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Fantasy Mitheria: The Call

Elle Joyner

Fracturer of Fairytales



Please use this for all OOC needs

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Elle is working on formatting the CS, but feel free to ask questions here, talk about what yer gonna play, etc. etc. Tagging people so they can find this stuff and we know the "cast":

@Auren @DamagedGlasses @Prizzy Kriyze @Mordecai @Elle Joyner @Musician

Right now this is by invitation only, so if you know someone you think writes really well and can vouch for staying with this RP long term (i.e. at least a few months, probably more) please let us know. If you stumble across this thread and we know you personally, you can PM me and Elle and ask to join, but if you are frequently busy and/or unfaithful with posting, it will be an issue. Real life is more important than role play, but this group was designed with the hopes of finding a smallish group of folks that are very dedicated. =)

I am making two characters:

  • "Noble," a mysterious noble long-haired blonde swordsman hailing from Larune, a kingdom across the sea (Elle should have that put up in the lore soon). He'll be a Mitheria native! Larune's royalty is descended from Sleeping Beauty.
  • "Alice," whose real name I haven't decided yet, a Korean pop star who is thrust into Mitheria from the real world. Her power is likely to be regeneration, though she will have absolutely no fighting skills whatsoever nor any real physical aptitude besides dancing!
Hello! I have been, for the last few days, playing around with two concepts for a character. The first was from a roleplay that died far quicker than I would have imagined it would have, but she was a fun character to play. The other is new, but both are looking to be fun.

  • Anna Bethel, a german preteen girl, somewhere around the age of 15 or 14 who isn't really fit, maybe even a bit sickly looking. Born on the cusp of the Great Depression, I'm a thinking a Necromatic kind of special ability dealing with Dolls and a soul function. Still toning down some of the darker bits, but she'll be exciting to play if I decide she is the one!
  • "Beekeeper", doesn't have a name yet. A sixth generation beekeeper from the lands of Poland, I'm thinking an Insect Control type ability that could help out the physically older and more handicapped Beekeeper.

Now, I didn't know whether or not those in this group of 'called' were from the modern 21st century or if it called people regardless of their placement in the timeline, or how that was even going to work here. So, please correct me if I'm wrong in assuming some of this stuff. :3
All the people that are summoned from the 'real world' would be from modern times, though they can be from anywhere, any age, etc. Elle is playing some pretty bad guys, so hopefully most of them are heroic or King Alin is totally boned! (Hopefully he will also find a successor out of everyone ;) )

Also I think we had decided (I might be wrong) that we can each only have one real world person with magical powers so we don't end up with a totally OP party. That's why I am doing my lovely Mitheria dude, who may or may not flirt with my real world lady though they won't end up together. <3 @Auren I'm probably not going to play many Mitheria NPCs at the start, so the Mitheria PCs will be the ones that find the real world folks that were summoned. I figure some PCs will have to help them do stuff like find food, find shelter, avoid getting shanked by evil NPCs, etc.

If Auren rejects my swordsman, I find him swoon-worthy enough I'll make a third character from Mitheria to snatch him up! xD
xD Auren and I have had TWO RPs now where I RPed a guy for her romantic interest and the RP died. I really like having romantic interests for my folks and I sort of owe her one twice over! I tried to lure @Mr\. Grin into this RP so I'd have a romantic interest for my Korean chick, but he's too busy with RL to commit. To be fair, though, if she regenerates she might live tragically longer than anyone she might fall for. She'll have to set up a contingency plan for when she gets to a certain age someone decapitates her so she can die....

...and this just got really dark. >.>
So sorry I'm taking a bazillion years! Family was visiting this last week and the weekend has been cleaning frenzy! I'm looking at a real world guy, who thus far I don't have much on and a play on the Swan princess lol

And I'll likely be NPCing at least one villainy type... possibly two.
I was thinking that King Alin is paranoid, but that doesn't mean he isn't right that people are trying to figure out a way to get to his throne! Instead of making them out to get him, however, they might try to seek ways to discredit the 'stars' or keep any of them from being named heir. My dude is not going to be a valid choice for it for in-game secret reasons, so I'll be picking an heir almost certainly out of the PCs.

Well, I'm gonna make dudes as always, so love interests for all da chicks ;)

I'm going to join this. As far as the foreseeable future goes, I'll only be working for another week so time will be plentifull right after that. I'm still only going to make one character, because my posting gets even lazier if I feel I have to devote to multiple characters. I've got three ideas though, and you guys are going to have to help me pick right now because I can't even almost make up my mind.

They're all medieval(ish) swordsmen, so it's not like I'm being creative.

1. Tilian Scaro - Samurai, noble, and most definitely an outcast. Tilian is a calm, and non-talkative individual, obviously brooding about some horrible incident in his past. He'll be a mysterious and graceful swordsman, attentive and quiet in his personality, noble in backstory and a bringer of justice in character. I'm thinking something something unoriginal like wind magic will do him good.

Basically: I'm a shame to my famiry, but I will repent by doing good rather than seppuku.

2. Oni Azikiwe - Tribal of some sort from an unknown era. Oni has lived almost his entire life in solitude at the centre of a jungle. His early days were spent in the company of other people so he's able to communicate, but he's awkward to say the least. Excitable, curious, impulsive and hot-headed. Super strength and agility or some sort of vegetation power.

Basically: Jungle man angry, jungle man smash. Jungle man happy to learn.

3. Cyril Blackwood - Pirate. Suave, charming, cocky and hedonistic, Cyril is formerly a poor English dock worker. His adventures had brought him aboard a pirate ship at some point, and after many many years he's a seasoned battle veteran with a taste for women and other fine things ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°).

Basically: He'll kick your ass, look good doing it, and take better care of your wife than you ever did.
Well, I like all three concepts but I'm not sure how well the first one would work! There are two types of characters:

  • Real world characters from the modern world, though they can be any age, either gender, any nationality, etc. that get magical powers when they are summoned to Mitheria
  • Mitheria characters who don't have any magical abilities and are from medieval-ish kingdoms (that might have fairy-tale like stories)

I could see No. 2 being from a remote part of the modern, real world and getting a magical power (strength, agility, vegetation control) when he's summoned to Mitheria. If you wanted to use No. 3, instead of being an English pirate he could be from a naval kingdom. He just needs a reason to be in Sostial since that's where most/all of our PCs are gonna start. He could start a little ways away if you wanted, but then you'd have to RP getting to the rest of the group. =)

The Overview that Elle made all prettified has most of this setting info. =x So far we've only made 3 kingdoms, but you guys can make other kingdoms in the world that your characters are from so long as they have a good reason to be in Sostial or near it. The real world folks are gonna get summoned to Sostial and Elle's villains are gonna attack!
Oh man, I never realized it had to be modern. I really love the idea of my third guy, too. Like, just imagine this guy who's gotten interested in one of the girls or something, so he hangs with the group. He'll be disappointed and bored every second of anything official. Like "So what's this map thing, what the hell are we doing?" not having listened previously at all to what's going on, while slouching on a pile of pillows or something.

I kinda want him to have powers though, but at the same time being a pirate from in-universe could be funny as hell. I'm most likely going with pirate dude.
@Syrenrei Your character's age is Julien?

@Elle Joyner Hey Elle, am I allowed to make my character somewhat of a blood magic practitioner? Also, I love how you used Europe as the world map with a few mountains moved around. I'm going to make my own character from outside of it, however.
I can certainly make do without it. It's not going to be used very widely at all, but I thought it could make a pretty cool gimmick.
Also xD Funny story... I'm terrible at Geography. I just grabbed a random blank map and worked with that -- I had no idea it was Europe. xD
Oh no worries. Everyone has something they don't know about. Like me regarding anything in architecture. I had to explain to my mother that people are also made out of atoms just the other day!
Well, since you didn't know I feel the need to point it out.

Sostial= Finland, Sweden , Norway and part of Russia. Estonia, Latvia and Lithuania.

Delveid= Denmark, Germany, Poland, Greece, Romania, Ukraine, Hungary, and other countless countries who I can not name by heart. Especially not in English.

Larune= France, Spain, England, Ireland, Italy, Luxemborg, Andorra, Portugal, Schweiz, Belgium. (Probably something else I forgot about)

Nazreal= Bunch of arabic countries I don't know by heart. Turkey, other places. More chunks of Russia.

Cerulia= Mostly Russian. Maybe a bit of Belarus.

Lost Isle= Iceland. (Poor guys, so lonely)

Eyy, I think I've established myself as a nerd now. I'm going to start writing my character and we'll see what Syri says about blood magic.
I had some series issues with the frickin' BBCode. If I try to edit my post, either the borders change (adding another border) or the colored font in the headers of the tabs gets erased. So I had to use notepad and copy/paste the fuck out of everything.

Anyway, the reason only NPCs have blood magic is that to do anything worthwhile you'd have to injure your character, which would basically make them be less effective or useless most of the RP with just that one pretty cool spell. The reason people don't practice blood magic isn't that it can't do awesome stuff, it's that the cost is sufficient enough that it can be incredibly damaging- especially considering there is no healing magic in the world. Since blood is also the 'currency' of the magic, you'd also have to patiently wait to regenerate the blood you'd need for your spell to not die of blood loss. >.> Unless your spell requires enough blood to do that anyway, like the summoning spell. For example, if you want to magically poison someone's arm to cripple it, you'd probably have to drain enough blood you'd be on best rest for at least a week, and wait a couple months or so before you'd be able to cast another spell... plus people would probably figure out you cast the spell and come after you. xD And that's only if you were studious enough to do it right without wasting the blood!

I made blood magic unattractive for a few reasons. First, if it just required blood letting and/or some study, everyone would do it. Magic from our guys that got summoned wouldn't be special. They'd land in Mitheria, get blasted to hell probably, and that would be the end of them! Not only that, no one would want to summon people because hey, they already have magic! Since the people from the 'real world' will have few or no applicable skills to Mitheria (like amazing swordplay, knowledge of Mitheria's politics, diplomatic relations, social status, experience in mass combat involving medieval weaponry, etc.) this helps to 'balance' them and make them important. I think most of the Mitheria PCs are important folks.

Soooo no blood magic. I am open to making Mitheria PCs important in Larune if you want, and I think Elle would be open to that for her kingdom too. Or you can make a kingdom he's important to. He can also be a bad ass with whatever skill you think is applicable. =) I picked swords even though I can't write melee stuff for shit. I'm gonna outsource that to Wes if I can't fudge my way through. >.<

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