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Fantasy Mitheria: The Call

(the following post will be written in the accent of Robert Coultart, maker of sweets and owner of the candy shop Coulter's Candy)

A'right, ya daft writers, ah've got mahself som' free time noo, sa' ah'll be writin' mah post fer yer character sheets. Ye'll ha' yer Erik right quick, but ye'll hafta be a wee bit patient, aye?
The translation for those not familiar with the Scottish brogue:

Alright, you daft writers, I've got myself some free time now, so I'll be writing my post for your character sheets. You'll have your Erik right quick, but you'll have to be a bit patient, aye?
Posted Erik's sheet, but I have no idea as to why his pic is so small...

Edit: Figured out why: Erik's pic is landscape orientation while all the others are profile. Ugh.
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It's up to yourselves whether it is or not. My own posts would probably be less sparse from now on.
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I gotta be honest - and this isn't meant to be a cut on anyone or anything... I know IRL stuff trumps RP stuff, and we all get busy and have lives. I just really don't have the same inspiration for this that I did at the start. Having to wait so long between posts has completely killed my muse, and with a lot of other RPs in play, I kind of have to pick and chose my battles. Once a week is one thing, but my last post was December 21st. I don't even remember half of what's going on by this point. :( I'm really sorry!
Up to you fine folks. I have no other RPs going on with this site, so this one has its own dedicated tab in my browser. I do agree it's been a long time between posts but I personally have nothing else going on (or in the works, not that I've been looking) so I am amicable to whatever is being decided.
[QUOTE="Darth Corvus]Think it's a bit late for that by now. It's looong dead.

I see two others that would like to continue. Maybe us four could do a small group "restart"?
I just saw this =x I am hardly here anymore, but I could do a reboot if people remember to post without nagging =P
Syrenrei said:
I just saw this =x I am hardly here anymore, but I could do a reboot if people remember to post without nagging =P
[QUOTE="Darth Corvus]YAS

[QUOTE="Prizzy Kriyze]I am willing to do that for sure.

Do you all think we should do something like Google or elsewhere for the rp? And keep in touch via Skype for plans and hype?
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[QUOTE="Darth Corvus]Oh bugger. This mean I'll actually have to set up a Skype? Blech.

Skype is free...so that's good?

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