find a way to get the xure without killing her? I don't believe it. You know what I believe." He said looking Medic in the eye. "That you just want to dissect her out of sheer curiosity and some psycho need for knowledge."
"We've found out more about the great collapse than anyone has in the last hundred years. Its already been worth it." Rolandor said.
As she fell back Devon caught her.

Link kept the stoic expression. He simply nodded in her direction.
"This is the Doctor. Can I help?" He asked the voice.
Aqua turned back towards the entrance as she heard Peter's voice by the entrance. She Sadly wasn't able to convince the boys aside from Scout that sending the girl to her death was the only way. Aqua crossed her arms as she simply watched Peter walk over to talk face-to-face with the Medic. She failed to sway the man much but Peter was smart and he did seem to know more about this world than any normal person, that randomly got stranded here would.
"well it has been a very hands-on approach to learning about said past for sure, well at least you have been able to have some use of this trip..." Amelia added as they walk deeper down the tunnel. (I forgot that she is bioluminescent but ill just say she has her mask and cloak on.)
Emma had blacked out just a bit string in Devon's arms after he caught her. Reaching her hand up she gently rubbed her forehead. "I think I might have over it just a tad..." she quietly spoke as she looked up at Devon and gave him a smile "Thank you cariño"

Lucy gently sighed as the small group continue to walk through the forest. Within minutes and really without any of them noticing at first the air around them and Forrest grew into this dark foggy purple-thick atmosphere, along with all the trees around them no held a black color.
"mommy?......mmmoooommmyyy,...are you my mommy?" the voice of the tiny child simply said once more.
Aqua turned back towards the entrance as she heard Peter's voice by the entrance. She Sadly wasn't able to convince the boys aside from Scout that sending the girl to her death was the only way. Aqua crossed her arms as she simply watched Peter walk over to talk face-to-face with the Medic. She failed to sway the man much but Peter was smart and he did seem to know more about this world than any normal person, that randomly got stranded here would.
"well it has been a very hands-on approach to learning about said past for sure, well at least you have been able to have some use of this trip..." Amelia added as they walk deeper down the tunnel. (I forgot that she is bioluminescent but ill just say she has her mask and cloak on.)
Emma had blacked out just a bit string in Devon's arms after he caught her. Reaching her hand up she gently rubbed her forehead. "I think I might have over it just a tad..." she quietly spoke as she looked up at Devon and gave him a smile "Thank you cariño"

Lucy gently sighed as the small group continue to walk through the forest. Within minutes and really without any of them noticing at first the air around them and Forrest grew into this dark foggy purple-thick atmosphere, along with all the trees around them no held a black color.
"mommy?......mmmoooommmyyy,...are you my mommy?" the voice of the tiny child simply said once more.
"This world. We shouldn't be here. None of us." Peter said. "This is one of the few worlds that we should have left alone. The plumbers know it, they only land to rescue people who get here by accident. There is nothing here for you people. Better work elsewhere. No one has anything to gain except you." Peter said. "Please, Aqua told us about you. You should he just as curious about this place, you're a scientist like me." Medic said. "No! Not like you. There are things I don't need to know. The sight of a girl dead on an operating table, I don't need to know what that looks like. What all of us need is to leave and stop interfering with the affairs of this world. Before we end up spreading the pathogen past the borders of this planet."
"So you're made of wood right, are you... Flammable?" Earl asked. "Well more Flamable?"
"I could never let you fall Mi Querida Flor." He said.

Link felt uneasy amd reached for his weapons.
The Doctor frowned and then the dial tone sounded. He hung up
"This world. We shouldn't be here. None of us." Peter said. "This is one of the few worlds that we should have left alone. The plumbers know it, they only land to rescue people who get here by accident. There is nothing here for you people. Better work elsewhere. No one has anything to gain except you." Peter said. "Please, Aqua told us about you. You should he just as curious about this place, you're a scientist like me." Medic said. "No! Not like you. There are things I don't need to know. The sight of a girl dead on an operating table, I don't need to know what that looks like. What all of us need is to leave and stop interfering with the affairs of this world. Before we end up spreading the pathogen past the borders of this planet."
"So you're made of wood right, are you... Flammable?" Earl asked. "Well more Flamable?"
"I could never let you fall Mi Querida Flor." He said.

Link felt uneasy amd reached for his weapons.
The Doctor frowned and then the dial tone sounded. He hung up
Aqua looked at Peter questionly and with concern when he stated that none of them should be in this world. She was now aware of that, that's why Peter had been adamant about leaving and not exploring of helping out much. She looked back at the medic as he spoke once more trying to convince Peter that they needed to stay that Peter was like him and that he would understand. Sorry boys but Peter is right, it's best if we don't interfere any longer, you will have to decline the job and let those two go off on their own." Aqua added knowing that it would be harder for them, she had a sick feeling this would not be put aside so easily by them being that so much was offered to the group.
"In some sense I am made of wood, yes..." Amelia replied looking over to the direction of Earl. "Flamable?...well...yes a bit more then any being....but in a sense aren't everyone as well flammable?" She questioned lifting an eyebrow under her mask. "What you getting, with asking me such questions youngling.." she spoke.
Emma deeply blushed and shyly looked down and away from him. "Your Spanish is coming along well..." she spoke, as she could not help but smile.

"why did it have to get all creepy all of the sudden" Lucy commented not liking the sudden change in her surroundings.

Behind them, they all of a sudden heard two loud stomps And two large men apeared. One with yellow spiky hair and ginormous ears, the second one with a large afro and pointy ears.
"Word on the street is that its caused by Nirvana, aint that right, big bro Zatou?" The first one spoke
"oh yea! Magic so powerful, that the planet can't take it...everything it touches withers up and dies, big bro.." the second one adds.
All of the sudden a lot of monkey voices could be heard surrounding them. Up in the trees all around the group a huge group of men like monkeys waited to jump the group.
"What was it Doctor?..." Gwen asked looking over to the Doctor as he hung the phone. Her eyes traveling back infront of her noticing that the girl was now gone. "She is gone....this is all to weird.." she commented.
Aqua looked at Peter questionly and with concern when he stated that none of them should be in this world. She was now aware of that, that's why Peter had been adamant about leaving and not exploring of helping out much. She looked back at the medic as he spoke once more trying to convince Peter that they needed to stay that Peter was like him and that he would understand. Sorry boys but Peter is right, it's best if we don't interfere any longer, you will have to decline the job and let those two go off on their own." Aqua added knowing that it would be harder for them, she had a sick feeling this would not be put aside so easily by them being that so much was offered to the group.
"In some sense I am made of wood, yes..." Amelia replied looking over to the direction of Earl. "Flamable?...well...yes a bit more then any being....but in a sense aren't everyone as well flammable?" She questioned lifting an eyebrow under her mask. "What you getting, with asking me such questions youngling.." she spoke.
Emma deeply blushed and shyly looked down and away from him. "Your Spanish is coming along well..." she spoke, as she could not help but smile.

"why did it have to get all creepy all of the sudden" Lucy commented not liking the sudden change in her surroundings.

Behind them, they all of a sudden heard two loud stomps And two large men apeared. One with yellow spiky hair and ginormous ears, the second one with a large afro and pointy ears.
"Word on the street is that its caused by Nirvana, aint that right, big bro Zatou?" The first one spoke
"oh yea! Magic so powerful, that the planet can't take it...everything it touches withers up and dies, big bro.." the second one adds.
All of the sudden a lot of monkey voices could be heard surrounding them. Up in the trees all around the group a huge group of men like monkeys waited to jump the group.
"What was it Doctor?..." Gwen asked looking over to the Doctor as he hung the phone. Her eyes traveling back infront of her noticing that the girl was now gone. "She is gone....this is all to weird.." she commented.
The other mercs looked a little less certain now. Medic looked like he was still planning in seeing it through. "We're leaving." Peter said. "A ship landed nearby."
"Just curious. Not like I've ever really seen people like you.'
He kissed the top of her head. "Rest." He said.

Link turned to face the intrudors.
"Come on. We need to find the shuttle." He said.
For many centillions of years universes were Seperate. They stayed apart and away from each other. The walls of reality standing strong in keeping them from one another. However, every once and a while they would cross. Ben 10 meeting generator rex, Marvel meeting DC. These crossovers were far and in between but still enough that the walls of reality began to carode. And now they have reached their breaking point which is about to result in a massive fusion of universes.

AquaMarie AquaMarie

Sounds interesting.
I'd like to try with you.

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