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Fantasy Mitheria: The Call

Oh hey! Dispite making tons of double posts lately, have another one. After all...

[QUOTE="Elle Joyner]OH Jeepers creepers >_< I would LOVE to get notifications on this dang thing. Had no idea I missed a whole page. I like the concept, very much so :)

You dun reminded me... Should I go ahead, make the blurb about Norheim (trying to stay with your theme for your blurbs) and then work on Erik, the magnificently arrogant bastard he is?
That would be wonderful.

And Prizz - If you WANT (no pressure *AllthePressureEver*) -- Feel free to make a blurb for wherever Jin hails from.
Okay - got all the locations up, except Delveid -- I'll work on that this afternoon (seeing as no one hails from there, it doesn't hold as much importance as the other four xD )
[QUOTE="Elle Joyner]That would be wonderful.
And Prizz - If you WANT (no pressure *AllthePressureEver*) -- Feel free to make a blurb for wherever Jin hails from.

Fer sher. I'll see if I have time.
Alright. I'll get working on it as soon as I can then.

*hums excitedly about how he gets to alter this magnificent world*

Dum di-dee dum, dum di-dee doo!
Prizz - Nope. She was fine until her thirteen birthday, then the curse took full form, but she wasn't locked away in the cabin till 15 (she's 17 now, I think? 18?)
[QUOTE="Elle Joyner]Prizz - Nope. She was fine until her thirteen birthday, then the curse took full form, but she wasn't locked away in the cabin till 15 (she's 17 now, I think? 18?)

And I also suppose her father was the ACTUAL king of Nazreal? In that case, how far-fetched would it be for an ex-noble who studied war, tactics and politics for several years to recognize her? (Obviously not right away, I was thinking he'd get an epiphany a few weeks later when some important detail about her is revealed, maybe.) It's up to you whether you'd ever want that to happen or nah.
Totally likely - she hasn't aged that much and prior to her being hidden away she was treated pretty much the way any Princess might be. She had suitors and everything. xD
I swear I'm going to browse through this soon to see if I'm interested. I just haven't gotten around to it yet. Don't want you to think I'm ignoring your tag. :P

I saw arcana mentioned in the overview - what's up with that?
Basically the jist of it...

The people native to Mitheria do NOT have magic with one exception: a few have studied blood magic. No PCs with blood magic as it's too costly to be effective in the story line. You'd need a bucket of blood, lots of studying, and months of recovery time to do anything cool. The queen of Sostial studied for years, executed a bad ass spell, and sacrificed her life to bring a few folks from earth...

The people from earth DO have magic. They each get cool magical ability (with Elle and my approval) and are called stars because they look like they fell from the sky like a falling star.

Mitherians have connections in Mitheria, know the people and lands, can use a sword, fight, etc.

Stars can use their specific magical aptitude.

I hope that helps Corvus & The-Roleplayer-Formerly-Known-as-Dusk!
Okay, I posted my blurb to the "Settings" tab. It's got way more info on the country's workings than the others, but it's a bit foreign in its ways.
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[QUOTE="Prizzy Kriyze]No fucking way

Wait, what? Why is that worthy of such a reaction? Is it so strange that I might make a country based on the Norse? Man, those guys were fuckin' SAVAGE. And that was the legitimate name for the guy. He was the best-of-the-best. Über - Massive or major. Higher in status or volume. Jarl - Scandinavian nobility. Norwegian or Danish chief.
[QUOTE="Darth Corvus]Wait, what? Why is that worthy of such a reaction? Is it so strange that I might make a country based on the Norse? Man, those guys were fuckin' SAVAGE. And that was the legitimate name for the guy. He was the best-of-the-best. Über - Massive or major. Higher in status or volume. Jarl - Scandinavian nobility. Norwegian or Danish chief.

Sorry if it offended, the "No fucking way" was in every shape and form an approving statement, specifically BECAUSE the title made me laugh my ass off. I'm Swedish, I know what über AND jarl means. It's just that putting über before something has about the same meaning as putting super before something.

So yeah, I said "No fucking way" because I thought it was funny as hell, because to me it sounded synonymous to "Superjarl".
[QUOTE="Prizzy Kriyze]Sorry if it offended, the "No fucking way" was in every shape and form an approving statement, specifically BECAUSE the title made me laugh my ass off. I'm Swedish, I know what über AND jarl means. It's just that putting über before something has about the same meaning as putting super before something.
So yeah, I said "No fucking way" because I thought it was funny as hell, because to me it sounded synonymous to "Superjarl".

Oh, no. No offense. And yeah, it is essentially saying Superjarl. That's kinda what they were. During their reign - and after - they were basically seen as mortal gods.

Now, I believe I have a character to make.
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But of course!

Also, do you have any idea how hard it is to find a decent picture for this guy? I found an okay one, but he went through a total image overhaul because of it.

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