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Fandom MH: Voyage (OOC)

I’m working now so we can talk about it later if there’s confusion, I think it would be easiest to simply have your character be born before their dad goes to the new world
I’m working now so we can talk about it later if there’s confusion, I think it would be easiest to simply have your character be born before their dad goes to the new world
Ooooohhhh oooooohh!!! Now I get it. Yeah that would make more sense chronologically.
Oh dang y’all are EFFICIENT… y’all figured that out in the half an hour it took me to give a patio talk. Love that for us!
Oh dang y’all are EFFICIENT… y’all figured that out in the half an hour it took me to give a patio talk. Love that for us!
Hopefully it works better now? I made Ginko 11 when his dad decided to retire after Saji'jiiva. Giving Harn his fatalis fight it's due while giving Zidane a chance to retire earlier and raise Ginks as well. Hoping that works better!
It’s not the Fatalis fight I was worried about, no worries on changing that.

It was just that Harn would’ve had to be way older than he is for it to line up.
Since Ginkos father went to the new world, then came back and had a son and raised him.
While Harn was also in the new world with the fifth fleet at the same time.
Alright so!! Once Decay’s a little more comfortable with his sheet, I can get our starting post up!!!

We’ll be meeting in a pretty large settlement (a city, really) at a hostel or nearby; even if we’re separated, the inciting event — you know… a monster, probably — should have no issue drawing everyone together anyway, as long as everyone can hear it. It’s a big city in a rain forest/swamp area, it has a pretty sizable chapter of the hunters’ guild. In all, it SHOULD be a safe place! It’s got places to shop, it’s got food, there’s wilderness outside, it’s not a small place.

I’ll probably get us started sometime tomorrow.
It’s not the Fatalis fight I was worried about, no worries on changing that.

It was just that Harn would’ve had to be way older than he is for it to line up.
Since Ginkos father went to the new world, then came back and had a son and raised him.
While Harn was also in the new world with the fifth fleet at the same time.
Ahh I gotcha. Totally understand after looking at the aging situation. Hopefully it works better now? Also nice ff14 picture! XD
Hey um Ginko The Mushishi Ginko The Mushishi I hate to say this but the elgado bit kinda conflicts with Daisuke's background... since he's the Flame of kamura n all. I'm super sorry to ask you to change it but it doesn't exactly work...
Nanowrimo is coming up and I don't know if I wanna write the story for my mh palico based rpg game or write my mh rise comic idea.... hhhh
Hell yeah he does

But also
Look at her…

Mmmm who’s to stop you from bouncing back and forth between days or weeks? I do best with multiple projects, I think. Or perhaps I’m just to a point that I’m finally learning to work through them…
Or maybe these have been the only GOOD ones.
Hell yeah he does

But also
Look at her…

Mmmm who’s to stop you from bouncing back and forth between days or weeks? I do best with multiple projects, I think. Or perhaps I’m just to a point that I’m finally learning to work through them…
Or maybe these have been the only GOOD ones.
I am stopping myself bc I have never completed a nanowrimo before and I do not do well with multiple projects. I mean. I have multiple projects but I can't seem to finish any at all let alone in a timely manner.
EDIT: I think the last thing I actually completed was 2 years ago and that was Blaise of Glory. O.O
It do be like that. I only have two major projects that have any hope of completion, between the Sagebrush Ballad and Morgan McCoy,
ikr??? wish i had the motivation to do a big project, it sounds fun everytime i try i either burn myself out or i get too complicated with it and have to restart bc it feels too cluttered and confusing for me to manage lol
Lots and lots of time in the planning stage. And being ruthlessly focused on what does and doesn’t fit

There’s soooo much I’d like to include in the cowboy book that won’t be in there

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