Millennium City (Multi-Fandom RP)

  • Emile A-239 Location= Millennium City - Libra Base
    Mental Condition= Alerted
    Physical Condition= Fine
    Shields= 100%/Armor Mode

    Interaction When the first pins dropped, Emile's attention was still on wrapping his head around the idea that they were hunting an entity that could phase through walls and pull their triggers at will. That was a friendly fire nightmare if he'd ever heard of one. The Spartan first took notice of the grenades when Thel, Master Sergeant Woods, and Agent Saga began shouting. He looked down to see the six frag grenades clink to the floor...all without their pins.

    Then Saga began to pull at Emile's arm and he followed, breaking away from her grip as he ran. They ran out the door and back into living room, where Saga decided to use Emile as a shield. As much as the Spartan found it a bit degrading, he couldn't argue with the idea of using the man in the large suit of advanced armor to soak up the shrapnel and shockwaves. However, he wasn't going to take this stand up...literally. The Spartan turned around and pushed Saga down, kneeling down with her to avoid as much of the grenades' cone of shrapnel as possible. On top of that, he initialized his Nanosuit's Armor Mode, diverting his undersuit's energy to absorb the kinetic energy of shrapnel if his shields were ever penetrated.

    Notes Interacting With: jigglesworth jigglesworth (Thel Vadam) GinkyGotBack GinkyGotBack (DM) Nightwisher Nightwisher (Shilo) FactionGuerrilla FactionGuerrilla (Woods)
    Group Members:

    Italicized Colored= Internal Dialogue
    Bolded Colored= External Dialogue
    Emile's Speech Color= #990000

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  • Questions of a Dead Man:

    Quest Participants:
    - Adachi Haz. Haz.
    - Yuuki Yoshida GinkyGotBack GinkyGotBack
    - Vhyjho domisunique domisunique
    - Marie Ferociousfeind Ferociousfeind
    - Eric YellowTemperence YellowTemperence
    - Thel 'Vadam jigglesworth jigglesworth
    - Vitan Chungchangching Chungchangching
    - Emile QizPizza QizPizza
    - John Hancock June Verles June Verles
    - Levi Kazama Centurion_ Centurion_
    - Kobayashi marc122 marc122
    - Dismas GearBlade654 GearBlade654
    - Doom Marine Critic Ham Critic Ham
    - Lil' Hunter ManyFaces ManyFaces
    - Shilo Saga Nightwisher Nightwisher
    - All Might Professor Spacecakes Professor Spacecakes
    - Frank Woods FactionGuerrilla FactionGuerrilla

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  • Delsin Rowe Location= Millennium City - Valhalla
    Mental Condition= Amused
    Physical Condition= Fine/Hip/Moderately Drunk
    Current Powerset= Nanite

    Interaction “I'm soooooo sure that being slapped by a cutie is a bad thing, y'know. Besides, you could 'recompense' her for that heirloom of her, if you catch my drift.”

    "Maybe, maybe not. She doesn't seem to be the type to slap, but I'm gonna bide my time, you feel me? Wait a bit later until she gets over it and then I'll use my charm to win her over." The Conduit finished his bottle of beer and let it stay in his hand. He was tempted to get another, but then he saw Marcus completely mess up throwing his bottle away. Delsin grabbed Marcus's shoulder, drunk himself and warned, "Hey, maybe it's time we stopped drinking and head back to the base. Maybe we should talk some strats once we're sober or something. Get ready for the next big bag so you aren't useless this time around."

    Notes Interacting With: FactionGuerrilla FactionGuerrilla (Marcus)
    Mentioned: FactionGuerrilla FactionGuerrilla (Sophitia)
    Group Members:

    Italicized Colored= Internal Dialogue
    Bolded Colored= External Dialogue
    Delsin's Speech Color= #54ACD2

Status: Neutral
Cash: 1210$
Inventory: Thompson Submachine Gun, Glock 17 and A Butterfly Knife
Abilities: 『Jinx!』『A Stand?』
With: Living room peeps
Needless to say, the loud sound of grenades exploding has successfully deafened the frail girl even if it's just temporary because all she could hear now was ringing on her ears while a couple small and medium sized chunks of the now blown up wall hit her, scratching her skin while she clumsily attempted to dodge them and the last one especially hurt since it struck her right between her eyes, making her bleed just a bit. No time to whine about how painful that was since it's time to end this or else this entire base will fall apart if this continues. She shook her entire body to focus herself getting ready to chase the mysterious assailant down. She has to be the hero of this story and nobody else this time and now that the teenage kid that took her glory once is down for the count, nobody will stop her from taking this guy on by herself, too focused on her fantasies of being a hero that single-handedly took down the intruder to think of the consequences.

When the ringing eventually died down, she heard the gunshots, Vitan turned her head to the source of the sound in an alert manner and spotted a silhouette of a man, assuming that he is the intruder they're going against, acting unfazed by the firing of bullets, she casually flipped him off while blowing a raspberry in the process in a poor attempt to intimidate the guy while he walked away. The frail girl cracked her knuckles and glanced around the living room, spotting a couple of pretty little faces and their gear. They could help her beat the guy they're currently looking for. She wanted to rally everyone up like they're her bitches but her lack of confidence told her not to. She'll just get herself embarrassed but she'll try anyway because she wants to be like her heroes one day, charismatic and proud!

"Guys, you should give me some of your weapons and i'll deal with him alone!" Vitan commanded the entirety of the living room, thinking she can take this guy down all by herself despite only having the experience of a street thug and this guy is probably way too skilled for her but she doesn't care, she needs to be the hero. She has to be the hero this time.​
Toshinori "All Might" Yagi
Location -
Libra Base | With - A Villain, hopefully | Condition - Okay

For once, All Might was grateful that he hadn’t taken his Muscle Form just yet. The instant he spotted the gun being aimed towards them from down the hall, the old hero was able to quickly step off to one side, the bullet penetrating through the loose fabric of his shirt and barely grazing past his slender abdomen. He flinched lightly at the momentary sting in his side, but paid it no mind. It was little more than a scratch, after all.

His next thoughts were of the other two that had been fired upon, but he knew he wouldn’t be fast enough to intervene, not with the speed his current level of power offered. All he could do was hope that each of them could avoid the bullets under their own power.

All Might quickly returned his attention ahead, glancing down the hall just in time to watch the gunman toss his spent revolver to the floor and dash off to the left corridor. He couldn’t afford to let him slip away again, not when this bastard could just pass through walls. The old hero broke out into a run after the intruder, never pausing in his pursuit even as his muscles tensed and expanded. By the time he reached the end of the hall, he’d taken on the full bulk of his imposing Muscle Form.

Unfortunately, the villain seemed to have disappeared into one of the various rooms lining the hall. He cursed under his breath. Would that bastard have enough time to set up traps down here? Did he have time to be cautious before his prey got away? He supposed it would be better for him to trigger the traps himself if only to clear the way for the others behind him.

The hero crouched down low, focusing all of his strength in his legs. In the next instant, he would be propelled like a rocket down the hall to his left, soaring clean past the locker rooms without ever touching the floor, the wave of air pressure following behind him hopefully triggering most of the traps in his wake. He impacted the far wall hard enough to leave a sizeable crater, but it still served as a stable enough springboard to launch himself down the next hall towards the kitchen. He figured it’d be best to take the farthest possible location first, leaving his foe no other route of escape than the one he’d just come from – where All Might’s allies would surely be approaching from in pursuit. The man wouldn’t be able to run for much longer.

( GinkyGotBack GinkyGotBack , Haz. Haz. , Chungchangching Chungchangching , @ anyone else in the living room area)​
Status: P I S S E D
Cash: 1210$
Inventory: Thompson Submachine Gun, Glock 17 and A Butterfly Knife
Abilities: 『Jinx!』『A Stand?』
With: ( Professor Spacecakes Professor Spacecakes as All-Might)
(Writer's block ftw)
While she stood there on the middle of the living room, awaiting for the people to give her their gear and weapon offers, she saw Toshinori-- Wait what?! No, no NO!! This buff meathead is going to catch the intruder even though it should be HER that should be chasing after this assailant, Vitan is absolutely livid at this point seeing All-Might attempting to catch the intruder since its her time to be a hero, her time to be praised by the Libra agents or whatever the fuck they are called! She grabbed her Thompson and started running after the two even though there's a slight chance that she could catch up with them but she can at least try to. "Come back here!" She exclaimed with fury on the tone of her ear grating voice, she sounds like she's panicking too. The frail girl just really wants to be the one to capture or kill the intruder, you have no idea how much she wants this.​
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Marie - healthy (very surprising)

The man appeared again, and fired several shots towards the group. Fortunately- due to the lack of a piercing pain anywhere on her body- Marie figured she wasn't an immediate target. She looked behind her, and saw All-Might running past her down the hall. Presumably to catch the intruder. And Vitan was absolutely fuming that she wasn't the hero this time. Marie frowned, "Vitan, you'll get killed by the intruder if you go out alone! I think you need some teammates to help you. And we need to make sure All-Might doesn't get killed either!"

With her statement, the inkling waved for Vitan to follow, digging into a pocket and feeling three cans. She checked each one and found that she had two Inkstrikes, and one Stingray. Perfect. "Vitan! Take this Stingray, and point it where you think the intruder might be! It shoots powerfully enough to pierce through the walls, and will be able to draw him out of wherever he's hiding! After that, you can help us take him down once he's out of hiding!"

"But be careful," Marie warned, "it only lasts for about ten seconds, so make every shot count!" And with that, she had equipped her Splatterscope, and tossed the can labeled "STINGRAY" towards her jealousy-ridden friend and ally. Marie fired a shot down the hall and swam through the ink trail to catch up to All-Might, before looking back and forth between the two intersections. To the left was Rodimus, who might be a bit of a help in a situation like this. The more hands, the better. But to the right was where All-Might had gone, and where the intruder appeared to have fled into.

Marie decided to walk slowly down the hall, holding a charge in her Splatterscope in case the intruder appeared suddenly. There was no guarantee he was actually anywhere down this hall, because walls meant nothing to him. But it was at least worth a shot to try to narrow his escape routes.

( GinkyGotBack GinkyGotBack as GM, Chungchangching Chungchangching as Vitan, Professor Spacecakes Professor Spacecakes as All Might, and everyone else in the Questions of a Dead Man quest.)
Status: Confused. . . AND P I S S E D
Cash: 1210$
Inventory: Thompson Submachine Gun, Glock 17 and A Butterfly Knife
Abilities: 『Jinx!』『A Stand?』
With: Living room peeps
After heeding the words of the small squid girl who's name Vitan still does not remember, she then clumsily caught the Stingrays thrown at her almost dropping them but it was fine. She let go of her Tommy gun thinking that the 'Stingray' is more powerful as she lets the submachine gun dangle around her waist and judging by the squid girl's description of it, the weapon seems to be greater than the thompson but the problem here is how does it work. She kept on running, keeping her vision on the can while sometimes glancing towards where she's going from time to time, trying to find out how this can works. Do you just throw them like a grenade or something?

Vitan was evidently confused, you could tell just by looking at her puzzled face, The squid never explained how this work so she slowed down and tried to find some kind of instruction manual plastered somewhere the can. . . Fuck it! She'll just toss it at the enemy or pull the stupid trigger until she figures out how to use it because that's her best guess to how this weapon works. The squid girl should've told her how to use it first, it's her fault that she forgot to tell her how to activate it or something so the frail girl halted her running, almost leaving the living room and examined the stingray, trying to figure out how it works because she does not want to look like an idiot when attempting to activate this weird stingray thing, who the heck even made this weird ass contraption?​
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Equipment: Padded Overcoat, Silenced and Scoped Semi Auto Pistol
Status: Wary
Condition: Catching Breath, Still In Some Pain
Stress: 13/200

Upon the pain from the thorns' poison, Dismas crumpled on the ground, letting out curses under his breath as he attempted to get past the pain.
"Well, I owe... you people... one..."
Dismas was breathing heavily, attempting to catch his breath from having a ghost nearly kill him.
"Bloody hell, this burns! Price for making it alive, I guess..."
Dismas was content to lie there and slowly recover from the poison, and the pain was starting to slowly ease when the highwayman spotted All-Might about to make a run down the hallway.
The highwayman's response was to immediately run off to the living room, then attempt to slowly recover from the pain.
Sadly enough Vhyjho while pretty weird wasn't superhuman, she didn't exactly have time to dodge the bullets that were fired at her. She tried to move out of the way some and while that did make a few miss, two still hit her... but it didn't seem to matter that much to her. The two bullets ripped through her stomach, giving a weird not quite fleshly tearing sound as they ripped out of her back, spraying the acrid yellow substance, that sizzled and burned, onto the floor. She personally was knocked back from the impact, the first one taking her off balance and the other causing her land on her ass, splashing into the small puddle of what could either be blood or poison... or both. She made an annoyed noise as she stood and shook herself off somewhat, examining herself and the holes now in her, she went of a cursing spree about getting shot even though she didn't quite feel much pain. Nonetheless she did see somewhat damaged as she did now have two nasty holes in her... and she was leaking...

Vhyjho however got up fine enough and looked around, keen on continuing... as the weird plant like flesh of her body moved in odd and alien ways, and as it began to grow back together. On top of this already alien display Vhyjho went back to psionics, attempting to locate the entities again, she'd spend a while discerning all of teammates unique mental signatures, and trying to find the ones that "weren't quite like the others."

GinkyGotBack GinkyGotBack GearBlade654 GearBlade654



Yeesh, the stuff you miss when you're gone for the holiday. Anyway, onto the post...

Things go exactly as expected. In the one week minute I zone out, the Yuuki fellow behind us gets taken out of the fight swiftly, a few teammates split off from the group to conduct their own investigations, gunshots, explosions, knives being held up against people's throats by ghosts... eh, you get the idea. What I'm trying to say is that this situation could be going just a teensy bit better. And the fact that half the base gets blown up is the pepperoni on the pizza. Pokemon senses are what help me avoid getting a face-full of rubble from the detonations in the end- there's no mistaking the echoing clink of a grenade hitting the ground, even if it came from the other room. I practically throw my plate, cake and all, on the ground. Just a moment before the wall's eruption, I flip over a sofa and crouch down behind it. A fair-sized piece of debris accompanied by a huge BOOM soars mere centimeters over my head, which would have no doubt left me with some lasting brain damage had I been too late.

Shortly after and through the ringing in my eardrums, I hear gunshots from the hallway. Seven exactly, if I'm not mistaken. Our attacker's definitely using every trick in the book he can to kill us. He's shown us guns, grenades, and a knife. Ability-wise, he's using intangibility, like any a good ghost! Sounds easy enough- he seems like any old angry spirit using actual weapons. But even then, I can't shake the feeling that there's a catch somewhere; that there's something he hasn't used on us yet. Do I want to find that out? Not really. My teammates here shouldn't be eager to, either.

I vault over the sofa and rejoin the remaining crew in the hallway (that being those who haven't run off yet). The ears on my head are fully perked up now, lying in wait to catch any other noise that doesn't sound friendly. "Hey, don't you guys think we're doing what he wants us to do?" I call to the two who had just run off: Vitan and All-Might, to be precise. I haven't even asked their names yet. I'd rather not have people dropped this early.


GinkyGotBack GinkyGotBack (Yuuki/吉良 吉影)
Chungchangching Chungchangching (Vitan)
Professor Spacecakes Professor Spacecakes (All-Might)
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  • Tall, blonde and spindly decided that our best course of action was to relentlessly pursue the shooter until he screwed himself over and we could just beat him half to death. It wasn't that bad of an idea, but there was one problem: he was already here.
    Ten or twenty feet away stood a pale, blonde-haired figure wearing a bowler hat with an upturned rim and a square-patterned two-piece suit. First, he shot the ceiling-shattering hobo straight in the head with terrifying precision, then turned towards me and the blonde guy to fire next. Unfortunately for him, I was faster. It helped that my gun was already loaded and in hand, so all I had to do was simply point and shoot. Yet when I squeezed the trigger, the only thing I heard was a faint 'click'. I tried again, and I found that something was stopping me from pulling it all the way. In other words, it was jammed.
    Three gunshots rang out, and time went slow. My eyes veered towards the source of the sound, and I found a bullet soaring directly towards my neck. More specifically, the carotid artery, which made that single shot all the more potentially fatal. I had to act fast, so I made a split-second decision. I made Magatsu-Izanagi launch his spear like a javelin, cleaving the bullet in two when it was only inches away from my face. It seemed like the bigger hazard was the chance of splitting my face open with that thing, but I was just thankful I didn't get shot in the throat.

    The bunny-ear-haired grandpa--Toshinori, apparently--grew to the size and proportions of someone you'd see in a 'get fit quick' ad and pursued the gunman. Some greedy bitch ran after him in a fit of jealousy, apparently unsatisfied with staying alive and more concerned about someone 'stealing' her spotlight. Jesus, this team couldn't get any dumber than that. Still, something about Toshinori's plan gave me an idea...
    I turned my gaze towards the beige, concrete wall to my left. The calamity Persona averted his feral eyes and punched a crater clean through with his bare fist, letting out a violent snarl in the process. With a low-pitched wail, he tore out a loose power line and discharged 600 volts worth of Ziodyne blasts into the currents, turning the inner walls into electric death-traps. Normally, that wouldn't do much, but the metaphysical mumbo-jumbo nature of Personas meant there was a chance it might've disrupted the shooter's phasing ability. Still, I was in a pretty vulnerable state, seeing as how Magatsu-Izanagi had to keep his grip on the power lines at all times. Besides, there was a chance I was just completely wrong and it wouldn't do jackshit--after all, it was only just a theory--but that was all I could do; at least, it was all I felt like doing.
    I fixed up my gun and ran down the hall opposite to the one Toshinori went down in hopes of intercepting him. I was hoping he didn't get murdered already, buuut I wasn't gonna hold my breath.
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Behind all of you, in the end of the hall, you’d see a familiar figure loitering there. Well, familiar to those of you who were veterans, at least. The figure was tall, wearing a white suit and black shirt to compliment, which was neatly tucked into his pants with a leather belt to hold it all up. His Snow White hair matched his suit, and although the base was under attack, the Libra member just stood there behind all of you…. smoking a comically oversized cigar.


“Tch… I go turn my back for five minutes and you dumbasses go and get the base invaded. Don’t you idiots know that’s what the security measures are for?” He asked as he took a large huff of his cigar. “Christ you morons are—“




Suddenly, the leader of Libra, Klaus von Reinherz appeared behind him and smacked him on the back of the head, causing the tall and lanky man to drop his cigar. Klaus quickly stepped on the cigar and stared at Zapp from behind his glasses, clearly unimpressed with his behavior.


“You’re acting unprofessionally, Zapp. Perhaps I should lock you in the back with those two mercenaries.” He said, and before Zapp could get a word out, Klaus stepped forward and looked down the end of the hallway.

“I don’t know how our enemy managed to evade our security measures so easily, though I suppose that isn’t of concern right now.” Klaus mused as he turned to both ends of the hallway, before turning to Zapp and the rest of the group. “I will accompany those going to the right section of Libra HQ. Zapp, you will accompany those going to the left.”


“Tch. What a pain.” Zapp said before reaching a hand into his pocket and shuffling around a bit, before eventually tugging out a pocket watch. “Hurry this shit up, though. My show comes on in an hour.”

Haz. Haz. GinkyGotBack GinkyGotBack YellowTemperence YellowTemperence Professor Spacecakes Professor Spacecakes domisunique domisunique Chungchangching Chungchangching Ferociousfeind Ferociousfeind QizPizza QizPizza Nightwisher Nightwisher FactionGuerrilla FactionGuerrilla
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Status: Neutral
Cash: 1210$
Inventory: Thompson Submachine Gun, Glock 17 and A Butterfly Knife
Abilities: 『Jinx!』『A Stand?』
With: Living room peeps
Alright, okay. So, Vitan's best guess to how the stingray works after checking it out is pretty simple; Just pull the fucking trigger like any other modern day firearm. She let a sigh escape her lips while carrying the can because she was expecting it to be more of a complex beast than that, the frail girl later spotted the figure at the end of the hall backing away until she's right back at the center of the living room, thinking its the intruder. She was ready to blast him with the weapon that the squid have given her but then he talked, but she still had her guard up just in case that this man is the assailant they were hunting down. She'll possibly shoot if he dares to make any sudden movements, don't expect her to give this guy any chance to pounce at her because of the paranoia plaguing her mind.

“Tch… I go turn my back for five minutes and you dumbasses go and get the base invaded. Don’t you idiots know that’s what the security measures are for?”

. . . Okay, what an asshole! Who does this guy think he is?! Vitan doesn't care if he's some kind of big shot guy in this stupid ass base that could get him fired, that is no reason for him to be such an asshole to them but she smiled after seeing the leader of the base himself slap em' hard at the back of his head, feeling a cathartic release from seeing the guy in pain as he yelled “OW WHAT THE HELL WAS THAT ALL ABOUT?!?!” Always nice to see somebody put an asshole at their place, Vitan's sister has done that multiple times while she watched her fight, how she misses her, always doing the unlucky lassies job with ease and makes her relax. She heeded the words of the leader of Libra like a good little agent, nodding once or twice to show that she understands.

"Can I come with you? No offense but I don't wanna hang with the other guy." The frail girl asked Klaus while giving a death glare at Zapp, trying to piss him off since its always fun to see a person burst in anger, she's seen plenty of that but it never really gets old for her and she's the kind of girl that can get bored really easily, it's basically nature for her to find joy in others anger.​
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View attachment 518397
Status: Neutral
Cash: 1210$
Inventory: Thompson Submachine Gun, Glock 17 and A Butterfly Knife
Abilities: 『Jinx!』『A Stand?』
With: Living room peeps
Alright, okay. So, Vitan's best guess to how the stingray works after checking it out is pretty simple; Just pull the fucking trigger like any other modern day firearm. She let a sigh escape her lips while carrying the can because she was expecting it to be more of a complex beast than that, the frail girl later spotted the figure at the end of the hall backing away until she's right back at the center of the living room, thinking its the intruder. She was ready to blast him with the weapon that the squid have given her but then he talked, but she still had her guard up just in case that this man is the assailant they were hunting down. She'll possibly shoot if he dares to make any sudden movements, don't expect her to give this guy any chance to pounce at her because of the paranoia plaguing her mind.

“Tch… I go turn my back for five minutes and you dumbasses go and get the base invaded. Don’t you idiots know that’s what the security measures are for?”

. . . Okay, what an asshole! Who does this guy think he is?! Vitan doesn't care if he's some kind of big shot guy in this stupid ass base that could get him fired, that is no reason for him to be such an asshole to them but she smiled after seeing the leader of the base himself slap em' hard at the back of his head, feeling a cathartic release from seeing the guy in pain as he yelled “OW WHAT THE HELL WAS THAT ALL ABOUT?!?!” Always nice to see somebody put an asshole at their place, Vitan's sister has done that multiple times while she watched her fight, how she misses her, always doing the unlucky lassies job with ease and makes her relax. She heeded the words of the leader of Libra like a good little agent, nodding once or twice to show that she understands.

"Can I come with you? No offense but I don't wanna hang with the other guy." The frail girl asked Klaus while giving a death glare at Zapp, trying to piss him off since its always fun to see a person burst in anger, she's seen plenty of that but it never really gets old for her and she's the kind of girl that can get bored really easily, it's basically nature for her to find joy in others anger.​

“WHAT DO YA MEAN YA DON’T WANNA HANG WITH ME, YOU LITTLE SHIT?! AND DON’T THINK I DON’T SEE YOU GLARING AT ME LIKE THAT EITHER!!” Zapp shouted angrily towards the girl who, to him, just insulted him to his face without a care in the world. Klaus only grunted towards Zapp in response, which appeared to shut the man up as he quickly crossed his arms and stared off to the side, muttering something under his breath as he did so.


“I apologize about him.” Klaus said as he gave the girl a lookover. She was new, he could tell that much. And, as a new member of Libra, Klaus nodded and outstretched his hand in greeting. “I don’t believe we’ve met. I’m Klaus von Reiherz, the leader of Libra.”

Chungchangching Chungchangching
Status: Happy
Cash: 1210$
Inventory: Thompson Submachine Gun, Glock 17 and A Butterfly Knife
Abilities: 『Jinx!』『A Stand?』
With: ( thatguyinthestore thatguyinthestore as Zapp and Klaus)

Oh how Vitan loved the pleasant taste of salt. She laughed quietly at Zapp's hilarious reaction, covering her mouth as she tries to stop her cheerful little chuckling and it was just what she needed today, a good laugh because this place is pretty boring and unfunny despite having the strangest cast of oddballs she has ever seen. "Calm down, guy. I was only joking!" The frail girl told Zapp, giggling with a smile before focusing her attention on Klaus after he started talking to her, apologizing about this assholes behavior.

“I don’t believe we’ve met. I’m Klaus von Reiherz, the leader of Libra.”

Oh dear, the leader of Libra himself, his name is a bit out there but she's heard of weirder and after checking the guys looks from head to feet, Vitan's guess of how he would look like in her mind was pretty close so she shook his hand without hesitance because she knows she's gonna need the respect of this guy, being the big boss of the place and all. The luckless lassie might even get something cool from him if she keeps on acting like a friend to this guy.

"The name's Vitan, pleasure to meet you."​
thel vadam head.jpg
[Thel 'Vadam]
{Money: 250$}
{Status: Healthy, punctured shoulder/minor shotgun wound to the stomach, shields full}
{Equipment/Items: SRS99D-S2 AM, Type-1 Energy Sword, Type-51 Carbine, Type-25 DEP}
{Armor/Clothing: Armor of the Arbiter}
{Abilities: Invisibility, Super Strength, Enhanced Vision}
{Interactions: GinkyGotBack GinkyGotBack thatguyinthestore thatguyinthestore }

After he dived out of the way, the grenades exploded. It was obvious, considering the ear piercing boom from the other room. The multiple grenades tore apart the room, sending shrapnel of grenades and wall debris into the living room. Whatever hit Thel was absorbed by his shield, so thankfully there wasn't any damage to his person. Other than the shotgun wound, but that's a worry for later. It still hurts, but he'll get through it. The Sangheili stands up afterwards, taking off his helmet to ease the ringing in his ears. This might have been a bad idea, because moments later, bullets were flying down from the hall and towards a few of his new allies. One struck that human from earlier in the head, which was certainly unfortunate, considering he was the first human to show any real kindness to him. The other bullets struck randomly, but those who were hit seemed to be fine anyways.

Reacting, Thel put on his helmet, and was about to fire down the hall with his Carbine when the figure disappeared. Some people started to chase after him, and Thel was about to do his own thing, when Klaus and Zapp came in. Talking began, most of which wasn't interesting to the situation at hand, until Klaus said he'll go to the right while Zapp goes to the left.

"I suppose the kid needs accompanying," he said, referring to Zapp. "I will head to the left, and follow All Might." He readied his Carbine as he looked at Zapp and nodded his head towards the hall. After running down that, he would walk down the halls that have the the locker rooms and cafeteria, keeping watch for any traps or the intruder. Considering his ally's actions, he avoided the walls as well.

  • Questions of a Dead Man:

    Quest Participants:
    - Adachi Haz. Haz.
    - Yuuki Yoshida GinkyGotBack GinkyGotBack
    - Vhyjho domisunique domisunique
    - Marie Ferociousfeind Ferociousfeind
    - Eric YellowTemperence YellowTemperence
    - Thel 'Vadam jigglesworth jigglesworth
    - Vitan Chungchangching Chungchangching
    - Emile QizPizza QizPizza
    - John Hancock June Verles June Verles
    - Levi Kazama Centurion_ Centurion_
    - Kobayashi marc122 marc122
    - Dismas GearBlade654 GearBlade654
    - Lil' Hunter ManyFaces ManyFaces
    - Shilo Saga Nightwisher Nightwisher
    - All Might Professor Spacecakes Professor Spacecakes
    - Frank Woods FactionGuerrilla FactionGuerrilla
    - Klaus & Zapp thatguyinthestore thatguyinthestore
Status: In pain
Cash: 1210$
Inventory: Thompson Submachine Gun, Glock 17 and A Butterfly Knife
Abilities: 『Jinx!』『A Stand?』
With: Living room peeps
Vitan's temporary cheery smile and optimism was immediately crushed by the feeling of ink suddenly splatting her hard at the back, the force of the Splattershot was strong enough to launch her frail body to the ground because she was caught off guard by that as the corrosive ink began to sting her skin and melt her hoodie like there's no tomorrow. She took off her ink covered hoodie, revealing her clean white tank top as she she hisses in pain, the hoodie worked well enough as a shield but there were parts of her skin that actually has some of the ink on them, desperately trying to pat them off her body.

Vitan's hissing grew louder, looking around for Marie because she knows damn well that she was the one who hit her, I mean who else would use Ink as a weapon in this place but her?! The frail girl would call out for her but she doesn't remember her name, so she just cursed under her breath while beginning to tear up from the pain, she always had such a low pain tolerance but if she manages to get back up her feet after that slightly devastating attack, she'll probably deal a hundredfold more to Marie if she ever finds her after the luckless lassie's cry session.​


Nope, I guess I'm too late to make a difference. All Might soars down the halls through leg strength alone, triggering several detonations that leave destruction in the hero's wake, of which I can guess were courtesy of our intruder. Good thing the only losses were the walls that kept the cafeteria and locker rooms private, though maybe it would've been better if the latter rooms stayed unexposed.

...wait a minute...

I observe the destroyed walls closely, a potentially stupid idea forming in my mind. Maybe, just maybe, our intruder's digging his own (second) grave. The only ability we've seen from him so far is phasing through walls. Otherwise, he hasn't shown anything more than average human strength and weapons that anyone in the military would have access to. He's relied completely on traps and the fact that he can slip through the team's fingers with ease. Is it possible that continuing to destroy the inner walls of the base would put us on an even level? The walls only restrict the team, not our attacker. All we'd need is several spots to take cover behind, and with all the sofas we have in the living room, I think we'll have enough.

Glaring problem is, I'm pretty sure that wouldn't be safe. With how cheap this entire base looks, I'd guess just one or two more walls would need to be destroyed before the entire thing comes down on us. We're gonna need to make do with what we have already. If only we could get a choke point to force the intruder to come down or something...

And no, I don't want to be judgmental. I'm fine with living here. As long as I'm not being watched or attacked every day, then it's a fine place.


Professor Spacecakes Professor Spacecakes (All Might)​
Toshinori "All Might" Yagi
Location -
Libra Base, Kitchen | With - A mysterious cabinet creature? | Condition - Okay

As All Might rocketed down the hall, he couldn’t help but glance behind him to make sure no one had gotten caught in the explosions he’d triggered. Luckily that Vitan girl had turned back before she could get hurt, but he couldn’t exactly say the same of the building. The walls along his path were completely blown out, and it didn’t look like the work of the traps he’d set off. A nervous grin tugged at the corners of his mouth. He hadn’t realized he was still so powerful even with only 20% of his old power. Had it really been so long? He supposed he had to be more careful in such enclosed spaces, at least until he could get his old finesse back.

Confident that he had taken care of all the traps, the old hero came to a stop in front of the kitchen. This seemed like the best place to start, since the only way their opponent could run would be back towards the others. And, he supposed the lack of walls would give the villain less places to phase through, though that wasn’t exactly his intention. In any case, all he could do now is smoke out his prey from wherever he could be hiding.

As All Might strode into the kitchen area, he almost immediately picked up on the sound of rustling in one of the cupboards. He made his way over cautiously, trying not to alert whoever or whatever was hiding inside. He readied a fist just in case he was attacked, and quickly swung open the door to the cupboard to find...

( thatguyinthestore thatguyinthestore )​

“WAAAAAAHHHHH!!!!” As the cupboards suddenly swung open at full force, All Might wouldn’t find a villain hiding in there, but rather the one he’d trusted his power to: none other than Izuku Midoriya!

The boy sat upon the tile floor for a second, a bit dazed before looking up slowly. Once he regained his senses, Midoriya quickly screamed and shot back a bit. “A-All Might!!” He shouted as he held his hands up in protest. “I-I’M SO SORRY ABOUT THAT I DIDN’T MEAN TO SCARE YOU OR ANYTHING IT’S JUST THAT I HEARD A VILLAIN HAD SNUCK INTO THE BASE AND WAS COMING THIS WAY SO I COULD GET HIM WITH A SNEAK ATTACK BUT THEN YOU SHOWED UP AND—“

Yeah, it looks like you might have to shut him up.

Professor Spacecakes Professor Spacecakes
Toshinori "All Might" Yagi
Location -
Libra Base, Kitchen | With - Midoriya | Condition - Okay

“Y-young Midoriya?!” All Might shouted in surprise as his successor tumbled out of the cupboard right in front of him. After lowering his readied fist, he could do little more than stare down at the young hero even as he rambled on. How did he get all the way back here without triggering any traps or getting attacked? He supposed it didn’t matter. The teen was here now, and that meant the old hero had an ally by his side whom he knew thoroughly. Kneeling down before him, he placed a hand on the young man’s shoulder in effort to stop his muttering.

“It’s alright, my boy, you don’t need to apologize so much,” he insisted, raising his voice just loud enough that he could be heard over his student’s rambling. “What’s important is that you’re here. Now then… We chased the intruder down this way just a moment ago. Did you happen to see or hear him while you were hiding?”

( thatguyinthestore thatguyinthestore )​
Marie - healthy (jesus how has she made it through unscathed so far)

Marie frowned as she felt something off about the halls. Perhaps it was the way All-Might had triggered dozens of explosive traps when he shot down the hall, perhaps it was Adachi having electrified the walls, perhaps it was the fact that the intruder was still largely an unknown factor. Then she frowned more when her limbs felt... heavier, and numb. Like something was electrocuting her arms and legs, or her limbs were falling asleep...

Then she stops frowning, and is forced back by something. Something malicious and aggressive. She gasps as she falls, rubbing her butt, a dull stinging sensation lingering after the collision with the base's floor. She looks up to see who pushed her and sees... Marie.

Or, at least someone who looked a lot like her. They had gotten every detail pretty much perfect, as far as she could tell. If she didn't know better, Marie would be fooled. She watched as the doppelgänger turned around, took aim, and... "HOLY SHIT!!" Marie shouted in realization, jumping up to block the attack. She wouldn't feel much more than a punch to the gut if the shot hit her, since it was (presumably) her own ink being fired, but anyone who wasn't a dark-green inkling...

She threw up her arms to block the shot, but it appeared to pass right through her. She turned around, and witnessed the shot land squarely onto Vitan's back. Then Marie looked down, and realized there wasn't actually anything where her body should be. Had she been rendered intangible, something like a ghost? It would easily be the end of her career as part of the group if that really was the case. In a fit of desperation, she lunged at the doppelgänger, and passed right through them as well.

She then blinked, the first time she did so after she fell on her butt. When she opened her eyes, she found herself staring at Vitan, who was now scrambling to remove her ink-soaked hoodie. She looked a mix of incredibly surprised, distressed, and absolutely pissed. "I-I'm sorry, I don't know what happened!" Marie blabbered, looking back and forth. Surely that doppelgänger had gone somewhere, right? Except, after thinking for a few moments, Marie figured out what must have happened.

She had been kicked out of her own body, or something similar. And something else possessed it for just a moment. Long enough to release the trigger of the Splatterscope and douse Vitan. The shock of being possessed must have caused her to hallucinate as she watched herself attack Vitan, and subconsciously reject that she was the one attacking her friend.

She quickly and guiltily holstered the Splatterscope, and silently hoped Vitan would find the means to forgive Marie for the friendly fire. "Y-you can get me back later, we still have to find that intruder!" Marie tried, turning back towards the hallway where All-Might had tripped dozens of traps. He seemed... preoccupied, to say the least. She felt more guilty, however, since she honestly didn't know where to find the intruder, or how to deal with him once she did. And, of course, there was the possession going on. Did he have other ghostly powers on top of that?

( GinkyGotBack GinkyGotBack as the GM, Chungchangching Chungchangching as Vitan, Professor Spacecakes Professor Spacecakes as All-Might, thatguyinthestore thatguyinthestore as Midoriya, though that mention is a stretch at best, sorry)
View attachment 518739
Status: In pain
Cash: 1210$
Inventory: Thompson Submachine Gun, Glock 17 and A Butterfly Knife
Abilities: 『Jinx!』『A Stand?』
With: Living room peeps
Vitan's temporary cheery smile and optimism was immediately crushed by the feeling of ink suddenly splatting her hard at the back, the force of the Splattershot was strong enough to launch her frail body to the ground because she was caught off guard by that as the corrosive ink began to sting her skin and melt her hoodie like there's no tomorrow. She took off her ink covered hoodie, revealing her clean white tank top as she she hisses in pain, the hoodie worked well enough as a shield but there were parts of her skin that actually has some of the ink on them, desperately trying to pat them off her body.

Vitan's hissing grew louder, looking around for Marie because she knows damn well that she was the one who hit her, I mean who else would use Ink as a weapon in this place but her?! The frail girl would call out for her but she doesn't remember her name, so she just cursed under her breath while beginning to tear up from the pain, she always had such a low pain tolerance but if she manages to get back up her feet after that slightly devastating attack, she'll probably deal a hundredfold more to Marie if she ever finds her after the luckless lassie's cry session.​
Zapp suddenly turned around after the attack, the tall Libra member watching as she was struck by the paint. However, instead of being worried like he should have been...


He flashed her the most shit-eating smirk he could muster. “Heh. Serves you right, you little shit.” He said in a cocky tone as he lit another cigar and began to smoke it before heading down the hallway to his destination.

GinkyGotBack GinkyGotBack Ferociousfeind Ferociousfeind GinkyGotBack GinkyGotBack
View attachment 518812
Toshinori "All Might" Yagi
Location -
Libra Base, Kitchen | With - Midoriya | Condition - Okay

“Y-young Midoriya?!” All Might shouted in surprise as his successor tumbled out of the cupboard right in front of him. After lowering his readied fist, he could do little more than stare down at the young hero even as he rambled on. How did he get all the way back here without triggering any traps or getting attacked? He supposed it didn’t matter. The teen was here now, and that meant the old hero had an ally by his side whom he knew thoroughly. Kneeling down before him, he placed a hand on the young man’s shoulder in effort to stop his muttering.

“It’s alright, my boy, you don’t need to apologize so much,” he insisted, raising his voice just loud enough that he could be heard over his student’s rambling. “What’s important is that you’re here. Now then… We chased the intruder down this way just a moment ago. Did you happen to see or hear him while you were hiding?”

( thatguyinthestore thatguyinthestore )​

“Uhh... no, I didn’t. I didn’t hear or see anything until you came this way, actually.” Midoriya said to All Might, seeming to have calmed down a bit. It was then that Klaus had joined them in the kitchen.


“Hmm... that’s very troubling indeed...” Klaus muttered under his breath as he entered the room, causing Midoriya too look up at the tall beast of a man.

“Oh... hey! You’re Klaus, right? The leader of Libra?” Midoriya asked. Much like himself, Midoriya had been keeping tabs on the important figures since he arrived here. Part of the reason he’d been so quiet was because he was busy observing everybody, getting to know their skills, names, physical and mental attributes, etc.

“Indeed I am.” He said with a nod before adjusting his tie a bit and turning to All Might. “All Might... I wouldn’t suppose that your power has the ability to aid in tracking down our enemy, would it?”

Professor Spacecakes Professor Spacecakes Ferociousfeind Ferociousfeind jigglesworth jigglesworth

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