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Fandom [MULTIFANDOM] *+|| 𝙿𝚊𝚛𝚊𝚍𝚒𝚜𝚎 ||+* (OOC)

Maes learned the truth that Father started wars in order to make a nation wide transmutation circle that’s the plot of FMAB in a nutshell. He was gonna talk so Envy and Lust were sent to Central HQ to silence him. Lust wounds him but Envy takes the form of Maria Ross at first but Maes sees through it. Then Envy shape shifts into his wife and Maes knows it’s not her but he doesn’t shoot. And well Envy murders Maes Hughes by shooting him in his heart. It happens while Maes was talking to Roy in a a phone booth trying to warn him.
Srsly if Envy tries that, He better run because if you see red eyes and her hair on fire he's a goner.
Pride has shadows with eyes and teeth that also serve as his eyes and ears so Envy have seen it all though won’t mess with fire because of rumors of Roy. I digress I don’t think Envy will do that maybe it’s cause they do already feel superior maybe express it verbally. They’re not a touchy type.
I think Envy is the style to stick their nose down at anyone not necessarily just Yang.. mostly jealous of humans.
FMAB Wrath doesn’t count since he’s a human just with more insane power.
I know for sure Gluttony isn’t the kind who has friends outside of Lust. He has more of a mother thing with Lust. He’s child like.
I see Greed though if he understands that having friends is not so bad.
Greed just comes up to Envy and calls them fucking ugly.. he did that actually XD in canon right to their face.
… omg if Envy says something bad about White Beard cause of the tattoo.. 👀 yeah pissy! Ace will light fire under Envy’s ass.
i should do pixel art too.... i miss my silly little icon gifs lol.
Alas, I need to finish my daisuke drawing. Almost done with the line art, just gotta draw the belts for his kunai! but my laptop about to die smh. will have to finish later. will hopefully have it colored by tomorrow some time

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