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Fandom Modern Disney University - Organizations

Acapella's: TrebleMakers

Important Notice for the Acapella group!

The group will have UNIFORMS! And I promise you they are not ugly ones! xD

The Female:

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_09/upload_2015-9-26_20-5-18.png.a3a36ca6ea39eb16490e04424766b8c0.png" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="76794" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_09/upload_2015-9-26_20-5-18.png.a3a36ca6ea39eb16490e04424766b8c0.png" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

The Men:

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_09/upload_2015-9-26_20-5-51.png.9a99456a72828c8f74082b372673a262.png" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="76795" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_09/upload_2015-9-26_20-5-51.png.9a99456a72828c8f74082b372673a262.png" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

AND The A capella group is currently called; The TrebleMakers! (Don't judge, I stole it from Pitch Perfect) But If anyone has suggestions please either PM or tag me!! ^-^

@AlwaysYours @Miss Alice @Faction Before Blood @HesitationOblivion



  • upload_2015-9-26_20-5-18.png
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ShurikenPhoenix said:
I'm in love with the girls uniform (<3)
Yay! ^-^ I just relised something. Instead of that Mickey Mouse bow for the girls it will be

Thank you for joining the Acapella club! (<3)(<3)
Okay! I'll answer questions and add in the requests once I get on my laptop.

@Geek with Me - Those outfits are so beautiful like I can't even. I love them so much.
Well, I'm working on a 1 x 1 rp. When I reply, I plan on coming over here and updating. Would you like me to tag you once it's complete?
@Rida - I was leaving that blank because I wasn't sure if the admin wanted the character to play the president. If not, then definitely Tiana can be head chef.

@ShurikenPhoenix - That's a good idea. I'll create sport teams / and cheerleading teams and incorporate them in somehow.

@Miss Alice - It's updated


You have until Monday 28th to submit anymore clubs. That's when I'll work on creating a schedule.​
I'll add cooking to Wynter's clubs. And I think she'll be joining cheer as well. You have no idea how excited I am for this. xD
I'm going to add hakim and Evangeline to art club and when the sports get put up I'll throw Elijah in one

Also I don't know how how you intend on doing this but (at my old school at the least) there had to be a teacher present for clubs and other after school type activities... I know I've put Evangeline into a few clubs but for the rest I'm just curious as to what's going on... Especially the clubs that don't have many people in them or a president
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The charrie I'm posting soon is only teaching F&CS, which doesn't have many members, so I'm up for putting her as a club supervisor/substitute/hallway-monitor-type-person.

speaking of which join Family and Consumer Science for a little Mother Gothel action!!!

Side note: Please put Leah up for the Treble Makers--can't miss out on those uniforms xD


I was looking up Disney-themed cooking items for fun, and found this in the comments of a buzzfeed article:

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Well, to bend the rules a little I'm not going to make it mandatory for a teacher to be present in the club. But hands down, there will be supervisors to make sure that the college students are like, smoking or anything on the grounds.
Character's name:



  • Thearte || Art || Music
  • Human


  • (Can I please be the president of Cooking Club?)
  • Self Defense Club
  • Book Club
  • Art Club
  • Sorority Club
Here a new club idea Cinema Club a club that watches and makes movies. This club would need a teacher camera and lighting equipment are expensive.

I just saw all these comments on here xD

Actually in college (At least mine) There isn't any professors (They get mad if you call them teachers =P) in charge of clubs.

Students are supposed to be mature enough to run clubs on their own and most of the time they are!

Also...I want to add my characters to some more clubs seeing as the list has grown from the last time I saw this and suggest some clubs?

I'll make a summary of my characters so it's easier =)

Lilith Abigail Darling

Electives: Theater/Art/Music & Family and Consumer Science

Club: Cooking & Book

Ethan Gaston LeFortmal

Electives: Theater/Art/Music & Health

Club: Villain's & Frat

Madden Halyn De Vil

Electives: Theater/Art/Music & Foreign Languages

Club: LGBTQ, Villain's, & Art

Suggestions:(Not all of them have to be done but just some ideas. Some of these might have been suggested before)

*Student Council (Would be in charge of things such as Fundraisers [Car Washes, Bake Sales, Raffles, Carnivals], Pep rallies [if we have sports], School Events[Homecoming, Field Day, Prom], School Parties[Halloween, Christmas, Valentine's Day], and School Organizations [Approving Club Events and new Clubs]), {Lilith for Prez?}

*Charity Club (Would focus on giving back to the community) {Lilith for Prez?}

*Yearbook (Gets yearbooks out to students at the end of the year)

*Newspaper (Delivers Monthly news containing the Month's events and other fun items)

*Dance Club (Preforms at games, school events and competitions)

*Band (Preforms at games, school events, and competitions)

*ROTC (Future knights in shinning armor)

*Fashion Club (Anyone looking for the latest fashions and weekly shopping) {Maddie for Prez?}

*Drama Club (Preforms for school events and competitions) {Maddie for Prez?}

*Foreign Exchange Club (Character from other realms Visit WDU for a brief period of time_A person or two could be chosen to create a side character from other movie companies and play them for a week or so.)

*Survival Club (Teaches the basics about surviving in the wilderness) {Gaston for Prez?}

*Radio Club (Provides the campus with a student led radio station)

*Big and Little Club (Help out incoming college students make their way through their first year in college) {Lilith for Prez?}

*Academic Clubs (Clubs such as Math Club, Science Club, English Club)

*Sport Clubs (Soccer, Football, Baseball, Basketball, Volleyball, Swim) {Gaston for Quarterback? Gastion for Pitcher?}

*Cheerleaders: (Bring pep to school and cheer teams to victory)

*Flim Club: (Creates films for school events, entertainment, and competitions)
NOTE- I forgot to add that it isn't mandatory for presidents to start a pm. It's only if they have something they'd like to share with the members.

Nope. As stated- you can still add characters to the group. ^-^
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HesitationOblivion said:
NOTE- I forgot to add that it isn't mandatory for presidents to start a pm. It's only if they have something they'd like to share with the members.
Nope. As stated- you can still add characters to the group. ^-^
Now I'm indecisive to start a PM or not. I got a buttload of ideas

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