• This section is for roleplays only.
    ALL interest checks/recruiting threads must go in the Recruit Here section.

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Fantasy Mitheria: The Call

Your posts are all wonderful, Mordecai. If it's short, then it gives me a chance to keep up with you. ;)
Nah... it's not that excellent ;P Just look at mine! I'm short and simple :3
Syrenrei said:
Your posts are all wonderful, Mordecai. If it's short, then it gives me a chance to keep up with you. ;)
Oo, pssh. You're writing far exceeds my own, but your compliment was greatly appreciated! (:
Oh shiiiiiiiiiz- !!!

I totally forgot to keep working on my CS after I lost it!


Really, though. I REALLY want to join, but life is crazy. Sorry for being late in all this...
Eh, an anthology of roleplays sounds fun, but I'm not to sure I want that on my already pretty full plate. Neat idea though.
Glad you like it, Glasses!

Sucks that you think you can't join, but whatever, man. You is a busy guy. Wanna spread the word for me instead? :P
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As I've said, several times, I haven't forgotten, I simply don't have the time to write a post. I'll see if it can be done this weekend.
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So sorry for the late (and poor) post. I would've gotten to it sooner if it wasn't for school and life. It also would've been better, but I'm currently sick and having a hard time thinking straight. Sorry ;-;

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