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outfit: click to see! tags: brielle enigma2 enigma2 ; aiden apolla apolla ; devon laburnum gold laburnum gold ; rowan Parallax Parallax ;

Dorian's attention was pulled from the pong tables when a friendly face approached him. Brielle. She was quite stunning and if it wasn't for the sibling bond they had created over the years she'd have definitely been his type. He didn't see her that way though, not now. The girl had been to his house multiple times, sleepovers, cheer practices, just hanging out. She came mostly for Madelaine but that didn't mean they hadn't had their fair share of talks and bonding. "Bri. I've missed you too! It's been what? A whole week?" he teased though he knew it hadn't been too long since the last time he'd seen her. "What have you been up to?" he asked her curiously just as Aiden and Devon both wandered over, Rowan following closely behind the latter.

"What's up!" he greeted them, holding up a ping pong ball for them to see. "We can play teams but I call Aiden on mine," he said with a grin, nudging his friend. He knew that Aiden was pretty good at the game, as he should be since he played it so often. If you were to ask Dorian who his best friend was he'd say he had a few but Aiden was his closest. He probably trusted Aiden more than anyone if he was honest. He soon heard his sister walking up and practically screaming out Bri's name. "I know you're a cheerleader but do you have to be that loud," he joked, obviously having no room to tease since he wasn't very quiet himself.

"Rowan! Play with us!" he said, motioning for him to take one of the ping pong balls. He'd already managed to set the game up and reach in a nearby cooler for the four beers they'd be drinking from. "Let's do this. You guys can have first shot," he added. Dorian knew that the party scene wasn't really Rowan's thing but he was glad that he had come anyway. The guy needed to loosen up and Dorian liked him a lot. He was always inviting him to things like this and trying to get him a little out of his shell. Why not play a game to help accomplish that?

Code by apolla apolla
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[class=container] --main: #FFFFB5; --accent: #12161F; position: relative; overflow: hidden; width: 18.5em; height: 25em; margin-left: auto; margin-right: auto; background-color: var(--main); padding: 0.5em; box-shadow: 5px 5px 0px var(--accent); [/class] [class=pic] position: relative; width: 97%; height: 100%; color: #fff; background: url(https://data.whicdn.com/images/230588935/original.gif); background-size: 100%; text-align: left; [/class] [class=name] position: relative; width: auto; height: 1.5em; font-size: 1.5em; color: var(--accent); text-transform: lowercase; text-align: left; padding-top: 14em; font-weight: 700; text-shadow: 2px 2px 0px white; overflow: hidden; padding-left: 1.5em; letter-spacing: 5px; transition-duration: 0.3s; [/class] [class name=name state=hover] padding-top: 1em; padding-bottom: 15em; background-color: var(--main); transition-duration: 0.3s; [/class] [class=text] position: relative; height: auto; color: var(--accent); overflow: visible; padding: 15px 5px 15px 5px; font-size: 10px; line-height: 12px; text-align: justify; [/class] [class=circlepic] width: 5em; height: 5em; border-radius: 30em; margin-left: 2em; background: url(https://i.pinimg.com/564x/8c/1d/f1/8c1df1f500384e83efe2a633c288b81a.jpg); background-size: 130%; margin-top: 1em; box-shadow: 3px 3px 0px var(--accent); transition-duration: 0.1s; [/class] [class name=circlepic state=hover] background: url(https://i.pinimg.com/564x/8c/1d/f1/8c1df1f500384e83efe2a633c288b81a.jpg); background-size: 130%; background-position: 30% 10%; transition-duration: 0.1s; [/class] [class=content] position: relative; overflow: auto; width: 20em; height: 25em; color: #fff; padding-right: 2em; [/class] [class=postinfo] font-size: 0.5em; color: var(--accent); text-align: center; margin-left: -3em; line-height: 2em; text-shadow: 0.75px 0.75px 0px white; letter-spacing: 0em; [/class] [class=credit] position: relative; overflow: hidden; width: 100%; height: 10px; text-align: center; font-style: normal; font-weight: normal; font-size: 8px; color: #dedede; opacity: 0.25; [/class] [div class=container][div class=content] [div class=pic] [div class=name]
↓ brielle gonzález.
[div class=circlepic][/div]
[div class=postinfo]outfit: clothes, shoes
interactions: Aiden, Devon, Dorian, Madelaine, Rowan

mentions: Elena, Lilith, Lamarcus
tags: jasmyn jasmyn Keira Winston Keira Winston summerwine summerwine Parallax Parallax fin fin laburnum gold laburnum gold [/div] [/div] [/div]
[div class=text]
Brielle laughed at herself in her head because it really had only been about a week since she had seen the boy last, but that was still a good amount of time in her books. "Well this party didn't plan itself, so I've been spending a lot of time with Elena and Lilith to help out there, and little to none with my dad" she said, a small smile attached to the sentence. It was true, her father had disappeared on some elegant trip with one of his many "secretaries", but Brielle wasn't the same little girl that'd cry when her father left. To be honest, it was more of a relief for her since she could do as she pleased without him breathing down her neck about all her mistakes, and how she was his biggest one. Just as she was about to commence her next sentence, she heard the voice of none other than Devon Wong, one of her best friends since her early school days. "Dev, oh my God! Where have you been" she said, before hugging him the same way she had hugged Dorian.

When Aiden introduced himself into the conversation, Brielle stiffened a little in awkwardness. It was probably because she was weird and had an uneasy feel around him due to the fact that he was a drug dealer. Pretty hypocritical of her since she's close with Lamarcus when he's in a whole gang, but her friendship with Lamarcus really started out of guilt after her dad tried to buy land in his neighborhood. She'd felt bad for the boy when she met him, and since she never was one to side with her father she made sure to help get her father off their backs. Her and Aiden never had that emotional connection, but she was never one to be rude and he had complimented her so she decided to engage in conversation. "You look great tonight too, Brielle. Wait no! I meant you great look, Aiden" she said, with a smile on her face. It wasn't until she heard snickers around that she realized she had totally butchered her second attempt at the compliment. Brielle's cheeks turned red in embarrassment, and she offered a sheepish smile to the boy, deciding against attempting the compliment again. "Lord, kill me now" she said, just above a whisper, moving her hands to rub her arms even though she was fully clothed, and not the slightest bit cold.

After trying to mask her embarrassment, she moved her gaze around the small group and spotted Rowan standing there with a smile on his face, and a slight wave directed towards her. She waved back at the boy, before quickly shifting her gaze back to the ground praying someone would come save her from this embarrassment. It seemed as if her prayers was answered because a few seconds later she heard a loud squeal and hands being wrapped around her. She could recognize that sound from anywhere, and it seemed as if all her embarrassment had faded because she quickly reciprocated the hug and let out her own high pitched squeal. "I look great? Mads, you look beautiful 24/7, tell me how you do it please" she complimented, her eyes raking over the girl attire quickly. Brielle hadn't lied, the girl could pull off any outfit and honestly seemed like a model. In her excitement she almost forgot she needed the girl's advice, but at was almost as if a light bulb had switched in her head. "Oh and I kinda need your help" she whispered to the girl, cautious that no one else had heard her.
[/div] [/div][/div][div class=credit]code by [COLOR=#dedede]sox[/COLOR][/div]
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Little groups had already formed by the time they entered the party. A group of giggling girls headed straight to the pool, while others huddled around the couch to catch up on life. There were plenty of people Arya recognized, but she couldn’t remember half their names for the life of her. Like, that one guy. Richard? Roman? God, she didn’t know. She usually just called him Reese’s pieces, in an effort to hide the fact she didn’t know his name. She thought about asking him but felt like she was too far in the acquaintance zone for her not to seem rude.

“Ooo,” Arya noticed the group gathering around the beer pong table. She rarely played, since her hand-eye coordination made drunk people look sober, but always loved to hype people up as they did. “Beer pong, later?” She asked, glancing up towards Reagan.

Suddenly, the girl’s head perked up, as her eyes caught hold of the drink station. “There it is!” Arya exclaimed, maybe a bit too excited for a drink than she should’ve been, since, unlike her friends, a fake ID can’t help her get alcohol. Not with her height, at least. One look at her and the cashier would just call the cops. She practically sprinted towards the liquor table, dragging Reagan with her by the sleeve.

Recognizing two out of the three people standing by it, she called out, “Save some for me, guys.” Arya grinned as she strolled up to the liquor table. There was an assortment of surprisingly expensive bottles for high schoolers. Then again, almost all of Doveport’s kids were rich and, for whatever reason, enjoyed drinking liquor that tasted like hand sanitizer. But, not Arya. She stuck to the cheap stuff. And, lucky for her, there was plenty of it too. The packs of beer had barely been touched. She ripped one out of the case.

Watching as Lamarcus combined the liquors, her nose scrunched up. “When you vomit later, remember to aim it at Cain and not me-,” She joked. Her eyes then drifted to the other person standing at the table, and her mouth dropped. Cam?” Arya almost choked on her beer. She didn’t think she’d see her at a party, let alone drinking. “Wha- you already drank an entire glass?” She mistook the little amount Cameron had placed in her cup, as the amount that was left. “Damn, now I feel behind.” She grinned and took another glug of her beer. Then, shortly after, unable to contain her urges, Arya fished through her jacket pockets for a small baggie filled with edibles, then pulled it out. She quickly popped one in her mouth.

“Want some, Farrow?” Arya knew Reagan wasn’t too crazy about drugs, but always asked anyway. She didn’t ask Lamarcus or Cain, figuring they had their own stash. As for Cameron, well, that girl rarely did anything fun.

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[class=border] --main-colour: #a65959; --image: url(https://em.wattpad.com/551876014ee76b98d8eafb1f21f8ae5c67ab103a/68747470733a2f2f73332e616d617a6f6e6177732e636f6d2f776174747061642d6d656469612d736572766963652f53746f7279496d6167652f574d47414359717751774a5849513d3d2d3434303133343035352e313532343266633830363165363536313635313738383930343435302e676966); [/class] [div class=container][div class=border][div class=line style="top: 80px;"][/div][div class=line style="top: 175px;"][/div][div class=line style="top: 490px;"][/div] [div class=line style="background: var(--main-colour); top: 70px;"][/div][div class=line style="background: var(--main-colour); top: 165px;"][/div][div class=line style="background: var(--main-colour); top: 500px;"][/div] [div class=bubble style="top: 110px; left: 170px"][/div][div class=bubble style="top: 110px; left: 210px; background: var(--main-colour);"][/div][div class=bubble style="top: 110px; left: 250px;"][/div] [div class=bubble style="background: var(--main-colour); top: 520px; left: 370px;"][/div][div class=bubble style="top: 520px; left: 410px;"][/div][div class=bubble style="background: var(--main-colour); top: 520px; left: 450px;"][/div] [div class=charname]elena rivera[/div] [div class=icon][/div][div class=iconcolour][/div][div class=charinfo][div class=scroll]LOCATION. the beer pong table ATTIRE. dress, back, cartier, heels MENTIONED. oliver, lilith, brielle, cain, la marcus, aiden, devon, madi, dorian, rowan, noah TAGS. summerwine summerwine enigma2 enigma2 laburnum gold laburnum gold jasmyn jasmyn Parallax Parallax fin fin oliver oliver apolla apolla [/div][/div] [div class=post][div class=scroll]elena studied the look on cain's face as he took a step towards her, making him a tad too close for comfort, especially with oliver at her side, forcing her to lock eyes with him. she took note of the mischievous glimmer in his eyes despite his innocent grin. if she didn't know better, he could've passed off as being friendly, but she knew him well enough to know that his intentions were never pure, or least not with her, and she knew that as a fact. oliver seemed to sense it too, as she felt him firmly put his hand on her waist, exactly where it should be, pulling her closer and making her feel more secure. it seemed to be oliver's classy way of silently telling cain to back off (there was something about alpha males being territorial that she liked). she admired how, like her, he knew exactly how to deal with things. it was nice to be feeling protected by him again, and she was not going to let cain ruin it. "you really know how to make a guy feel special," cain had said chuckling, before leaving to the alcohol table. having mastered the art of only letting people see what she wanted them to see, elena gritted her pearly whites behind the perfect smile she had plastered on her face, not letting it falter once. however, she did feel herself narrow her eyes at his direction, only for a moment, as he strode away smugly with an air of confidence around him. asshole, she had thought. he had a lot of nerve doing that, and he did not have to go there. she knew exactly what he was doing- trying to make her confront the times he had been there for her over the past month. he was doing the same thing he was trying to do over summer and for as long as she could remember- to get her away from her boyfriend, and he had almost succeeded. she definitely had him wrapped around her finger (like she did with most people), but he for sure had his way with her, too, even if she didn't want to admit it, and he got exactly what he wanted: seeing him, she couldn't help but to reminisce about the past month while oliver was away. she wasn't around for much at the beginning of summer. she had been in bali, where her mother had been adopted from, doing some charity work at the orphanages with her mother's socialite friends. kinda ironic how they treated the children like a charity case, especially since her mother grew up feeling like one. she, on the other hand, had dreaded it- being around shallow trophy wives that reminded her of her dreaded future and greatest fear of becoming one of them, but it wasn't all that bad considering that she basically got a free vacation out of having to hang out around them. she was even looking forward to going on yachts in the mediterranean with them at their next destination, italy's almafi coast. her trip was cut short however, and she remembered rushing home after hearing about oliver's overdose. to make matters worse, once home, she'd found out some terrible news about her father. although, she already didn't expect much from him at that point. she'd found out that her father wasn't visiting family in barcelona every time he had been away, but instead, he'd been spending time with his other children in malibu, which she wasn't supposed to know existed. last time he was home, he had delivered her new porsche and taught her how to drive stick. she was convinced that he only spent time with her so that she wouldn't bring her car to the dealership with the gears all grinded up, embarrassing her father in front of the porsche membership club. it also hurt that during that time, he'd mostly just asked about oliver, seeing him as the face of his luxury hotel company in the future. he cared more about her relationship with oliver, than her herself. it left a bitter taste in her mouth, but the pain was nothing compared to finding out that her father spent much more time with his hidden family than with her. elena chose to suck it up, though, and visited oliver as soon as she could, despite being a complete wreck after discovering her father's best kept secret. she remembered seeing the look on oliver's face when he saw her, his bright smile stretching from ear to ear seeing that she had obviously dressed up for him. clearly in his first stages of withdrawal, he looked sickly, worse than ever, and it pained her to see him that way. It hurt her even more to have to act like everything was ok, faking her happy so that he'd focus on himself instead of worrying about her, who'd have to spend the rest of summer alone in her cold, empty home, even though she knew that he knew her well enough to tell something was off, whether it was something about him, her, their relationship, or something else that was going on. she didn't even know how to help him, being one to deal with her own problems in her own unhealthy ways, her go to coping mechanisms being retail therapy, sex, and booze. it left elena with a constant guilt, blaming herself for being a shitty girlfriend and not being able to prevent him from reaching that breaking point. she didn't even realize how bad it had gotten while she was away. she had been around substance abuse all her life and had even witnessed her maids clean off white powder from the granite countertop at home when she was younger, but nothing had ever scared her until now. since it had happened, she couldn't even bear the thought of going near molly. however in an attempt to deal with everything going on in her life, her alcohol dependence may have gotten even worse. luckily for her, cain had been there to constantly comfort her and pick up the broken pieces, making things more complicated for her. with oliver gone, he knew something was wrong, even though she'd never disclosed the oliver information. but now that oliver was back, she'd convinced herself, or at least tried convincing herself, that cain was a distraction that she had only called up because she missed her boyfriend, although cain was everything oliver wasn't, the opposite of him. unlike most people, cain pushed her buttons and could get under her skin in more ways than she thought were possible. on the other hand, oliver was sensitive, warm, and openly affectionate, and elena missed everything about him: how he looked at her with his warm, loving eyes, how his gifted voice would sing to her, how his soft lips felt on the tip of her nose, how his fingers interwined with hers, or how he'd hold her in his strong arms, making her feel at peace, despite whatever she had going on. she'd tell him about her family issues sometime soon, but for now, she'd rather live in the honeymoon phase of having her boyfriend back from rehab just in time for senior year. she didn't need cain comforting her anymore, and he was not going to slither in and fuck it up for her. she was determined to make her relationship work and be a better girlfriend, committed to stay sober with him, even if it was physically the hardest thing in the world for her to do right now. elena snapped out of her train of thought as she realized lamarcus had clearly been expressing his distaste for oliver. she noticed his cold demeanor, leaving the air around them a bit tense. he didn't bother to greet the king at his own home, and left after shooting her a final nod. it was clearly disrespectful, but elena let it slide. at least he didn't try to provoke oliver or start something. lamarcus wasn't worth the drama right now. she knew he still cared, for whatever reason, but he was a liability. she definitely did not trust him and was not going to get herself into another one his messes. to reassure oliver, she rested her head on his strong shoulder, nuzzling the crook of his neck, as he leaned into her and placed a dainty hand on his muscular, rock hard chest. despite being away to heal from a "sports injury", he still looked pretty built, as if he hadn't been injured at all. she toyed with his shirt, fighting the urge to brush away the curls that fell in front of his eyes, knowing he put time into making his hair look perfectly effortless. "how 'bout we get us something to drink?" she asked in a hushed, lower tone, bringing her lips to his ear. she then placed a kiss underneath his sharp jaw before leading him toward the rest of the party. most people there had complicated feelings toward her. often times, they either feared her, admired her, hated her, or respected her. those who were her "friends" were probably casual friends with her through oliver, but no one really saw past the image of her that they've created in their own mind. she didn't mind, though. she didn't care if no one really knew who she was. she preferred to keep her circle small and only ever needed her best friends. speaking of, she should probably find some of them, especially devon, whom she hadn't seen yet. they weren't that hard to find once she had heard madi practically scream bri's name from across the room. how dramatic. she scanned the room and spotted devon with bri, madi, aiden, dorian, and some guy she didn't know setting up for beer pong. beer pong was probably the last place the now abstinent couple should be, but it was better than the bar or the alcohol table, where she had emptied out her parent's whole liquor cabinet (even the expensive imported shit that they would kill her for touching) so that everyone else could get rid of it for her, saving her the temptation of washing away her problems with a drink- or at least for tonight. plus, she knew devon, her best friend/dance partner/basically the only other asian kid in town/#1 best friend on snapchat (shhh don't tell oliver), could fix up a quick drink. hopefully he'd be be able to use his bartending skills to mix something non-alcoholic, though he was usually the one to get her drunk. it wasn't like there was anything non-alcoholic at the party, anyway. the blood red punch, or rather jungle juice, was probably polluted with a ton of cheap, shitty drugstore vodka. on her way to the beer pong tables, she walked past lilith and noah at the bar. it was an odd pair, considering that lilith and noah were practically always at each other's throats, but it wasn't like elena got along with noah, either. they tried their best to remain civil for oliver's sake, but they were extremely fake, constantly making sly remarks at each other. elena raised her brow at lilith, questioning the situation, and slightly tilted her head towards the beer pong table, inviting her to come join. in the "bad-bitch" burgundy dress, lilith looked way too hot to not recieve any "vitamin d" tonight (elena would know since she'd been missing some for the past month), and she was so down to set her best friend up for a hot fling, like with aiden for example. being a dealer, his background definitely conflicted with hers and was not boyfriend material, but they would definitely look hot together, and hopefully that way, she'd be able to keep him away from oliver, too. "heyyy," she sang, greeting the group as she and oliver approached devon's side at the beer pong table. "already know who i'm betting on," she added playfully with a subtle wink towards dorian, the words seeming to roll off her tongue effortlessly. "devonnn, i see you lookin' fly as hell with that fanny pack! mind showing off your skills and mixing up a drink for oliver and me once you're done?" she toyed, lightly nudging him in the arm with her elbow in a friendly manner. "and make it non-alc? maybe with some la croix or san pellegrino, por favor?" she asked, lowering her tone, so that now only he could hear, hiding her nervousness by twisting the cartier bracelets on her wrist. knowing how hyper devon was, elena was prepared with exactly what to say if he had decided to question her choices loudly so that everyone else could hear. [/div][/div] [div class=quote]you know i'm your type, right?[/div][/div][/div]
coded by constellation.
[class=container] width: 500px; height: 560px; margin: auto; cursor: url(https://66.media.tumblr.com/232c090ebdd37ae4bc17adb54e1e0344/tumblr_inline_ol4nwhvSwg1uxxza6_75sq.png), auto!important; [/class] [class=border] position: absolute; width: 500px; height: 560px; margin: auto; background: #f1f1f1; [/class] [class=line] position: absolute; height: 2px; background: #252525; width: 100%; [/class] [class=charname] position: absolute; text-transform: uppercase; font-size: 33px; color: #252525; top: 27px; left: 175px; letter-spacing: 5px; [/class] [class=icon] position: absolute; background: var(--image); background-size: cover; background-position: top center; width: 140px; height: 140px; box-sizing: border-box; border-radius: 100%; top: 15px; left: 15px; filter: grayscale(100%); [/class] [class=iconcolour] border-radius: 100%; position: absolute; width: 140px; height: 140px; box-sizing: border-box; opacity: 0.3; top: 15px; left: 15px; background: var(--main-colour); filter: none; [/class] [class=bubble] position: absolute; width: 20px; height: 20px; border-radius: 100%; background: #252525; [/class] [class=quote] position: absolute; box-sizing: border-box; font-size: 12px; color: #252525; top: 525px; left: 20px; text-transform: uppercase; font-weight: 600; [/class] [class=charinfo] position: absolute; width: 200px; height: 63px; display: block; top: 92px; left: 285px; font-size: 11px; font-family: Manrope; color: #252525; white-space: pre-line; overflow-x: hidden; line-height: 140%; [/class] [class=post] position: absolute; height: 250px; width: 417px; color: #000; text-align: justify; font-size: 12px; overflow: hidden; font-family: Manrope; top: 210px; left: 50px; white-space: pre-line; [/class] [class=scroll] width: 100%; height: 100%; overflow-y: scroll; padding-right: 17px; [/class]
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tags; lamarcus, cameron, devon, arya, reagan, elena

location; liquor table

outfit; click

Cain grinned darkly, eyebrows bouncing as he regarded Cameron serving herself alcohol. It seemed Lamarcus jumped the gun before Cain could with cracking a good-girl related sneer. Still, banter wasn't something he'd easily pass up with the blonde. "Is this some 'New school year, new me' type shit you're trying out? I'm down for it." He snickered roughly, gulping down a few mouthfuls of stinging alcohol.

He and Cam had fleeting incidents in past times of aggressive flirtation, mostly founded on sarcasm and resentment. They were the classic duo. A cliche combination bound to butt heads. The good girl and the bad boy, even if neither regarded themselves by such a title. Too generalized to fit the personality of an entire mind, right? Surely, they were more than that.

Cain eyed Lamarcus mixing a suicide cocktail consisting of every available hard liquor at the table, blowing a low whistle in response. "I'll take that as a definitely find my own ride home." Lagos smothered a laugh, shaking his head. Warmth encircled his chest as alcohol tainted his bloodstream, weighing his feet more solidly to the floor. It made him think of Devon, who breathes life into the party with his insane dance moves. Cain mirrored his energy every time, and the two ended up cycloning the hell out of the floor. Arya slid into the picture next, really bumping up the party vibe for Cain. He beamed, letting out a celebratory exclamation on sight of her. "Ari! About fuckin' time you showed your face." He teased, wrapping an arm around her shoulders and shaking her a bit chaotically.

She razzed back about Lamarcus spewing in his direction instead of hers, causing Cain to release his grip on her. "Wow, and just like that, you're on my hitlist." He stuck his tongue out at her, snickering. Reagan stalked along with Arya, and Cain examined her emotionlessly. He didn't know very much about the girl, and they hadn't many opportunities to interact as of yet. Still, his eyes raked over her features. What did she try to convey when she entered the room?

"Makes sense that the two unruly girls of the school stick together. We'd make a great trio." He needled, already serving another good cup of henny. He could definitely feel himself begin to loosen in his shoulders; a sure sign that shit was about to hit the fan. His frigid-tinted eyes whisked in the direction of Elena back at the foyer, hunger and resentment seeping out from their dormancy.

Oliver didn't get to fucking keep her. He just didn't.
coded by natasha.


tags; devon, brielle, dorian

location; beer pong table


Rowan tried not to visibly shuffle his feet where he stood, painfully aware of his awkward 'tells' that gave away his exact mood. He was horrible at being mysterious. Maybe that was part of the reason he always felt so vulnerable. It was intensely arduous to sheath his emotions behind the face of someone who felt nothing. It simply wasn't the case for him. But as a guy, he felt a certain crooked sense of responsibility not to be so discernable.

Rowan tore from his loosely constructed thoughts at the alarming sound of Madelaine squealing with glee upon the sight of Brielle, which had Reed a bit nervous. He watched the two interact, gradually relaxing his back muscles that had coiled up. He really had to learn to take it easy. He'd never really spoken to Madelaine. Understandably so, afterall. She was, quite literally, in another league. One far beyond an attainable reach from his own. Rowan couldn't muster up the stones to say anything to her, so he just gawked with a pursed smile.

He knew they'd soon be playing beer bong, though Rowan hadn't ever played before. He knew you obviously had to take shots. But the order in which the shots fell escaped him. Did you take one if you missed? If you got it in? Which was the punishment?

Rowan scratched his arm above his long-sleeve shirt, waiting for someone else to intitiate the game so that he could learn by observation. It was far easier that way. He didn't want to be that guy who needed the rules of a classic party game explained to him. Especially in front of girls this attractive.

Dorian called out to Ro, gesturing emphatically for him to grab a ball and begin the game. Damn. He thought he could possibly get away with being sly, but the odds weren't in his favor. Rowan grabbed the small white ball, weighing near to nothing in his palm. He circled his fingers around it before prepping to toss it, moving his feet to hold a better stance. He straightened and wound up, spiking the ball against the center of the table. His breath halted as it bounced up with a notable pop before perfectly landing in the center of one of the solo cups. "Oh!!!! Ohhhh!!!" Reed rushed his hands through his hair with shock, turning to Dorian instantly. "Oh my god, I'm a prodigy!" He bellowed humorously, just about to celebrate further when he remembered that he wasn't sure what to do next.

"Wait do I drink? Do you drink? I uh-... Forgot." He bluffed, trying to play it casual.
coded by natasha.
[class=icon1] background: url('https://i.pinimg.com/originals/12/13/42/12134264e3c8f4cd637b827b37f89ddc.gif'); height: 150px; width: 150px; background-size: cover; border-radius: 100px; [/class] [class=icon2] background: url('https://i.pinimg.com/originals/45/6b/10/456b103a31e6bf0d46e6571726bd01fe.gif'); height: 150px; width: 150px; background-size: cover; border-radius: 100px; [/class] [class=icon3] background: url('https://66.media.tumblr.com/2e325b230beb77c08da4fc3e14a3f605/3623ec9221543a47-c6/s540x810/1d8ff1a5246b022f75a6e891cf40724d0e71486d.gifv'); height: 150px; width: 150px; background-size: cover; border-radius: 100px; [/class] [class=icon4] background: url('https://66.media.tumblr.com/06dc7ecff231ee0ccd29279da18e58b5/de3d83b0b9a512db-c8/s400x600/c8f2cf5f9506c310c3a37f23d775cefb7d043a68.gifv'); height: 150px; width: 150px; background-size: cover; border-radius: 100px; [/class]
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Lilith Goode
the bitch
mentions: Keira Winston Keira Winston Elena, jasmyn jasmyn Madelaine & Dorian, enigma2 enigma2 Brielle, apolla apolla Aiden, laburnum gold laburnum gold Devon, Parallax Parallax Rowan, fin fin Lamarcus
interactions: oliver oliver Noah

Noah was sure as hell lucky he didn't bump into her while she took that shot of vodka. It would've totally gotten all over her dress. God, why can't I ever be in a good fucking mood? At my own party no less...

"Hello to you too, Noah." She greeted him sarcastically as she crossed her arms, watching him go for the vodka too. Lilith leaned against the counter top and sighed. She tried to be polite as he was complaining about the party she's so gratefully hosting, but found it overbearingly difficult to be kind to this boy, "Shouldn't you be third wheeling with Oliver and Elena or something?"

Lilith spun back around, facing the counter yet again. She swiftly took the vodka bottle from Noah's weak grip and took a red solo cup from the stack in front of her, "What are you plans post-high school anyway?" She poured the drink into the cup and slid the bottle back to Noah, "Finally going to get your mop of hair cut?"

This bickering was normal between Noah and Lilith. Honestly, maybe they could've been friends in another universe? A universe where she didn't automatically dislike a person for being friendly with her step-brother. Maybe that was the reason she didn't have many friends? Most of the student body gets along with Oliver, and Lilith has a distaste for many of them.

The girl sipped the straight up vodka, not really caring for the taste anymore. She remembered not being able to contain her disgust for the gasoline-like flavor back in freshman and sophomore year. Man, how the public school system can change a girl so quickly.

Lilith noticed far past Noah, Elena eyeing over to them and gesturing her over to the beer pong table. Lilith squinted as her eyes scanned the small crowd setting up for beer pong. Madi being overly loud - ew. Of course her ex, Dorian, was around there. Not surprising. At least Brielle, Elena and Aiden were around. God, why does she have a thing for bad boys? Not to mention that the two boys she swoons over are buddies. Lilith could also make out Devon there along with some lanky brunette boy. What was his name?? Rob, Ralph?? Ro- eh it doesn't matter.

Maybe tonight would be the night for her and Aiden? She just desperately needed to forget about Lamarcus, but her heart can't help but skip a beat around him. Then again, she also has that same feeling when she gazes upon Aiden. Thankfully, Lilith was a pro at hiding her true emotions.

"You any good at beer pong?" She reluctantly asked Noah.
devon wong. ❞
Everything was happening so quick already! Or maybe that was the alcohol finally kicking in? Devon barely had time to wrap his arms around Brielle before people were crowding around the table and beer pong was on. He turned to the game just soon enough to see Rowan's opening shot and hyped up his victory.

"This is why you're on my team, holy shit, dude!" He threw his arms up with a cheer and laughed. "Drink when they sink, but who cares, do it whenever."

He knew the universe told him to turn Rowan into a bro for a reason. Devon, on the other hand, was notoriously bad at pong and even he didn't know if it was on purpose or not anymore.

Turning dramatically towards Elena because he did hear which side she said she was on, he rolled his eyes with a smile on his face. He said, "I dunno if I should make drinks for people who don't believe in the power of DevRo!" To punctuate that, he high-fived Rowan.

"Plus," he added loudly with an offended scrunch of the nose, "no alc? Bro, what? Honey, you ok?"

He stepped between Oliver and Elena and put the back of his hands on their foreheads. "How warm means you're sick?" Devon put a hand on his own forehead and frowned. "Wait, I'm hot, am I sick, oh my god." Anyone could tell that the heat he was feeling was coming from the alcohol-induced Asian glow and the party atmosphere. He shook his head, hair flying, as if to get rid of his imagined-fever. He visibly shuddered in dramatic disgust at the thought of La Croix. A guy left for one summer, and suddenly his best friend and his bro were changed.

"Yo, someone take my spot!" he called out. At a normal volume aimed Rowan's way, "Hold down the fort, bro, I'll be back with stuff that doesn't taste like cheap shit or that bubbly shit." Hooking Elena by her elbow, he gestured for her and Oliver to lead the way.
❝ the ditz. ❞
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Outfit: Click! | Location: liquor table ---> deck | Mood: "Lonely." | Tags: Cain ( Parallax Parallax ); Arya ( User User ); Lamarcus ( fin fin )

Cameron hadn't expected to see Cain so soon upon arriving, and truthfully, he'd taken her off guard probably without even knowing it. The girl who was known around the school to be the epitome of a 'boring time', a virgin, the one to avoid if you wanted to have a good time... well, Cam had heard it all. But she couldn't deny the intense attraction she felt towards Cain, despite the fact that he was obviously bad news. She'd preached to her friends not to fall for someone like him (not him specifically, usually, but someone like him) yet here she was, stumbling over her words and lapsing into silence as she poured the tiniest amount of vodka into her cup.

"I honestly didn't know you'd be drinking anything but water, but seems you're growin' up, Cam."

Though she hadn't seen him coming, Lamarcus's sudden presence didn't surprise Cam much. Tearing her gaze away from Cain, she turned to look at the other male, watching as he poured a generous amount of liquor into his cup. "If I drank that I'd be dead." She told him, glancing down at the vodka in her cup, a small frown present on her features. It wasn't as though she'd never drank before, it just wasn't something she did often, and never to the point of true intoxication. In fact, she spent alot of parties babysitting, sometimes people she didn't even know.

A few other people had joined them at the table, and by then Cam had mixed her vodka with some pepsi. When she heard someone exclaim her name, she turned, spotting Arya. She knew the girl mostly through Aiden, having helped her with her homework more than once. Somehow those sessions always turned into Arya leaving to go hang out with Aiden, who'd come bother them and mock his sister. Cam didn't dislike the girl, not really, she just didn't understand how someone could be so disinterested in making decent grades to graduate with and would prefer to hang out with someone like her brother.

"Hey, Arya." Cam gave her a small wave, though the girl had already moved onto some baggie she'd pulled out of her pocket. She didn't offer Cam any of the edibles, leaving the blonde girl alone now to look down at her drink. Cain spoke again and she turned her head to look in his direction. "New year, same me." Cam muttered, not caring if he heard her or not. She remained there by the drink table for a few more seconds before slipping away without a word, heading outside to the balcony.

"Oh, sorry." She muttered an apology to the others out there, moving to a semi secluded area of the deck so she could lean on it and stare out at the ocean.

coded by natasha.


Location: beer pong table | Tags: Brielle ( enigma2 enigma2 ); Dorian & Madi ( jasmyn jasmyn ); Rowan ( Parallax Parallax ); Devon ( laburnum gold laburnum gold );

Aiden smirked at the thought of his sister actually drinking, though he made a mental note to check in on her later. He wasn't blind to the looks that she gave a few of the guys, namely the ones he would like to keep her away from. He also wasn't blind to the fact that he himself wouldn't be a great catch for anyone, and Cam deserved better. She deserved better than a father who couldn't even keep them afloat, and a brother who managed to keep them afloat by selling drugs and whatever other odd jobs he came across. Same goes to any female who thought of him as more than a friend. Hence why he did not date.

Meeting up with a few of his friends, however, Brielle had caught his eye. He didn't miss the way she stiffened when he approached, but that wasn't anything new to him. Some people didn't mind him, but others didn't like him or the lifestyle he chose. But that wasn't on him, it was on them. "You look great tonight too, Brielle. Wait no! I meant you great look, Aiden."

He realized right away that she'd messed up her words, as did the others around them. A few snickers of laughter could be heard, her cheeks turning red in embarrassment. He heard her muttered 'kill me now' and a lazy smirk spread across his features as he shrugged. "Don't sweat it. I've been called worse." He chuckled, looking up as he heard a familiar voice shriek out Brielle's name. He recognized Madi instantly, of course, and inwardly he felt his heart clench. Perhaps he should edit his earlier thought... He didn't date anymore.

"Hey, Madi." Aiden tried to remain casual, shoving his hands into his pockets. Neither of them got much time to say anything more before Dorian claimed Aiden for his teammate in beer pong, which did make Aiden grin. He was pretty good, after all. Rowan was invited to play as well, and Devon made four. "Let's do this." With another lingering glance at Madi, Aiden slid closer to the table, setting up his and Dorian's side. Then the game was on, and Rowan made his opening shot.

"Good shot." Aiden nodded towards him. "You wanna go first?" He gestured towards the table, his question directed at Dorian.
coded by natasha.
[class=link] display: inline-block; cursor: url(https://66.media.tumblr.com/6fb38fc5e97353c67e3fc3a2e2b29bf9/tumblr_inline_ol4nwisGdu1uxxza6_75sq.png), auto!important; transition: 1s; font-size: 9px; font-family: Avenir; padding-top: 5px; color: #999; [/class]
Noah Hathaway
The Rhode's Beachside Manor
liquor table -> beer pong table
Lilith, Oliver, and Devon
Elena, Lamarcus, Clementine
summerwine summerwine laburnum gold laburnum gold Keira Winston Keira Winston ukiiyo ukiiyo fin fin
It must have been a new record for Lilith with how long she held out before her first snide comments. They were pitiful teases if anything, only getting his blood lukewarm at the most as opposed to boiling. His brown twitched as he took a sip of his drink. The sting of the liquid sliding down his throat and vague hand-sanitizer taste was familiar and comforting. He almost wished he could share it with Oliver. That wasn’t going to happen, however. Thus, he’d be getting blackout drunk to make up for the both of them. What a good friend Noah was!

With his next swallow, he breathed out as his gaze finally lifted to meet Lilith’s. “Ollie’s still got some work to do on the ‘bros before hoes’ rule.” Noah said between sips. Quickly his cup drained and just as quickly he was filling it back up. This was going to hit hard later.

”I do have a nicely shaped head, thanks for noticing. But no. I have no desire to look anything like…” He turned, scanning the place. For a split second too long, his eyes settled on Oliver. Not the guy he was looking for. Devon? No, he wasn’t it either. But, Noah made a mental note to go say hi to him later. Finally, he spotted Lamarcus and motioned towards him. He was a lot closer than Noah had expected him to be. “Lamarcus.” Noah said, under his breath. He meant no offense, Lamarcus was a good-looking guy! He just didn’t want the same haircut.

Noah turned back towards Lilith, giving her an unimpressed expression. ”If you knew anything about me you’d know it’d be something with music.” Another drink after an honest answer Lilith probably couldn’t give any more of a shit about. But, unbeknownst to her, Noah ate up any opportunity to talk about himself. ”And what about you? Got something more to offer to the world other than a consistently sour attitude?

In another life or universe, Lilith and Noah could have been friends. The only reason they picked on one another was because of Oliver. Noah wouldn’t have been out for Lilith’s blood on the occasion if she weren’t such a dickhead to him in the first place. But, the sheer amount of envy and hatred he had for Elena would prompt him to pick spending a day with Lilith over the other.

Noah looked over his shoulder to see who Lilith was eyeing and audibly gagged when Elena entered his line of site. What Oliver saw in her was beyond him. Then again, the type of girl Noah would go for in the event that he had any interest in going for women would be someone like Clem. Sometimes he wished things with her could have worked out, but he did awful things behind her back and she wasn’t in the right mind space to have a relationship. Oh. And the obvious thing he was really struggling to accept.

”Mmmh... yeah, I’m hella good.” He was lying. Noah practically drowned himself in the rest of the vodka he’d poured himself before discarding the cup in a nearby trashcan. After one quick glance back to Lilith, he was on his way to beer pong where the crowd he was most familiar with seemed to be placed. Passing by Elena and Oliver who were being dragged by Devon, he made attempts at communicating with Oliver through eye expressions. A knowing, ‘let’s meet up later’ type of thing. Quick and over within the moment.

”Hey Devon.” He greeted hastily with a goofy smile. Then, the interaction was over, and he’d arrived at the table. There, his chest felt a bit lighter. Maybe it was the alcohol finally doing its fucking job.
[div class=link]coded by christy.

Lamarcus scoffed at the comments on the contents of his cup. "Just for that, I'm making sure 'Dre doesn't pick you up." He responded to Cain's words, fighting a smile that tried to creep up onto his lips. He turned back to the cup, and raised the red solo to his lips, only wincing slightly at the taste before realizing what he'd been missing. Having sipped a portion away to create space, he was able to add some 'Simply Lemonade' to the mix, and call it a day in the office. Finished with the array of bottles, and drinks he'd slapped into one drink.

Lamarcus smiled at the all-too familiar voice of his smoking buddy, Arya. He brought his eyes up to the brunette, lips rested on his cup as he watched her near the liquor table. "Oh, jeez, afternoon, Lamarcus. How're you doing, Lamarcus?" He teased Arya sarcastically, before waving his free hand loosely. "I'll drink what I want, and vomit on whoever I dislike. Right now it's the both of you." His words had been directed at Arya and Cain, eyes feigning a glare though his contagious smile gave it all away. Following Cain's embrace, Lamarcus brought a hand over Arya's shoulder and pulled her into a hug. Behind Arya was Reagan, and the honey of Lamarcus' brown eyes lit up as he pulled her into an embrace as well. "Glad we've got the Scooby gang together." He finished, and it seemed his drink was finally having an effect on him. He relaxed, leaning down on the island with both elbows planted, as his eyes bounced between the group. It wouldn't be long till the affects of his drink turned him hyperactive, and short-sighted, they ought to enjoy him with decent memory now, he chuckled to himself mentally.

A thought crossed his mind though... Besides Oliver, Lamarcus hadn't made out the other pair of Doveport's famed step-siblings. He glanced down at the gathering over at the beer pong table, eyes in a squint to no avail-- though he did note to play beer pong sometime that night. As soon as his eyes crossed behind him, he was able to make out Lilith and Noah behind him, an unlikely pairing in his own opinion. He let out a small smile primarily in Lilith's direction, and took the glance to take in her appearance. Lamarcus didn't care much to hide that he was looking. His eyes slid down from her dark eyes, to the red satin dress that hugged her skin so tightly, down to her heels and back up. Finally, he rose the cup back towards his lips, and pondered the idea of approaching Lilith right then and now. Nothing but dirty thoughts crossed his mind. But he'd just noticed Dorian at the beer pong table with a clear-vision in their direction... He'd have to wait a better opportunity if he planned on doing anything tonight.

His gaze shifted back to those at the liquor table, though he'd already began losing his focus and likely soon, his restraint. All thanks to the damned potion he clasped so tightly in his plastic red cup.


outfit: xoxo | mood: relaxed, tempted, content | location: liquor table
interactions: arya User User , reagan Kimby Kimby , cain Parallax Parallax , mentions: lilith summerwine summerwine , noah oliver oliver , dorian jasmyn jasmyn



outfit: click to see! tags: aiden apolla apolla ; devon laburnum gold laburnum gold ; rowan Parallax Parallax ; noah oliver oliver ; lilith summerwine summerwine ;

"Damn, man! Maybe I should've picked you for my team!" Dorian chuckled, goofily cheering for Rowan before taking a drink. When Elena came up with the declaration that she knew who would be winning he flashed a rather cocky grin. "Well, that's the smart bet. You look stunning as always, Lena," he said in a rather flirty way without care that her so-called boyfriend was in tow. It wasn't that Dorian hated the guy, he actually didn't mind him but the way he followed Elena like a puppy, doing whatever she asked, it was ridiculous. Or at least that's how he saw things. Maybe it's just because he'd been burned and chose to stray from complicated feelings and commitment. Maybe he was a little bitter. Whatever.

When she asked Devon to make them some drinks, to which he questioned rather loudly why they were virgin drinks, Dorian watched as he happily obliged. Of course, he did, Devon always was the rather friendly type. "Way to leave us hanging!" Dorian yelled out in a clearly joking manner. Dorian nodded when Aiden questioned if he wanted the first shot. Bad idea. He threw the ball, just barely missing, a groan escaping his lips as it bounced off the rim. "Cheers," he laughed, taking a sip from his cup. He hoped Aiden would give them better luck.

He watched as Devon, Elena, and Oliver all disappeared into the crowd, new additions already taking their places. One being Lilith. He gave her a once over and couldn't deny how good she looked. From the red dress hugging her body and showing off just the right amount of skin to the fierceness behind her eyes. Still, his appreciation for her beauty couldn't surpass his anger with her and he felt his jaw slightly clench. Fuck that, don't let her see she gets to you. He thought the words but his mind was all over the place. Finally, he spoke. "Noah, hey man. Take Dev's place until he gets back?" he asked. It was Devon's turn after all and he'd abandoned them to make mixed drinks for the royals.

Code by apolla apolla
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Francisco De La Cruz

Location — The Rhodes Manor
Outfit — Click
Mood — Curious and bored
Interactions/Mentions — Marissa, _amaranth_ _amaranth_

It wasn’t even in full swing yet and the party already felt like it was bustling with all sorts of energies. Cisco loved to see it, but part of him felt a bit overwhelmed. Even as he and Marissa were roaming the grounds, getting acquainted with friends they hadn’t seen in a while and just trying to get situated, Cisco was looking for the boys. He didn’t know if they were here yet or if they were, where exactly they might’ve migrated to. Truth be told, Cisco was also trying to find someone else.

During the summer, Cisco had a lot of fun. Doveport was a town full of things to do but mostly, Cisco had tried to make himself as active as it was physically possible, but he would be remiss if he didn’t admit that there was a certain event that happened over the summer that kept him up a lot of nights. It’s hard to forget a fling but with the person, it was…well, Cisco didn’t know what to really call it. The only thing he knew to be an absolute certainty was, if there were to be any night he might see them again, this party would be it.

“But where?” He mused, letting out a sigh and turned his attention to Marissa. “Hey Mari, what do you want to do?” He asked her, utterly beside himself. Did he want to go and search on his own? Maybe, but he didn’t want to up and leave Marissa by herself, not after that Cameron girl did the same, so he was going to do what he knew to be the right thing of staying with Marissa. Cisco had no doubt he would find the person he wanted to eventually. It was only a matter of when, not if it happened.
coded by natasha.
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[class=background] max-width: 650px; margin: auto; border-bottom: 6px solid #8742ed; cursor: url(https://i.imgur.com/X2LfhKo.png), auto !important; [/class] [class=banner] height: 110px; padding: 20px; background-color: #9573c7; [/class] [class=tag_container] white-space: pre-wrap; margin-left: 245px; margin-top: -116px; [/class] [class=tag_header] text-align: center; font-size: 23px; font-weight: bold; margin-top: -25px; font-family: 'Poiret One'; text-transform: uppercase; color: white; [/class] [class=tag_text] text-align: center; margin-top: -30px; font-size: 11px; line-height: 18px; color: white; [/class] [class=icon_border] display: inline-block; border: solid 1px black; background-color: white; line-height: 0; padding: 5px; [/class] [class=icon_one] background: url('https://pbs.twimg.com/media/DoWft7bWkAAEUmn.jpg'); background-size: 100%; height: 100px; width: 100px; margin: auto; [/class] [class=icon_two] background: url('https://celebmafia.com/wp-content/uploads/2016/11/anna-kendrick-glamour-magazine-latin-america-november-2016-issue-1.jpg'); background-size: 100%; height: 100px; width: 100px; margin: auto; [/class] [class=textcontainer] background-color: white; white-space: pre-wrap; padding: 5px; color: black; [/class] [class=initial_letter] display: inline-block; font-size: 3.5em; line-height: 1; letter-spacing: 5px; float: left; font-family: 'Rasa'; [/class] [class=textinformation] line-height: 18px; font-family: 'Times New Roman'; text-align: justify; padding: 5px; margin-top: -5px; [/class] [div class=background][div class=banner] [div class=icon_border][div class=icon_one][/div][/div] [div class=icon_border][div class=icon_two][/div][/div] [div class=tag_container]
[div class=tag_header]Marissa Amell
[div class=tag_text]Location: the Rhodes manor Mood: curious With: Cisco natsukashii natsukashii | Outfit: xxx
[/div][/div][/div][/div] [div class=textcontainer]
[div class=initial_letter]L
[div class=textinformation]ooking around, there were not many people Mari knew. She stuck to Cisco and…Cam? Well, her friend got probably lost in the crowd or they got separated or something. Marissa was sure she would find her eventually. She mentioned drinks, right? So naturally, Mari’s eyes started to look for the drinks table but then she was interrupted by some friends she met. She said her hellos and his but went on with Cisco, hugging her bare waist. ‘Yeah, great idea, truly’ she thought and mentally rolled her eyes. Nope, she really wasn’t this kind of girl. Though Cam was probably right. Those baggy shirts never really did her any favor. Was this year a time for a change? Might be. Mari wasn’t an idiot and saw that Cisco was restless and looked around way too hard. Sure, he had his boy clique or whatever they called themselves but this was a different type of look. Not that he would tell her or that he was obliged. They were friends but not as tight as they used to be and it was a long time since they shared their secrets. But Mari could still see that he totally wanted to do something else. Or maybe, which was kind of more probably, to be with someone else. And that sigh and quiet mumble just confirmed it to her. “Hey Mari, what do you want to do?” he asked and she smiled at him. “First I wanna get a drink if I’m going to walk around here like this and then…not sure. As for you, you go ahead and find that special someone you have been looking for for past ten minutes. I’ll be fine.” she said and gave his forearm a gentle squeeze. “I mean it. You’re restless and it’s starting to be obvious.” she laughed in that friendly teasing way and gave him a wink. “Or you want to get that drink first? To muster some courage?” she chuckled and finally spotted where the alcohol was, immediately starting to make her way to the table. There were some people around it, some she knew, some were strangers but she looked through the bottles and reached for the bottle of Chivas Regal. Well, at least the hosts had a good taste here. She poured it in her solo cup, something worth like five or six glasses so she didn’t have to return and took a generous swig. Damn good booze. Her father’s favorite. She would know as she was secretly going for a drink in his home office one or twice a week, not more, he would notice. Mari deeply exhaled and looked around. Some party, huh?

"You that excited to go to the party?"

Carina couldn't help but laugh and roll her eyes at this, though he couldn't see it. "I wouldn't say that," she responded before Kasper hung up and walked outside. A grin spread across her face as her childhood friend walked over to meet her. She couldn't help the blush creeping up her neck and to her cheeks after he complimented her, but she laughed it off and looked away. "Just tonight? Wow, Kasper, I thought I looked pretty all the time," she joked. Though immediately after she regretted it, worrying she sounded vain. But, it was Kasper and he knew her well enough now, she rationalized. She was distracted from her thoughts when he touched her hair. "Yeah, it's been a while. But, I did have some extra time since somebody was running late," she teased, poking him in the side. She couldn't ignore the butterflies it gave her when he did that, but she could pretend they never happened afterwards.

Going to this party, well just any party, was on her list of things to do before going to college. She wanted to get out of her comfort zone and put herself out there more, but it was a tough battle. It has been much more difficult than she anticipated. Just thinking about this party was stressing her out. Another big thing on her list wasn't going so well either. Telling Kasper how she feels, as she's liked him for years. Every time she works up to courage, she panics last second and changes the subject entirely. Last time she gave him a fact about penguins, which was completely unrelated to their previous conversation. Just the idea of rejection scares the shit out of her. She wouldn't want their friendship to change, but she knows she would have a very hard time facing him ever again if something like that were to happen.

"You ready?"

"Hm? Oh, yeah." Lost in her thoughts again, she nearly missed what he said. That was quite common for Carina, however. She was constantly lost in her thoughts, whether she was over thinking something or just daydreaming. She started walking, counting her steps as she went. Seven, eight, nine, ten... She looked down at her feet as she did. It was something she used to do as a kid, but she had begun doing it again after everything happened with her dad. She was trying to stop because it was quite distracting. From her house to her elementary school, it was 1,478 steps. "Can we take the long way? I'm not sure I've worked up enough courage to show up yet?" she asked, pulling her mind from her steps as she looked at Kasper. "Thanks for coming with me, by the way. I know you'd rather be working on your campaign even though we all know you're gonna win anyway.

mentions: kasper ( ukiiyo ukiiyo ), location: outside, outfit: here

carina toro

code by yousmelldead


oliver rhodes
code by summerwine
mentions: Parallax Parallax Cain, Rowan & fin fin Lamarcus
interactions: Keira Winston Keira Winston Elena, laburnum gold laburnum gold Devon & oliver oliver Noah
Oliver quickly shifted his focus to Elena as they both remained in the foyer. He couldn't control the affectionate smile that formed as she rested her head on his shoulder. Oliver held her dainty hand that had been placed on his chest and intertwined his fingers with hers. Oliver was normally good at hiding his jealously around guys who normally flirted with Elena. It couldn't be more obvious that Cain and Lamarcus had been checking her out. If they ever saw his jealously get to him, it would only give them more power over the situation. Plus, this was a normal thing that happened in their relationship. As toxic as it might sound, Oliver has gotten used to it. Deep down, Oliver may even feel like he deserves it... Given all the heated moments spent with Noah behind her back.

"How 'bout we get us something to drink?" Elena whispered into his ear, interrupting his train of thought. She then placed a reassuring kiss on his jawline.

Oliver assumed she meant an nonalcoholic beverage, at least for himself. Elena had been one of his biggest support systems this past month, and she continued to do so. Fuck, Oliver didn't deserve her.

"Of course, after you my highness." Oliver playfully said to Elena as he kept his hands intertwined with hers. He was led over to the beer pong table, great place for a recovering addict.

He flashed a warm smile to his more or less group of friends. As Oliver was about to applaud Rowan for making the shot, Devon came between him and Elena, "How warm means you're sick?" Devon asked while placing his hands on Elena and Oliver's foreheads.

Oliver knew Devon, or at least someone would make a scene over him staying sober. Thankfully he spent a good 30 minutes coming up with an excuse while styling his hair, "Affects the meds I'm still on from that accident." Oliver shrugged, playing it chill.

"Have a good night guys." He nodded over to the beer pong group before following Devon and Elena.

Standing at the height of 6'3", Oliver was able to get a good view of who had made it to the party. It was no surprise to him that the whole school arrived. He greeted some acquaintances while walking aside his lover, but coincidentally made eye contact with, of course, Noah. Oliver easily interpreted the expression coming from Noah's dark yet radiant brown eyes. He's seen it many times before. Oliver quickly nodded over to Noah and immediately wrapped his arm around Elena's shoulder. The desire for Noah was overwhelming and he didn't want to end whatever they were at a party, but he couldn't deal with the guilt brewing inside him any longer.


outfit: click to see! tags: bri enigma2 enigma2 ; aiden (mentioned) apolla apolla ; lilith (mentioned) summerwine summerwine ; elena (mentioned) Keira Winston Keira Winston ; cisco (mentioned) natsukashii natsukashii ;

Madelaine was excited to see her friend here. Of course, she knew she'd be around since she'd likely helped with the planning. Her eyes lingered on Aiden for a moment longer, her heart telling her to say something more to him but she didn't. What was there to say? She'd broken up with him, all for her parent's happiness and now they had moved on. Right? They were friends now and that's what mattered. Her attention moved to Brielle again as she complimented her back. She did a little twirl, a laugh escaping her lips as she did. She was about to respond to Bri's comment when Elena and Oliver waltzed up to the table.

Madi's relationship with Elena was rather complicated. They were best friends at one point but that changed when Madi started to feel pushed out by Lilith. When Dorian's breakup with Lilith caused an even bigger rift, it gave Elena and Madi the relationship that she now referred to as frenemies. They hang out in the same circles and sometimes play nice but it's usually all fake niceness. It kinda annoys Madelaine how Dorian flirts with the girl considering that Madi's friendship is strained in big part to her taking up for him against Elena's new bestie. Whatever. It seemed all Madi had nowadays were secrets, fake friends, and lost bonds with people. She did have a handful of few true friends left, like Bri and Cisco to name a couple, and she cherished them for it.

"Sure, Bri. Let's go somewhere else," she suggested, partly because of their newest guest near the table. Lilith. Another frenemy of hers. Honestly, Madi was so sick of having to fake it but it wasn't like she could do anything about it. Risk her reputation and social status. God, why did she even have to think like that? It was more for her parents than herself and she hated it. She had such a complex about keeping her parents proud. Dorian didn't seem to have that issue and sometimes she wished to be more carefree like him. Pulling at Bri's hand she led the girl to a different spot, not too far from where they had been previously but a good enough distance. "Okay, so what's up? Boy trouble?" she asked with a smile, somewhat hopeful that's what it was about. She sat on the couch that was by them and waited for her friend to explain what was on her mind.

Code by apolla apolla
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code by yousmelldead

Cain snickered darkly at Lamarcus' commentary on his ride home, humorously withholding Dre from being his saving grace after getting fucked up, as adolescents tend to. He poured a good cupful more into his solo, knowing in the back of his head that he didn't eat today. There had been too much getting knocked around his head, whispering nuisances stabbing his nerves. It made it impossible to eat without feeling disgusted. He tended to frequent situations such as that, and the ill habit caused him to pass out on more than one occasion. It wasn't a food thing. It was more a stress thing.

Cain continued to chuckle in good spirits as Lamarcus, Arya, and Cam bickered back and forth. His light-hearted gaze tore away at the flicker of red movement from the corner of his peripheral, noticing Elena and Oliver locked arm in arm. They were on their way out, likely by the beer pong table out front. His eyes redirected to the detail within the paneling of the walls, his heart suddenly thudding within him. Heat flushed through his face and neck as he imagined Oliver touched Lena. He swallowed hard, attempting to regather himself. Perhaps a few more sips would help him subside these feelings.

Sure enough, he continued to drink and toy with Lamarcus, making cracks at his funny habits and the way he used big words at random. The more he drank, the more hollow he felt. It wasn't helping, and he couldn't stop recycling toxic thoughts.

Someone in the corner mentioned Lena, and Cain's eyes flickered toward their direction with wistful ambition, the color of his iris' somewhat cold and watery. He offered his small group at the liquor table a convincing grin, even though Cam had already cleared out to who knew where. "Still gotta catch a couple others. I'll see you guys around." Lagos winked, grinning charismatically before turning tail and stalking out of the room. He exited the manor's doors, glare sifting through the crowd until he sighted the ones he was searching for. They were walking away from the beer pong table, Noah with them. He didn't give a shit who was with them. With him.

Cain eyed Lena from across the grass, a shady smirk telltale of his impending chaotic intentions. One look at him, and Elena would know their good time was fucked.

He finished the last sip of his drink, handing it off to some straggly freshman looking kid with a perplexed expression. Cain stalked up, hands in his pockets. "Hey, it's funny running into you guys again. It's not all that hard though, if I'm being honest. Just gotta look for the couple fuckin' obsessed with keeping up appearances. You know, sewing your arms together so everyone gets the point. Do you like having someone this obedient on a leash?" He snarled, though his tone came off as passive aggressive and laid back.

He wasn't angry at Elena. But he was, at the same time. She knew what she was fucking doing to him, inviting him when she needed him. Setting him on fire, and then casting him aside when her puppy needed her loving hand.


Reagan Farrow
interacting: Arya ( User User ) / Lamarcus ( fin fin ) mention: Cain ( Parallax Parallax )
Location: Drink station

There was some excitement to catching up with friends you haven't seen in a while. Even if all of her previous circle were going to be here, she could at least throw back a few drinks in good fun.
“Beer pong, later?”
Regan shot Ayra a grin knowing how terrible they can both be at it, but know that she couldn't turn Arya down, "Course babes, we can lose together."

Reagan allowed herself to be dragged along towards the drink station but it wasn't too hard to keep up with Arya since she too wanted to get a drink in ASAP. Once they got there, while Arya went for the beers, Regan quickly made a vodka soda. It wasn't her first drink of choice but never failed to get the party started for her.
As Arya and Cain greeted each other, Reagan stayed not too behind. She didn't know Cain too well, just whatever she heard from Ayra. She felt his eyes on her like he was trying to get a read off. She wasn't too bothered by it considering they haven't interacted much before but still couldn't help but lift up an eyebrow in curiosity. Her attention from him was broken by Lamarcus' embrace and Reagan couldn't help but hug back. They both turned into quick friends after he easily accepted her when she turned away from the preps.

"Good to see you babes, you don't know how bored I was in New York without you and Ayra getting me into trouble." Regan pulled back from their hug and drank more of her drink. Regan stayed by between Arya and Lamarcus as they got more comfortable. She mainly just wanted to focus on having fun with them and not getting sucked into anything involving drama tonight. Eyeing the baggie of edibles that Ayra had pulled out, Reagan figured one wouldn't hurt her.

"Just a little bit. Thanks love~" Regan pulled out a piece from Arya's baggie and followed suit. At first, Reagan had always been wary about drugs. Her family had filled her mind with horror stories growing up, some of it still stayed with her. But after getting closer to Arya and the others, she was starting to see there wasn't much to worry about when you know your limits. Thankfully they never pressured her to try anything she didn't want to, and always looked out for her when she did take any.

After a little bit, Reagan couldn't help but notice Lamarcus who seemed to already be affected by his drink. She placed a hand on his arm in case he needed something for balance, "You good?"


Afternoon, Lamarcus.” Arya teased, rolling her eyes with an amused grin. “You two are looking good - as usual.” She accepted their one-armed hugs and watched as Cain eyed Reagan. Oh, right. They hadn’t officially met before, had they? “This is Reagan Farrow - the pretty much the best person in this school. Sorry, guys.”

"Makes sense that the two unruly girls of the school stick together. We'd make a great trio."

She let out a low whistle, “Damn, you just gonna exclude Lamarcus like that?” She ribbed, before turning back to Reagan, hearing her response about the edibles.

Arya feigned surprise, clasping a hand to her chest. “Whaaat? She said yes?” The girl threw her hands up in a dramatic gesture, and exclaimed “She said yes!” to the room, as though Reagan accepted a marriage proposal. Then, with a small laugh, she extended the bag to her. “Take as much as you want, Prep.”

"Good to see you, babes, you don't know how bored I was in New York without you and Arya getting me into trouble."

“Yeah, summer’s been shit without you. I had no one to take my side whenever L.J. and I argued.” Arya flashed a cheeky smile.

The four of them continued to bicker for a while, poking jabs whenever they could. Cain’s eyes seemed to have wandered off, trailing across the room. Arya’s eyebrow tugged upward, in a mixture of amusement and confusion. Must have his eye on some girl, she thought. “Yo, Lagos, do I gotta beat someone up?” It was a joke - mostly - something Arya always asked her friends whenever she felt like they were upset or about to do something dumb. Though, it didn’t seem like he heard her, too caught up in his daze. Arya didn’t mind, anyhow, and continued to pop edibles in her mouth, opening bag by bag, as they all conversed.

All throughout the bantering, everyone’s attention shifted across the room several times. It didn’t matter how hard everyone in this place tried hiding it - Arya saw how they all exchanged glances, passing secrets from gaze to gaze. Frustrating, sure, but, after living her whole life in this town, she learned how to ignore it. At least, she wished she did. ‘Not giving a damn.’ That was her entire schtick and she intended to live up to it. But there were certain people Arya couldn’t help but care about. Like Lena and Bri. Even after they kicked her to the side of the road, a part of her wanted to rekindle their middle school friendship. Yet, they avoided her like plague. At first she thought they decided to distance themselves because of all her drug use, but that was utter bullshit. After all, Elena hangs out with Aiden and Bri had no problem being friends with Lamarus and Lilith, who’s basically THE Webster definition of a bitch. God, she didn’t know how anyone could stand her. No, wait - she could. And, somehow, that’s what hurt her more. The fact that someone else managed to get close to her in the way that she wanted. Even if it was just as friends. “Not fair,” she mumbled, her thoughts accidentally escaping her lips. Her fingers twitched ever so slightly as she crumbled up her now empty baggies and shoved them in her pocket.

God. She was doing this again. Getting tipsy and letting all of her frustration boil inside her.

Her mind snapped back to reality when Cain excused himself from the group, saying he had to catch up with some people. “See ya, Canes.” Arya gave a sloppy salute with two fingers, before turning her attention to Lamarcus and Reagan. “Huh, where’d Cam go-,” Her mouth thinned into a line. She hoped the girl didn’t feel excluded. Arya scratched the back of her head, then gave a lazy shrug. “Anyways, you guys wanna head over to Pong?” Arya grinned, her eyes half-lidded, as she then lightly elbowed Lamarcus in the side, “You seem a little interested in the people there anyways,” Arya teased, noticing how his stare kept shifting in that direction during their conversations.

tags: Kimby Kimby fin fin Parallax Parallax summerwine summerwine (mention) enigma2 enigma2 (mention) Keira Winston Keira Winston (mention)
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Francisco De La Cruz

Location — The Rhodes Manor
Outfit — Click
Mood — Curious and bored
Interactions/Mentions — Marissa, _amaranth_ _amaranth_

He accepted Marissa’s offer to gain some of the courage that he regularly found himself lacking, So he followed his friend over to the drinks table where he saw her eyes light up in the same way those sapphire-colored eyes of her did when comic book Wednesday came around. But instead of the latest issue of Wonder Woman, it was a bottle of Chivas Regal that made those eyes pop with excitement. Following in her stead, the boy poured some of the royal scotch whiskey into a red solo cup. He wasn’t as big of a fan of it as she was, but he poured enough to get a few sips from it.

“Whoa. It’s so smooth,” Cisco commented, noting the earthy taste and the minimal burning aftertaste, which was a regular thing for whiskey.

As it started to work, he felt that familiar fire that usually led him down a path of poor decisions being made and a testament to just how low his impulse control really was, Cisco turned his attention to Marissa. He frowned with guilt. He didn’t want to leave her alone. Even if she had said it was okay, he didn’t want to be a crappy friend who ditched the person who had been there for him, especially since they haven’t hung out like this in a while. When it came to how exactly he liked to be seen as Cisco tried his best to be the friend people could count on. Did he want to go and find that specific person? Maybe, but they could wait.

They probably aren’t even here, Cisco thought, keeping his eyes on Marissa, sticking by her side despite her saying it was okay to leave her. He might’ve lacked control over his impulses, but one thing Francisco Javier de la Cruz never wanted to be known for was leaving his friends when even he knew they needed him more. “Let us see if we can have some fun! I think I remember seeing a beer pong table outside. That sounds like fun right?” He chuckled, grinning widely to the point his usual positive energy shined through and he grabbed Marissa’s hand, tugging at her arm gently, disappearing into the mess of people.
coded by natasha.
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Lilith Goode
the bitch
mentions: Keira Winston Keira Winston Elena, enigma2 enigma2 Brielle & jasmyn jasmyn Madelaine
interactions: oliver oliver Noah, fin fin Lamarcus, Parallax Parallax Rowan, jasmyn jasmyn Dorian & apolla apolla Aiden

Lilith listened to Noah's attempts at bickering with her. It was quite amusing honestly, "Hoe? Well, you must be referring to yourself, Noah." Lilith replied with a wink, "Its quite obvious Oliver has you wrapped around his finger."

The lovesick girl refused to reply to the Lamarcus comment, instead she simply rolled her eyes. Lilith then chose to take a knife to his musician comment, "A career in music, huh? Too bad you have the stage presence of a brick."

Lilith rose her brow as Noah exaggerated his loathing for Elena, "See? You're jealous. It's written in bright red sharpie all over your ever so uneven facial complexion." She faked a pout, "Good luck finding another friend that'll walk all over you like Oliver."

Once Noah replied back to her beer pong question, Lilith downed the rest of her drink and tossed the cup in a nearby trashcan. As she walked over to group playing beer pong, Lilith glanced over to Lamarcus who had been eyeing her. No one, not even Elena knows about her and Lamarcus. She kept the wink over to him subtle, but would've so dragged him up the stairs if their hookups weren't in secret.

Making it to the beer pong group, she watched as Bri and Madelaine left the group. That left her with some painfully awkward brunette, Dorian, Aiden, and Noah, "Hello, boys." She elegantly crossed her arms together, "Just starting?"

Lilith would've walked away. The only person she was there for had been Aiden, plus her subconscious need to piss off Dorian made her stay, "Good luck, Aiden. Looks like you've got some good competition." She glanced over in Rowans direction and flashed a sweet, yet completely fake smile. Though, unless if you knew her well (like Dorian), you wouldn't be able to tell, "Plus, Dorian has never been one to do well at this game."

[class=link] display: inline-block; cursor: url(https://66.media.tumblr.com/6fb38fc5e97353c67e3fc3a2e2b29bf9/tumblr_inline_ol4nwisGdu1uxxza6_75sq.png), auto!important; transition: 1s; font-size: 9px; font-family: Avenir; padding-top: 5px; color: #999; [/class]
Noah Hathaway
The Rhode's Beachside Manor
beer pong table
Lilith, Dorian, and Rowan
Elena, Oliver, and Aiden
summerwine summerwine jasmyn jasmyn Parallax Parallax Keira Winston Keira Winston apolla apolla
Heat rose to his face. If his skin was lighter, he'd try to pass it off as the result of the alcohol. Alas, that wasn't the case so Noah simply shook his with a dismissive laugh. "You're reading too far into things. I just want to spend time with my best friend." Except that wasn't true. Lilith had the whole situation down and could easily take advantage of that which Noah did not need happening. The whole rehab thing already had his and Oliver's relationship in weird knots.

"And thanks, Lilith, bricks are obviously worth something. People build houses with them for a reason."

Not to mention the following his, Devon's, and Carina's YouTube channel already had. It was something to gawk at! But, that wasn't something worth arguing with Lilith over.

"Look, I just don't get why girls are so important right now." Or ever. "Elena doesn't even play the good kind of games." In Noah's eyes, she was a total snake. Good looking but a personality that beauty couldn't make up for. Did Noah think that he was that much better than Elena? In the event that he and Oliver got together, Noah would be confident that he wasn't using him an accessory, at least.


Noah raised a hand in a greeting. He was close with Dorian and Rowan because of their circle of boys but was only vaguely acquainted with Aiden through other people like Oliver. "Hey guys! Sure thing but uh..." He glanced to Rowan, smiling apologetically as he replaced Devon's spot. "I'm about as good as Devon." And Devon was infamous for his poor performance in beer pong. Despite his warnings, he plucked up a ball before turning his attention back to Lilith.

Lilith's comments irked him. Well, everything about Lilith irritated him a little bit. (But definitely not to the extent that Elena's very existence did.) "On second thought..." Distracting himself with the game even for the moment instead of obsessing over Oliver's quiet response on the way over may have been nice, but instead he extended the ball towards Lilith's direction. "You're one to talk Lilith. What kind of pong skills do you have?" He wiggled the ball in front of her, encouraging her to take his spot. "Don't keep the boys waiting."

The potential disaster he could spur on by encouraging this competition would be interesting. Of course, Lilith would have to take the bait first. He really hoped she would accept the challenge because Noah really wasn't feeling like more alcohol in the moment was such a good idea for him the more he considered it.
[div class=link]coded by christy.
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↓ brielle gonzález.
[div class=circlepic][/div]
[div class=postinfo]outfit: clothes, shoes
interactions: Madelaine

mentions: Elena, Lilith, Cain
tags: jasmyn jasmyn Keira Winston Keira Winston summerwine summerwine Parallax Parallax [/div] [/div] [/div]
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Stalking over to take a seat beside Mads, Brielle faked a nonchalant shrug to try and hide how the situation was eating her up inside. It really wasn't that serious if you'd ask anyone else, but that's Brielle for you, a girl who loves to overthink all the possible scenarios when she's alone. It's really one of the reasons why she hates to be alone, it just gives her mind the opportunity to let her overthink everything she pretended didn't bother her in the public. "Cain and I hooked up early in the summer and, I don't know shit's awkward" she said really fast, something that happened when she was either nervous or in distress.

During an early summer party, Brielle decided it was time she got wasted since she usually played on the safe side, but it all backfired in her face when she woke up the next day with small recollections of the night prior. It never got that far just a few make out sessions, well that's what she remembers at least, but seeing Cain again just caused her stomach to churn. She knew she most definitely didn't have a crush on Cain, he was just a good friend and the idea of him hating her for that night swirled in her mind continuously. Since that night she's been avoiding him at every possible moment because if there was one thing Brielle hated, it was rejection, especially of those close to her. "Mads, what do I do" she asked with a sad tone in her voice, her eyebrows in worry. Talking to him tonight needed to happen since school was starting back up and ignoring a friend was the last thing she needed when that happened, but her inner introvert that barely shows up decided today was the day to make an appearance.

"Maybe I should just ignore him forever? It's not convenient, but y'know less confrontation" she rambled, her mind going into overdrive of ways to avoid the situation. She may have heard Madelaine call her name a few times, but that little voice in her head already consumed all her thoughts. It wasn't until she felt hands on her shoulder shaking her from her daze that she looked back to Madelaine, a slight tint on her cheeks that seemed to be a regular occurrence tonight. The good thing about Madelaine was that she was always soft with her advice and Brielle loved Elena and Lilith to death, but they probably would've just given her a boss bitch prep talk and pushed her to him. Sometimes it works, sometimes it doesn't and Brielle would rather play it safe tonight, hence the fact that she chose to go to Madelaine about Cain rather than the other two girls.
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