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"That's good to hear, I am glad you feeling normal.." she replied not really liking his use of the word normal. "Everyone at the guild are joyfully for your return after Mira told us the news of your recovery" she added walking over to him and looked him over
"Good. Can't wait to see them." He said
"Ben...you never hide your Omnitrix..." she looked at him with a serious expression. Arms still folded as she looked at him and back to his wrist.
"I'm not.... You can't tell anyone about this. Especially not Mirajane or Junior." He lifted the sleeve of his long green shirt revealing the cracked omnitrix and blackened wrist veins.
"I'm not.... You can't tell anyone about this. Especially not Mirajane or Junior." He lifted the sleeve of his long green shirt revealing the cracked omnitrix and blackened wrist veins.
"Fine, you have my word" she said promising not so tell anyone. She watched as Ben went to lift up his sleeve, she held back a gasp as she saw the state of his veins and the Omnitrix. "Ben...this is serious...." she said worried but upset he didn't want to let anyone know of this. "We will find a way to fix this"
"Fine, you have my word" she said promising not so tell anyone. She watched as Ben went to lift up his sleeve, she held back a gasp as she saw the state of his veins and the Omnitrix. "Ben...this is serious...." she said worried but upset he didn't want to let anyone know of this. "We will find a way to fix this"
"I don't know if anyone here can. I'd need to find Azmuth. But this world is too primitive to have space ships or any of the other stuff I would need to contact him
"I don't know if anyone here can. I'd need to find Azmuth. But this world is too primitive to have space ships or any of the other stuff I would need to contact him
"I thought you could leave our world?...Mirajane mentioned once that you left to see some students of yours?...." Erza asked
"I thought you could leave our world?...Mirajane mentioned once that you left to see some students of yours?...." Erza asked
"I used an alien to do that." Ben said. "I don't know how many more transformations this thing or me can take." He said.
"I used an alien to do that." Ben said. "I don't know how many more transformations this thing or me can take." He said.
"I see...I think you should hold back using your Omnitrix for a while" she commented looking at the blacken vanes on his wrist. "what about that ship that you came in on, have you been able to make any progress on that?" she asked
"I see...I think you should hold back using your Omnitrix for a while" she commented looking at the blacken vanes on his wrist. "what about that ship that you came in on, have you been able to make any progress on that?" she asked
"I had... until phantom lord's metal jerk ate it." He said.
"The Iron Dragon Slayer?...oh I am guessing there is nothing left.."Erza sighed this would be much more difficult then she thought. "We will find a why Ben, be sure about that.."
"Right." He said. "Anyway. Guess I better get used to being useless for a while."
"I know you dont want any of the others knowing about this....but they might be able to help." Erza commented, "maybe Pinto?"
"No. Not yet. Let them celebrate the guild being rebuilt. It can wait a few days or so." He said. (But he's gonna have to use the Omnitrix before then)
"No. Not yet. Let them celebrate the guild being rebuilt. It can wait a few days or so." He said. (But he's gonna have to use the Omnitrix before then)
(Oh of course, it would just be boring if he just fixed it like noting)
"If your sure about this Ben, I'll keep my promise and not say a thing"
(Oh of course, it would just be boring if he just fixed it like noting)
"If your sure about this Ben, I'll keep my promise and not say a thing"
The next few days Ben pretended like nothing was wrong. And Erza went a long with it. He had passed a few jobs and given them to Junior instead under the guise of it being good experience. Then came the fated day of the Miss Fairy Tail contest. (And Laxus' bad guy arc. I remember this one)
The next few days Ben pretended like nothing was wrong. And Erza went a long with it. He had passed a few jobs and given them to Junior instead under the guise of it being good experience. Then came the fated day of the Miss Fairy Tail contest. (And Laxus' bad guy arc. I remember this one)
(oh right Laxus goes all crazy, felt bad for the master it being his grandson and all. and yes when the town have their harvest festival)
The town of Magnolia has all in great spirits the past few days getting all the decorations ready for the Magnolia Harvest. The day came of the Magnolia Harvests and all around the city was in great spirits enjoying the food, activities, and shops. When the time came for the Miss Frirytail contest within the guildhall and Fairytail got a huge turnout. People mostly men swarmed getting as close to the stage as possible holding up signs and ready to cheer on their favorite contestant. The host of the contest took center stage welcoming everyone and announcing the competition, pumping everyone.
(oh right Laxus goes all crazy, felt bad for the master it being his grandson and all. and yes when the town have their harvest festival)
The town of Magnolia has all in great spirits the past few days getting all the decorations ready for the Magnolia Harvest. The day came of the Magnolia Harvests and all around the city was in great spirits enjoying the food, activities, and shops. When the time came for the Miss Frirytail contest within the guildhall and Fairytail got a huge turnout. People mostly men swarmed getting as close to the stage as possible holding up signs and ready to cheer on their favorite contestant. The host of the contest took center stage welcoming everyone and announcing the competition, pumping everyone.
Ben sat in the corner rubbing his wrist with his hand barely paying attention.
Ben sat in the corner rubbing his wrist with his hand barely paying attention.
The contrast began and the girls came out one by one after their name was called showing off a bit of their magic. Cana was called on to stage first doing a card trick as the cards surrounded her, then revealing a bikini causing the crowd to cheer more. The name Juvia was announced secondly as she stepped out transforming her body into water as a wave headed towards the audience only to disappear and also reveal her in a bikini. Mirajane was the third to come out and when she did the crowd went extremely loud, after all, this was expected as she was quite popular due to he modeling in Sorcerer Magazine. She stood on stage happily smiling as she waved towards the cheering audience. She went on to explain that her specialty was transformation magic, however, the transformation wasn't really what the crowd really had wanted to see. She did not transform into a bikini or anything reviling, but instead transformed her face into other's faces. From Happy, Gajeel, followed by a few other members of the guild. She received a few laughs but overall confusion and let down by a lot of the audience.
(braking the post in half ><)
The contrast began and the girls came out one by one after their name was called showing off a bit of their magic. Cana was called on to stage first doing a card trick as the cards surrounded her, then revealing a bikini causing the crowd to cheer more. The name Juvia was announced secondly as she stepped out transforming her body into water as a wave headed towards the audience only to disappear and also reveal her in a bikini. Mirajane was the third to come out and when she did the crowd went extremely loud, after all, this was expected as she was quite popular due to he modeling in Sorcerer Magazine. She stood on stage happily smiling as she waved towards the cheering audience. She went on to explain that her specialty was transformation magic, however, the transformation wasn't really what the crowd really had wanted to see. She did not transform into a bikini or anything reviling, but instead transformed her face into other's faces. From Happy, Gajeel, followed by a few other members of the guild. She received a few laughs but overall confusion and let down by a lot of the audience.
(braking the post in half ><)
Ben watched with a amusement. Everyone was having fun and that was important. Especially now.
Ben watched with a amusement. Everyone was having fun and that was important. Especially now.
The competition continued with Erza being the fourth entree as she jumped from the side of the stage doing a flip before landing center stage in her normal attire. Erza got a loud round of applause and cheers as well as she too was quite popular among the crowd. She smirked stating she would show them all a requip not everyone got to see everyday. She yelled as swearls happened around her exploding into the audience into smoke. Revealing her in something no one would have accepted she was wearing a whole gothic lolita outfit. The crowd were surprised but went wilded. The fifth entry was the cute Levy as she did not change into an outfit or a bikini but showed off her script magi instead. Followed then by Bisca who came out in a bikini and showed off her shooting skills, throwing into the sky a group of coins. To which she shot a hole through them all and showed it to the audience. Lastly, it was Lucy that took the stage in a cheerleader outfit ready to cheer with her spirits but was caught off to her annoyance by a woman with light brown hair and a green dress slowly walking on stage covering part of her face with her fan.

“I am the very definition of Fairy, not to mention the very definition of beauty,...I am the only woman here that embodies everything that men desire and therefore the winner is ME! The ever lovely Evergreen!” she said, revealing her face and winking at the audience as she strikes a pose. “Now this idiotic contast can end!” she added
The competition continued with Erza being the fourth entree as she jumped from the side of the stage doing a flip before landing center stage in her normal attire. Erza got a loud round of applause and cheers as well as she too was quite popular among the crowd. She smirked stating she would show them all a requip not everyone got to see everyday. She yelled as swearls happened around her exploding into the audience into smoke. Revealing her in something no one would have accepted she was wearing a whole gothic lolita outfit. The crowd were surprised but went wilded. The fifth entry was the cute Levy as she did not change into an outfit or a bikini but showed off her script magi instead. Followed then by Bisca who came out in a bikini and showed off her shooting skills, throwing into the sky a group of coins. To which she shot a hole through them all and showed it to the audience. Lastly, it was Lucy that took the stage in a cheerleader outfit ready to cheer with her spirits but was caught off to her annoyance by a woman with light brown hair and a green dress slowly walking on stage covering part of her face with her fan.

“I am the very definition of Fairy, not to mention the very definition of beauty,...I am the only woman here that embodies everything that men desire and therefore the winner is ME! The ever lovely Evergreen!” she said, revealing her face and winking at the audience as she strikes a pose. “Now this idiotic contast can end!” she added
Pinto heard every word of that. "Hey if your gonna be a sore competitor get off the stage!" He yelled.

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